Night Time Rendez-Vous: 3 sizzling novellas that will keep you up all night

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Night Time Rendez-Vous: 3 sizzling novellas that will keep you up all night Page 11

by Eddie Cleveland

  “I’d like that.” You look up at him from under your lashes and wonder what else he could teach you this week. Skiing isn’t the only thing you could use an experienced man to show you around.

  Who knows? Maybe you’ll learn your way around more than just some ski poles. If you’re lucky.


  “Well, that was a lovely supper, but I need to get to bed. Late nights are for younger blood than mine,” Lizzy’s grandmother announces and begins to head up the stairs.

  “Good night, Nona,” your friend calls out cheerfully and the others repeat the sentiment.

  “Now what?” Luca looks around at each of your faces. “We’re not all calling it a night, are we?”

  “At eight o’clock?” Jesse laughs. “We’re not dead!”

  “Dad!” Lizzy scolds him and he shakes his head.

  “That’s not what I meant. Jeez.” He rubs his hand over his flushed neck. “I’m just saying the night is young.”

  “You got that right,” Luca agrees. “Who wants a drink?”

  “A drink?” You repeat the word like it’s a foreign language.

  You’re not legally old enough to drink yet. It’s one of those weird laws you’ve never fully understood. How is it that you can drive, live on your own, vote, and even join the military if you wanted to, but you’re not supposed to have any alcohol at this age?

  “Sure, I’ll have a margarita,” Lizzy casually answers.

  “Ugh, you sure you don’t want something easier? Like a scotch on the rocks? Or a rum and coke?” Luca tilts his head.

  “Nope.” She sticks her tongue out at him and laughs.

  “Typical. Let me guess, you probably want a margarita too?” He turns his attention on you and it’s like you’ve been struck by lightning. You sit a little taller and toss your auburn hair over your shoulder.

  “No, I’m good with rum and coke,” you answer coolly.

  “See? Why can’t you be more like that?” Luca chides Lizzy.

  She just laughs. “Scarlett’s never had a drink before. Wait until she tastes it. She’ll be insisting on margaritas too.”

  “I’ve had wine before,” you protest, but it just makes everyone laugh. You turn beet red and look away.

  “Oh, don’t be embarrassed.” Jesse lays his thick hand on yours and it does nothing to help you turn back to a normal color. You can almost feel your pulse in your ears as you struggle to breathe. “I think it says a lot about you that you didn’t spend your teen years emptying liquor cabinets and partying all the time.” He gives a pointed look at his daughter.

  “Whatever”—she casually brushes it off—“life is for living.”

  “You can’t give her too hard of a time there, pops.” Luca returns with some drinks in his hands and he gives one to you and Lizzy. “You’ve got a kid in Harvard. I don’t think the wild years have hurt her any.”

  “True,” Jesse agrees.

  The guys both leave to get their own drinks and Lizzy turns to you. “Having fun?”

  “Yeah, this is great,” you answer and take a small sip of your drink. You try so hard not to twist your face up as the strong flavor of rum splashes over your tongue.

  Lizzy laughs. “Told you it was gross.” She takes a drink of hers. “But, I suppose you had to try it, right?” Her eyes twinkle. “I have a feeling you’ll be trying a lot of stuff for the first time this week. You know, booze, skiing, fucking…”

  You cough on your drink and give her a pointed stare. “Lizzy!” you hiss.

  “What?” She gives you an innocent, wide-eyed stare.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you protest.

  “Uh-huh. Like I don’t have eyes, right? Listen, Luca has been my father’s friend for way too long. There’s no chance I could ever fulfill my fantasy of having him without it being weird for everyone, so you might as well get in the saddle and enjoy the ride.” She slowly swirls her hand over her head like she’s about to lasso a bull.

  “Were my ears just burning?” Luca walks back into the room and gazes over at you and your roommate.

  Oh God! How much of that did he hear? His ears might not be burning, but the back of your neck is.

  “Wow, this drink is hitting me harder than I expected.” Lizzy’s eyelids hover half-closed and she suddenly looks exhausted again. Just like she did on the plane. “I might have to take Nona’s lead and get to bed.” She yawns and stands up.

