Becoming Faith (JackholeS Book 3)

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Becoming Faith (JackholeS Book 3) Page 17

by Joy Eileen

  “I don’t care about any of that. I want Maddy to be safe. My parents are beside themselves. We have no idea where their only daughter is.”

  “I care more than you could possibly imagine. I want everyone in an abusive relationship to be safe.”

  He rolled his eyes, but I kept going.

  “Maybe we can use some of your sister’s information to find Jason. You could help us get the evidence we need to put him away and find her.”

  “Don’t pretend like you care!” he yelled, making me flinch.

  I backed up as hard as I could against the wall.

  Before I could respond, we both noticed guards headed our way.

  “You ruined everything. You tore my family apart,” he screamed, his eyes wild with anguish and fear. He started backing away into the crowd before the guards reached him.

  “We can try to help you find your sister if you just talk to me.” I gave it one more attempt before he disappeared in the crowd.

  “Fuck off,” the grieving brother screamed, struggling to get away before getting caught.

  My muscles twitched. I let the wall hold me up as I swiped the tears running down my cheek with a shaky hand. The sound of Kill’s singing voice broke me out of my panic attack.

  Instead of plunging back into the crowd to watch the boys, I headed back to sit next to Amy. I needed to tell her what happened so she could help me form a plan to tell Kill without him losing his mind.

  Chapter 15

  “I can’t believe I’m going to miss your first book signing.” Kill raised his voice over the sound of guys yelling in the background. “I’ll be right there,” Kill answered someone.

  He must have moved, because the background noise sounded muffled. “You’ll have to tell me all about it. I’m going to miss your snoring tonight, Slick.”

  “I don’t snore, jackass. I’ll talk to you after your show and tell you all about my signing. I’m going to miss you too. I wish you were here to keep me calm.”

  “I’m not a jackass, and lately you have been snoring. Have I ever lied to you?”

  “So are you saying this is a new occurrence? And you have been lying to me until now? By the way, you’re totally a jackass.” I laughed inside my empty hotel, wishing he were with me. There was a knock at the door before I could go down that pity party.

  “Who’s at the door?” Kill asked, a smile in his voice.

  “What did you do? Are you at the door?” My heart slammed in my chest. I knew it wasn’t possible for Kill to have magically transported to my hotel room, but a girl can dream.

  When I opened the door and noticed the big guy standing in front of me, I screamed, fumbling the phone.

  “What are you doing here?” I yanked him into the room so I could hug him properly.

  “Kill hired me to be your bodyguard during your book tour,” Catcher answered, hugging me back tightly.

  “You hired Catcher for me?” My eyes misted over as I continued to hug my favorite bouncer, unable to let him go.

  I tried to play it cool when I realized Kill would miss most of my signings. Having Catcher by my side made me feel better.

  A thought struck me when I finally released Catcher. “Kill, if Catcher’s going to be my bodyguard, who’s going to take over the bouncer position at Ray’s?”

  “Well...” Kill trailed off just when my phone beeped, alerting me I had another call.

  Ryan’s name flashed on the screen, and a sinking feeling pulled in my stomach. “You didn’t,” I hissed in a hushed tone, afraid Ryan would be able to hear me.

  “Answer Ryan’s call. I’ll be on the other line.” The amusement in Kill’s voice was obvious.

  “How do you know Ryan’s calling me?”

  “Because she’s been trying to reach me all day.”

  I shook my head, clicking over to the other line.

  “What the hell was he thinking?” Ryan screamed before I barely got hello out.

  “What are you talking about?” A sinking suspicion about who had replaced Catcher drilled in my head.

  “Your asshole of a man convinced Ray to give up my bouncer. The bouncer I’ve worked with since the moment I became a bartender. And then had the audacity to convince Ray to hire him.”

  Catcher grabbed a bottle of water out of the mini-fridge and leaned against the couch, getting comfortable just in case Ryan decided to go for a long rant.

  “Who did he convince to take the new bouncer position?” I bit my lip, afraid of the answer.

