Fantasies Incorporated - The Complete Collection

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Fantasies Incorporated - The Complete Collection Page 12

by Bridy McAvoy

  Chloe frowned at him.

  “Well, are you going to tell me what it is, or do I have to drag it out of you one piece at a time?”

  “It’s a cleaning job.”

  “Cleaning…did you say, cleaning?”

  Simon nodded and Chloe rose to her feet.

  “Sorry, thanks but no thanks. I’m not that desperate.”

  As she turned away Simon spoke up. “It pays thirty an hour, after my cut, not before.”

  Chloe stopped in her tracks, her head swiveling to look back at him.

  “Did you say, thirty?”

  He nodded again.

  “Jeez, someone’s desperate. How many hours?”

  “Basically four in the afternoon ‘til ten in the evening, Monday through Friday, so not quite full time.”

  Chloe felt for the chair back with her hand, her eyes still locked on his face as she sat down.

  “That’s a hell of a lot of money for a cleaner…Where do they clean? Bank vaults?”

  Simon laughed along with her but sobered quicker than she did.

  “Actually, they clean these offices, along with several dozen others in Manhattan. Well, they’re very good.”

  Chloe had another sudden thought.

  “They’d have to be for that kind of money. What do they do, vacuum in the nude?”

  The look on Simon’s face told Chloe she’d hit home or fairly close to home.

  “You’re shitting me. They do, don’t they?”

  The recruitment consultant shook his head, and held his hands up to calm her down and stop her getting up and leaving.

  “No, they don’t. Not nude.”

  “I can sense a ‘but’ in there…with one ‘t’ or even two.”

  “You’re very perceptive, Chloe. No, they don’t clean in the buff, but they do wear very tight, very short uniforms, and they always make sure they look good.”

  “Short? Tight? As in fancy dress style maid uniforms?”

  Simon nodded.

  “So for thirty bucks an hour, I’d have to dress up in fancy dress, the kind dirty old men get their mistresses to wear in the bedroom, and then clean offices while a few dozen perverts line up for a chance to look down my cleavage or up my skirt. I don’t think so…”

  Chloe rose to her feet again and, although she was quite glad Simon couldn’t read her mind, the visions floating across behind her eyes were more than just a little naughty.

  “Chloe, it’s up to you, but it is thirty bucks an hour, and you do need the work, and I’ve got nothing else to offer you. They’re prepared to interview you tonight, right here.”

  “What kind of a girl do you think I am?”

  “You’re an adult woman capable of making her own decisions, not a callow girl. A very attractive woman, I might add, and one who is somewhat down on her luck right now…”

  Simon left it hanging as Chloe hesitated.

  She who hesitates is lost…

  The quotation floated through her brain as she realized she’d given in to the temptation the money offered.

  “You said tonight?”

  Simon nodded.

  * * * *

  She looked at herself in the washroom mirror as she put the bag containing her street clothes on top of the sink. Chloe had attended fancy dress parties before, and she often wore miniskirts on dates, but she’d never worn anything as risqué as this before. The black silk maid’s uniform was scoop necked and the scoop was extremely deep. Even the couple of inches of stark, bright white lace around it didn’t really help to cover her braless cleavage.

  Chloe leaned forward, seeing how the dress gaped and displayed even more. When she gasped she heard a chuckle from behind her.

  “You look great. Seriously, you’re a knockout. I wish my skin was as good as yours.”

  Chloe turned to look at Rosa, the woman who’d interviewed her; completely unselfconscious in her own mirror image copy of the same outfit, and who’d accompanied her into the washroom so Chloe could get changed.

  “There’s nothing wrong with your skin, so I don’t know what you mean.”

  “It’s all in the good foundation, and a good tanning lotion, I really would kill for smooth skin like yours.”

