The Dryad in Her Pool

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The Dryad in Her Pool Page 4

by Allie Standifer

  “Gladly,” she finally retorted with a slight smile. With its appearance, Reece finally felt capable of taking his first deep breath since he’d woken up this morning. If Quinn could smile at him, then maybe he hadn’t screwed things up completely.

  And maybe, just maybe, he hadn’t screwed up his one chance to be with the only woman meant to be his.

  The relief Quinn saw in Reece’s dark eyes affected her more than she wanted to admit. The man who had woken up in her bed this morning had been the last person she wanted to spend her life with, but this man—this smiling, helpful, unsure man—made her want to jump into his life and take him to her bed again and again.

  Would he object if she ripped off his clothes and took advantage of his sexy, well-muscled body? The pool of wetness growing in her panties urged her to follow through, but common sense reared its ugly head.

  “So until said two by four is needed, would you have any objections to taking a short trip with me?”

  She might have said no but the hesitation in his voice had her inner wimp caving. “Where do you want to take me?” The weenie inside her might be calling the shots, but it didn’t mean her backbone had totally disappeared.

  He ducked his head, but not before she saw the flush of embarrassment colour his tanned cheeks. “I don’t remember much of what I said or did last night, but, since I transformed the mortals back to their human form, I guess you know about magic and what I am.”

  Yeah, watching his delectable lips earlier as he’d whispered words in an unknown language had had her thighs clenching. The reaction to his words had buckled her knees until she’d sat slack-jawed on the floor. The man had power—real, honest magical power. He’d more than proven that fact when the former humans had been transformed back into their natural shapes. Another word or two, and the people previously turned into vegetation had walked out of her house and down her drive without a word.

  If Reece hadn’t assured her of the mind wipe thing he’d done before releasing them, Quinn would have been in total panic mode.

  “Uh, last night wasn’t exactly a sterling example of magic at its finest.” Thinking back to the people turned trees event of only a few hours ago, Quinn wondered if anyone had ever understated a sentence more. “Thanks for”—she waved a hand indicating the now tree-free house—“all that.”

  “It was the least I could do since I created the problem in the first place.” The simply offered statement gave no sign of hidden resentment. “I feel like I should apologise again for my actions. It seems Canadian tree sap is more potent than I expected. Having never tried the particular strength before, it had me under before I knew it.”

  “Never been a big fan of tree sap so I can’t comment. However, having been the victim of Jose Cuervo a time or two, I can commiserate, at least a little.” Even thinking of her tequila run-in had her stomach clenching in remembered pain.

  Lifting a hand to rub at his temple, he shot her a sheepish smile. “You might find this hard to believe, but I never overindulge. I can’t even remember how I ended up here.”

  “I can’t help you with how you got here, but I did find you in the middle of my pool.”

  “Was anyone with me, or was I alone when you found me?”

  “No one else was in sight.” Remembering the view of his body as it had risen out of the water had the saliva drying up in her mouth. The erotic image of her first glimpse of Reece had forever burned itself in her brain.

  “Where in the name of the redwood trees did everyone go? The last I remember we were in the forest of what your people call Oregon, sipping my friend’s fine vintage, retelling a few jokes. Then the next thing I know, I’m waking up in your bed after apparently transforming mortals who dared complain about my singing.”

  Quinn smiled at the grumpy, affronted look he affected. “To be fair to mortals the world over, or anyone with a working set of ears, your singing had really bad results. As I mentioned before, the neighbourhood animals were torturing themselves to prevent hearing you.”

  “I’d defend myself, but there really doesn’t seem to be much point. The events pretty much speak for themselves. Though, in my defence, the fae of my world have never once bashed their heads against inanimate objects to get away from my voice. I’m considered quite the singer in my world.”

  While she didn’t doubt his word, it seemed to Quinn the people of his world lacked the sensitive hearing of humans, canines, felines or even random goats. “Then maybe you should keep your, ah…talent to the other dryads and people able to appreciate your unique voice.”

  “I believe you are right. Now,” he said, standing from the table, “will you allow me to take you to my colony? My tree would love to be introduced to you.”

  And why didn’t that sound weird to her, like it would have done only yesterday afternoon? Certainly she’d heard of taking a man home to meet the parents, but this was the first time she’d been offered the opportunity to meet a guy’s tree. Should she be worried? Could a tree have an opinion? What if it didn’t like her? Would Reece reject her as well? And why the hell were these questions even going through her head?

  Reece was just a man she’d known less than twenty-four hours. He didn’t mean anything to her—how could he when they’d only met last night, knew so little about each other and were from two different freaking species? How did he expect her to accept anything between them when he would live to experience the next ice age, and she’d be dust in the ground?

  It was really hard to keep an open mind and heart when Quinn knew she would be putting haemorrhoid cream on her eyes and he’d still be looking as good as he did today. Talk about feeling resentful after a few years. The first time someone referred to her as his mother—or, heaven help her, his sugar mama—last night’s events would be nothing in comparison to what she’d do.

  “Ah…is it necessary to meet this tree of yours? How will I know if it…he…she likes me?”

  “My tree is ambiguous, but I refer to the spirit as him. It’s more personal than simply referring to wise council as it.”