  “Seriously?” Jesse walks back in the room with a pitcher of margaritas. “I just made these up for you and your friend.”

  “Sorry, Dad, can’t do it.” She places her drink down on the table. “I’m not sure what’s going on with me, but I’m beat.” She heads to the stairs. “Good night, guys,” she calls as she walks up to her room.

  “Uh, good night,” you answer.

  “You’re not gonna go to bed too, are you?” Luca’s eyes focus on you.

  “Yeah, you’d make us really lonely if you went to bed too,” Jesse agrees. “Besides, we need help drinking these.” He puts the pitcher down on the table.

  “Well…” You bite your lip.

  Chapter 3

  “Awww, c’mon. Don’t make a guy who spent fifteen years in the SEALs drink a bunch of fruity girly-girl drinks.” Luca sits beside you on the sofa. “Stay up with us for a bit.” His voice has a raw quality to it. There’s something about the deep tone and his rough timbre that awakens that feeling inside you again. The one that makes you want to gasp out loud as your pussy unexpectedly floods with a desire you’ve never experienced before.

  “Yeah, I’ve spent enough time with this guy.” Jesse eases down into the large leather chair flanking your other side. “Trust me, I’ve heard all his stories. But you, well, you’re a mystery I’d love to solve,” he murmurs and that feeling grows. Your stomach twists up, but not in a bad way. It’s like your longing is blooming through you. Like the little bud that’s stayed closed with the promise of a gorgeous flower one day is finally unfurling.

  Lizzy was right. This is going to be an adventure of firsts for you. It’s only still the first night of your vacation and you’re overwhelmed by an ache, a need, you’ve never known before. It’s as if, up until now, you’ve spent your entire adult life in perpetual spring. Just forming your tastes and desires, but like that new bud, still too timid and too cautious to face them. Now, those petals open up inside you. You’re quickly approaching summer, and you like it.

  “Oh, okay.” You try to act dismissive. Not like the idea of just staying up drinking with these guys is tantalizing your senses and making you more drunk than a few glasses of booze ever could.

  “Great.” Jesse gives you a smile that’s warm and sweet. It’s like a perfect cup of hot cocoa, the kind with marshmallows melted on top that you sip slowly after being out in the frigid weather. It warms you slowly but steadily from your toes to your nose.

  “Here, I’m guessing you’re not a fan of that.” Luca slides in a bit closer to you. His musk surrounds you like a billowy summer cloud.

  You don’t mean to breathe him in. Not as obviously as you do, anyway. He plucks the rum and coke from your hand and slides an empty glass in front of you.

  “I was just teasing you about the drinks. Don’t force yourself to choke that down. There’s a whole slushy pitcher of margaritas here with your name on it.” His hazel eyes twinkle as he fills your new glass to the top with the pink, icy drink.

  “Thank you.”

  “Don’t mention it.” He quickly flings his head back and downs the entire rum and coke he made for you in one huge gulp. He places the cup he drained on the table and picks up the other drink he made for himself.

  You taste the margarita and are pleasantly surprised when the fruity mixture splashes over your tongue. Lizzy was right about the booze. Was she right about everything else too?

  “So, Scarlett, tell me about yourself.” Jesse leans back in his chair, getting comfortable. He nurses the dark drink in his hand.

p; “Umm, sure,” you answer a bit too stiffly. “I’m from South Carolina. It was just me and Mom growing up there.”

  “You two must be very close,” Luca interrupts.

  “Yeah, we are,” you agree. You don’t want to get all sappy and spill your guts about how your mother is your hero. How she always put you first. How she worked her ass off to give you this life.

  You realize you miss her. This is the first holiday or time off school you’ve ever had where it hasn’t been the two of you. You remember she’s off in California with Mr. Weasley—er, Beasley. She told you you’re an adult now and that it was time to start living your own life.

  Your gaze slides from Luca’s sharp jaw and thick lips over to Jesse’s intense blue eyes and thick hair. She’s right. They’re all right. This is your time. Now you’ve got to seize it.

