Surrogate For The Billionaire: A BWWM Pregnancy Romance

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Surrogate For The Billionaire: A BWWM Pregnancy Romance Page 4

by BWWM Club

  “Can you take me to the office, Gerry?’ Bryce snapped at his driver with more venom than he meant. It wasn’t Gerry’s fault he was in a foul mood. If anything he should be thanking Gerry for interrupting something that could have ruined his goals.

  “Certainly, sir. “ Gerry answered with a questioning look in his eyes when Bryce caught them in the rearview.

  Bryce looked away, not wanting to explain to himself, let alone someone else, just how much he felt like a failure. At his age, Bryce’s father not only had two children and a devoted wife but a multi-billion dollar company. Bryce only had one and he felt like a failure. It’s funny how the success he studied so hard to deserve inheriting was the thing he cared about the least. What Bryce wouldn’t give to have someone to come home to at night and a tiny person who looked like him to snuggle with. When he was in graduate school all Bryce thought about was the company. Lately all Bryce thought about was a family.

  Sighing heavily for the second time, Bryce exited his car, giving Gerry an apologetic nod.

  “It’s okay, sir. I’ll see you in a few hours,” Gerry replied.

  Bryce told Gerry he would call him and entered the now deserted building. The only people in the building at this hour on a Friday evening were Bryce and the night security guard at the front desk. Bryce waved and said hello then headed toward the bank of elevators that led to the top floor. Using his key card, Bryce pressed the number sixteen after swiping it and rode the elevator up. He refused to think about Lateisha, but the way she felt against him, the way she tasted, wouldn’t leave his mind. Shifting uncomfortably and adjusting his dress pants around his growing erection, Bryce stepped from the elevator and headed toward his office. Maybe a few hours of honest work would clear his mind. If not, he wasn’t sure what he would do about the surrogacy situation.


  Lateisha hurried into her room, hoping that Becky was still at work. She stripped off the dress and threw it on the floor of her closet. Not wearing a bra reminded her of what happened in the limo and she groaned; partially from embarrassment and partially from unfulfilled arousal. She needed another shower and to go to sleep. Tiptoeing past Becky’s door, just in case, Lateisha went into the bathroom and started the shower. Five minutes in she heard a door slam; Becky was home. Waiting to exit the shower until she was sure Becky was in her room, Lateisha shut the shower off and towel dried her skin. Just as she was wrapping the towel around herself, Becky entered the bathroom.

  “So, how was the ‘date’ with baby daddy?” Becky asked, rolling her eyes.

  Lateisha frowned, “Just leave it be, Becky. I’m not in the mood.”

  Becky shrugged. “Fine, suit yourself. But don’t come crying to me when it all blows up in your face,”she said and turned on her heel, walking into her room and slamming the door.

  Lateisha flinched at the loud bang of the door slamming. She dressed quickly and climbed into bed. Maybe sleep would help make everything clearer. Maybe sleep would make her feel like this whole thing was a good idea.


  The sun was so bright the next morning Lateisha could see it through her eyelids. Blinking awake, and then throwing her hand over her eyes to cover the offending sun, she turned over, loath to wake up today. The humiliation, as well as the way she felt when Bryce had his mouth on her nipple, came back to her and she whimpered. How could she ever show her face around him without thinking about that moment? Just as she had decided to let herself doze off for a bit longer; she didn’t have to work until noon, her phone rang. Growling with irritation she grabbed it from the nightstand and answered it, without checking to see who it was first.

  “What?” She barked, tired and sexually frustrated made for a terrible mood.

  “Lateisha?” It was Bryce.


  “Bryce!” She exclaimed, sitting straight up in bed. The one time she didn’t screen her calls she received a call from the one person she wanted to avoid.

  “That’s me,” he said with a slight nervous laugh.

  Lateisha smiled, he was so sexy when he wasn’t even trying to be. No those thoughts would just get her in trouble again.

  “What can I help you with at this ungodly hour of the morning, Bryce?” Lateisha asked.

  “It’s ten am, Lateisha. I’ve been up since five,” he said with a chuckle.

