Fantasies Incorporated - The Complete Collection

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Fantasies Incorporated - The Complete Collection Page 5

by Bridy McAvoy

  Again she pulled away and he watched the gentle smile playing on her lips as she watched him. His trousers were suddenly very uncomfortable as he felt his erection grow.

  “You were saying?”

  Her voice had taken on a throaty tone.


  She laughed gently, all signs of her sobs dissipating as she took hold of his hand and gently led him around his own desk. He followed, mesmerized by this willow sprite.

  She pushed his chair back from the desk a bit further and gently pushed him down into it standing in front of him, slightly leaning back against the edge of the desk.


  “Look, um… Sammi, I’m not sure this is such a good idea…”

  “Oh? What? This?”

  She reached to the highest of the remaining closed buttons on her blouse and casually, almost negligently flicked it open.

  “Or how about this?”

  She flicked another one open and then another. The blouse gaping open further and further as she moved her hands down, open almost to the waist showing the center of the silky black bra she wore underneath it.

  “Sammi. This is wrong.”

  She leaned in to him and silenced him again with a kiss on his open lips. Her tongue flicked out at him again and he couldn’t help it as his found its way past his teeth to meet hers. She pulled away after a few seconds but remained bent toward him. Unable to prevent it, his eyes dropped to look down the entire length of her cleavage, seeing through to the smooth flesh of her taut belly below.

  “You obviously like what you see Phil. A girl can always tell.”

  She gave his now hard penis a quick squeeze through his trousers before standing upright and quickly undoing the remaining couple of buttons. Shrugging it back off her shoulders she allowed it to fall to the desk behind her exposing her breasts enclosed in a black satin bra that accentuated them rather than concealed them.

  “You want to see more?”

  Sammi didn’t wait for an answer and her deft hands reached behind her to undo the button and draw down the zip at the back of her skirt before wiggling the tight black item past her hips to lie discarded on the floor around her feet. Her legs were amazing, Phil had suspected she might be wearing stockings and she was. They came to only just above mid-thigh, the suspenders having to stretch a long, long way down her legs from the tiny black garter belt at her waist. The thin matching panties again covered her mound but drew his eyes unerringly down toward the very essence of her womanhood.

  “Still like what you see Mr. Adams?”

  Her smile lit up her face and the sparkle in her eyes danced as she watched his eyes roam over her exposed body. A small, but visible, shudder ran through her as she waited for his reaction.


  “Sammi, you look amazing. But I’m not sure…”

  Again she silenced him with a kiss, this time harder, more urgent. Her hand fell downwards to land very deliberately across the large protrusion lying uncomfortably along the top of his thigh as she did so and she began to gently massage his dick.

  Phil had reached a point where events were in control rather than him. He returned her kiss and did not attempt to remove her hand which was rapidly causing his penis to inflate to its full hardest extent. Of its own volition, as if under no conscious control, one of his hands rose to cup her breast. She gasped into his kiss and the second hand rose to cup the other one. She wriggled her body to push them harder into his hands. Through the satin fabric he could feel her hardening nipples digging their way into his palms.

  She broke the kiss and lifting her face away she gazed into his eyes, her own mirroring his desire. Taking charge he surged to a standing position and gathered her lithe body into his arms. She put her arms around his neck and they continued to kiss as he leaned her back against the edge of his desk.

  The desk wasn’t clear so he couldn’t simply bend her back onto it; instead he turned her around in his arms so that she faced the desk. He leaned his own body forward, pressing her down toward the laptop, phone and papers lying there. Quickly she ran her hands across the desk and moved things out of her way as he masterfully pressed her down onto the desk.

  Sammi was panting with desire as she felt him lean down over her.

  “Is this what you want?”

  Suddenly he’d found his voice, she could hear the desire in it as he questioned her.


  “Tell me what you want.”

  “I want you to fuck me! Do it! Strip me! Fuck me!

  She felt him straighten up and his hands went to her hips, grasped the waistband of her panties and rip them downwards with a smooth motion. Her own juices had soaked into them causing them to stick to her pussy for a split second and she squeaked as his savage pull broke the momentary bond. She lifted one foot clear of them and willingly spread her legs apart allowing full access to her treasured place.

  His hands roamed over her smooth skin at will, she was powerless as to prevent him as he snapped the bra catch undone before releasing the pressure slightly to allow himself room to drop his pants and boxers. Suddenly she felt the rigid hotness of his member pressing against the crease of her buttocks.

  “Oh yes!”

  She wriggled her ass back against it, feeling it pressing against her. Then he flexed his legs lowering it to find its real target. He paused with the end pressed against her outer labia.

  “Is this what you want?”


  She screamed out the answer and thrust herself back against him in an attempt to capture it within the folds of her sex. He obliged pressing forward against her. She was so wet his entire length slid straight into her, meeting no resistance in her lubricated tunnel.

  She gasped, then again as he slowly withdrew all the way until it was teasing her again, pressed against her sex but not in it.

