Portals of Infinity: Reprisal

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Portals of Infinity: Reprisal Page 19

by John Van Stry

  I had one too; I had a really good one: Me. They knew about me, they knew I was after them, and they knew I had messed up at least two of their churches so far, Addison had unwittingly told them so after all.

  They just didn't know what I was, so getting their hands on me would give them all a cause to celebrate.

  # # #

  Two nights before the upcoming meeting, I broke into the basement of the Castle to check out their meeting room. It was an eclectic arrangement of furniture and decorations, but the Gatwick symbol was hanging on the wall, and there was a small altar there as well. I'd have to destroy that, and that was when I got my idea of how I was going to get caught.

  The next night I made another appearance at Addison's apartment.

  "I thought you weren't coming back," Addison said sitting up in bed.

  "I need you to put together a raid for tonight, after work." I told him, "At least forty agents, there's going to be a lot of people there."

  "That's a lot of agents, William!"

  "Yeah well, it'll pay off. And keep it in house, you know who your problem boys are, make sure they don't know about it."

  He nodded, "That's easy enough to do, but I may have to call in other agencies to help."

  "The D.C. police should be fine, but don't call them until the last minute, we don't want word of this spreading," I told him.

  "That goes without saying," Addison agreed.

  "One last thing, don't tell anyone over at Treasury."

  Addison frowned, looking concerned, "Someone over there is dirty, aren't they?"

  I nodded, "Yes, and I can't tell you who, yet. Just be ready to roll on a moment's notice."

  Addison grabbed his wallet off of the night table and opened it, taking out his card. "Call this number, and tell us where you want us, and we can be there in ten minutes or less, anywhere in the capitol."

  I nodded, "Thanks, don't be late."

  I looked around the room, I'd paid a massive bribe to one of the staffer's at the Castle to use one of their backrooms, this was supposed to be an 'underground rave' for the kids of the senators and congressmen here in town. At least that was what I led the staffer to believe. It was surprising what you could get people to agree to around here for a wad of cash and a promise of an increased budget in the next round of appropriations.

  I looked around the room, Laria had found quite the crowd of lookers alright, half these kids were already high on something, and they all looked ready for a wild night.

  "Okay," I told them, "The job is simple, two hundred bucks now, and five hundred more after it's done. Remember, get naked, and get them naked. When the cops show, tell them about all the sex you've had with these guys, lie, and lie a lot!"

  "How do we know you'll pay?" one of the girls asked.

  "Will you keep lying if we don't pay?" I asked her with a smile.

  "Hell no!"

  "That's how you know," I told her. "We've even got lawyers lined up for you, but you're all too young to go to jail, so don't worry much."

  I turned to Laria, "Keep an ear on the radio, when the time is right, send 'em on in, and call Addison, then start calling the press."

  She nodded, "Are you sure this thing will work?" she asked motioning to the new wireless phone I'd bought today.

  "I hope so, if not, use the one on the table over there," I nodded to the landline.

  "Good luck, Hon," she said and gave me a kiss.

  "You too," I said and left the room.

  I quickly made my way down to the meeting room, and after setting up a small radio transmitter for Laria to listen in on, I took the small sledge hammer I'd left there earlier, and started in on smashing the altar. I didn't know when Oakenbeck was going to show, I just knew he was usually here first. But from what they knew about me, this would be something they'd expect.

  I'd been at it for about fifteen minutes when the lights came up, and I heard someone yell "Freeze!"

  I dropped the hammer and stood up. The altar was already destroyed; it had been ten minutes ago, I'd just kept at it to make it look good for when they got here and 'caught' me.

  "Turn around," they said.

  I did and sure enough it was Oakenbeck. He had one person with him, and both of them were armed.

  "Well, well, what have we here? Will Taylor, I believe?"

  "You're too late, I got your altar, 'Alexander,'" I told him.

  "Maybe, but now, I have you." He looked at the man next to him, "Cuff him, I want the others to see him when they get here."

  "Others?" I said looking around, surprised.

  "Don't worry, you'll find out soon enough!" he laughed.

  The other man came near, I tried to make a break for it, and when he grabbed me, we fought for a moment. It was hard not using my abilities or training, but I wanted it to look good, so I let him beat me, then he cuffed me, and kicked me a few times afterwards.

  "Al here is an expert wrestler, William, you never had a chance." Oakenbeck laughed, coming over to help Al put me in a chair, and then tie me to it.

  As one of the kicks had been to my head, I just acted like I was stunned and let my head loll.

  "Must have kicked him harder than I thought," Al joked.

  "Don't worry about it, he's going to be dead soon anyway. Too bad he ruined the altar, would have been nice to christen it with his blood."

  "We could save him until a new one is ready, James."

  Oakenbeck shook his head, "No, too risky."

  Over the next fifteen minutes people started to show up, and Al told the first few who I was, and how he and Oakenbeck had captured me. At that point, a couple of flasks came out, and they all toasted Al and Oakenbeck's success in catching me.

  As more people showed up, the word spread, and the celebration increased. Apparently these people all knew about me, and they all had been rather afraid. I heard the word 'Boston' tossed around more than once, even Garrison, and Nicaragua.

