The Dryad in Her Pool

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The Dryad in Her Pool Page 2

by Allie Standifer

  “By Gaia’s breasts, you are so ready for me, so wet and eager to have me fuck you.” The words were whispered as Reece brushed soft kisses down the length of her jaw. “Now I’ll have what I want, what I must have.”

  Nuzzling the side of her neck, Reece shifted position until he stood with his legs encasing hers. He leaned over enough to keep his weight off her. When his hands pressed against the butter soft leather, the movement shifted Quinn to her side. Reece muttered something disparaging about her expensive couch before scooping her up in his arms.

  “The bedroom?” he questioned in a low, desperate tone she couldn’t deny.

  Somehow, within seconds of her pointing the way, Quinn’s back was resting against her soft cotton sheets while Reece leaned over her. He trailed kisses from one side of her neck to the top of her shoulders. Nipping kisses rained over her sensitive skin as she moved into his touch. Taking his time, he moved down her body—licking, tasting and kissing everywhere. Reaching her pebbled nipples, he sucked each one deep into the heat of his mouth, teasing his tongue around the sensitive peaks until Quinn begged, arching her back, shoving more of her flesh into the depths of his mouth.

  Reece abandoned her tight breasts to move down her body. By the time he’d tasted and nibbled his way past her stomach—pausing only long enough to tease his tongue around her belly button—he was on his knees before her. Running both hands down her sides, he hooked the top of her underwear with his fingers. The gentle motion left her completely unprepared for his next move.

  Using his teeth, Reece ripped the soft cotton material completely off her damp body. She lay naked before him, vulnerable in a way she didn’t understand, but refused to accept.

  “Come up here,” she cajoled, holding her arms out.

  The blazing heat and need dominating his eyes nearly seared her to the bone as their gazes met. “Will have your taste in my mouth first. Then I’ll fuck you until neither one of us can move. After that, I can claim you in front of my colony and my tree.”

  “Huh?” Yeah, there were a few things she needed to be clarified for her continued good mental health—like how he’d moved them from the living room to the bedroom in just the blink of an eye—but now wasn’t the time. No, the only thing she wanted to know was how hot and hard he’d feel filling her up.

  “Mine,” he growled. Using the width of his shoulders Reece spread her thighs farther apart. Then he lifted her legs and moved both of her feet to rest on his muscled, lightly hair-covered thigh. Reece dragged his kiss-swollen lips up the inside of her leg. The closer he grew to her needy, pulsing pussy, the stronger her need was to watch. The sight of his dark-haired head nestled at her most intimate juncture had her fisting the cotton sheet beneath her as the anticipation of his touch grew. When his tongue flicked out to touch then lick her core, Quinn let out a strangled scream. All the strength left her upper body as she flopped boneless back to the mattress.

  When he spoke, his heated breath fanned over her sensitive clit. “Even sweeter than I ever imagined.” He gave her slit a long, slow lap.

  Quinn couldn’t stop her hips from lifting in a silent entreaty, wanting more. With a strange chuffing sound, Reece licked her slick cunt lips before spearing his tongue inside her. Her feet pushed down on his strong thighs while she rocked her pussy against his oh so talented mouth. Closer and closer to the edge of her pleasure she grew, the faster she pushed and the louder she pleaded for something she wasn’t sure existed.

  Never having participated in oral sex, as the giver or receiver, Quinn didn’t know pleasure like this could even exist. Oh, she’d heard the gossip and rumours about the pleasure other women got from the act. But, until Reece, she’d thought the whole thing would be embarrassing and degrading to both parties. So much for her thinking that something was wrong with her for never being aroused by another man’s intimate touch. Obviously it had been to do with her previous lovers and not her.

  “Stay with me.” Reece drew hard on her clit and pushed a finger deep inside her.

  “Yes,” she panted breathlessly, all thoughts of other men fading from her memory when Reece pushed a second finger into her hungry depths. “More,” she demanded as she spread her thighs wider.

  Pushing a third thick finger within the slick grasp of her pussy, Reece pumped in and out of her greedy depths as she cried out.

