Night Time Rendez-Vous: 3 sizzling novellas that will keep you up all night

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Night Time Rendez-Vous: 3 sizzling novellas that will keep you up all night Page 1

by Eddie Cleveland


  3 sizzling novellas that will keep you up all night

  Eddie Cleveland



  1. Paradise Island

  2. Love’s Wild Ride

  3. A Night to Remember

  Hot Quick & Dirty

  1. Riding Double

  2. Over His Knee

  3. Umasked Passion

  4. It Was Always You

  5. What Lies Beneath

  6. Open Road Connection

  7. Not Just One of the Boys

  8. Liquid Courage

  9. Burning Desire

  10. Fan Not Fiction

  11. Backstage Pass

  12. Silver Bells


  1. Between the Covers

  2. Three’s Company

  3. Reel Love

  4. Read Between the Lines

  5. Pole Position

  6. Wounded Hearts

  7. Total Package

  8. Rock Hard

  9. Constructing Love

  10. Naked Canvas

  Ready for a Quickie?

  Check out a sample from my latest Book

  1. Caitlin

  2. Ace

  3. Razor

  Edited by:

  Proofing with Style.



  Lawrence Editing


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  Copyright © 2018 by Eddie Cleveland

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  Paradise Island

  Chapter 1

  You’re lying on the white sand beach at an all-inclusive resort wondering what’s gotten into you to take this trip alone. Maybe you needed to change things up a bit. Well, taking this vacation by yourself is a pretty big change. It never occurred to you to check your dates and now this place where you were supposed to sit back and relax is filled with hot, sexy guys on spring break

  Not that you’re complaining.

  Nope, not one bit.

  Large sunglasses hide your gaze as you take a long sip of the hotel’s signature fruity drink and ease back into the lounge chair. It’s not like you can help it if the guys decided to start playing a hot, sweaty game of beach volleyball in perfect view. You might not be “spring break” age anymore, but the last time you checked, you had moves in bed that could teach these young men a thing or two.

  Damn, when was the last time you got laid?

  Spinning thoughts pull you away from the parade of writhing muscles and bright-colored swim trunks as you try to pinpoint when that was. Has it really been almost three years?

  You gasp out loud. It’s not that you mean to, it’s just shocking to realize how long it’s been since you’ve given in to your desires. Not that you haven’t had good reasons. After that last relationship, you needed some time to regroup and be single for a while. It was important to find yourself again and realize what a sexy, intelligent and fun woman you are.

  Fuck that guy. All he did was drag you down, making you feel worthless. Well, now he’s a distant memory and you’re living your best life. And that includes a rewarding little getaway that’s all about you. Just because. Is there really any better reason?

  And you know what they say about vacations… what happens in the tropical resort stays there. Maybe this is what you needed in more ways than one. Sure it’s nice to relax, soak in the sun, swim in one of the many pools and drink as much as you want, but there is one thing that could make it all even better.

  You bite your lip at the naughty thought as your eyes travel shamelessly over the hard, tanned bodies of the college guys.

  Maybe even more than one.

  Heat flushes your cheeks at the idea. What’s gotten into you? This isn’t how you’d normally think.

  Nothing! Nothing has gotten into you for almost three years! Maybe it’s time to let those dirty thoughts take over for a bit. Maybe…

  A white ball spikes into the sand right next to the lounger and sprays dirt into your drink and across your face. You spit specks of sand from your mouth and frown down at the culprit. The volleyball.

  “Shit, I’m so sorry about that.” A tall, dark-haired man jogs over. He looks genuinely sorry, his thick eyebrows shooting skyward as he closes in on you. “Oh damn, we got you bad.” He ignores the ball in the sand and instead lightly brushes the flecks of dirt from your cheek.

  His touch blazes over your skin and sends a ripple of desire shuddering through your body. You can’t help but notice how intense his green eyes are. You breathe in sharply, taken aback by how quickly they draw you in and suck a speck of sand into your throat, coughing loudly.

  “Are you okay?” He kneels next to you, gently placing his hand on your arm as you sputter.

  “Never better,” you joke as you give one final cough.

  He laughs and you can’t help but join him. The easy way he has is so refreshing. It’s nice to not have to take yourself so seriously.

  “And we ruined your drink too.” He glances over at your fake coconut shell cup with the pink straw and little umbrella sticking out of the top. “Here, let me get you a new one,” he offers.

  You know this is when you’re supposed to say something. Your brain is yelling at you to open your mouth and respond, but the cat’s got your tongue. When you look into his eyes, it’s hard to even remember your name.

  “No, don’t worry about it. They’re included anyway, right? I’ll just grab one from the bar,” you manage to spit out some words.

  “Nope, I ruined it, so I’ll fix it. It’s only right.” He ignores you and picks up the ball, standing up, and tosses it back to the guys waiting for it.

