Portals of Infinity: Reprisal

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Portals of Infinity: Reprisal Page 10

by John Van Stry

  "Let's head back to town," I said looking it over, "I think that should hold them."

  When we got back to town, it was almost dawn. I'd been gone for over four days and Laria was rather anxious to see me, especially when she saw me being helped along.

  "You're hurt!" She said and hugged me.

  "Let's get inside, I could stand to lie down for a while," I told her.

  "Yes, inside." She agreed.

  I turned to the others, "Thanks for helping me, come by tomorrow and I'll give each of you a bonus for all of your hard work."

  I got a lot of smiles and "Yes, Sir!" from the group as they all left to go to their own homes. When we stepped into the church, I could feel Fel's presence!

  "When did the clergy get here?" I asked surprised.

  "Yesterday morning. They finished things last night."

  "Great, go wake one of them up, I need some healing," I sighed and sat down on one of the benches.

  "I'm awake, I'm awake," said a female in a robe who came stumbling out of the back as I was still getting settled. I didn't recognize her, but I was fairly certain she was a priestess; I guess Fel had woken her for me.

  "Over here," I said and waved.

  "Ugh, this is too early for me," she said and yawned. "You know, you're in a church, you could probably do this yourself, Champion," she said and came over to me.

  "Yeah, I hear that a lot, and it's Will. Save the titles for Nara and Fel."

  "I'm surprised he lets you call him that," She said looking up at me as she kneeled down and put her hands on my leg.

  I shrugged, "We have a different relationship than most of you do."

  "And I don't envy you for it. How did you get so many breaks in your leg?" She asked as I felt her power running through it.

  "Stupidity," I grunted. "Can you fix it?"

  She nodded and started to pray while moving her hand over my leg. After about ten minutes she moved her hands further up my body, and didn't stop until she had reached my head twenty minutes later.

  "What was that for?" I asked.

  "You had bone fragments floating around in your body. Eventually they could have killed you."

  "Huh, well thanks for fixing it." I gave Laria a hug, "Now, where can we sleep?"

  "Stu and Liz's old room in the back," Laria said.

  "Oh, where are they now?"

  "Who knows?" the priestess shrugged, "I sent them off yesterday after we got here. I have enough acolytes that I didn't need them here as well."

  I nodded and got to my feet a bit shakily.

  "Stay in bed for the day," she looked at Laria, "Maybe two," and smirked as Laria blushed.

  "What's your name?" I asked as I started for the back room.

  "Tisha, the priest with me is Donny. I'm going back to bed myself. You can tell the acolytes to get out of bed and start cleaning and cooking."

  I nodded and we went in the back and did just that. Laria spent a few hours showing me just how much she missed me until I finally fell asleep.

  § §

  "Hi, Fel," I said and sighed.

  "Don't worry, I'm not going to give you grief over almost getting yourself killed in the realm of a god far worse than the one back on Ithaca that you first experienced," he said smiling.

  "You never told me not to go," I pointed out.

  "True, to be honest, I was as worried as you were. They were a complete wildcard in the way things are working for me here. If I'd had to deal with an active portal, it would have set me back decades, maybe even caused Hiland to be open to attacks if they got bled dry enough."

  I nodded. "So, will that stone wall we made from dead bodies hold them?"

  He nodded, "You can't come through the gate, if you can't move freely into the space before it. You'll just get bounced back. Rather painfully bounced back."

  "Well that's good. I'm just glad I figured out a way to block that gate," I sighed. "Now I just have to fend off Gunis's attempt to kill me, figure out how to punish the rest of them, find who tried to kill me, and get Rachel to assign some forces up here."

  Fel smiled, "Easily done. Gunis is no longer the head of the town's leaders, Serrin and Kasin have taken that over, and Karl has already made fast friends with the officers in charge of the group of guards bivouacked in the town square."

  "Guards?" I said surprised.