  “Come on my fingers, mate. Come in my mouth.”

  His command took over her body. Her hips eagerly countered every pump of his fingers in and out of her soaked pussy. The pleasuring thrust of his hand never stopped as Reece continued licking then sucking on her clit. Quinn squeezed her internal muscles around the wide digits that were moving in and out of her faster and faster. The release she craved was so close… Her body clenched down hard as she fisted more of the bottom sheets in her sweaty hands.

  “Reece!” she screamed as her orgasm barrelled up and consumed her. She fell over the edge into pleasure. Her pussy tugged again and again at the hands responsible for her ecstasy while wave after wave of pleasure washed over her. His thrusting movements never stopped. Her orgasm ebbed and flowed, never ending as his lips sucked and nipped her swollen clit.

  “Can’t,” she panted, finally releasing the sheet to uselessly push at his head. “No more, Reece.”

  “One more,” he demanded in his dark voice while he added a fourth finger into her already tight pussy. “Fly for me again, mate of my heart.”

  His emotional words and the tight feel of four fingers fucking her sent her back into the maelstrom of pleasure. Somewhere in the distance she heard hoarse screams and only vaguely realised it was her as she soared and broke apart.

  When he finally allowed her to come down, she lay limply on the bed, unable to move, barely able to breath as aftershocks of pleasure continued to make their way through her body.

  The weight of his frame suddenly felt heavier against her sated limbs. A sense of foreboding tickled her brain as she looked down on the sexiest man alive and watched in open astonishment as her dream lover opened his talented lips…and let out a snore to rival a four hundred pound trucker.

  Who the hell was this magical man?

  Chapter Two

  The moment he attempted to open his cement-crusted eyes, Reece Oaks groaned at the pain crashing through his head. With slow, precise moves, he rubbed his eyes open to find nothing familiar around him.

  “By Nero’s fiddle, where the hell am I?” Reece winced as even his whispered words caused the pounding in his head to reach a crescendo.

  “Well, Romeo, your drunk ass passed out in my bed early this morning. I’ll die a grateful woman since at least you didn’t kick in your sleep. Though the number of magical and paranormal references you kept dropping felt more like Noah and the flood.”

  The husky, irritated feminine voice caressed his skin while jerking his cock to attention. Too quickly, Reece swung his head to follow the sound of her voice. Pain made his eyes water, while the vision lounging in the doorway simply took his breath away.

  Sable curls tumbled down in a delightful mess as green eyes glared at him. His hostess seemed reluctant, to say the least, but everything about the lushly curved beauty called to him until the pain in his cock overrode the pounding in his head.

  White cotton covered all those important areas humans seemed so fixated on—though their opinions and ideals changed rapidly from century to century, so who knew if she was being shockingly immodest or simply comfortable in her delicious-looking skin?

  Two satin, shiny ribbons graced the outside of each curved thigh with a small border of lace decorating the matching cotton shorts she wore. The top left the beauty of her arms bare while dipping modestly between her succulent bosoms.

  With her every inhale Reece was treated to the delightful rise and fall of her full, heavy breasts. His mouth watering at the mere thought of tasting her sweet flesh had him checking the side of his mouth for drool. Thank the fates his fingers came away dry.

  “Unless you lik
e the strong silent type, you’d better try talking to me rather than my boobs.”

  He darted his gaze up and away from the magnificent flesh. Reece’s cheeks heated with something besides angered frustration. How long had it been since he’d blushed? For that matter, had he ever been embarrassed before in all his long life?

  “Uh huh, keep going, big guy. If you try and try, I’m sure you can manage to force your eyes up.”

  The stranger—for, no matter her beauty, the female really was strange—didn’t bother to hide her sarcastic tone and her rather undeserved scorn.

  A bit peeved by her and her attitude, Reece made sure his gaze roamed over her from head to toe before finally meeting her pale green eyes. He forced one eyebrow up. If she wanted to play the snob game, he was more than up for it.

