Her King's Command

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Her King's Command Page 9

by Breanna Hayse

  "Yes. I have a temper," Shannon admitted. "As a child, I would often express my frustration or anger by screaming. Your father did not hold kindly to that."

  "How many times did he bare your bottom for it?" Dom asked with a chuckle.

  "One time only. After we arrived at the convent and I refused to assist with chores. He was very patient and kind to me. As a child, his words had a much greater influence upon my heart than his hand."

  "Yet, as a woman grown, you respond to the hand far more than words. Interesting."

  "I wish to speak no more of this subject." Shannon shifted uncomfortably. He was right, her bottom still ached from the ministrations delivered by the plank earlier that day.

  "We will speak much more of it later. Now, my lady, you are to sleep. I have set up a tent for you, and laid out the cushions from the carriage as your mattress. Your travel pouch awaits you, as well as salt and mint, and a clay pot of fresh water."


  "Aye," Dom's eyes glittered, "Here the water is cold and fresh, and will not make you ill. Trust me, you do not wish to be taken ill with diseased water."

  "Mother taught me how to make the water safe when I was a child. She would boil it over the fire and add leaves of coriander. I do that with my gift now. I have never taken ill, except right after her death. My spirit fell into the hands of the swamp. That is where your father found me."

  "It is difficult for me to be angry with him when I hear you talk of the things he did for you."

  "Why would you be angry with him? I don't understand."

  Dom sighed, kicking a rock from his feet. "When he was not leading armies to protect our lands, he spent the summer months away. He never took me with him, always saying that he had business to attend to, and that the castle was the safest place for me to be if anything ever happened to him. Those summer months in which he was with you and your mother, were ones I spent alone. Mikel, our steward, taught me how to hunt, fish, and rule. While Father played with you, I was surrounded by scholars teaching me languages, science, accounting and justice. I also had a sage who taught me how to control my gift."

  "You must have missed your father dreadfully," Shannon observed.

  "Yes. My resentment towards his absence grew. I did not make his homecoming pleasant, nor did I allow myself to enjoy the winter months where we spent every minute together arguing and fighting over nonsense."

  "My heart is sad for you. Mother and I used to love the winter months. We would talk and she would teach me about herbs, tell stories and sing."

  "I was a foolish boy and grew to be a foolish man. My anger ruled me more than my wisdom. Father was with you when the Ottoman army arrived, demanding that all surrender to their rule. They wanted our lands and the people to work them, promising to allow the castle inhabitants to live if we bent to their demands. When we refused, they besieged our castle and scaled the walls with men, forcing us to deplete our weapons. We were overwhelmed, and soon exhausted, but then a cluster of grapes fell on the head of one of the men. One by one, we watched as the storks returned to their nests in the towers to feed grapes to their chicks. Our men took the grapes as a sign of hope, and that gave them the strength to repel every attack."

  "Is that why you have the image of a white stork upon the banners and the carriage?"

  "Yes. It reminds all who threaten me of the story of how this battle was won."

  Like an eager child, Shannon poked him and begged him to finish his story.

  Dom stroked Shannon's braid of knee-length hair in one slow motion, looking at her through the light of the flickering fire. "Do you have a comb?"

  "I have an ivory one given to me by your father."

  He took it from her, unplaited her hair, and began to slowly comb through the silky strands. "The enemy, frustrated that they could not seize the castle, turned towards the village. Then the anger struck me. The anger towards my father for abandoning me to tend to another child; the anger towards the father who had not spent a summer with me since I was young, but instead spent every summer with her; and mostly, the anger I held for myself for being so selfish, became all-consuming. I knew in my heart that that little girl needed my father's love as much as I did. I knew, as well, that she would one day be my wife, and that the love my father gave to her would come back to me. My shameless jealousy brought me to my knees. As the pain jolted from the floor and up through my legs, I released my fury towards those who sought to destroy Father's people—my people."