  “I’m studying history and literature in school right now for my undergrad, but I’m hoping to pursue law one day,” you admit.

  Jesse waves his hand and his nose crinkles like he just ate a bug. “Okay, that’s not what I meant when I said to tell me about yourself. This isn’t a job interview, Scarlett. Jeez, relax a bit, will ya?”

  “I know how to get her loosened up,” Luca chimes in and your mind goes spinning. What does he mean? Does it involve him? Does it involve both of them?

  “How?” Your voice is a squeak.

  “We can play truth or dare.” His eyes narrow and you realize his version isn’t going to be as sweet and innocent as the times you played this at sleepovers.

  “Great idea,” Jesse agrees.

  “Sure, let’s play.” You sit a little taller and take a huge gulp of your drink.

  “Great, let’s start with you, Scarlett. Truth or dare?” Luca’s hazel eyes glint.

  Your thoughts spin. What kind of dare could he ask you to do? You force yourself to stay calm and take another drink of your margarita, finishing the glass. Jesse leans forward and fills it back to the top, and for a moment, you’re caught between them. Each of these sexy men are on either side of you, just barely grazing your flesh. It awakens something inside you, making you feel bold and alive.

  “Truth,” you answer.

  So maybe not that bold and alive.

  “Hmmm, Luca’s eyes travel over you slowly. You can’t help but squirm a little as he seems to look inside you. “All right, let’s really get to know you then. Have you ever been with a man before, Scarlett?” His voice is thicker than before.

  You bite your lip and look down at your feet. Wow, he just cut right to the quick, didn’t he? Heat is blossoming on your cheeks and it isn’t from the booze.

  “That look tells you more than a million words.” Jesse chuckles dryly.

  “No, I’m still a virgin,” you confess.

  The room goes so silent you have to finally lift your eyes and make sure the guys are still there. They are and they’re both watching you so intently it’s hard not to feel a bit awkward. Their eyes both seem brighter, like they’ve got flames flickering behind them.

  Jesse finishes his drink and stands up abruptly. You don’t mean to look, but your eyes rest on the front of his jeans. Is it just your imagination? Or does it look like a bulge is growing behind his zipper?

  “I’ll grab the bottle.” He clears his throat and nods to the kitchen.

  “You know, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. The whole hanging onto your virginity thing, I mean.” Luca moves on the sofa so he’s facing you.

  You lift your drink to your lips and enjoy the sweet, smooth taste of the margarita as it slides over your tongue.

  “It’s funny how up to a certain age, it’s noble or something to hang onto it.” You finally find your voice. “But then, poof, all of a sudden you hit an age where it’s weird that you’re still inexperienced. Like, all your friends have been having sex for years, and you’re not even sure why you haven’t yet.”

  Wow, maybe these are stronger than they look. You’re not used to being so open and honest about such personal things.

  “Well, I waited until I was seventeen,” Luca admits. “I mean, I know you’ve been waiting longer than that, but for a guy, that’s a long time to willingly hang onto it. And you know what?”

  “What?” You let yourself get lost in his stare. You don’t feel that usual shyness that overcomes you. Instead, there’s something about how earnest he’s being that draws you in.

  “The only regret I had about the whole thing was that I waited that long.”

  “What are we talking about?” Jesse strolls in with a large bottle of honey-colored rum dangling in his hand. He plops down in the chair and pours what must be three shots’ worth in his tumbler before handing it off to you.

  You send it over to Luca and he does the same thing.

  Suddenly your margarita seems pretty tame. You lift your glass and empty it. Then, you reach for the pitcher and fill it back up. You’re gonna show these guys you’re not some lame, cautious girl. You’re a woman. And you’re fearless.

  “About getting the v-card punched.” You laugh and both guys’ eyes grow wide. “He says I should go big or go home.” The heat of the booze emboldens you as you suddenly realize the power you hold over these guys. When was the last time you had two incredibly sexy men eating out of the palm of your hand like this?

  Try never.

  “Oh?” Jesse raises his eyebrows and slowly nurses his cup of pure rum.

  “Maybe he’s right.” You shrug.