  “Well, look who deserves a cookie?” The irritable female shot him a cheesy but empty smile before crossing her arms underneath the breasts she didn’t deserve. When she tilted her head to the side, he thought he saw beard markings. Had he made those? Or was there another man he needed to warn off his woman?

  The thought stopped him short. When did he ever consider any woman his? They were pretty much all alike, in his experienced opinion.

  Pushing himself up and off the bed, Reece stood looking down at his…captive? Tormenter? Or fellow inmate at the asylum? Sadly, the last just might prove to be closer to the truth than he liked.

  His friends were creative in their revenge, and they owed him for the whole Area 51 thing…

  “I’ll assume you know where we’re at?” He forced his attention away from the immature practical jokes and back to the rather irritated, but sexy matter at hand.

  A casual shrug of one silky-looking shoulder. “Reece, honey, I think we’re beyond casual conversation. Besides, we did discuss all this last night. Well…we talked a little before you passed out the first time, but mostly it was the second conversation that answered my questions. I’m still waiting for the head spinning and the pea soup projection, because things like this just don’t happen to normal, boring people like me.”

  Last night? Ha. The only thing he remembered about the past evening was a large bottle of premium imported Canadian sap. After that, everything had pretty much ended in a swirling blur of pale green and soft browns. If Trenton hadn’t shown up with his favourite brand, Reece felt sure he would have been able to say no.

  Instead he found himself at the debatable mercy of a mortal and a great big wall of nothing where his memories from last night should be.

  “And…ah…what exactly did we discuss last night?” Nerves he’d never before known existed had him swallowing nervously and shying his gaze away from the only person with answers. “I’m sure you understand nothing I said should be taken seriously. A friend of mine came over and we…er…celebrated a little more than we should have.”

  Speaking of last night, why in the name of Mount Vesuvius did his head still ache? Being immortal did have its perks and one of them should have been immunity from all sicknesses. What was a hangover, but the body’s attempt to regulate its internal water levels?

  “Funny…” The irresistible—no, Reece corrected himself firmly, irritating…yes, the word he’d meant to use was irritating—female practically sang the words. “Yes, very funny considering how loquacious you were only hours ago. In fact”—she tapped a manicured finger against her full bottom lip before connecting their gazes—“you wouldn’t shut up even when I begged you to. The singing really was the worst of it. Show tunes I could handle, though, when you started in on commercial jingles, I resorted to pleas, heartfelt entreaties and an offer of oral sex, but you refused it all. You didn’t stop. Not even when my neighbours from two miles away called and asked you to put a sock in it did you close your mouth. You were that loud, Puff the Magic Dryad boy. The nice police officer tried several times to shut you up, but you only sang the donut song louder and even more off key, which none of us thought possible.”

  Reece stood there, arms hanging limply at his sides, while he listened to the lies—please, dear Creator, let this be nothing, but teasing lies—set up thanks to his mischievous, but brilliant friends.

  However, as much as he wanted them to be lies, the truth had a stronger ring to it, and he found himself believing every word the surprisingly verbose woman had to say. And why the hell did he think he could already taste her in his mouth, on his tongue?

  “I really have no idea what to say.” Or how the hell to go about apologising. Did she say something about neighbours and the human police? Great redwoods in the sky.

  Reece was wondering if he could possibly get more screwed without taking his clothes off when she spoke again.

  “Oh, no—you always have something to say or sing. The speaking part was fine. However, when you sing… Let’s face it, I’m being way too kind calling that thing you do singing. So, you and the music that causes cats to howl, dogs to whimper, and I believe I saw a goat ramming itself into the side of a tree once you really got started…”

  “Um…okay?” Really, what else did she want him to say? Begging forgiveness even when they’d never see each other again didn’t sit right with him. Then again, leaving the whole mess in her lap to deal with had started sounding better and better. A little magic to fog her memory of last night would go a long way in restoring his manhood and pride.

  She cocked a hip, planting one fist there and the other on the doorjamb. Those amazing, annoying pale green orbs locked on him with no mercy. Something within him jerked and stretched like a flower unfurling to the sun.

  “No, it’s really not okay.”

