Inside Heat

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Inside Heat Page 5

by Roz Lee

  “Tell me exactly what kind of sexual things you want to do, and what you expect from me,” she asked Jeff. “Please be specific. I’m a nurse, I know the big words so you may use them.” To his credit, Jeff didn’t even blush as he described the various orifices they intended to make use of. He went into graphic detail as to the male organs and other items they might use to bring her to orgasm.

  “Jason and I don’t touch each other – ever. We’ll see to your pleasure first before taking our own.”

  “If you have specific fantasies you’d like to pursue,” Jason jumped in, “then let us know. We’ll do whatever we can to fulfill them. We won’t invite anyone else into the bed, and we expect you to abide by that rule as well. We’ll be exclusive to the relationship, and again, we expect the same in return.”

  “And we would do this here?” she asked.

  “Always,” Jason confirmed. “We aren’t hounded by reporters away from the field – usually, but we can’t take the chance of going to your place too often. That wouldn’t be good for you, or for us.”

  “I would be your dirty little secret.”

  “No, not a secret exactly,” Jeff said. “You’ll have game tickets in the family section, and you can go to any team functions you want to, but there aren’t that many. When we’re in public, you’ll be our guest, and if necessary, we can designate one of us to be your official date whenever we’re out. That way, there shouldn’t be any question as to whom you are with.”

  “Like Jeff said – you wouldn’t be a secret, but our private lives are just that – private. We’d like to keep it that way. It’s in everyone’s best interest – especially yours.”

  “That’s why we live out here.” Jeff swung his arm wide toward the big kitchen window. “The house can’t be seen from the road, and our nearest neighbor is over a mile away. The security gate was open today because we knew – well, we hoped you would come. Otherwise, it’s locked. The entire property is fenced, and we have state-of-the-art security on the grounds. You’ll be safe here, and what we do inside these walls is no one’s business but ours.”

  Up until Jeff had pointed out their need for security, Megan had been too busy trying to make sense of their proposition to consider whom, exactly, these men were. She took a mental step back. Not only was she actually considering having an affair, or a relationship, or whatever, with two brothers, but they were celebrities. They were well known in the area, and they might get by unrecognized alone, but when they were together, that would be impossible.

  They had state-of-the-art security for a reason. She thought of the single deadbolt on her apartment door and realized how different their lives were. What was she thinking? She couldn’t do this. She pushed back from the table and stood. “I’ve got to go.” Jeff and Jason were on their feet before she took a step.

  “Please,” Jeff extended his hand, palm out. “Stay a little longer. Let us show you the rest of the house, at least.”

  “Really, I should go.” She took a step. “This…won’t…can’t work.”

  “Megan, don’t go,” Jason said. “You don’t have to decide anything today. Just let us show you the whole house before you go. We’ll give you all the time you need to decide, but don’t say no because you’re scared.”

  “We won’t let anyone hurt you,” Jeff said. He moved closer while he spoke, close enough that Megan could feel the heat radiating off his body. She took a step back. Before she knew it, she was sandwiched between them. They towered over her by a foot, making her feel small. A moment of panic flitted through her mind. She really didn’t know them very well. She took a deep, calming breath. They smelled like sunshine and red-blooded male. Combined with the heat from their bodies, it made her knees go weak.

  “I don’t know…”

  “You don’t have to know, not right now.” Jason slid an arm around her waist and pulled her back against his hard chest. His erection pressed into the small of her back. His breath fanned over her ear as he spoke. “Let us show you the house. If you decide you’d like to stay a while longer, that’s okay; but if you need to go, you can. We won’t stop you.”

  It sounded so reasonable, spoken in that low, masculine voice that it sent shivers down her spine and made her hips move against his. What would it hurt to see the house? her inner vixen argued while her rational side kept silent – probably struck dumb by the feel of Jason’s erection pinned between them. God, he felt good – another reminder that sex with these two would likely shake the earth. The fact that she was still here, listening, testified to her susceptibility around them.