  “Well, all I know is, I’ve had a ton of sex over the years. Eventually it all blurs together. You can’t remember exactly how it went step-by-step except for the first time. If I had been waiting for a special night as long as you have, I’d make it as memorable as possible.”

  Jesse’s finger rubs around the rim of his glass and you can’t help but watch, wondering how it would feel to have his fingers drag down over your naked body or push up inside your untouched pussy.

  Your tongue slowly tastes the strawberry glaze of alcohol from your lip and you realize your panties are absolutely soaked.

  “Okay, my turn.” Jesse narrows his eyes. You’re locked in the sea of blue. “Truth or dare?”

  “Hey, no fair,” you protest. “You guys haven’t played yet.” You give a fake pout.

  “This is how it works. Luca asks you, then I ask you, then you can ask us.” He doesn’t blink or look away. He just holds you prisoner of his gaze.

  “Okay,” you agree.

  This time you’re a bit more comfortable and a lot wilder. “Dare.” You don’t shy away from the word.

  Jesse raises his eyebrows and his glance moves past you to Luca’s face. You can tell they weren’t expecting that answer and it makes you smile to know you can surprise them.



  “Well then, I dare you”—he stretches out each word and you realize it’s because he didn’t have a dare in mind when he asked—“to… get in the hot tub with Luca and me.” His blue eyes gleam as the idea pops into his head.

  You look down at your clothes and the drinks. Should you turn down the offer and head to bed? Or do you dare to go outside in the secluded back deck and join the guys in the hot tub?

  Chapter 4

  “Can I bring the margaritas?” you answer.

  “I’d expect nothing else,” Jesse replies coolly.

  “Well then, what are we waiting for?” You stand up and grab the pitcher along with your empty glass. You don’t even wait for the guys. Instead, you head out through the kitchen and wait for them to catch up so they can open the door for you.

  Seconds later you have two sexy older men on each side of you. Jesse opens the sliding glass door and flips a switch that turns on some low lighting around the deck. The way the dim light glints off the silvery snow is magical, but it also looks…

  “We’re gonna freeze out there!” You start second-guessing this whole thing.

  “In the hot tub? Nah, you’ll be warm,” Jesse reassures you.
  “But if you need more help, I’ll warm you up.” Luca leans into you and murmurs the promise in your ear.

  It’s all you need to convince you to head out. In your sock feet, you walk over to the sheltered tub and place your drinks on a table next to it.

  In seconds the guys have the hot tub bubbling and steaming. They get it all uncovered and ready to go. Then they stop and you realize all eyes are on you.

  This is it. The moment of truth. Are you gonna strip down to your underwear and hop in? Or chicken out?

  “Change your mind?” Jesse tilts his head and studies your face.

  “Aww, c’mon. You’re not backing down from the dare now, are you?” Luca gently rests his hand on your shoulder and a shiver licks your spine.

  “No. Just waiting for you two to get in.” You refuse to admit you were second-guessing all of this. You’re surprised when they both immediately start stripping down to their boxer briefs.

  Luca is wearing bright red ones that cinch around his thick thighs and says “Red Hot!” over one leg. Jesse’s are much more plain, just navy blue. But they’re cinched tight over an entirely different spot.

  You try to avert your gaze as you swallow hard, but he caught you looking. He smirks, clearly proud of himself, and eases himself down into the bubbly water. Luca joins him but sits on the other side of the steaming tub.

  You’ve got to admit this is crazier than your wildest fantasy. It’s so not like you to do this. But then again, maybe that’s part of the appeal. Maybe it’s time to step into adulthood, or in your case, leap in with both feet.

  Your fingers tremble as you lift your shirt up at the edges. You slowly pull it up and off your body. The guys are silent as you open your fly on your jeans and squirm free from them. Tugging off your socks, you’re ready to get in. Sauntering to the edge of the tub, you’re impressed with yourself when you get in smoothly and sit right between both of them.

  Luca moves closer to you and you think for a second he’s going to kiss you. Your heart pounds in your chest and your eyelids flutter closed. This is so sudden. It’s all happening so fast. Still, you prepare to feel his lips on yours, but he just plucks his glass of rum from the table and eases back.


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