  "Narasamman asked Rachel to send some guards along to protect the clergy on the trip. She sent a company. The Second who is in charge of them is going to set up permanent shop here."

  "Wow, that's a load off."

  "And who do you think would understand how a chimney draws better than anyone else among that group?"

  "Ulris," I sighed.


  "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I grumbled.

  "Because I didn't want you distracted," Fel said matter-of-factly.

  "Okay, and what do I do to the rest of them?"

  "I'll deal with that, you don't have to worry about it."

  I nodded, "I think I'm going to take a couple of days to heal, then I guess I'll come home, face the music with Rachel over Laria, and then get back to searching for Cenewyg's temples." I paused, "Unless there are more things for me to do?"

  Fel shook his head, "Not right now."


  § §

  I spent the day in bed, as suggested, which made Laria rather happy. I also paid off the militia members who had helped, with my quickly dwindling funds. That night we had dinner with Laria's parents, Rodd and Karia. I had asked Laria if she still wanted to go with me, and she was rather emphatic with her desire to 'get the hell out of Dodge,' even if she didn't quite phrase it that way.

  "We're going to be leaving tomorrow," I told Rodd and Karia as we were finishing dinner. "After I take care of a few final matters."

  Rodd looked a bit worried and nodded, "So, you'll decide the final punishments then?" he said.

  I smiled, "I wouldn't worry about it much, Rodd, after all, you gave me your first born. I think that's punishment enough, don't you?" I said and gave Laria a hug. "Besides, someone almost killed you, and your family, while trying to get at me. So I think the scales are even."

  "About that," he said, "I still have no idea who did it. None of the others have heard anything."

  "Oh, that's okay," I said and smiled again, "I know who did it."

  Everyone at the table looked surprised. "You do?" Rodd said.

  I nodded, "Feliogustus saw the whole thing, that's why I woke up. He saw what was happening and warned me, so I could save the rest of you."

  "What?" He said looking shocked.

  "He's a god, Rodd, and gods can see things, all sorts of things. As his champion, he tells me the ones that I need to know, I just needed to get those giants dealt with first."

  "So, you know who did it?"

  I nodded, "That's what I just said. Oh, and you might want to go down to the church and thank him for having me wake up and saving all your lives."

  Rodd just stared at me, and then jumped suddenly; I think Karia kicked him under the table.

  "We'll go tomorrow," Karia said.

  I smiled, "Good, I'm sure Feliogustus would appreciate that."

  "What ... what about the person who tried to kill us?" Rodd said.

  "I will take care of him tomorrow, before I leave," I smiled. "As for the others, well Feliogustus has told me he will assess any remaining punishments himself, so you might want to tell them that this might be a good time to get some religion and start showing some faith. He might go easier on them then."

  "That sounds rather wise," Karia said.

  Rodd nodded, picking up on his wife's cue. "I'll keep that in mind," he agreed.

  I stood, and the others followed, and we touched hands.

  "Until we meet again," I said.

  They all nodded, then Rodd looked up at me, "Please take care of our daughter, I never liked the idea she might end up bartered away to the bandits, that's why I was so quick to offe
r her to you, a male of power and means. You'll treat her better than I ever could."

  I stopped and looked at him, surprised. It may be messed up by the standards that I was raised by, but here in this world, especially in this place, he had done what he hoped was best for his daughter.

  "I will, don't worry."

  Laria surprised me then by giving her father a rather strong hug.

  "I'll miss you, Father," she said and then hugged her mother, "Goodbye, Mother."

  We left then, and when back to the church for our last night.

  "Why are you waiting until tomorrow to deal with the man who tried to kill us?" Laria asked later, when we were snuggling in bed.

  "Because I want to see what he'll do," I said yawning.

  "What he'll do?" Laria asked surprised.

  I nodded, "Your father will tell the others tonight that I know who did it, probably after he finishes warning them all to start going to church if they want to get off easy."

  "And they'll tell whoever did it?"