  “This is the kitchen,” Jeff said just before his hands found her breasts and his lips brushed the pulse in her neck. She shivered and pressed her breasts against his palms. “We eat in here. I can’t wait to feast on you.”

  Then they touched her, everywhere. Like a well-orchestrated symphony, their hands moved over her body, never going beneath her clothing, but her skin didn’t care. She broke out in a full-body blush and when two sets of lips nibbled on her earlobes, she closed her eyes and let her head fall back against Jason’s chest. When had her head become so heavy? And her brain so useless? A protest formed somewhere in the deep recesses of her mind, but never made it to her lips.

  “We’ll stretch you out on the counter and taste every inch of you,” Jason said between nibbles.

  Blood rushed to her lady parts and an embarrassing dampness heated the spot between her legs as her oxygen-deprived brain created an image to go with Jason’s words.

  “I could bend you over the table right now and fuck you,” Jeff said right before he covered her mouth with his. His lips were soft, but insistent. She opened under him, allowing his tongue to sweep in and steal what was left of her brains.

  “But that can wait,” Jason said, stepping away, leaving her backside cold and bereft. She would have fallen if Jeff hadn’t had a firm grip on her waist. She clung to him, relying on his strength to guide her for the next few minutes.

  She glanced at the remaining rooms downstairs, vaguely registering the enormous size of the house. There was a formal living room, dining room, and a front door that led to somewhere. There was an indoor pool and a den that resembled the man-caves she’d seen on television. In each room, the brothers went into great detail about what they wanted to do to her in them. They pointed out the various surfaces they would take her on, under, against, and in some cases went so far as to position her just so. She felt like a ragdoll, being bent and shaped to their will, then one would pull her close and hold her as if she were a cherished toy.

  Was that all she would be? A toy? Something to play with until they tired of her, or found someone else?

  The entire upstairs was one great master suite, complete with three bedrooms connected like the spokes of a wheel by a sitting room in the center. There were two enormous bathrooms, one on either side of the rooms the brothers occupied. The third bedroom had its own bathroom and a closet roughly the size of Megan’s entire apartment.

  “This would be your room. We haven’t decorated it, so you could design it however you want it,” Jeff said.

  “Why don’t you try the bed?” Jason said. “It’s the biggest of the bunch. We had it specially made to accommodate three people.”

  The enormous four-poster bed would have dwarfed any other room, but this one was big enough to hold it, and then some. Standing in the room, flanked by Jeff and Jason, it suddenly hit Megan. This was real. They actually wanted to do this, had planned to do this. It was too much to wrap her head around. Why her? Why now? Had someone else occupied this room previously? As if she’d voiced her innermost thoughts, Jeff answered.

  “We had the house built when we first came to play for the Mustangs. This room has been empty the entire time. You’re the first person to see it, other than the housekeeper. She keeps it dusted. We’ll have to buy some stuff for the bathroom too.”

  “Why?” she asked, turning to face them. She preferred to look at them rather than the giant b
ed. “Why me? Why now?”

  They shrugged matching broad shoulders like two kids, and then they answered in unison. “Because we want you.”

  Megan laughed at their response, and the absurdity of the situation. “I can’t believe this. I don’t know what to say.” She half turned to look at the bedroom again, then turned back to the matched set watching her. It was absurd, but she missed their touch now that they were back to discussing the situation as if it was a business deal. “I have a life, a good life. I have a job. I can’t move in here and become…what? Your sex slave?” She cursed her fair skin, knowing it was now an unbecoming shade of crimson.

  “No, that isn’t what we want,” Jason said. “We aren’t asking you to give up your life or your job.”

  “Megan,” Jeff said, drawing her attention. “When’s your next day off?”

  “Tomorrow. Why?”

  “We have a game tonight, and another tomorrow afternoon. Let us send a car for you tonight when you get off work. Come spend the night with us.”

