Night Time Rendez-Vous: 3 sizzling novellas that will keep you up all night

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Night Time Rendez-Vous: 3 sizzling novellas that will keep you up all night Page 35

by Eddie Cleveland

  “How can I help you?” She smiles sweetly. Too sweet and innocent for someone reading those words. I know just from how engrossed she was that she has a deep, dirty streak just beneath the surface of her doe-eyed gaze.

  “I’ve got to drop my car off,” I begin to explain.

  “What’s wrong with it?” She furrows her brows like she’s studying for an exam.

  “I, well, I was hoping one of your guys could figure that out. I’m not exactly a car guy,” I rub my hand down the sleeve of my cardigan as she smiles.

  “You don’t say,” she muses. “Well, how about I go take a look and give you an idea then?”

  She steps out from behind the counter and has a mechanic onesie covering her lower body and the arms tied off around her thick hips. “I’m Frankie,” she holds out her hand and I see some dirt around her nails.

  “I’m Ryker,” I shake her hand and blink with astonishment that this beautiful woman is the mechanic. “Sorry, I, uh, I thought,” I stammer.

  “You thought I was the secretary?” Her soft brown eyes twinkle as she tilts her head.

  “Yeah, sorry about that,” I cringe.

  “No harm done,” she laughs and gives me a slap on the shoulder. “Let’s go see what the problem is and if we can get it fixed up today,” she leads the way to the garage and I follow her.

  Don’t judge a book by its cover, isn’t that the expression. Never has that been more obvious than right now.

  Chapter 4 - Frankie

  I walk out into the garage where my brothers are drooling over the Mustang in the pit. “Wheeew,” I whistle low. “Is that your ride? For a guy that’s not into cars, it’s a pretty sweet Mustang you’re driving,” I look over my shoulder at the tall, dark, smoulderingly sexy man behind me.

  “It was my grandfather’s,” Ryker answers, his green eyes flicker with the memory. “He was all about fast cars and beautiful women,” he laughs.

  “Sounds like my kind of man,” I purr, hoping some of his grandfather’s good sense rubbed off on him. It isn’t often I see a man who could be a character from my erotica book grace the garage. I let my eyes drift over his body and bite my lip. The bulge of his biceps is obvious under his navy sweater. Just like the bulge in his faded denim jeans is equally obvious. My cheeks flush hot as I flicker my eyes back to his. Did he notice me checking out his package? I can’t be sure.

  Ryker stands a little taller and his lips twitch into a half smile. It looks good on him, since he walked in, he’s been so serious.

  “He gave it to me because he said it was good luck. I guess he found my grandmother in this car, and he figured I could use the same magic to find a girl,” he clears his throat and then looks over my shoulder at the vehicle. “Although, it doesn’t look like it’s gonna find me anything but my way into the poor house now.”

  “Well, don’t get your dick tied in a knot,” I laugh as Ryker lifts his thick eyebrows with surprise. “Hey Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum,” I call out to my brothers, “get out of there, I’m gonna take a look.”

  Rick and Nathan roll their eyes at me exaggeratedly but they back off from the car, giving me the space I need to check it out.

  “How about you two go take five,” I jerk my head at the open garage door not-so-subtly. I don’t need my big brothers giving me a hard time about the way I’ve been looking at this guy. We all bust each other’s chops good naturedly, but there’s a line.

  “Fine, I’m going for a smoke,” Nathan agrees. Rick gives me a pointed look but doesn’t disagree, wordlessly following Nathan out the door.

  I take a look under the hood and bend over at the waist, hoping Ryker will take notice of my firm, plump ass. I can feel the heat of his body behind me as he looks cluelessly over my shoulder. In my mind, I turn to him and we crash into a passionate kiss. The fantasy only lives in my head though, as soon as I look up at him, I can see Ryker is eager to leave.

  My heart sinks in my chest. I guess it’s not a two-way street. “What’s up?” I ask.

  “It’s just that I’m late for work. I need to get going,” he looks at his cell with worry.

  “Awww that’s too bad,” I purr, looking up at him from under my lashes.

  He looks over my curves and I can see a twinkle of desire flicker over his green eyes. So, I’m not crazy, there is something here.