  Lateisha’s face heated. “Well we don’t all have multi-million dollar companies to run in the morning now do we?”

  “No, I guess not. And it’s a multi-billion dollar company.” He added with another laugh.

  “Oh, excuse me.”

  “Anyway, I’m calling to see when you will be available to start the insemination process. As I mentioned last night, I’d really like to get this on the road, so to speak,” Bryce said, his voice growing serious.

  Lateisha paused for a moment. Did he really want to continue this process after last night?

  “Bryce, I, well, I just thought that, I mean, after last night…” Lateisha stumbled over her words unable to put together a coherent sentence.

  “It’s okay, Lateisha. We both made a mistake. The dinner atmosphere made it feel like a date and we both got carried away. That doesn’t mean I don’t want to continue.” He assured her in a stern voice.

  A mistake? Clearly Lateisha misinterpreted Bryce’s signals last night. She was just at the right place at the right time. She wasn’t anyone special. A pang, of what she wasn’t sure, sliced through her chest but she maintained her composure.

  “Right. Okay then. I’m off tomorrow if you’d like to make the appointment.”

  They discussed time and where to meet and Lateisha hung up the phone. Sighing, she decided to get up and get ready for work. Bryce made her feel like a slacker.


  The next morning Lateisha set her alarm for six and even managed to get up. The appointment was for eight, at her insistence, and she didn’t want to be late. She made a point of telling Bryce to make the appointment at eight so he wouldn’t think all she did was sleep until noon; even if that’s what she did most days. Today the sun was just as bright but for some reason her mood was not. Not wanting to send Bryce mixed signals, she dressed in a plain white shirt and dark jeans, choosing to pair it with black sandals. Nodding at her appearance in the mirror, she grabbed her purse from the dresser and headed downstairs. Becky was in the kitchen making coffee and Lateisha hid the frown that broke out on her face when she saw her. Becky would ask her where she was going so early and Lateisha did not feel like this conversation.

  “Good morning,” Lateisha mumbled, reaching into the cabinet for a bowl.

  “Wow, what are you doing up so early?” Becky asked, slapping her hand over her mouth quickly when she realized what she had said.

  “Ha ha, ‘Lateisha is a lazy bum,’” she muttered without answering Becky’s question.

  “Teish, I didn’t say that and you know it. I just don’t think I’ve seen you up so early since nursing school,”

  Lateisha sighed, “Sorry, I’m a bit on edge today.”

  “Why? Where are you going?” Becky asked, pouring more coffee into her cup.

  Lateisha turned away from her and headed to the fridge to retrieve the milk. She took her time pouring some Fruity Pebbles into a bowl and pouring the milk over them. Carrying it to the table, she sat down and began to eat, still not answering the question.

  “I don’t know how you eat all of that sugary crap every day and still stay so thin. And you didn’t answer my question,” Becky all but scolded her.

  “Fruity Pebbles are bomb,” Lateisha said laughing. “And where I’m going is none of your concern.”

  Becky cocked an eyebrow at her, “Shit, Teish, It’s today isn’t it? He’s going to put a baby inside of you today.”

  Lateisha grimaced, “That sounds crude, Becky. It’s a medical procedure. It’s not like I’m going to have sex with him.”

  Becky nodded, “I’m a nurse, and I
know how it works. But this whole thing just rubs me the wrong way.”

  “Well then I guess it’s a good thing you aren’t going to be his surrogate then,” Lateisha snapped, standing and tossing her cereal bowl in the sink and storming out of the house.

  This was hard enough for her as it was, she didn’t need Becky to make it worse.

  Chapter 4

  Sitting in the exam room, alone, waiting for the doctor was so nerve wracking for Lateisha. She nervously tapped her foot against the little ledge of the exam table, trying to keep her mind off of what was going to happen. Well, what might be going to happen. The doctor told her she needed an ultrasound to determine if she was ovulating or about to ovulate before they could do insemination. The doctor said it was promising that she had her period two weeks before but that not all women had twenty-eight day cycles. Lateisha, despite being a nurse, knew nothing about all of that. She was trained as an ER or trauma nurse but did some specializing in geriatrics and pediatrics and none of that involved the reproductive system.