  “Do it!”

  He pushed forward again, penetrating her to the fullest extent, she could feel the hairs on the front of her legs pressing against, even tickling the backs of her thighs. She tilted her ass upward a little, mashing her breasts firmly into the cold wood of the desk as he repeated the withdrawal and thrust again and again.

  “Please, more…more…”

  Her moans and pleas fell on deaf ears as he continued to exert his mastery in this position, never speaking to her just slowly thrusting deep inside of her and then withdrawing only to repeat the process.

  Finally the sounds she made were incoherent as he pushed her over the edge into a tremendous orgasm. Her arms flailed around, knocking paperwork, and the desk calendar to the floor as her passion exploded. Then his rhythm increased in tempo as the spectacle of the beautiful blonde young woman writhing on the end of his penis began to push him toward his own orgasm.

  “Lift up onto your elbows,” he panted “let me play with those tits as I come.”

  Willingly she rose and his hands slipped underneath her to grasp the two orbs of soft flesh surmounted by the two hard nubs of flesh. He mauled and pawed at them, pulling and twisting the nipples until she cried out, half in pain, half in passion as he rode her toward her second orgasm.

  Another minute, two at the most and he could bear it no more.

  “I’m coming!” he yelled.

  As his powerful spurt of his semen splashed onto the neck of her womb two things happened simultaneously.

  First, she came for a second time, even more powerfully than the first and screamed in her passion.

  Second, and more important, the door opened and Jane and Christine were led into the room by his wife Amy.

  His eyes focused on the sudden intrusion just as his last ejaculation slammed into the supine blonde lying panting on his desk.

  A look of shock replaced the grimace of ecstasy that he had worn a second earlier. His deflating penis slipped clear of Sammi’s drenched pussy and he subsided backwards into his chair, his mouth open in disbelief as the three woman moved closer to him.

lay still, his jism slowly leaking out of her gaping pussy, trickling down her legs toward her stocking tops, the flawless skin on her back heaving as she gulped in air.

  “I…” Phil stammered.

  “Did you forget Phil? Revenge is a dish best served cold. I thought you might like this and I was right. Christine will be back at work tomorrow as normal, there is nothing wrong with your leg is there Christine?”

  “No Amy, nothing at all.”

  Phil looked form one to the other in confusion, even as he tried to conceal his own semi dressed state.

  “By the way Sammi is my niece and she was perfectly willing.”

  Jane’s comment shocked him even more.

  “Dinner’s at seven, don’t be late sweetie. All of these ladies are joining us for dinner.”

  Amy smiled down at her husband as she reached into her bag and removed a business card. Moving to stand besides the desk she carefully slid the stiff card into the crevice in Sammi’s butt which automatically clenched to hold it.

  “See you shortly lover-boy.”

  With that Amy tuned and led the other two giggling women back through the door.

  Phil reached out a trembling hand to remove the card form the spread-eagled naked body of the woman in front of him.

  He recognized the card even before he read it, having given one to his wife only six weeks earlier after a particular card game.

  Revenge is indeed a dish best served cold.

  “Would you mind if I got up now, it’s not that comfortable?” Sammi asked.

  Fantasies Incorporated: The Honeymoon

  By: Bridy McAvoy

  All rights reserved

  Copyright © Jun. 2009, Bridy McAvoy

  Cover Art Copyright © Sep 2009, Brightling Spur

  Bluewood Publishing Ltd

  Christchurch, 8042, New Zealand

  Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher.

  No part of this e-book may be reproduced or shared by any electronic or mechanical means, including but not limited to printing, file sharing, and email, without prior written permission from Bluewood Publishing Ltd

  The Honeymoon

  “Are you sure you’re all right now, sweetheart?”

  She sighed.

  “Yes Ewan, I’ll be okay. Just a bit of travel sickness, that’s all.”

  The plane gave another lurch due to what the captain had earlier called a little turbulence and she gripped the armrest of the seat a little tighter.

  “You do look a little green, honey.”

  “Leave it, love. Let me think about something else.”

  She resolutely turned away from him and glared out of the window at the fluffy white clouds that occasionally marred the otherwise clear azure sky.

  Some start to the honeymoon!

  Still, at least it had been a beautiful ceremony, was it really only a few hours ago …

  “Do you Kiera Skye Manton take this man to be your wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?”

  “I do.”

  Her voice was strong as she gave her response. She knew it rang out across the chapel, affirming her love for Ewan to all concerned.

  “Do you Ewan Sean Brown take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, to cherish in sickness and in health, from this day forward as long as you both shall live?”

  Ewan had tried to respond but coughed instead. She’d turned her head and shot a glance at him, noticing his face redden at the embarrassment of missing his cue.

  “I do.”

  Finally he’d managed to say it and she’d breathed a sigh of relief.

  “By the power vested in me by the State of Nevada, I pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

  “The fasten seat belts sign is on, Kiera. Won’t be long now.”