  “Okay, I can understand that—it’s more respectful, too. So where is your tree, and what should I do when we meet? I mean, is there a certain protocol I need to follow? Hide number two pencils, hardback books and paper shredders?”

  She watched him fight a smile at her words. “I, for one, would appreciate it. Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of being open to the experience and allowing him to touch your spirit.”

  “Touch my spirit? Is that anything like closing my eyes and thinking of England?” Teasing him might not be a smart idea, but at this point, after everything they’d been through, why not be herself?

  From the smile he shot her, Reece understood and appreciated her warped sense of humour. “I wouldn’t say you’d have to go that far. Just be yourself and allow him to see who you really are.”

  “I can do that.” It didn’t sound so bad. Maybe she’d do the equivalent of shaking hands—the meet and greet type thing.

  “Then why don’t I clean up in here and let you get ready? We can leave right after that.” The offer he had made was sweet, helpful and would allow Quinn a bit more time to put herself together. A woman needed extra time when preparing to meet the equivalent of her husband’s family.

  Quinn shot a smile to him then jumped to her feet and dashed out of the room, already running through her clothes options.

  Reece kept the satisfied smile off his face until Quinn had disappeared around the corner. The morning had gone better than he could have imagined. Never would he have guessed at the start that he’d be ending the day introducing his mate to his spirit tree.

  Quickly, he tidied up the kitchen, grateful that Quinn was the type to clean up after herself. It took only a few minutes to have everything straightened out.

  Waiting semi-patiently for Quinn to finish her preparations, he sat on the leather sofa, a small smile curving his lips. Every moment spent in Quinn’s company solidified their connecti
on and granted him the greater ability to connect with her.

  Even their taste in colours and textures meshed—a nice surprise. The soft plush cushions the colour of dark blood berries blended well with the willow bark colour couch, while throw pillows of various bright contrasting shades were tossed casually in the corners. Light coloured wood left in its natural state gleamed in the bright rays of sunlight splashing through the oversized windows and French doors overlooking the pool. The Persian carpet with a mix of all the colours centred the room and completed the homey but elegant feel.

  Reece didn’t have the uncomfortable feeling he usually did in other mortals’ homes. Maybe that had more to do with Quinn being his mate than her charming decorating taste, but he thought it might be a mix of both.

  “Are you ready?” Quinn’s voice pulled him away from his thoughts. His immortal heart skipped a beat when he took in the full beauty of the only female meant to be his.

  From the top of her luxurious, dark locks to the tips of her sapphire-painted toenails, Quinn combined every dream, fantasy and wish he’d ever made. Too perfect to be mortal, too kind to be immortal. Reece didn’t know how or why the fates had chosen to bind them, but he’d spend the rest of his long life grateful for their kindness and generosity.

  Add that to the normal sexual needs of the first mate binding, and Reece could almost taste Quinn’s unique essence slipping down his throat. The very thought of her splayed out as his own personal all-you-can-eat buffet sent shivers of need skating down his spine.

  The compulsion to touch, taste and take his mate would grow until he could no longer deny the urges. The joining of their bodies would complete the bond and cement their life forces into one. Quinn would live as long as Reece did, and vice versa—a bonus when he considered how brief the normal life spans of mortals were.

  “Yes,” he said, rising from the couch. “Take my hand and we’ll be there in moments.”

  Instead of taking his hand, Quinn narrowed her eyes and took one step back. “Please tell me we’re not travelling the ‘beam me up’ style?”

  “Beam me up?” Reece understood her words, but not the context in which she used them.

  “Yes—beam, transport, transfer, teleport…magically move me from point A to point B in a snap.”

  “My people call it simply transporting. There is no risk when travelling this way, if that is what worries you.” The ability he took for granted must seem overwhelming to such a young human.

  “Yeah, about that. I’m not really into any form of travel that involves my molecules or atoms or whatevers to be broken down into almost non-existence then transported to someplace completely different. What happens if someone sneezes as my dots of DNA fly by? Will I be missing parts when the rest of me comes together? Or will my head end up on my ass and my feet replace my nose? I could be left permanently picking my nose for eternity.”

  The serious look in her beautiful eyes had Reece biting back the laughter threatening to spill from his clenched lips. Once he felt more in control of himself, he chose his words carefully and made sure to keep his answer as non-humorous as possible.

  “The travel time, as you might call it, happens instantaneously, Quinn. There is no chance of anyone interfering with or rearranging your body parts. There will never be a danger to you even after you learn to move from place to place by yourself. We teach our children this method young as protection from hunters. No doubt you’ll have the method perfected by the time we’re ready to teach our own young ones.”

  The last thought stopped him. Young ones of his own—a perfect blend of Quinn’s beauty and his heritage mixed into one tiny being…

  All colour drained out of her face before she stumbled to the loveseat and fell back onto the cushion. “Kids? Me transporting? Kids?”

  Her repeated use of the word ‘kids’ caused him some concern. Did she not want to create children with him? The idea shocked him as all his people revered the young of any species. The possibility of his woman, his forever mate, denying them both the joy and pleasure of creating babies caused his heart to ache.