  “We won’t pressure you into our bed,” Jason added. “But don’t walk away from the possibility that this could be something special. Jeff and I,” he glanced at his brother, then back to her, “we haven’t felt this instant attraction for the same woman in a long time. And we think you feel it too. It’s hard to explain, but we’ve waited to find the right person, and we think you’re the one.”

  “We don’t want a slave, Megan,” Jeff said. “We want a partner, a lover. And not for just one night. Though, if you give yourself to us for one night and decide it doesn’t work for you, we’ll understand.”

  It was crazy. Or maybe she was crazy because she was beginning to consider…well, consider getting to know them, at least. She couldn’t deny the way her body reacted to their touch. Since she’d arrived, they’d touched her many times and she’d been putty in their hands.

  “Come back tonight. We’ll spend the morning together, then you can go to the game or stay here until we get home. You’ll be back in your apartment in time to go to work on Monday,” Jason reasoned.

  “But…I don’t get off work until eleven.”

  “No problem. We won’t be home until after eleven. Then we have to be at the field at noon tomorrow,” Jeff said. “It’s not much time together, but we want to spend it with you.”

  All the way home, Megan mentally kicked herself for agreeing to spend the next two nights at their home. She’d always thought of herself as levelheaded. Ever since high school, she’d known exactly where she was going, and she’d plotted her way there, never once wavering from her predetermined path. She’d studied Pre-Med in college, earned her degree and enrolled in the best nursing program in Texas. Her college friends said she was nuts not to go on to medical school, but she knew that wasn’t for her, however, she did want to have the science classes as a base for further studies.

  She loved helping people, especially the kids. Their vulnerability touched her. She knew what it was to feel powerless, to live in fear. Growing up, shuttled from one distant relative to the next, she had no control over her life, and lived in constant fear of being turned out completely. It wasn’t any way for a child to grow up, but she’d found strength within herself and survived until her maternal grandparents found her and took her in. She was a ragtag teenager by then, with no direction in life.

  The youth group at her grandmother’s church was going to the local Children’s Hospital to celebrate Halloween with the kids, and she’d signed Megan up to go. Money was tight, but her grandmother had come up with an old-fashioned white nurse’s uniform for her costume. It was her first Halloween costume ever, and she loved it. She was only fourteen at the time, but the youngest kids must have thought she was older, and mistook her for a real nurse. When the church group was ready to leave, they found her playing a card game with a group of kids.

  From that day on, Megan knew what she wanted to do with her life. She hadn’t had time for boys in high school, although she had dated some in college – enough to lose her virginity to another Pre-Med student. After nursing school, she dedicated her life to her work, with the idea in the back of her head that one day she’d fall in love with Mr. Right and have a houseful of kids. Not that she had much hope of finding Mr. Right when she spent so much time at work. It had never seemed like a sacrifice until now. Now she wondered if she hadn’t been missing something in her life.

  Chapter Five

  Now, all she could think about was the two men who wanted her. Her. And, she wanted them more than she had ever wanted any man. They had an insane life – on the road for a week or more at a time – games almost every day. Finding time to be with them would be almost impossible.

  Since the Holder brothers’ visit to the ward, many of the children had become baseball fans. Christopher was doing better, but he still wasn’t well enough to join the group gathered in the day room to watch the game. So Megan made a point to stop in as often as possible to catch a few minutes of the game with him. If he’d been a fan before Jeff’s visit, he was a worshiper now. His favorite baseball card, now autographed, sat on his tray table surrounded by what Megan thought of as a shrine.

  Christopher improved daily, and everyone noticed his renewed enthusiasm for life. A positive outlook and a real desire to get well could work wonders for any patient, but especially children. Megan smiled at the exuberant boy clutching his Mustangs stadium blanket in one hand, while his new baseball glove dwarfed his other hand. Jeff had given him the items, and as he autographed the glove, told Christopher not to give up his dream of being a professional baseball player. If dreams and wishes could make it so, then one day she’d be watching Christopher on television too.