  Dom inhaled slowly and struck his boot several times with a slender stick, which he then tossed into the fire. "I pulled myself up to lean upon the parapet overlooking the mass of marching men and released my will. Like you, I do not know how it was done, only that the army froze mid-step and turned towards the cliffs. I watched as row by row, thousands of men disappeared over the edge to meet their fate. They dismounted their horses, abandoned their wagons and simply marched in silent acceptance of their fate. There were no struggles and no screams. They just fell to their deaths."

  Shannon hesitated before laying her hand over his. "I did not know this. Had I been there, I would have released my cry. Their deaths would have been quite tortuous."

  "I fear that you and I are much alike, dear druid. Ours will be a battle of the wills if one does not submit to the other."

  "By one submitting, you mean me."

  "I mean that, as you grow to know and trust me, you will feel confident in releasing your will to me. Ah, before you argue," he raised his hand, "it must also be said that as I grow to know and trust you, in return I shall learn to seek your council and wisdom before decisions are made."

  Shannon blinked with astonishment. "You are a man ahead of your time, Your Grace. The world would never approve of a king soliciting advice from his consort."

  "Then the kings who rule in this world are fools. I believe that women are given a type of wisdom that men do not have. To refuse to consider sound counsel, regardless of how it is packaged, is the refusal to accept a precious gift."

  "You are truly a unique man."

  "I had a very wise father. He sought my opinion in everything, ever since I could remember. He never mocked my words because I was just a boy. He would even show me how my ideas would or would not work, and teach me to think of different strategies."

  Shannon watched as he rubbed her hand with his thumb. "He did that with me as well,"

  she said. "That is how I learned to be so opinionated."

  "Father loved any challenge that came his way. No wonder he adored you. No, my dear, my years of playing the fool are finished. I have a kingdom to care for, and a wife to consider. A very naughty wife who will be certain to keep my days bolstered with mischief."

  Shannon eyed him suspiciously. "What makes you say such a thing?"

  "This." He rolled a long, red strand of loose hair between his fingers. "With hair the color of fire, also comes the temper. I must say that I look forward to taming you."

  "I will not be tamed by any man," Shannon snapped.

  "There is that temper," Dom laughed. "You say you will not be tamed, yet you eat off my knife like a puppy sitting upon my lap. Father used to say that the key to love is never to be with anyone who treats you like you are ordinary. You are not ordinary by any means, and I will never treat you as such."

  "How, then, will you treat me?"

  "My lady, I will aim to meet you, not please you. I will pamper you and let you feel cherished. I will set limits and act upon them. When you are hurt or anxious, I will hold you so that you might surrender to me and not flail at me. I will take you in hand and unlock your desires. Mostly," his eyes met hers once again. "I will penetrate you."

  "Penetrate me?" Shannon stuttered.

  "Aye, penetrate you. Deep into the essence of your soul." His words hypnotized her and drew her closer in to hear, "I will hold you steady in life and make you feel centered. When you see how deeply I can take you into my heart, then you will know that I am strong enough for you to trus
t. With that, you will submit your heart, mind, body and spirit to me."

  Shannon swallowed, her groin aching in response to his words. Was he somehow using his gift to persuade her, or were his words simply ones that she longed to hear?

  He paused, tracing his finger down her cheek. "Will you have me?"

  Shannon licked her lips. Trembling, she touched his mouth with the tip of her finger. "Yes."


  The next morning, Shannon stood angrily in front of the carriage, with her arms crossed and her hair lifting around her face. Dom approached her, his footsteps heavy as they pounded the ground.

  "What is this I am hearing? You refuse to enter the carriage?"

  "By a dog's buttocks, I refuse!" Shannon leaned forward until they were almost nose to nose. "That man wanted to harm me! I will not travel near his stench!"

  "He cannot stay on his horse without tumbling over or spewing…"

  "That is the argument you wish to make to force me to travel in the carriage with him?" Shannon stared incredulously at him. "That he might tumble over and spew on me?"

  "I meant to say," Dom sighed as Shannon erupted into gales of laughter which quickly spread to the guardsmen, "that if you are comfortable doing so, you may ride his animal."