  “How the hell would I know?” Quinn’s question came out high-pitched and breathy. “This is the first time I’ve thought about it. Yesterday my life was normal, even boring to some. Today I’m supposed to contemplate popping my body from place to place, getting pregnant and, oh, let’s not forget my supposed mate who introduced me to magic for the first time last night.” Angrily, she crossed her arms under her breasts, seemingly unaware of the delightful way it pushed her cleavage out all the better for his viewing pleasure.

  Tearing his gaze away from the delightful bounty of her bosoms, Reece wearily rubbed a sore spot between his eyes. “Quinn, I understand this is difficult for you to—”

  “Oh, no you don’t!” Quinn stepped right up to him and poked her trimmed fingernail against his chest. “You don’t get to say you understand because you don’t. You have no way of understanding what this feels like from where I’m standing. Everything I knew and accepted has been turned upside down, flipped to the side then scrambled like a couple of eggs. Until the rug is pulled from under your feet, you don’t get to say you understand.” Finishing her mini lecture, she stepped back, breathing heavily.

  “Fine, I don’t exactly understand, but I sympathise with your situation. I want you to know I’ll do everything to make the transition as easy as possible for you. I’ll be by your side every minute until you’re comfortable being alone in the colony.” Surely his mate wouldn’t think he’d drop her off then leave her to find her way around her new home alone? Some males might do just that, but Reece had more consideration than the average dryad male.

  “Oh shit, I’m feeling sick to my stomach, my head is spinning and nothing is looking solid right now.” Quinn’s head dropped to her palm as she leaned over her spread thighs.

  “Is there anything I can get you?” Maybe there was something in her mortal home causing this sickness and feelings of nausea? But she wasn’t sick last night, his inconvenient conscience picked that moment to pipe up. Then again, how would he know she wasn’t ill yesterday? Most of his memories from last night were sketchy at best.

  For all Reece knew, Quinn could be allergic to her world and the only way to save her life would be the natural, chemical-free existence of his colony.

  “You can grab a whole dose of reality.” Her voice came out a bit muffled as she spoke with her head still down. “Whatever you’re on now is causing delusions of grandeur and self-importance.”


  Chapter Four

  Slowly lifting her head, Quinn squinted at him. Even sitting down she seemed to look down her nose as she spoke in calm even tones. “There must be medical reasons behind your temporary insanity. It’s the only reason I can think of why you’d be crazy enough to think I’m leaving my life behind without a word of protest. Everything I’ve worked for, everything I’ve accomplished… You expect me to turn my back on it just to traipse off with you like some brain-dead bottled blonde? Here’s a big hint, oh, clueless one—I am not one of those females who doesn’t feel complete without a man in her life. If I need something done, either I do it myself or I hire someone to do it. No man is worth having around just to say there’s a man in my life. So once again I say, please don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.”

  Feeling panicked, an emotion Reece had little experience with, he rushed to his mate’s side, frantic not to lose her. “Wait, please, Quinn, tell me what I did wrong and I will fix it. Whatever you want, it is yours. Whatever you need, I will provide. Please just stay with me and I know we can work everything out.”

  The simple touch of his palms against her arms set off explosions jerking his cock to fullness in seconds. More than he needed to be breathing, Reece needed to be in her, fucking her until neither one of them knew where the other ended or they began.

  “Why?” Quinn questioned while she leaned closer to him. “I’m pissed at you, but the moment you tou
ch me, it doesn’t matter. I want to be mad at you… I am mad at you, but all I can think about is riding your cock until we both explode. Then going back and doing it all over again.” She shook her head as she rubbed her palms over his chest. “This is nuts, crazy, and we must be insane to even contemplate touching one another.”

  Answers. His mate needed and deserved answers because otherwise she wouldn’t understand the draw, the compulsion. Mates had to be together—touching, making love—anything that would cement the mystical bond until one mate couldn’t, wouldn’t live without the other.

  As she teasingly pinched the sensitive buds of his nipples, Reece anxiously tried to gather his thoughts. “The…ah…mating bond is strong… Oh, by the great oak, do that again.” Temporarily feeding the need to experience his female’s touch, he revelled in the sweet sting of Quinn’s teeth nipping his chest. Had any female ever made him feel half the excitement he knew in his mate’s perfect arms?

  “Need you in me now,” Quinn panted as she stripped off her top. “We’ll take up the fight later.”

  “Yes,” Reece hurriedly agreed, hungry to touch and feel every inch of the revealed flesh. With her scent filling his head, making him drunk with need, Reece was beyond coherent thinking. His responses were down to one-word sentences as longing and desire flooded him, leaving no room for logic or romance. “Need. Inside. You.”

  Left only with the need to act, to fulfil his mate’s needs, Reece pulled her to his chest and took Quinn’s mouth in a searing, burn-down-your-tree kiss, unleashing all his built-up need and arousal.

  Circling his arms around her waist, he swung her off her feet, needing the additional closeness of her skin against his. She wrapped her legs around his waist while hungrily moving her mouth over his. The damp heat of her pussy rubbed teasingly against the hard ridge of his cock where he ached and throbbed with the need to take her.


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