  She started, not having realized the plane had been descending, lost in her own little reverie. Losing herself in her thoughts had helped though, she no longer felt nauseous. Smiling at Ewan, she let him fuss over her seat belt and if his hand lingered for a while longer than it needed to, so what, they were married now.

  * * * *

  “Put me down you idiot!”

  Notwithstanding her own words, her arms were wrapped tightly around his neck as he lurched forward through the open door into the suite. The bellhop following with their luggage was grinning at her as she glanced backward.

  “Now, everyone will know we’re newlyweds!”

  “Well duh! We did book the Honeymoon Suite after all. Of course they know we’re newlyweds. Besides you’re the one who had to cross out her old name and sign the correct one in the register. I thought the receptionist was going to have a fit!”

  “Besides you’re supposed to do that across our own threshold when we get home, not here!”


  “Don’t hush me!”

  He proceeded to do precisely that by covering her mouth with his and planting a big kiss. She gave in for a second before the feeling of nausea returned and she pushed him away in panic, sprinting for the bathroom where she managed a weak retch or two without actually being sick.

  She could hear Ewan talking to the bellhop quietly followed by a thank you, sir and the door closing as the bellhop left.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m sorry honey; I’m not as well as I thought I was. I think I need a shower and a nap to recover. Would you mind?”

  “Of course not. You can’t help the way the flight affected you. It was a bit rough.”

  “A bit?”

  “Well, more than a bit then.”

  “Tell you what, sweetie. Whilst I have a shower and take a nap, why don’t you go down to the bar and have a drink, check out the restaurants and see what the scenery is really like. Come back up in, say, an hour and we’ll go and get dinner. After that…”

  Her fingers suggestively traced a path up one side of his chest and down the other, deliberately flicking his nipples as they passed.

  “If that’s what you want…”

  His little boy lost look almost made her giggle but she knew her body wasn’t quite up to that just yet. Let alone up to what he quite plainly had in mind. Not that she didn’t herself but above all she needed to dispel this nausea first. Best trick for that was a shower and a nap.

  She leaned forward on tip-toes and gently kissed the end of his nose.

  “Come back in an hour, lover.”

  “Love you, Kiera.”

  “Love you too, Ewan. Put the Do Not Disturb sign on the door, please.”

  She realized she was talking to an empty suite as the door swung closed behind him. Shrugging her shoulders she walked back into the bathroom, pushing the door shut behind her and began to investigate the shower.

  * * * *

  Fifteen minutes of invigorating pummeling from the seven different nozzles on the walk in shower made Kiera feel much, much better. She was humming to herself as she wrapped her hair in one of the small towels from the bathroom and discarded the large bath towel she’d just dried herself with. Pulling the soft toweling robe around herself and belting it loosely she stepped out of the bathroom and walked through the main room of the suite into the bedroom.

  She was three full paces into the bedroom when the sight in front of her brought her up short. She’d expected to be alone in the suite but in fact there were two of the hotel staff there, both of them with their backs to her, one of them a maid and the other male!

  Kiera let out a gasp of surprise which alerted the two staff members to her presence. As they turned to look at her enquiringly their hands continued to fold the corners of the bed sheet under, in the prescribed manner.

; “I’m sorry, madam. You were not expecting us?”

  “Uh … No.”

  “Your husband, asked for someone to redo this room, madam. Fi and I were assigned to this. He did not think it was correctly done the first time.”

  “Oh… I see. He didn’t say anything.”

  “He also asked if you would perhaps like a massage, madam?”

  “A massage?”

  “Yes, madam. Both Phillippe and I are qualified. Your husband thought it might help you to relax. Everything we need is here if you would like?”


  Kiera thought about it for a moment and then reached a decision. She already felt much better after the shower, so maybe a soothing massage would be a good way to complete the relaxation process.

  “Well… Okay.”

  “If you would be so kind as to allow us to set up, madam. A couple of minutes.”

  The maid bobbed her head and left the bedroom leaving Kiera alone with her thoughts. She could hear a whispered conversation going on between the two hotel staff, and she then heard a door close.

  “I am ready for you, madam.”

  Kiera rose to her feet and moved through into the suite’s sitting room. The couple of minutes had transformed not only the room but also the maid herself. She no longer wore the severe black housekeeper’s uniform; rather she was now wearing a short white jacket over navy shorts which left her legs exposed. The couch had been moved to the side and a collapsible massage table had been erected in the cleared space.

  “If madam would lose the robe and lie face down on the table please.”

  Kiera checked the room and breathed a sigh of relief that Phillippe had left, leaving her alone with the woman. She loosened the robe and felt even more at ease as the woman turned her back and began to busy herself with her collection of oils. Moving quickly she dropped the robe onto the couch and climbed onto the massage table, and lay there with her legs tightly clamped together. The convenient hand towel was very quickly draped over her ass to preserve at least some modesty.


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