  "I may do what?" Shannon stared in disbelief. "You will allow me to ride astride the horse? Like a man?"

  "I assume a bonny lass from the Emerald Isle knows how to ride a pony," Dom teased, slipping into a heavy brogue.

  "I do, indeed," Shannon said proudly. She grabbed the reins in her hands and looked around at the stunned guardsmen. "Well? A foot up, if you please."

  One of the guardsmen hurried over to hoist her over the large horse's back. Dom's laughter echoed through the woods as Shannon promptly yanked her skirts to her thighs and revealed her braies. The other men stood in shocked silence, staring back and forth at one another.

  "Your Majesty? Have you, well…"

  "Have I lost my mind? Nay," Dom wiped his face, "the antics of this woman continue to amuse and delight me. When we get into town, I wish you to obtain a pair of boy's bottoms and a loose man's shirt for our lady to ride in."


  "Oh, yes, the horror!" Dom jested. "What evil will befall a woman who dresses as a man in the presence of the man who is to be her husband. The husband to be who purchased such an outfit for her in the first place."

  "Well, Your Grace, people could say…"

  "Be silent," Dom ordered, with a chuckle. "Let's get on our way. I have a special visit planned for my lady outside the town's gates."

  Shannon leaned forward, staring in wonder at the vibrant, bustling little town, bright with white-washed clay walls, brown joists and bright red shutters. The streets were packed tightly with dirt, and immaculately clean despite the hordes of people running to and fro. Flower stands, fruit vendors and weavers lined the streets, while the hawkers belted out their voices to sell their wares.

  "They do not seem to be disturbed by the symbol of your stork," Shannon whispered, as Dom rode up beside her, watching the children run back and forth in front of the troupe.

  "They know me to be an ally of their king and have no reason to fear us. Thank you," he said, as a young girl handed him a handful of picked flowers.

  She said something, pointing to Shannon, then shook her head at the proffered coin before scampering away.

  "She said this is for my beautiful lady," Dom grinned, handing Shannon the bunch.

  "These are all healing plants," Shannon said, sniffing the bundle of yarrow, chamomile, poppy, and feverfew. "Is this an omen that my skills will be needed?"

  "I pray they will not be. Boy! Come here." Dom pointed to a youth.

  "My liege?" the boy dipped to him. "How can I help you?"

  "You speak my language? Excellent! Your name, son?"

  "Rupert, Sire. I am the treasurer's son."

  "Well, Master Rupert, I must commend your tutor for his excellent job in teaching you your linguistics. I have a piece of silver here for you if you would do my lady the honor of notifying Mistress Aida of our arrival. She would like a hot bath and a tray of sweets."

  "On my way, Your Highness." The boy grinned and raced away.

  "Rupert! Your coin!"

  "My pleasure, Majesty!" the boy yelled, waving.

  "These people are so pleasant," Shannon observed, her arms rapidly filling with flowers, pastries, and patches of embroidered cloth. "How did he come to speak English?"

  "He said he was the son of the treasurer. That is a nobleman's position in this country, which means the children gain a higher education. My people are said to be much like this." He leaned over his horse's neck to gather a baby in his arms. He bounced her lovingly and smiled at Shannon. "Have you ever smelled a baby?"

  "Not a clean one," Shannon wrinkled her nose. "You act as though you have never been out among your people."

  "I have not. They have suffered fear at the hands of the vicious clergy prior to my father gaining the throne, and the tales of the ottoman defeat are still fresh in their minds. If they do not know me, then they will not be as afraid of me."

  "I disagree with you."

  Dom said something to the infant's mother, who nodded. "Here. Hold her and breathe."

  "You always change the subject when things become uncomfortable, you know," Shannon said, as she snuggled the tiny girl next to her chest. She closed her eyes and inhaled the fresh, slightly sweet, and immensely satisfying scent of the baby's velvety soft head. She took several loud, greedy sniffs as she cradled the child. She looked down to see a dozen other children reaching up to touch her.