  You study his profile, his long straight nose and his clean-cut jaw. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t also notice the sleeve of tattoos down his chiseled arm too. Your eyes quickly slide down to the front of his swim trunks and you can’t help but smile as you notice his biceps aren’t the only things bulging.


  “I’m Logan, by the way.” He turns and you look up guiltily from his package.

  You know this is when you’re supposed to tell him your name, but something inside of you says to have a little fun with this. Right now, you can be anyone. You can do anything. You’re not sure why, but you decide to leave all the responsibilities and the reality of your real life off this island and just enjoy some fun. “I’m Jane,” you give your alias with a smile. You don’t tell him it’s because Jane Doe is what popped into your head.

  “Jane,” he repeats it in a way that makes your heart skip a beat. “Well, Jane, I know spiking sand into your drink isn’t the best introduction, but I’m glad we’re getting a chance to meet. Come on, let’s get you a new one of these.” He lifts the coconut glass and holds out his free hand to you.

  How can you refuse?

  Why would you want to?

  You grasp onto his strong hand and he practically pops you up off the chair with a simple tug. Strong and sexy, is there a better combination?

  Logan leads you up the path toward the outdoor bar covered in a thatched palm leaf roof. “So,
what brought you to the resort? I mean, obviously a vacation.” He laughs at his own question. “But you’re not here for spring break, are you?”

  The question stings a little and brings you crashing back down off the cloud you were floating on. Is he saying you look too old?

  “Is it that obvious?” You try to hide the disappointment in your voice. “No, I never did the whole spring break thing, even when I was younger,” you admit. “I just, well, I needed some time to recharge and have a bit of fun, I guess. Just a break from it all, to forget about the real world and just enjoy a week where I don’t care about anything but sun, sand, and sleep.”

  “Are those the only S words you’re here to enjoy?” His green eyes slowly blaze a trail of heat down your body, making your nipples grow taut and butterflies explode in your belly.

  “I’m not sure,” you answer truthfully.

  “Well, I’m glad you’re not here for spring break.” He smiles as you both cozy up to the bar together.

  “Oh, why’s that?”

  “Because, in my opinion the worst thing about being in college is being surrounded by unsophisticated college girls. I prefer a woman who knows a thing or two than some dumb girl who hasn’t experienced anything in life anyway.” His eyes blaze and you can’t help the rush that courses through you as his fingers brush against yours.

  “What can I get ya?” The bartender interrupts what feels like a long, breathless moment.

  “A piña colada,” you answer and he nods, grabbing the contaminated drink and mixing a new one.

  “So you like piña coladas and the ocean. Do you also like getting caught in the rain?” Logan teases, his eyes sparkling like the sunlit glints on the surf.

  “You’re too young to know that song,” you breezily answer, but you still smile.

  “Like I said, I like things better when they’ve been around a bit longer.”

  “How old are you?” You’re still smiling when you say it, but your tone is serious.

  “Twenty-two.” Now it’s his turn to sound a bit offended. “I’m old enough to know age is what you make of it, so I’m not even gonna ask you that.”

  Wow, how does he make your heart beat like that?

  The bartender hands you off a new drink and you look at it dumbfounded, like you’re not sure what you’re supposed to do.

  “Yo! Logan! You coming back to the game or what, bud?” one of the other college guys calls across the beach and we turn our heads to the pack of guys by the net, watching us.

  “I should go.” His eyes flicker from you to the beach volleyball team. “Hey, Jane, there’s a club here. It’s called Passion. A bunch of us are gonna hit it up around nine tonight. Would you like to meet up there?”

  You gulp like a fish out of water, not sure what to say. Your eyes dart over to the young college guys and then back to Logan. You did want some sexy adventures, right? This might be a perfect vacation story. It takes a second of your thoughts spinning before you realize you don’t need to make a commitment.

  “Maybe I will,” you answer, keeping it cool.

  Logan smiles like you just told him he won the lottery and gives your shoulder a quick squeeze. “All right, maybe I’ll catch you then.” He grins and then runs off to the game.

  For a second you watch him go, but when you realize all of his friends are watching you watch him, you immediately turn away with heat stinging your cheeks and decide it might be time to go back inside.

  You saunter up the path, drink in hand, and walk into the lobby of the hotel. The air conditioning hits you like a cool breeze, making goose bumps cover your arms. For a second you consider going back up to your room and ordering some room service in your nice, plush robe. But the smell of the lunch buffet is more intoxicating than this drink.

  Glancing into the dining room, you see you won’t be out of place in your bathing suit and sarong style skirt. Hell, there are some women in there wearing little more than bikinis. College girls, giggling and walking around like a bunch of peacocks. They’re doing a bad job of pretending not to notice the attention they get as they do it, constantly elbowing each other and tittering.

  You can see the point Logan was making about them.