  Chloe couldn’t see a single blemish, nor any trace of the supposed foundation powder on Rosa’s exposed shoulders. She raised an eyebrow then turned to check her makeup once more. The one thing Rosa had insisted upon, even for her try-out had been perfect makeup. With a finishing touch to the lipstick she straightened back up. Looking down, she could see the skirt rode a good two inches above the lace tops of her hold up stockings, while Rosa showed no skin above her stockings. The other woman clearly saw where she was comparing.

  “I’ll bring you a longer skirt tomorrow, honey, but that one was the only one I could grab when Simon phoned through your sizes. Have to do for today, I’m afraid.”

  Chloe forced a shrug.

  “But I’m the one who has to grin and bare it,” she giggled at her own double entendre and turned to face Rosa, “do I pass muster?”

  “Almost, given more time, we’d plait your hair in to a tight pony tail and fit the cap better. Do you wear your hair up a lot?”

  Chloe fingered her flowing honey blonde tresses and shook her head, noting the way Rosa had her own long black hair pulled severely back into a pony tail of her own.

  Manhattan facelift!

  “Pity, it’s something you’ll have to get used to doing. Our girls do a good job, and are expected to look good doing it too. Now, come on, let me show you the ropes, we’ll start in the outer office and work in toward the executive suite.”


  * * * *

  Chloe thought she knew how to clean efficiently, she’d been looking after her own two bed apartment for years, but Rosa set a blistering pace. Admittedly, the vacuum was a large industrial model compared to the one she had at home, and was correspondingly heavier, but that didn’t account for the sheen of sweat covering her bare shoulders, and equally bare thighs. She was glad the uniform was quite thin compared to a normal one; it allowed some of the heat her rapid progress through the offices was generating. She’d vacuumed, dusted, polished desks, emptied waste baskets and tidied up around six offices in fifty minutes, with Rosa telling her what to do, but not actually doing it herself. Rosa looked calm, serene and fresh and at that moment Chloe envied her.

  “You’re doing well, now we just have to do the executive suite, starting with Mister Ironside’s office and then the board room next door. Then it’s the washrooms and we’re done here.”

  Chloe nodded. “You know something, Rosa?”

  “What, honey?”

  “I’ve never even held a feather duster before.”

  Rosa joined in with her laugh and led the way toward Simon Ironside’s office. She knocked on the door and then partially opened it. She paused for a moment, opened it wider then beckoned Chloe to follow her into the inner sanctum of the man who ran the agency.

  Chloe had expected it to be empty, but just as he had been earlier in the day; Simon was sitting behind the large desk, the phone glued to his ear.

  “Listen, Phillip, nice to talk to you, but it’s time for the floor show.”

  He paused, listening at the other end as Chloe frowned her lack of understanding.

  “Come on, Phil, you know exactly what I mean. The cleaners are here…yeah those cleaners, the same ones you use. I love to watch them working, that’s why I called it the floor show. Besides they’ve got a new girl tonight and she looks delectable, absolutely delectable…catch you later. Bye.”

  Simon cut the call and looked at Chloe, noticing the frown. He held his hands up in a half-hearted apology.

  “Sorry, sweetie. You know how it is. I have to deal with these chauvinistic company bosses every hour of every day. He leers at Rosa’s crew when they clean his office, so he expects me to as well.”

  “So, you’re not going to stop and watch?”

  Rosa dug her el
bow sharply into Chloe’s ribs. “You’re working now, so its Sir, okay?”

  Chloe bit her lip and nodded her apology to Rosa before turning her attention back to Simon once more.


  Simon roared with laughter and it took him almost a minute to regain his composure.

  “I’m sorry, Chloe, but that was priceless. You should have seen the look on Rosa’s face when you came out with that. Priceless.”

  Chloe blushed when she noticed he had actual tears of laughter running down his cheeks.


  Before Rosa could say anything or Chloe could apologise to Rosa, after all she was on trial for the job, even though she still wasn’t sure she wanted it, Simon continued.