  "I don't understand them," Shannon said, reluctantly handing the infant back to her smiling mother.

  "They are praising your beauty. They say that you are the most beautiful queen in the world. The little ones to your left think you are a wood faery, and that your hair is made of fire."

  Shannon smiled, softly squeezing a little hand that reached to touch her fingers. She felt a jolt as energy left her body. "Dom?"

  "Yes, my love?"

  "That child. The boy with the ball. He is either sick or injured."

  "How do you know? Did you see something?" Dom frowned.

  "I felt something leave my body, like a snap or a pinch. Please… the child?"

  Dom kissed the back of her hand and slid from his horse. The children swarmed around him and hugged his legs as he walked in the direction of the young boy. Dom knelt upon the ground and spoke to the child. The boy pointed to his leg and nodded, his eyes not leaving Dom even as the king gathered the little hands in his own.

  Dom beckoned to Shannon. "Come here, my queen. Bring your pouch of herbs. Our young friend here was kicked in the shin by a cow! He says it doesn't hurt right now but it has kept him from helping his poor father for weeks. Have you anything that might ease his discomfort?"

  "Oh, yes. Have him chew on these leaves to the count of thirty and then spit them out. Tell him his mouth may feel odd and he might get a little sleepy." She handed Dom a small roll made of valerian leaves, willow, vervain and mint. "And have him stay away from the hind ends of cows."

  Dom repeated her words and popped the little roll of herbs in the boy's mouth. The child flung his little arms around the king's neck, dipped a gallant bow at the king's lady, and raced off without so much as a limp.

  "He will think that your herbs healed him."

  "Did you touch him as well?" Shannon whispered in his ear. He nodded with a wink.

  "They adore you, darling," Dom whispered, as he lifted her back onto the horse.

  "It is you they adore." Shannon blinked prettily down at him.

  He handed her the flowers that had been piled into a large basket. "Not so, my love. It is your presence that makes them want to be near me. Ask your men."

  "They are your men, not mine. They despise me. What shall I ask of them? Whether the people prefer me over their king?"

  "They are looking at you with softness.
Give softness back," Dom said, in hushed tones.

  Shannon sighed, nodded and offered a sweet smile to each of the mounted guardsmen. Several dipped their heads, and touched their hearts with their right hand. She turned to Dom with pleasure.

  "You did well," he praised. "On to Mistress Aida's manor."

  They continued up a steep slope off the main town road, and into an area wooded with resplendent oaks and magnificent firs.

  Shannon looked around as Dom lifted her off her horse. He hooked her hand in the crook of his arm and escorted her up the stone steps of the large, white-washed cottage with elaborate, dark brown woodwork.

  "My boy!" a tall, elegant woman exclaimed, embracing Dom tightly. She held his face in her hands and kissed both cheeks. "You look well. I see Mikel forced you from your self-imposed dungeon time."

  "You truly must consider his proposal, Mistress. The man is deeply in love with you."

  "But what of my ladies? Without their mama, they would be lost." She turned to Shannon. "What a lovely breath of air this one is. Turn, child, and let me look at you."

  Mistress Aida clucked her tongue as she surveyed Shannon from head to toe.

  "She is yours for the evening," Dom said, sitting on the lounge and crossing his legs.

  "For what?" Shannon asked, pushing the woman's hands from her waist as she measured the span.

  "Training, of course," Aida smiled. "You need to learn how to please this beautiful man that is to be your husband, yes?"

  Shannon felt the blood rise to her face. "Is that not my husband's job to teach me on our wedding night?"

  "Aye, but better for you to be looking forward to practicing your skills, than trying to learn new ones. Knowing what to expect will eliminate fear, and make it pleasurable for both of you."

  "Dom, this is not comfortable for me," Shannon said.

  "I will give you some wine." Aida grinned. "After a glass or two, you will be comfortable."

  "No, I do not want her to take to drink. I will stay and observe."

  "No!" Shannon gasped.

  Aida laughed at her reaction. "Silly child! Learning to perform before his eyes is an excellent idea."


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