  "Attention everyone! Attention," Oakenbeck suddenly stood up and raised his arms.

  I was surprised at how quickly they quieted down and were seated. From some of the sounds I was hearing, there were obviously more than a few cocaine users in the audience as well.

  "I want to thank you all for coming tonight. I was going to lead us in a discussion as to how we were going to deal with our latest problem," he said and nodded to me, there was some nervous laughter from the audience. "But apparently we're going to be doing a little celebrating instead!"

  That got a bunch of cheers from everyone in the room.

  "Pay the bastard back for Boston!" someone in the crowd yelled.

  "Oh, trust me, we're going to pay him back for Boston, and then we're going to ask him all about what happened at Garrison," somebody cheered, "South Africa," he continued and more people cheered, "we'll even find out what exactly happened in Nicaragua!" he said and everyone cheered again.

  "But for now, let us enjoy the good fortune that our leader, our god, Sean Gatwick has brought our way once more!"

  That got a lot more cheers.

  "As always, he has delivered unto us, our enemies during our time of need, and he has made us more powerful, and invincible!"

  I heard more cheering then, and then I heard someone yell, "Hookers!" and there was even more cheering.

  "Wait, what?" Oakenbeck said, looking confused.

  Looking up, I could see the teenagers were all shredding their clothes and helping the others out of theirs rather quickly. Oakenbeck called for attention again, but they were all way too focused on the lithe naked bodies among them.

  I looked up at Oakenbeck, "You freaking pervert," I slurred at him, getting his attention. "Those are freaking kids, not adults."

  He looked confused a moment, then looked back at the scene before him. I could see it wasn't adding up for him and just then the FBI came charging in.

  "FREEZE! FBI! THIS IS A RAID!" someone yelled over a bullhorn, and things got even more confusing.

  "Kill him!" O
akenbeck yelled at Al, and then turned and bolted from the room, heading for one of the exits behind me.

  "Stop!" I heard several of the agents yell.

  I watched as Al fumbled a moment, and then pulled out his gun, I guess he'd been partying quite a bit since he got here, probably celebrating beating me up.

  "Freeze! Drop it!" I heard, but he raised the pistol and pointed it right at me.

  I tipped the chair over, and tried to roll away as he took his first shot and missed, then he corrected to follow me and suddenly his head exploded as someone shot him from behind.

  It was about then that the press showed up and started taking pictures. I found it interesting that the FBI agents didn't try to stop the photographers at all, and would even hold up the heads of those that they were arresting, so the press could get a nice view of who it was, though they did cover the heads of the naked 'prostitutes' telling the photographers that they were all minors.

  That led to another round of photographs being taken.

  Fortunately, Addison himself quickly came over and released my handcuffs, and threw his jacket over my head before anyone thought to come over and take my picture.

  "This man is working undercover for the FBI, he told the reporters when they asked, "No pictures please," and he led me out the back of the building away from all the press.

  "Thanks, Will," he said taking the jacket off my head once we were outside.

  "Did you get Oakenbeck?" I asked him.

  He looked at me shocked, "Oakenbeck was there?"

  "Oakenbeck was the one in charge, he was their priest."

  Addison swore, "No, we didn't get him, we were too busy shooting that congressman before he killed you." He thought about it a few minutes, "I'll see if we can't get some of the others to give him up, in exchange for a plea deal."

  "Well, don't cut them too big a deal," I grumbled, "these guys are all pretty slimy."

  Addison laughed, "After the newspapers are done with them, they're all going to be finished around here. Hell, I expect some of them will commit suicide eventually."

  That stopped me; an idea was forming in my head.

  "Really?" I asked, "You think so?"

  He nodded, "Yeah, you just took away all their power and made them national disgraces, for some men, they can't live with everyone knowing just what kind of a man they really were."

  I nodded, "Well, thanks for coming, and getting here so quickly."

  Addison stuck out his hand, "Thank you, it's always nice to catch the bastards in the act."

  I smiled and shook hands with him, then went to find Laria and head back to our hotel. I felt some celebrating was definitely in order.

  # # #

  It was three days later, and I was sitting on the roof of Oakenbeck's estate. It was early evening, and as I watched, his wife came out of the house with their children, got into a waiting limousine and drove off.

  The media attention had been huge, everyday more and more pictures were being printed, more and more things were being discovered about the "satanic sex society" that had "taken over in the halls of power in Washington." Several people had apparently fingered the head of the department of the Treasury, one James Oakenbeck, as being the ringleader; however he'd been maintaining his innocence and been claiming he was not involved.

  With an election having just taken place, and a new administration coming into power, the writing was on the wall for his career, but at least it was looking like he would escape the scandal.

  Until a press conference that took place in New York City two hours ago, where Senator Daryl Doland told about the investigation he and his staff had been conducting about misbehavior over in the Treasury Department, and he personally fingered one James Oakenbeck.

  He even had pictures.

  I smiled and slipped down to one of the windows, and carefully let myself in. Security on the grounds was still present, however with all the yelling and screaming that had been going on, the house staff had fled over an hour ago.