  “Matt. He freaking got Ray to hire Matt.”

  “Shit, hold on, Ryan. Kill’s on the other line,” I told her, ready to murder Kill.

  “You had Ray hire Matt!” I yelled when I clicked over.


  “How could you do that to Ryan? He broke her heart when he left her. He didn’t even want her to know when he came back into town. Damn it, Kill. The only reason she knew he was back was because Bambi the slut let it slip.”

  “I know, but you have to trust me on this, Slick.”

  “I don’t think this is a good idea at all.”

  “He loves her,” Kill said, stopping me mid-rant.


  “When he went back to Afghanistan, he got caught on an IED. Half of his left leg was blown off. He didn’t want Ryan to know. He was going through a lot of physical therapy, and he was really depressed. He refused to talk to anyone. I asked Ray to do me a favor and hire him. He needs this. They need it.”

  “Holy shit, you’re a romantic at heart.”

  Catcher and I giggled. Kill’s blatant attempt to give Ryan and Matt a second chance at love was adorable.

  “Shut up, Slick.”

  “I seriously love you so hard right now.”

  “Oh yeah? You think I can get some phone sex out tonight?”

  “Goodbye, Killer. Have a great show. Call me when you can.”

  “Kick some book signing ass, Slick. I love you too.”

  I took a deep breath and clicked back over. “Sorry, Ryan. I really tried to get Kill to switch Catcher with Matt. I guess Catcher’s now in contract with my publisher and he can’t break it.”

  Catcher’s eyes widened at my lie. I stuck my tongue out, and he pretended to zip his mouth shut.

  “I can’t freaking believe this. I’ve been nothing but nice to those boys, and how do they repay me? They fucking betray me.”

  “Have you seen him yet?” I crossed my fingers and hoped Kill didn’t screw up.

  I loved Ryan like a really tough non-sugar coated sister. I refused to see her hurt again. Ryan let Matt break through her wall, and he ruined her.

  “No. The dickwad’s supposed to come in tonight for his first shift.”

  “Maybe you should listen to him, Ryan. Talk to him. He might have a good reason for not contacting you.”

  “Faith, I love you, but I just can’t do this right now. Have a great signing.” Ryan hung up before I could respond.

  “I wish I could be a fly on the wall at Ray’s tonight,” Catcher said when I threw my phone in my purse.

  “I don’t think even a fly will be safe tonight. Ryan has amazing aim. I hope Matt has fast reflexes.”

  Catcher laughed as he helped me gather my stuff so we could get to my first signing.


  The smell of heavy perfume, weed and alcohol went straight up my nose causing it to wrinkle from the assault. Catcher's eyes trained on the person the intoxicated breath came from behind me. My stomach rolled over as the smell became more noticeable when I turned around.

  A girl wearing a short black dress and last nights makeup wobbled in front of me. "I'm your personal assistant, Jennifer." A gurgling sound came from deep in her stomach. I watched in fascinated horror as she swallowed hard on what I assumed was bile rushing up her throat.

  "Are you drunk?" I hissed the obvious question.

  She blinked her mascara caked eyelashes stuck together for a second before she could open them. She opened her mouth
and emitted a loud burp. "No, I'm not drunk," Jennifer objected wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

  "I'm sorry. I can't have you here."

  "I was assigned as your PA. You can't make me leave. I'll call Andrea." Jennifer's cheeks blotched with red angry splotches.

  The small crowd of readers that had come early to catch a glimpse of me were watching our exchange. Some were getting their phones out. I snatched Jennifer's wrist and pulled her in the corner somewhat hidden from the onlookers.

  "I'll call Andrea and tell her you showed up drunk off your ass and wearing last night’s clothes."

  "These are not last night clothes," she yelled pulling down the tiny dress. "You can't fire me. I was hired by Andrea." Jennifer crossed her arms over her chest and glared at me with a triumphant smile.

  "I can fire you. You can't come to your first day on the job still drunk. Hell, you can't come to your job drunk on your hundredth day."

  "I'm calling Andrea." Jennifer grabbed her phone and dialed.