  Ignoring the peacock parade, you go into the restaurant and grab a plate, loading it up with food. Part of enjoying your vacation is eating whatever the hell you want. You smile down at the crazy mix of dishes adorning your plate and find a quiet corner to sit down so you can dig in.

  As soon as you get settled, you lift your fork and are just about to taste that first flavor sensation on your tongue when a man’s voice interrupts.

  “Excuse me.”

  You look up to see a gorgeous man with salt and pepper in his scruff and beautiful blue eyes looking down at you.


  “Ummm, the dining room is pretty full and, uh, I was hoping I wouldn’t have to get stuck sitting with the ‘girls gone wild’ crew over there.” He jerks his head to the college girls you chose to ignore earlier. “Would you mind if I joined you?”

  His simple white linen shirt really makes his tan glow. Unlike all the people rolling around here in bathing suits, he looks like he’s used to dressing for this weather. And, of course, you can’t help but notice just how nice his shirt hangs from his broad shoulders and how it tapers into a perfect V-shape at his lean waist.

  “Sure, no problem,” you answer.

  “Thanks.” He smiles, flashing you his gleaming white teeth. “I owe you one.”

  “Don’t mention it.” You laugh. It’s not like you saved him or something. “The truth is, I owe you. I don’t really like eating alone in public, so thanks for saving me from that.”

  “Well, I do like to try to save the day for pretty ladies.” He smirks and takes a bite of his fish.

  You beam and dig into your own plate, wondering why so many handsome guys don’t flirt with you like this back home. Is it the island? Is there something in the ocean air here that brings out everyone’s flirty side? Whatever it is, you’re gonna go with it.

  “I’m Jane,” you introduce yourself using the same fake name. No need to make things more complicated.

  “Nice to meet you. I’m George.” He gives another stunning smile. “So, why are you eating by yourself? Did you come here alone?” He almost looks concerned at the idea.

  “I did.” You nod. “I needed to get away from it all,” you explain.

  “Your husband doesn’t mind you vacationing without him?” He completely lacks subtlety as he searches your finger for a ring.

  “No, nothing like that.” You shake your head. “I didn’t leave anyone at home. It’s just me,” you answer, a bit self-conscious.

  George takes another bite of his food, but it seems to be your words he’s really digesting. “That’s brave of you, just heading out on your own like that.”

  “Oh, I don’t know how brave it was. I felt like if I didn’t go, I might lose it. I can’t remember the last time I took a vacation before this. Isn’t that sad? Anyway, I figured a resort would be a safe way to go. The only thing I didn’t really think through was eating my meals by myself, and, well, that it’s spring break.” Although that last point doesn’t really bother you as much as you’d like to pretend now that you’ve met Logan.

  “I hear you on that one! I normally hate this time of year. All the college kids whirl in like a cyclone and puke everywhere and fuck everywhere. It’s a mess to get it all back together when they leave,” he answers.

  “So, do you work here?”

  “Yeah, I do day sails and sunset sails on my boat.” He nods, his blue eyes lighting up. “Hey, what are you doing later?” He looks like he just had a brilliant idea.

  “Me? Later?” The truth is, you’re not sure. Just because Logan asked you to meet him at a club doesn’t mean you’ll actually go. It’s a nice thought, but is it something you really want? “I’m not sure. Why?”

  “I had a sunset sail booked for tonight, but the girls canceled abo
ut an hour ago, so now I have my boat all ready to head out and no one to enjoy it. If you aren’t busy, would you like to go? It won’t cost anything.” George holds up his hand, waving his fork.

  “A sunset cruise with you?”

  “Yeah, it’s something else to see the dolphins jumping in the waves out there as the sunset turns the sky a million shades of pink. And then, when the stars start coming out, it’s breathtaking.” He’s probably seen it more times than he can count, but the way he says the words, it’s like he’s still in awe of the simple beauty. “Whaddya say?”

  “Ummm, I’m not sure.” You furrow your brow and look down at your plate.

  Chapter 2

  What do you have to lose? A couple hours out on a romantic sail? Wait, is it romantic? You search George’s rugged face and see the sparkle of hope in his blue eyes and find yourself hoping it is.

  “Sure, I’d love to.” You smile and that smile grows even broader when he beams at you, clearly happy you agreed.

  “Great.” He says it a bit too loudly, his enthusiasm shining through. “I’m not off the clock until five, so we’ll have to meet at the dock. Do you know where that is?”

  Your mind maps out the serene oceanside landscape. Of course you know the dock he’s talking about. Just this morning you were admiring the sailboats tied up there.

  “I do.” You nod. “Are you doing a different sail this afternoon?” you ask, not really interested in the answer. The truth is, you just love hearing George talk. With his deep, gravelly voice, it almost rumbles inside of you, making you quiver in the best possible way.


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