  “Trust me, I’d rather stick around too. However, I can’t just not show up for work. They’d have to shut down the library if I didn’t go,” he explains.

  “Library, huh?” I stand up and size him up again. A sexy man who reads. Did I die and go to heaven? Or is it just my lucky day. My gaze licks his body all the way down to his ring finger, just to make sure. It’s empty, the thought crashes relief over me.

  “Well, from what I can tell, it’s just a simple job. Not even that pricey,” I reassure him and his face relaxes. There’s that sexy smile again. Damn, he hot.

  “I’ll tell ya what, you get your ass to work and, if you want, I’ll drop it off for you by the end of the day. I live pretty close to the library, so I don’t mind bringing you the car as long as you drive me home. How’s that for a deal?”

  Ryker breathes in deeply, like someone who was drowning and was finally tossed a lifeline. “Thank you,” his voice is thick and rough. I hope he’s thick because I want it deep. Damn, I need a cold shower.

  “No problem,” I smile back. I watch him as he walks away, his firm, sculpted ass like something from my book.

  You just never know what your day is going to bring. I look back down at the car. A hot guy in a slick Mustang was not what I expected when I woke up this morning. And now, all I want to do is climb back into bed.

  With him.

  Chapter 5 - Ryker

  After a quiet cab ride to work and a slow afternoon at the library, I’ve had too much time to think. Too much time to wish I had said the perfect thing. To run all of my conversation with Frankie through my mind over and over, sifting through the details like a miner looking at gold flecks of sand, and hoping I wasn’t the only one who felt what I did.

  I know there was something between us. Something more than a concerned mechanic and a client. The way she bit her lip when she looked at me. The way her eyes traveled down, down, down and hovered. She was more than interested.

  And I did nothing.

  I didn’t ask her out. I didn’t even ask for her number. I rub my hand down the side of my face and shake my head. Why do I let my tongue get tied up in knots? I know the most beautiful words. I can tell you about books I read years ago that touched my soul. Yet, when it’s time for me to express myself, the words evaporate from my tongue like a tear drop in the desert.

  I watch the minute hand on the old-fashioned clock hanging on the wall. I’ve got to close this place down in five minutes, and there’s still no sign of Frankie. I pull my phone out of my pocket and check for any missed calls. Still none. I would think that if she won’t be able to make it, she’d give me a ring.

  If she does show up, I’m doing it. I’m going to talk to her. Ask her on a date. I’ll force the words to spring forth and tell her how I feel.

  But how?

  The idea drifts over my mind like the seeds of dandelion fuzz billowing out over a meadow. I’ve got it.

  I might not always have all the right words. In fact, I rarely have any. Being a shy guy is harder than you’d think. But, that changes today. When she shows up here, I’m going to let myself act out my inner thoughts and feelings. I’ll just pretend that we’re a couple of characters in a love story I’m reading. Or, even better, like a couple of characters in one of the classic erotica books Frankie seems to love so much. The front door of the library opens and I watch with my mouth hanging open as Frankie steps through. Her hair is hanging down over her shoulders now and she’s wearing tight jeans that reveal every soft curve of her body where the mechanic uniform once hung.

  She’s stunning. Somehow, there doesn’t seem to be a perfect combination of the twenty-six letters
in our limited language to describe her beauty. However, I don’t need a single word. I’m going to show her exactly how I feel, with body language.

  Chapter 6 - Frankie

  “There you are,” I smile at Ryker and hold his keys up in my hand as I approach his desk. “I’ve got her all fixed up for you and ready to go,” I jingle the keys and he gingerly takes them from me.

  Ryker looks at me with a flickering flame of passion in his eyes that’s unmistakable. I’m no wilting flower, I’m always one to speak my mind, often worrying about the consequences after the fact. But there’s something about him, about that hungry look in his eyes that makes me feel a little shy. I like that. I’ve never met a man that can leave me at a loss for words. My heart beats a little harder as I imagine other ways he could help keep me quiet.

  “Did you want to get going?” I look down at my shoes, squirming under his gaze. Ryker walks across the floor, for a second I imagine him grabbing me by the arms and kissing me, but he walks right past me.