  "Oh no, Ulris is the one who did it. I just want to see if he stands up like male of principle, or if he runs off into the night, never to be seen again."

  "I'd kill him," Laria growled.

  I grinned, why were all my women so bloodthirsty?

  "I thought about it, but, I think him living in fear would be a much nicer punishment."

  "Maybe he'll just try again tonight," Laria growled.

  "Once he hears that Fel saw everything and warned me, he's going to be too afraid to set foot anywhere near here. No, I'm betting he'll run."

  She nodded slowly, "If you say so."

  I nodded, "I do."

  "So what's it like in Hiland?"

  "Well, for one thing, it's a lot warmer right now than here," I laughed.

  "That would be a nice change," she purred.

  "Well, tomorrow I'll show it all to you."

  "I can't wait!" she said happily as we went off to bed.

  Sure enough, the next morning when we finally bothered to get out of bed, Hidden Vale was in need of a new blacksmith. Ulris had loaded what he could into a cart, hitched up his oxen, and late in the middle of the night he ran off into the hills.


  Hiland - Rachel's Castle

  7 Months

  I spent my first day back unabashedly in bed with Rachel, monopolizing her completely, and enjoyably. The second day perhaps was a little bit guilt inspired, but not much really. There were times when I wished that I didn't have other commitments, that I wasn't a champion, and that I could just spend all of my time here, with her.

  But we are what we are, and part of what made us who we were was that she was a queen and I was a champion.

  "So, where is she?" Rachel teased lying on my chest and looking down at me. It was noon of my second day back and I'd been lavishing my attention on her for some time now.

  "Huh?" I said a little surprised, "I haven't even gotten into the guilt sex yet!" I protested.

  "Oh? When does that start?" Rachel grinned.

  "Umm, probably tomorrow," I said and slowly smiled back at her, "When I'm with you, it's pretty hard for me to actually think of anything else."

  "Oh really?" she said and looked at me amused.

  "Ask Fel," I told her, "Even he uses your name to get my attention."

  Rachel laughed, "I find that hard to believe."

  I gave her a kiss, "Your powers over me are rather extensive."

  "But only when I'm around, hmmm?" she said propping her head up on her arms, which were folded on my chest as she looked down at me.

  I sighed and I was sure I looked as embarrassed as I felt. "I seem to recall you telling me that it was sort of expected for the males in your family to stray a little. Yeah, it bothers me a little when I do it, but I'm weak. I'm sorry, Hon."

  "Well, normally you don't bring them back with you, but I could smell her all over you when you came home. What, is she pregnant?"

  "Umm," I smiled a little weakly at her, "Not yet."

  "Oh, planning on keeping this one, are you?" she said with a slight growl.

  "They gave her to me," I sighed, "she was the bribe to get me to come and help them."

  "And you just had to take it, didn't you?" she growled a little more.

  I looked at her, then decided 'what the hell' and I rolled over on top of her, grabbing her hands and pinning them above her head.

  "Of course I did!" I said growling back, "You expect to be paid for your help as queen; well I demand payment as a champion! They gave her to me, and she's mine now and I'm keeping her! Just like I'm keeping you!" I said and pinning both of her hands with one of mine, I grabbed her hair and pulling it back I kissed her, hard.

  She didn't like it of course, well not at first, but I dominated her and 'forced' myself on her, and the results were as spectacular as always.

  When we were finished she was clinging to me as I held her, panting and purring happily.

  "Well, maybe I'll let you keep her," Rachel sighed happily.

  "Maybe?" I mock growled.

  "But!" she said and looked up at me, and I could see she was serious now. "She lives here, in the castle, and if you bring home another one, then you'll lose this one, understand?"

  I pinched her butt and she squeaked.

  "I'll think about it," I purred and kissed her. But I knew she was serious, so I'd do as she said.

  After we had cleaned up and had lunch I went to the temple and got Laria from where I had put her temporarily. She kissed me rather passionately and wanted to drag me into bed as well, but I told her to get her things, and then brought her back home.