  “Hi, kid. How’s the game going?” she asked.

  “Not so good. The Mustangs are behind, but it’s only the fifth inning.”

  “There are nine innings, right?”

  “Right.” He rolled his eyes at her scant baseball knowledge. “Everyone knows that.”

  “Hey, give me a break,” she teased. “I’m new to this, but I’m learning.” Out of habit, she checked the monitors hooked up to Christopher. Assured all was as well as could be expected, she turned her attention to the ballgame. “Who’s pitching now?”

  “That’s Renner. He’s good, but he doesn’t throw anywhere near as hard as Jeff does.”

  Renner threw a pitch for a strike. “Looks pretty hard to me.”

  “Yeah, well what do you know?”

  “Not much, apparently.” The camera shifted to the catcher, and every one of her woman parts jolted to attention. The camera shot was straight on, providing a close-up of Jason Holder’s face. The mask hid everything but his eyes which were trained on the pitcher in absolute concentration. It was the same look she’d seen on Jeff’s face when he was pitching. She couldn’t help but wonder if they’d apply that much focus to making love, and if they did, how wonderful it would feel to be the recipient of that concentration. Maybe she’d find out tonight.

  She missed Christopher’s next comment as the realization set in. She was going to do it – at least for tonight. She’d made up her mind. One night. She’d give herself this one night to see if what they described was something she could live with.

  * * * *

  The house was dark, except for the warm glow coming from the west end. As the hired car pulled into the portico, Megan went over what she knew of the house. If she weren’t mistaken, the single illuminated room housed the swimming pool. The driver opened the door for her, set her overnight bag on the porch, and pulled away, leaving her standing all alone on Jeff and Jason Holder’s doorstep. Were they even home yet?

  As promised, the door was unlocked so she let herself in. A small light beneath the kitchen cabinets provided enough illumination to see her way through the kitchen. She tripped over a pair of shoes, catching herself before she crashed into the furniture in the living room. Her eyes adjusted to the dim light, and she noticed the trail of discarded clothes leading toward the p
ool. She followed, stepping carefully around the small heaps.

  She heard them before she saw them in the brightly lit pool. Two sets of broad shoulders and arms split the surface, followed by two firm, flexing, lily-white asses. She smiled and stepped to the edge of the deep end to better admire the view. They made the turn at the far end, and in perfect synchronization stroked their way toward her.

  They were equally matched it seemed, kicking and stroking, breathing almost as one. She’d planned to come here, spend some time getting to know them before she decided if she wanted to carry their acquaintance any further. But seeing all those muscles flexing, she suddenly couldn’t wait to get her hands on them. I’m going to be sensible about this. I’m not going to dive into a sexual relationship with two men just because they’re drop-dead gorgeous and built like Adonis.

  Then they came to a stop in front of her. Two identical heads broke the surface, and their eyes instantly lit with recognition. Two perfectly crooked smiles told her they were happy to see her.

  “Hi, Jeff,” she nodded at the one on her left. “Hi, Jason,” she nodded at the twin on her right.

  “You can tell us apart that easily?” Jeff asked.

  “Did I get it right?”

  “You did,” Jason confirmed. “Not many people can do that, especially with so little to go on.”

  “If I saw more, do you think it would be easier?”

  “Oh yeah,” Jason said. One eye closed in a mischievous wink, and all her good intentions flew right out of her brain. “Jeff’s dick is tiny,” he said. Jeff clocked his brother on the back of the head, splashing water onto the pool deck and Megan’s feet.

  “Jackass,” Jeff said. “If my dick is tiny, so is yours.” He folded his arms on the edge of the pool, dismissing Jason. “Don’t mind him. We’re identical, as far as nature goes. It’s the unnatural part that makes him different.”


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