  Catcher stood next to me shaking his head as we watched her continue to glare at us.

  "Is this really happening?" he asked not bothering to be quiet.

  "I think so. I didn't see any hidden camera's around," I answered him.

  "Andrea, this is Jennifer Fisk. I just got here for Faith's signing and she fired me." The hand not holding the phone jerked in the air showing how upset she was. "I didn't do anything wrong. I was here on time. She just fired me."

  Catcher and I watched as Jennifer's brows pulled together listening to what Andrea was saying on the other line.

  "Uhmm, no she didn't give me any excuse. She’s fucking psycho," Jennifer lied her triumphant smile fading away. "Can you just reassign me?" Jennifer nodded her head as she listened to Andrea and finally hung up after saying good bye. "She's going to move me to a sane author. Good luck on your signing today without any help."

  Jennifer wobbled again as she walked out taking her stench with her. I rubbed my forehead the smell of her perfume and everything else coming out of her pores made my head ache.

  My phone rang in my purse and I wasn't surprised with Andrea's name popped up on the screen.

  "Faith, what happened?" Her voice was calm and not accusing.

  "She showed up drunk, high, and in last nights club attire," I informed her. "I'm also pretty sure she almost puked on me."

  Andrea snorted over the phone. In the time we negotiated my contract we had developed a good relationship with each other, and she knew I wasn't one to sugar coat things.

  "Well that is a first to hear. Faith, I'm sorry. She was very professional in her interview. I knew I should have sent you a more seasoned PA. I won't be able to get you a replacement for this signing but I promise to have one for you by your next one."

  "Don't worry about it. I have my bodyguard Catcher here with me today. I'm sure we can get through this one on our own."

  "Thanks for being so understandable. I need to call Jennifer and tell her she will not be reassigned in this company ever. I'll get right on finding you a replacement. I'm so sorry, Faith. Thank you for being so understanding. You are the talent and you could have thrown a huge fit."

  I smiled at her candid honesty. "Well in that case, next time I want imported water in my room at the set temp of seventy three degrees."

  Andrea laughed on the other end of the line. "I'll call you later to see how the signing went. Good luck."

  There was a timid tap on my shoulder. "Faith Annabelle?" A tiny girl in baggy clothing stared at me through her thick glasses. They must have been heavy because she kept pushing them up with her finger in frustration.

  “I’m Faith.”

  “The line’s over there. The signing will start in two hours.” Catcher’s voice was soothing, noticing the girl’s obvious anxiety.

  “Oh, no. Forgive me, but I overheard what just happened. My last job was as a personal assistant. I know this is presumptuous, but I would be more than happy to help you today if you needed it."

  I was surprised by her courage. She was such a nervous little thing her offer pushed me off guard.

  “I’m Tilly.” She stuck out her hand. Her sweater nearly engulfed it. I took in her appearance and even in the cooler air her layering seemed excessive.

  “Hi, Tilly. It's nice to meet you. I appreciate your offer, but you don't have to do this.”

  “I would love to help you out. I understand if you don't want me to but I thought I would offer. I didn't mean to bother you.” She twisted the sleeve of her overly large sweater.

  I put my hand on her, stilling her movements. She jerked back, her skittish behavior making me want to reassure her.

  “I would love your help. That is if you're sure you want to do this.”

  "I'm sure." Tilly smiled shyly at me.

  "I'm not really sure what I need you to do," I admitted. "The personal assistant my agent sent me was supposed to already know her job assignments."

  “Don’t worry about it. Like I said I've done this before. Not with book signings but I've been in charge of events. Just leave it to me.” Her brown eyes blinked at me before putting her glasses back into place.

  I noticed her face was devoid of any makeup, and she had a look of innocence about her. She was endearing.

  "I appreciate you coming to my rescue. My agent is looking for a replacement for me, but if you want to stay with me through the whole tour I can call her to let her know."

  "That would be wonderful. I just moved out here, and was looking for a new job."

  "This is a moving book tour. We will be all over the west coast. Is that okay with you?" I asked, amazed how quickly my luck had turned around.