  By her tone alone, Reece knew things were about to get worse. Why was he still there? Really, it wasn’t like he couldn’t disappear with a single thought, but something he wouldn’t define held him frozen.

  “It’s really, really not okay.”

  “Do I need a lawyer?” The question was supposed to be a joke, but the way she stopped to consider it had the palms of his hands sweating. He cringed at the all too human reaction his body was having. Something must be wrong with his tree, his colony, for his body and magic to react in such an unfamiliar way.

  “Oh, I’d say you’re way past the whole one phone call idea, but, then again, I’ve never been arrested, so what do I know?” she asked with a casual shrug that belied the tension in her voice. The motion caused her loose sable curls to scatter and slide over her sleeveless arms. “You just might, but first let me get to the good part, then you can pick which issue to deal with first. ‘Cause I’m pretty much ready to dump this mess in your lap and haul ass.”

  “There’s more than one issue?” Exactly what had he done last night and why the hell had his friends let him out alone? Even though he’d had similar thoughts earlier about leaving everything in this human’s seemingly capable hands, Reece resented the ease with which she claimed she would abandon him.

  She slowly nodded, expression tight. Lifting the hand from her hip, she counted off each point as she spoke. “First, there’s the lovely oak tree in my living room. Second, the dogwood in the kitchen that wasn’t there when I bought the place, but it’s currently home to my cat and a nice new toilet for my dog. Third would have to be the enormous redwood that grew through the basement, past the downstairs and upstairs hallways then out through the roof.”

  Damn—when she put it out there so plainly, it did seem like Reece had caused more than his share of trouble. “Okay, I get how weird it must be to have trees suddenly sprout up in your house…”

  Emotion flared violently in her eyes as she dropped her bored pretence and crossed the distance between them. “I couldn’t give a flying fudge-cycle if there were a hundred trees growing out of my ass, genius.” She poked the tender area of his chest with the blunt tip of her unpainted nail. “What I care about is the fact that these trees used to be people!” The last part came out as a loud, ear-ringing screech that had Reece reaching up to protect his suddenly sensitive ears as his stomach dropped.
  It took three swallows before he could form the words. “I…uh…people…? This isn’t good.” Dropping the protective grip he had on his head, Reece tried to step back but found his legs hitting the stubbornly solid mattress.

  Little Miss Finger Poker matched him step for step, the lethal digit out and waving around with each of her small yet threatening steps. “Damn freakin’ Skippy it ain’t good, Captain Obvious. Those people are currently being used as a port-o-potty by my very ambitious Pyrenees Wolfhound mix. Trust me—that is one dog with a large bladder and no performance issues. Dante can go whenever and wherever the urge strikes him. Right now the urge has him lifting a leg over people who used to be my neighbours and one very nice officer of the law.”

  “I did all that?” Because what were the chances some other random immortal popped in here at the same time and wreaked havoc all over this poor woman’s life? “Did I say anything before or after I transitioned them?” There had to be a reasonable explanation for such a wanton use of his powers. If not, members of his colony would be hard pressed not to punish him. However, if they chose to punish him, who would they pick to do so since he was one of the oldest and most powerful?

  Biting her pouty bottom lip, she gave a small nod. Her change in demeanour flipped a switch, and the picture of her spread naked beneath him, lips swollen from his kisses, flashed through his addled mind. “You used the same phrase last night—transition. Then you yelled at them and accused them of not being good enough for your mate. In her honour, you were going to create a timeless monument in tribute to her. Then you ran into the wall, fell on your ass and hit your elbow on my poor coffee table. You managed to stumble to your feet, mumble a little more, before fainting and falling face first into my compost pile outside.”

  The word ‘mate’ echoed through his rather empty mind as bits and pieces of last night drifted against the previous black wall of his brain. “Mate?” Could he have found her after all these years? Had he been so drunk he’d left the poor woman secured in the safety and heart of his guards? “Where is she? Who is she? What else did I tell you? Hurry, female, I must know everything.” This time Reece was the one to reach out and touch her, impatience firing his blood as he waited for her to speak.


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