  “Rosa, what do you normally do with an employee who oversteps the bounds of acceptable behaviour for your employees?”

  “I punish them, Sir.”


  “Yes, Sir.”

  “So, Chloe, do you understand the situation you’ve got yourself into?”

  “Um…To be honest, no…Sir.”

  Simon chuckled again.

  “She really doesn’t get it, does she, Rosa?”

  “No, Sir, she does not.”

  The other woman was clearly trying to control her fury as her thin-lipped response clearly indicated.

  “Chloe, you need this job, don’t you?”

  She nodded.

  “Come here.”

  On shaky legs, still unsure what was happening, Chloe walked toward the front of the desk. Simon beckoned her closer until the front of her thighs were touching the rolled walnut edging.

  “Give me your hands.”


  “Just do it please, it’s for your own good.”

  Chloe sensed Rosa moving up behind her but she still couldn’t comprehend what was happening. Meekly she lifted her arms and extended her hands toward the recruitment agent in front of her. Simon smiled at her and she returned it, somewhat quizzically, and felt the other woman move up behind her. Before she could open her mouth to frame a question, Simon nodded and then moved without hesitating, catching her completely by surprise as he pulled on both her arms.

  Her arms jerked forward, pulling her forward too. Of course, the desk stopped her hips moving forward and she leaned over the desk. A hard pressure in the small of her back, from Rosa’s hand, gave her the impetus needed and Chloe found herself, or rather the top half of her body, flat on the top of the desk. She could feel a draught on her upper legs, demonstrating the skirt of her uniform had risen up onto her butt. Fleetingly, she was glad Simon was in front of her, the view Rosa was getting would be bordering on the obscene.


  “Shh…Rosa said you needed to be punished for your insolence and you are about to be.”

  Chloe felt her temper rise and her face flushed but not with embarrassment this time.

  “You are breaking every employment rule in the book, so I’ll sue your asses off, both of you, now let me go!”

  Simon crouched down in front of her, still holding her hands firmly in front of her. His eyes were now on a level with hers. He shifted grips, holding both her wrists in one of his large hands and gently extending the other to brush her hair from her face, clearly ignoring the glare his actions drew from the immobilised honey blonde on his desk.

  “Chloe, darling. How can I be breaking any employment law, you’re not actually employed, this was just a trial, remember.”

  He chuckled and nodded to Rosa behind her.


  Chloe broke off when she felt Rosa’s other hand touch her upper thigh and start to brush the short skirt higher on her butt. Her eyes flared wide open as she realized the other woman’s intentions. She tried to kick out at Rosa, but the other woman had imprisoned her legs between her own and the desk. Simon was holding her hands firmly in front of her and Rosa’s hand pressing firmly down on the middle of her back prevented any significant movement as her skirt was drawn all the way up above her ass.

  “You’re not…I mean, you wouldn’t d—”

  She broke off again as she realized her thoughts matched the other woman’s actions perfectly. A second later, as Simon stared into her eyes, she felt Rosa let go of her skirt and then her hand came down smartly on Chloe’s only thinly covered butt.


  It stung for a moment and then started to throb. Chloe bucked against the hands holding her down.


  This time her other cheek caught the full force of Rosa’s stinging smack.


  “See. In this line of work, you get punished.”



  Chloe writhed under the continuing onslaught, each slap coming down on an otherwise untouched part of her butt.

  “Ow. That fucking hurts!”

  “Chloe, Chloe, you’re not learning, are you? That fucking hurts what?”

  She couldn’t believe this was happening to her, the humiliation of being held down and smacked like a naughty child was something she’d never anticipated. She could feel her ass had heated up and guessed her cheeks were glowing red, to match the flush of embarrassment and rage on her face. Rosa stopped slapping her butt and ran her fingers across the thin panties.

  “Does that feel good, Rosa?”

  Simon’s question brought a giggle from Rosa.

  “Yeah, but not warm enough yet.”