  I watch over my shoulder as he locks the front door. “Closing time,” he nods to the clock on the wall. “I don’t want any stragglers showing up when I’m shutting the place down,” he explains.

  “Oh, do you still have a lot to do?” I wonder if I should just take a cab home. I don’t want to bother him if he still has a bunch of work to get through.

  “Nope, just going to do the tour and shut off some lights, wanna join me?”

  I can’t resist that offer. I lick my lips nervously feeling like a kid that broke into a school on the weekend. It feels different in here after hours. Ryker feels different too. I like it.

  “Sure,” my voice is hoarse and I follow his lead around the corner to the stacks and stacks of book covered shelves.

  Ryker hits some lights on the wall and the room dims. I follow him to a back corner where he hits another switch as the room plunges into hues of gray.

  “You know, I saw what you were reading today at the garage,” Ryker’s green eyes twinkle mischievously and my insides flutter with excitement as I remember looking up from a particularly steamy passage of my erotica only to see him before me looking like a Greek god.

  “Oh?” I look up at him with my head tilted, silently begging him to kiss me.

  “Yeah, it looked like you were enjoying it too. The cover looked pretty tattered, I’m guessing you’ve read that one a lot,” he muses.

  “You’d be guessing right,” I meet his eyes shamelessly. “Nothing wrong with a woman who knows what she wants, is there?”

  “Not at all,” he grabs my hand and leads me down a hall of books. Huge, floor-to-ceiling cases of books are on either side of us.

  “Where are you taking me?” I whisper.

  “Right here,” he stops and holds his hand out to a sea of literature. “This section here might be one you’d like. It’s all classic erotica. Not a lot of people think of kinky, hot sex when they think of old books. But these are sure to turn up the heat. Some of them are downright filthy.”

  “I’ll have to check them out,” heat spreads over my body as a tingle teases the inside of my thighs.

  I squeeze between him and the stack of books, pressing my ass ever so lightly against him. Ryker grabs my hands tightly in his and pulls them over my head, pressing me against the book shelf rougher than I expected.

  I guess he’s not so mild mannered after all. A moan escapes my lips as his mouth find my earlobe and he pulls it into the heat of his mouth. His tongue teases my sensitive flesh, toying with me as I grind my ass back against his hard cock.

  “Or maybe you won’t have to check out a book, cause I’ll show you what’s inside them right here. Right now.” His fingers release my hands and dig into my hips, flipping me around so my back hits against the wooden shelving.

  “I’d like that,” I breathe the words. Somehow, they still sound so loud in the quiet backdrop of the library. Maybe if I’m too loud the librarian will punish me for being naughty. Maybe he’ll spank me.

  He covers my mouth with a kiss that flutters my eyelids closed and takes me away to another place. His tongue explores my mouth, claiming it. Owning it. Just as his hands run over the length of my body.

  I quickly fumble with the buttons on his cardigan, pulling them through the holes urgently trying to remove the sweater from his built frame. I finally manage to succeed and slip my hands under the wool and slide it over his wide shoulders.

  I gasp when his bare arms are revealed in a skin-tight, sleeveless shirt of ink underneath.

  “Woah,” I run my fingers delicately over the mural of tattoos etched into his skin. “I never took you for the kind who would have sleeves of tats,” I scan the symbols, tracing them with my fingertips. A boy sitting on a stack of books makes me smile. Another tattoo draws a memory from my childhood. “Is that the giving tree?” I outline the art with my fingernail.

  “It is. That’s my favorite Shel Silverstein book,” he looks down at the tattoo for a moment then locks his emerald eyes on me. When he looks at me like that, I can’t look away. It’s as if I’m swimming in a tropical, green shore and his smile is the sunshine warming my body.

  “There’s a lot you probably wouldn’t have guessed about me,” his voice is thick like it’s heavy over his vocal chords.

  “Oh, yeah?” My mouth twitches up into a smile. “Like what?”

  “Like you probably wouldn’t think I’m the kind of guy who is going to fuck your brains out in the erotica section of the library, but I am. And I will,” He grabs the back of my head with his hand and pulls me in for another kiss. This one isn’t soft, this one isn’t slow or tender. This one is urgent, filled with desperate need. His other hand makes quick work of pulling up my top until it’s pulled over my breasts. My pink bra flashed from beneath.