  "Yes, being jobless I really don't have any other obligations. This is actually perfect."

  “Well, I guess this is yours.” Catcher handed her the itinerary Andrea had sent us.

  Tilly grabbed it from him and flipped through it. Her smile was huge.

  “Okay, well, we’re just setting everything up at the moment. The signing doesn’t start for another couple of hours. This is my first one. I wanted to make sure I had it all ready. I'll call Andrea right now.”

  My cheeks heated at my eagerness. This was a big deal to me, and with Catcher by my side I was able to enjoy the experience more, knowing I was safe.

  “Who are you?” Tilly asked, eyeing Catcher, who hadn’t left my side.

  “Tilly, this is Catcher, my bodyguard. Catcher, I guess this is Tilly, my PA.”

  Catcher stood his full height, dwarfing Tilly by a good foot and a half. Tilly frowned at him as they shook hands.

  “Are you going to be with Faith the whole time?”

  “He is. My boyfriend, Kill, hired him because he won’t be able to make any of the signings.”

  “So Kill’s never going to be around?” The pink flush on her cheeks made me think she was a little star struck, which made sense why she jumped into the job so quickly.

  “No, his tours are going to keep him pretty busy. So it’ll be the three of us for the signings.”

  The frown on Tilly’s face got even deeper. “Is it really necessary for you to have a full-time bodyguard? I mean, I get that you wrote a book, and you’re affiliated with Killian. I just don’t see how a full-time bodyguard’s a must.”

  I bristled at her assumption but stopped myself from snapping back at her. She was innocent, and she had no idea about the situation she agreed to be in.

  “Yes, Tilly. A full-time bodyguard’s necessary. I guess I need to explain some things for you to decide if you want to stay with the tour. This book’s based on my past. I’m not sure if you read it or not, but it’s about a woman who escapes from an abusive relationship. Although I don’t name names, this book’s about my relationship with my ex, Jason.”

  Tilly’s eyes cut to the pile of books on the table, waiting to be signed. I was stunned when she didn’t turn and run the other direction at my explanation, but I wasn’t finished.

s extremely dangerous. He was in a mental facility, but we recently found out he’s no longer a resident there. We have a PI searching for him, but he hasn’t been able to locate him. This book has the potential to push Jason to the edge, and that’s why Catcher is a must.”

  I shivered as I spoke. With all the excitement of the boys going on tour and the book release, Jason had been pushed to the back of my mind. With Catcher standing next to me, it was clear he had not been pushed to the back of Kill’s.

  “If you want to back out of being my PA I completely understand. I just needed to have full disclosure with you.”

  Tilly pushed her glasses up, her cheeks blotched with red patches. I braced myself for her resignation. But she surprised me when she pulled back her shoulders. “I’ll be fine. How long has it been since you have heard from this Jason guy anyway?”

  “That’s not the point,” Catcher interjected. “Faith’s trying to explain that you could be entering in a dangerous situation. She wanted to make you aware before you started working for her.”

  He knew how much talking about Jason affected me. He’d been there the night Jason was served the restraining order. Hell, he’d been with me through all the other events surrounding Jason. I patted Catcher’s hand, letting him know I was fine.

  “It’s been a while since I heard from him,” I admitted, “but I also changed my number. I just need you to understand. If you still want the job, you can help Catcher with the set-up. I appreciate you coming to my rescue and you are welcome on this tour if you want to stay.”

  “If it’s so dangerous, why don’t you just quit the signing? It seems stupid to put yourself in a risky situation.” Tilly twisted the sleeve on her sweater again.

  I gave her a confident smile. There wasn’t enough time to explain my reasoning why I was risking my safety to promote my book. It was sweet she was worried about me. “It’s my chance to help,” I told her, giving her the short answer. “Catcher will keep us safe if you want the job. I’m glad you’re here to help. Don’t worry about me. I just wanted you to know.”

  Tilly nodded, her shoulders slumping when she spotted the long line of readers. I watched her nervously walk to the boxes of swag.


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