  Running a hand over her tight curls, Lateisha sighed. This was taking entirely too long and her nerves couldn’t withstand it. She retrieved her phone from her purse and texted Becky.

  Lateisha: I’m so sorry. I’m just a bit frazzled about all of this.

  Becky: It’s okay. I was a bit of a bitch.

  Lateisha: You were, but I love you anyway. 

  After she cleared the air with Becky, she decided to check on Facebook to see what was up with her high school friends. Twenty minutes later she realized they were doing better than she was, even the ones without college degrees. Cursing silently under her breath, she put away her phone and frowned. Maybe after all of this was over she would focus more on her career. Maybe.

  “Lateisha Aaron?” The doctor came in and shook her hand, “I’m Dr. Gates.”

  “Yes,” Lateisha answered, relieved that someone finally came in. “The nurse told me that you have to perform an ultrasound and exam first?”

  “Yes, I’d like to make sure you aren’t too late in your cycle before we do this. I’m surprised you and your husband didn’t come in for a checkup first before you decided to do IUI,” The doctor replied, motioning for Lateisha to lie down.

  “Oh he’s not my husband, we, I mean I…” Lateisha paused, unsure of what to say. “I’m just carrying a baby for him, that’s all,” Lateisha said with a little more sadness in her voice than she should have allowed; than she should have felt.

  The doctor nodded but didn’t respond. It was for the best she didn’t because Lateisha wasn’t sure what else she could have said. Lateisha lay back and stared at the ceiling during the exam. When the doctor was done she rolled in the ultrasound machine and checked to see if Lateisha was ovulating.

  “Well, I have good news!” The doctor exclaimed, clicking the machine off.

  “I can’t wait,” Lateisha said dryly.

  The doctor chuckled as if it was the most hilarious thing she heard all day. “You are just about to ovulate so the insemination should go off without a hitch.”

  Lateisha nodded as the doctor left the room to inform Bryce. Here goes nothing.


  Bryce sat in the waiting room brooding. He wasn’t sure why he was so surly this morning, except for maybe sexual frustration after what happened the other night. Lateisha looked gorgeous again this morning when he walked into the doctor’s office and saw her sitting there. She was dressed plainly but it didn’t matter. To him she looked like a million, or possibly a billion, bucks. Growling with frustration, Bryce rubbed a hand over his face, unhappy to find stubble forming. He didn’t know why he skipped his shave this morning but being here on time to meet Lateisha felt more important. Now he was regretting how scruffy he looked. With his hair still in need of a cut and his face full of stubble, Bryce didn’t recognize himself in the mirror across the room. Shaking his head he sat back, only to see the doctor come through the exam room doors and head toward him. Bryce stood up quickly, bumping his knee on the chair’s arm as he went. Stifling a curse, he stood up straight, pushing his unkempt hair back from his forehead.

  “Mr. Henderson. Everything checked out great. We just need your sample and we are all set to proceed.”

  Bryce winced when the couple sitting next to him smirked at the doctor’s words. Now everyone in the place would know he was going into a back room to jack off. Great. He could just see the headlines now. Bryce Henderson pleasures himself in OB’s office. The country would think he was a perv.

  “Right,” he answered, following the doctor back with a scowl.

  She left him in an exam room and told him someone would be back in twenty minutes to collect it. The pressure was on and Bryce did not think he could perform under these conditions. For the first five minutes all he did was walk around, trying to ‘get it up’. When that didn’t work he decided to sit down and relax on the exam table. The doctor was nice enough to leave him a little cup but that was about it. He began to think of Lateisha and the other night. Before he knew it his erection was pressing hard against his suit pants begging to be freed. Not willing to over think it, Bryce undid his pants, wrapping his hand around his thick shaft. He closed his eyes, picturing Lateisha all but naked in the back of his limo. He groaned and began to massage his cock, which was now as hard as a rock. Bryce imagined that Lateisha didn’t spook and they hadn’t stopped. Prior to Gerry interrupting them, Lateisha had her hands wrapped around his length and it felt so good. Just thinking about it now made him even harder. He suppressed a moan and massaged faster, pretending he was buried deep inside of Lateisha as she had her beautiful legs wrapped around him. Bryce’s balls tightened and his hips bucked and at the last second he remembered to grab the cup before he came.