  “Looks like I’m not the only one with a side they don’t show.” His fingers trail over the feminine lace and little black bows. “You’ve got a soft side under your mechanic uniform, don’t you?”

  I nod in agreement. When you work in a trade, getting dirty and using your hands everyday, it’s nice to have a secret way to make you feel sexy. Mine is flirty bras and thongs.

  Ryker tugs my shirt over my arms and unlatches my bra. I let the lace and frills fall down my arms and stand in front of him, half-naked. He leans over me, pulling one of my nipples into his warm mouth and tugs it slightly over his teeth before lashing his tongue over the hard nub.

  I can’t contain my cries. It feels so good to have his mouth on me. I love how dirty we’re getting in the library. Ryker kisses his way to my other nipple, treating it to the same attention as my pussy clenches with desire.

  His hands work my jeans open and I help him pull them down over my wide hips. I dance out of them until they’re free from my legs and Ryker is standing before me, still fully clothed, while I’m wearing nothing but a pink, lace thong.

  “Take off your clothes,” I self-consciously demand.

  “You aren’t in charge here,” he smirks, enjoying being in control. “Besides, I don’t need to take off any clothes to do this,” he falls to his knees and tugs my thong across my wet pussy with his finger. His hot breath teases my quivering thighs and he plunges his tongue inside my lips, deep into my core.

  “Oh, fuck!” I cry out, clenching my fists into his raven hair. It feels amazing. It’s been longer than I can remember since I’ve been with a man. And even then, it never felt like this. I widen my stance and Ryker let’s his tongue explore my pussy. He licks me slowly, like he’s trying to find out how many it takes to get to the center of the Tootsie Pop. He loves making me crazy, taking his time with me when I’m desperate for him to speed up and drive me to the edge of my bliss.

  “Oh, please,” I beg.

  “Please what?” I can feel his smile on my pussy. He’s loving this. I’m not going to lie. I am too.

  “Please make me cum. This is torture,” my voice is husky.

  Ryker delves his soft tongue into my mound and zeroes in on m
y clit. I involuntarily moan, throwing my head back against the piles of books behind me. I grind my hips forward, seeking his pleasure, my body begging him for permission to cum. Ryker doesn’t hesitate, flickering his tongue over my clit furiously until my body tightens and my orgasm crashes over me like a tidal wave.

  “Fuck!” I scream, my throat sore from the intensity of my bliss.

  “Yeah?” He looks up at me.

  “Yeah,” I pant.

  Ryker stands up and rips his sleeveless shirt off, tossing it to the floor. His pants are next and my mouth drops open wide as his heavy cock swings free from the fabric of his underwear.

  Oh. My. God.

  “I don’t have a condom,” his eyebrows crunch together at the realization.

  “I’m clean and I’m on the pill. This isn’t something you do all the time, is it?” I cock an eyebrow at him suspiciously. Maybe I had read him all wrong. Maybe this is his main move.

  “Never,” he smiles.

  “Please, just fuck me,” I urge him.

  Ryker easily plucks me from the floor with his strong arms. I open my legs for him as he lines his cock up with my entrance. I slide my feet around him, locking them at the back of his ass as he plunges into me deep.

  “Oh, that’s amazing!” I hold myself in tight to his body as my pussy works its way around his girth. Damn he’s big.

  Ryker pushes me back against the book shelf and thrusts his cock inside me fast and deep, grunting in my ear. I rake my fingernails down over his shoulders as he clings to me, keeping my feet dangling off the ground the whole time.

  My pussy squeezes around him urging him to fill me with his cum. I’ve never had an experience like this ever. I doubt I ever will again. This is better than any dirty story I’ve ever read. To feel him fuck me so savagely, to make me his, it’s incredible. All I can do is enjoy the ride, because he’s completely in control.

  Ryker wraps my hair around his hand and yanks it back, arching my body and pushing my tits in his face. He locks onto my nipple, still fucking me with abandon. I can’t take it, another orgasm shudders through me and I mewl under his control.


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