  Shifting back to my human form, I walked into the room where Oakenbeck was standing, watching his wife drive away.

  "After everything I've done for you, you ungrateful bitch," I heard him swear under his breath.

  "Gotcha," I laughed, and he turned around, looking at me in shock.

  "Why you--" was as far as he got, as I grabbed him by the neck. He tried to fight me off as I dragged him along, but I was too strong for him, with the hand on his throat, it wasn't easy going for him, as I wasn't letting him breath.

  I came to the balcony that looked out over the entranceway to the house. I grabbed the railing that ran along the edge of it with a hand and gave it a good shake checking it, it was rather solid. I pushed him down onto the floor and put a knee on his back to hold him there, then shucked the backpack I was wearing, and pulled out the rope I had in there. I tossed the end with the noose over the side, pulled it up until the height was right, and tied it off.

  Oakenbeck started to struggle harder, he could see the rope, he knew what was coming.

  "Stop it! Let me go!" he groaned as I pushed down with my knee, driving his breath out and making it hard for him to talk.

  I put the noose over his head, and snugged it down, then yanked the Gatwick necklace from around his neck.

  "They'll see the bruises, they'll never believe it!" he yelled as I picked him up.

  "Oh, thanks for letting me know," I said, and then healing all the damage I'd just done, I dropped him on the other side of the rail.

  He screamed briefly, but it was cut off rather abruptly when he hit the end of his rope and his neck snapped.

  Grabbing my bag I quickly moved away from the balcony, and then back to his office, as I heard the front door open.

  "Someone, call an ambulance! He's hung himself!" I heard a yell.

  I took the newspaper that was in the backpack out, folded it so the story was face up, circled the detail about rumors of his involvement, and then set the Gatwick necklace on top of it.

  It wasn't much of a suicide note, but at this point, I don't think anyone was going to care all that much.

  That done, I shifted and slipped out of the window and left, going back to where I'd left Laria waiting.


  Texas - Earth

  1 week

  The drive to Texas took two days, I wanted to get there fairly quickly, so we drove for fourteen hours a day, ate drive-thru food in the car, and only stopped for gas and to use the toilet.

  I knew exactly where we were going, I had all the details fairly well in my head, I also had a pretty simple plan for what I wanted to do when we got there. All I needed now was a gun shop.

  We found a room in a motel about a half-hour's drive from our destination, and got a good night's sleep. The next morning I went out and bought a nice Remington model 700, in seven millimeter, and the most powerful scope on the market. And a lot of ammunition.

  Then I went back to the hotel, got Laria, and spent the next three days teaching her how to be a sniper.

  And damned if she wasn't good at it.

  I got a large plastic soda bottle and some duct tape and fashioned a very crude silencer for the rifle as well. It didn't really have to work all that great for this job, primarily I just wanted something to cut down on muzzle flash. She'd be far enough away that they wouldn't be able to figure out where she was anyway.

  Next I hit up a radio shop for a nice set of two-way radios, so we could talk to each other, then an Army-Navy store where I got a bunch of desert camouflage. They had flak jackets there as well, surprisingly, so I got a few of those too.

  Then we went and crashed for a while, with the alarm set for three am.

  "Okay," I told her as we drove up into the hills, "We're going to set you up on the east end of the compound. When the sun comes up, it will be to your back. I'm going to come in from the west. Take out any men that you see once they know I'm there."

  Laria nodded, "How much time do you have left?" />
  I shook my head, "I don't know, could be a day, could be a few days. I just know that it's close. If I get killed, take the car and drive back to the motel. I'll try to send somebody for you as soon as possible."

  "Yes, Will." She leaned over and hugged me then. "Be careful!"

  "You too," I said and parked the car off the road, out of sight. We then got out, and moved down the trail a ways and I helped her get set up. Once that was done, I gave her a kiss, shifted, and started to jog down into the valley. If things went well, I'd be driving back, if they didn't go well, I'd either be on foot, or I wouldn't care at all.

  It took me over an hour to get down and around to the far side of the compound.

  I started in about an hour before sunrise; there were three large outbuildings, in which I found cows, goats, and horses. I had to shift back to human form as I checked them out, just to be on the safe side. I was afraid my champion form might stir up a ruckus, and I didn't need that right now.

  I didn't come across my first guard until I came to the split rail fence that surrounded the house. He was sitting in a little hut, listening to the radio, and looking outside every once in a while. I guess he figured he'd see anyone coming from a long way off.

  He never even saw me coming.

  I was surprised that he was unarmed. But he had a two-way radio, so I took that with me, in case anybody started talking on it.

  When I got closer to the house, I saw that there were four more guards standing around outside, each of them was carrying a rifle, and each of them was wearing a headset with a radio. What was interesting was that they weren't walking back and forth, each one had a position and they stayed in it. I don't know if it was laziness or just the way they did it here, but in the dark it made my job a lot easier.

  I killed the first one with a knife to the back of the neck, the second one I just broke his neck, then I dragged the bodies into the bushes and took one of the rifles, they looked like mini fourteens, and I also took the bandoleer full of magazines off of one of them, then made for the back door.


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