  Bryce blinked, reality coming back to him. Heat flushed his face as he just realized what he did and where he was. It took him several minutes to collect himself but he washed himself off and capped the cup returning it to the counter on which he found it. Five minutes later a knock sounded on the door. Without looking at the nurse, he handed the cup over and headed towards the waiting room, relieved to find the couple who smirked at him earlier had already gone.


  “We’re all set!” Doctor Gates, chipper as ever, returned to the room.

  In her hand she clutched something that looked eerily like a turkey baster.

  “Now lie back, feet up in the stirrups. This won’t hurt at all, but we will need you to lay with your butt up for a bit afterwards,” the doctor said.

  Lateisha rolled her eyes, wanting to just get this over with before she changed her mind. She had to remind herself, more than once, about the thirty-thousand and doing Bryce a favor. Otherwise she would have booked it from the office a half hour ago. Twenty minutes of staring at the ceiling later, Lateisha was allowed to get up and get dressed.

  “Is there anything I shouldn’t do?” Lateisha asked when she walked out of the room.

  “Nope. We will have you come back in two weeks to see if it took and then we will discuss prenatal visits etc. at that time. If you’re pregnant that is.” The nurse, just as cheery as the doctor, said as she walked Lateisha out.

  Lateisha made an appointment for two weeks later and stepped into the waiting room. Bryce sat there, head in his hands. He didn’t see her approach and for a moment she just studied him. He seemed different; not as prim and proper as usual. His hair was a bit disheveled, in a sexy way, and his jaw was covered in brown stubble. If Lateisha hadn’t just been defiled by a turkey baster she would have thrown herself at him. He looked damn sexy.

  “Hey,” she said, resting a hand on his shoulder.

  Touching him was always met with electricity and she resisted the urge to snatch her hand back. Bryce stood. He had a strange look on his face and just looked at her for a moment. He almost looked as if he wanted to kiss her and Lateisha’s heart raced at the idea.

  “You ready?” He asked, turning towa
rds the door without another word.

  Lateisha frowned, something was off but she wasn’t sure what. She missed prim and proper Bryce, and that thought confused her more than anything.


  Bryce offered to give Lateisha a ride home again but she declined, needing some time to herself to digest everything. She could possibly, at that moment, become pregnant with Bryce’s child. A strange shiver of excitement ran down her spine but she ignored it. This wasn’t her baby, it was Bryce’s. Besides, she didn’t even like kids or want them. Did she?

  Shaking her head in confusion, Lateisha climbed onto the bus. The whole ride back to her apartment Lateisha’s mind raced. Did she want to sign the paper? Did she want to give Bryce their baby? Did she even want a baby? Did she really just want Bryce? By the time she reached home she was so confused. Becky was sitting on the couch watching a movie when Lateisha walked in the door. She fought the urge to run for her room and slam the door. Being mature about this was important if she wanted Becky on board.

  “Hey,” Lateisha said with a lame wave.

  “Hey, girl,” Becky answered, not looking up from the TV.

  “I’m going to go lie down for a bit,” Lateisha said, heading towards her room.

  Becky nodded, still not looking at Lateisha. She was mad, but Lateisha didn’t have the energy to care.

  Feeling extremely worn out, Lateisha stripped off her clothes and pulled a t-shirt over her head. She fell into bed and pulled the blanket to her chin, wondering if she just made the biggest mistake of her life.


  “I don’t even know why I’m telling you all of this, John,” Bryce said, hanging his head as he pressed the phone to his ear.

  After the appointment he went back to the office, of course. His long time friend and business partner, John Wilson, called him while he was brooding with a glass of Jack and staring out the window.

  “I think this is a mistake, Bryce. She’s using you for your money. Can’t you see? Even if she does end up pregnant not only will she keep the baby, but she will also try to swindle you out of millions to take care of it,” John practically screamed at Bryce through the phone.


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