  "Rachel, this is Laria. Laria, this is my wife, Queen Rachel."

  Laria's eyes went wide, and she curtsied and fell to her knees, obviously scared.

  Rachel sighed, "I'm not going to kill you, girl, up." Rachel looked at me then, "She's younger than Goth! How old are you, Laria?"

  "Umm, I'm old enough to marry by almost year now," she said to Rachel.

  "So, just barely," Rachel said and looked at me, "it's not everyday that my husband brings home a lovely and barely old enough to marry young woman to join our household. In fact, this is actually the first time. So tell me, did they really give you to him?"

  Laria nodded, "Yes, Ma'am, err, I mean, Your Majesty! I was supposed to be given to the leader of the bandits the next time they attacked, to keep them happy, but Will, your husband, well my father thought I'd be better off if he gave me to him instead."

  I was watching Rachel as Laria talked, and when she got to the part about the bandits Rachel winced and looked up at me, I nodded, and she sighed.

  "So you were the next virgin sacrifice?" Rachel asked her.

  Laria nodded, still looking down at her feet. "Yes, Your Majesty," she said in a soft voice.

  "Well, for once I can't blame him all that much," Rachel said and came over to Laria and raised her chin up until she was looking into her eyes. "However," she said and gave one of those smiles of hers that were both endearing, and threatening at the same time. "Your job, from this point on is to keep my husband's roaming hands and eyes on you, and away from anyone else. Other than me of course, try and take my place and I'll gut you with my own claws.


  "Yes! Your Majesty!" Laria literally squeaked it out.

  "Rachel, call me Rachel, save the titles for when we're in public."

  "Umm, Rachel love," I started, "what about Nara, my other wife, and well, some of the ones Fel set's me up with?"

  "Nara and Darlene are okay. The others, I guess Fel and I are just going to have to talk," Rachel said giving me a rather toothy grin.

  "And when I go out of town?"

  "She goes with you," Rachel said, still grinning.

  "But, sometimes I have to go, to well, some pretty far off places."

  "She goes with you," Rachel said, still grinning. "What good is having a concubine if you don't use her, Hon? Like I said, if I can't be there, she
will be."

  I took a step closer to Rachel and looked down at her, I could see Laria was watching us and looking both confused and concerned.

  I gave Rachel a big hug and kissed her rather thoroughly, for about a minute, then let her come up for air.

  "I wish it could be you," I whispered in her ear.

  "I know," she said, and then stomped on my foot, making me wince. "But I can't leave my kingdom, so she will just have to do."

  Rachel turned to Laria, "Come, let's get you moved in, and find you some nicer things to wear. You can tell me about yourself while we do."

  I watched as the two walked off and felt a little relieved, while she wasn't treating her like an equal, and I didn't expect her to, Rachel was treating Laria well, and not doing any of the many things I might have been worried about.

  As for having to take Laria with me, I was sure that would be problematic at times.

  But the idea of not traveling alone anymore might just make it worthwhile.

  I spent the next several weeks teaching Laria how to ride, as well as how to shoot a bow, and several basic self-defense skills, as well as how to use a knife to fight. She already knew how to use one for most other things, and could dress and butcher an animal with rather amazing skill.

  Rachel surprisingly warmed to Laria rather quickly and treated her almost like she was her younger sister. Except that she invited Laria to share both our bed, and me, fairly often. Which I doubted she would have invited her sister to do.

  "You're taking this a lot better than I expected, Hon." I said to Rachel one night while Laria lay with us in bed, completely exhausted and rather deep asleep.

  "I've heard of girls like her, they're raised from birth taught that they're going to be traded away for protection, and they rarely last long after they are. The bandits are pretty harsh on these young women." Rachel smiled, "Besides, she's sweet; I can see why you'd had a hard time saying no. I've seen the way she almost plasters herself up against you whenever she can."

  "I was afraid that would make you jealous," I replied.


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