  “Warm her up some more then.”


  Simon chuckled and Rosa started hitting her again.



  “Remembered your manners yet?”

  Chloe could feel the tears starting to fill her eyes and they blurred her view of the man crouching in front of her. Glumly, she nodded as the first one started to trickle down her cheek. He was still using only one hand to hold her arms, so he reached out his other hand and used his finger tip to wipe it away. Rosa had returned to stroking her butt rather than slapping it and Chloe gulped in fresh breaths while she could.

  “Are you going to be a good girl now?”

  She nodded in answer to Simon’s question.

  “Will you stay still if Rosa lets go of your back.”

  “I don’t have a choice, do I?”

  “I don’t have a choice, what?”

  Chloe realized he was asking for something, and it was only just beyond the edge of her memory, but she couldn’t quite capture it. Simon nodded over her head once more, and then returned his gaze to her face. Rosa let go of her back and her hand disappeared from Chloe’s ass too, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

  The relief turned out to be very short lived as the hands returned to her waist and yanked the waistband of her panties sharply down over her butt.


  Simon chuckled.

  “You still haven’t learned, have you, Chloe? The punishment will continue until the lesson has been, in this case literally, beaten home.”

  Chloe looked at him in horror and then flinched as he nodded to Rosa over her head once more.


  Again the blows landed down, although they were now falling on her completely unprotected ass. After two more slaps to each butt cheek the blows stopped and Chloe drew in a shuddering breath, the tears flowing freely down her face. Rosa now placed both hands on her heated butt and began to massage the afflicted and burning flesh, exerting a gentle yet firm pressure.

  “I bet the view from back there is amazing.”

  Simon’s words sent blood rushing to her face, especially as Rosa stepped back as if to look. Chloe couldn’t move anyway, Simon’s grip on her arms held her pinned to the desk. She could at least shuffle her feet to provide some relief for her legs.

  “Sure is a nice view.”

  “Is she wet?”

  “I think so. Let me check.”

  Chloe’s eyes shot wide open
and her body went completely rigid when she felt Rosa’s fingers gently touching her again. This time though they weren’t on her butt, they’d gone lower and more central, to land precisely on her pussy. She gasped as Rosa probed her mound, her fingers pushing at her fleshy outer lips and moving gently into the slit between them.

  “She’s very wet.”

  The two continued to talk above her, almost ignoring her, treating Chloe like an object, which was at the very least humiliating.

  “What…What are you doing?”

  Finally Chloe gasped out a question and lifted her head from the desk to look into Simon’s face. He grinned at her.

  “What do you think she’s doing? She’s continuing the punishment.”

  She couldn’t help the question that sprang into her mind.

  “This is punishment?”

  Behind her Rosa burst into laughter but didn’t relent on her assault on Chloe’s pussy. In fact she intensified it, her thumb tracing up her slit to find the clit and started to rub over it in gentle circles. The contact was electrifying and Chloe couldn’t prevent her response as she pushed her ass back at the teasing fingers, capturing the tip of one between her lips for a fleeting second before Rosa reduced the pressure. It was obvious that Simon had seen her movements.

  “If I let go, will you lie still?”


  “I said, if I let go, will you stay in that position?”

  Chloe gasped as Rosa suddenly thrust a finger into her. She nodded and Simon slowly relaxed his grip on her arms. She immediately moved her hands out to the sides and gripped the edge of the desk as her hips started to buck against the other woman’s probing fingers.

  “Good, girl. Now I can go round and watch. Maybe even join in.”

  Chloe felt her face flush bright red as Simon moved away from her, around the desk and into a position where he could witness what the other woman was doing to her exposed pussy.

  “What are you doing?”

  Simon chuckled.

  “Why, don’t you like it?”

  “I still say it’s—” She gasped “—breaking every rule…oo…in the employment… ah…book.”

  The two people behind her just laughed.

  “So, explain something to me, if you will, Chloe?”


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