Betrayal: Kyle's Revenge (The Betrayal Series)

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Betrayal: Kyle's Revenge (The Betrayal Series) Page 3

by Sofia Velardi

  While she futzed with cutlery and plate settings, Brianna’s landline phone rang. It was her doorman calling to tell her she had a visitor downstairs. Brianna instructed him to let Abby in. With butterflies in her stomach, she removed her apron and adjusted her skin tight cocktail dress. About a minute later, there was a knock on her door. After quickly checking her hair and makeup in a wall mirror, Brianna took a deep breath and opened the door. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree when she saw Abby on the other side of the door, looking sweet and adorable in one of her signature flower dresses. Her bangs had been brushed to the side, and her long, brown hair had been curled in loose, perfect waves.

  “Hi,” Brianna breathed, scanning Abby from head to toe. “You look amazing.”

  “Thank you. So do you,” Abby grinned, clutching a bottle of wine in her hands.

  “Come on in.” Brianna grabbed Abby’s hand, pulled her inside the apartment, and slammed the door shut.

  “Here. I brought you this.” Abby handed Brianna the bottle of wine.

  Without taking her eyes off of her, Brianna snatched the bottle of wine from Abby’s hands and placed it on a nearby table. She couldn’t care less about the wine. Her lips craved something else. With unbridled lust setting her ocean blue eyes on fire, Brianna lunged at Abby, cradling her face with both hands and claiming her glossy lips in one swift move. She groaned into the kiss, marveling at how much she had missed those lips and how sweet they tasted. They had only been apart for a bit over twenty-four hours, but to Brianna, it felt more like twenty-four days.

  The sheer force of the kiss caught Abby by surprise and made her stumble backward a little. Wrapping her hands around Brianna’s waist and closing her eyes, Abby parted her lips and let Brianna’s tongue wrestle with hers. She moaned softly, getting lost in the fiery kiss that grew more frantic and more stimulating the longer it went.

  By the time the kiss ended, Abby had forgotten where she was or what her name was. “Wow. Good to see you too, Brianna,” she joked, feeling dazed and incredibly turned on.

  Feeling a little light-headed herself, Brianna wrapped her hands around Abby’s waist to keep both of them from losing their balance and falling down. They both giggled at how long the kiss lasted and how out of breath they both were. They just couldn’t get enough of each other and were thrilled to be in each other’s arms once more.

  “I hope you’re hungry. I think I cooked way too much food,” Brianna giggled as she caressed Abby’s cheek with the back of her hand.

  “It smells delicious. I’m starving,” Abby remarked about the mouth-watering aroma coming from the kitchen.

  After enjoying a delicious dinner, Abby and Brianna moved from the dining room to the couch with glasses of red wine in their hands. After chitchatting about what they did that day and other mundane, everyday things, Brianna decided to steer the conversation towards more serious subjects.

  Brianna tucked her legs under her and leaned her elbow on the couch. “I need to ask you something Abby because the curiosity is killing me.”

  “What do you want to know? You can ask me anything,” Abby replied, getting comfortable on the expensive leather sofa.

  “I know I’m the first girl you have ever been with. But have you ever felt attracted to other girls before me?”

  Abby gazed into space as she pondered the question. “Honestly, I never looked at another woman twice before I met you.”

  “Did you ever wonder what it’d be like to be with another woman? Did you ever feel any curiosity at all?”

  Abby giggled nervously as she remembered a little anecdote she had never told anyone about. With heat creeping up her cheeks, she cleared her throat and proceeded to share with Brianna the embarrassing but memorable tale.

  “Once I found a DVD that belonged to one of my brothers. I was thirteen years old at the time. I remember my brother would lock his bedroom door when our parents were not home and watch something on his T.V. I had no idea why he was being so secretive, but I could hear strange sounds coming from his bedroom. Other thirteen year olds would have figured out immediately what my brother was up to, but not me. You have to understand I was very sheltered growing up.”

  Abby continued. “Anyway, one day I was alone in the house and went into his room. I snooped around his drawers and came across a homemade DVD inside a white CD sleeve. I pulled the DVD out of the sleeve and saw the words ‘STAR WARS’ written in black magic marker on the disc. I was bored so I decided to watch it. I popped the DVD in my brother’s DVD player and hit play. Two seconds into the video, I knew I was not watching a Star Wars movie. The video was actually girl-on-girl porn.”

  Abby giggled and buried her face in her hands as she remembered the shock she felt when the two very naked girls popped on the screen.

  “Really?” Brianna asked, her eyes sparkling with amusement. “Did you like what you saw?”

  Abby raised her head and stopped giggling, but still couldn’t look at Brianna in the face. “I’m not going to lie to you. I got turned on by them kissing.”

  “Did you watch the whole thing?”

  Abby shook her head and pursed her lips. She turned to look at Brianna. “No. I couldn’t. When the girls in the video started doing other things besides kissing, I got embarrassed and stopped the video. I popped the DVD out of the DVD player and put it back where I had found it. After that experience, I never touched any of my brother’s things again, and I never felt the desire to watch or do what I saw on that DVD.”

  “So you’ve never experimented? Not even while drunk in college?”

  “No. I have friends who are gay, but I never felt any desire to do anything with them. I just never felt the need to experiment.” She shrugged before taking a sip of her wine. “I did kiss a girl once though.”

  Brianna squealed, shifting in her seat. “Really?”

  “Yes. One time I went out with some girls to a bar. Some of them were friends, some were just acquaintances. One of the acquaintances got pretty drunk, and out of nowhere, stuck her tongue down my throat.”

  “She did? What did you do?”

  “I pushed her away.”

  “So you didn’t like it?”

  “The kiss was not bad, I guess. What I didn’t like was the aggression.”

  “So, why did you let me kiss you that night at that party? I too shoved my tongue down your throat that night, but you didn’t push me away. Why, Abby?”

  Abby shrugged. “I honestly don’t know. You caught me by surprise, and there were people watching and expecting things from me. I didn’t want to look like a square. Besides, you are a much better kisser than that drunk girl at that bar.”

  “I am?” Brianna giggled, leaning in to steal a brief kiss.

  Abby stared into Brianna’s blue eyes, but her gaze kept drifting down to the plump, red lips just inches away from hers. She couldn’t get enough of those perfectly sculpted lips. “Yes, you are. I don’t know what it is about you. You have fascinated me for years.”

  “I’m fascinating?” Brianna raised a questioning eyebrow and grinned, flattered by Abby’s admission.

  “Yes. I’ve been obsessed with you since before I met you. You were such a big mystery to me for so long. Even though you are a public figure, it is very hard to find things about you on the internet. And Kyle just refused to talk about you no matter how much I asked.”

  “Yeah. The reason you can’t find much about me on the internet is because I avoid the limelight. I don’t frequent trendy restaurants, I don’t date other celebrities, and I don’t go clubbing and get drunk at places that I know are crawling with paparazzi.

  “I go out of my way to keep my private life private. My manager hates it. He says that if I put myself out there more, I might be more famous and get better acting jobs, but I refuse to be one of those celebrities who are in the tabloids every week. I don’t want to have a guy with a camera following me around everywhere I go. I’m doing this acting thing on my own terms, and if keeping a low profile cost
s me jobs and money, so be it.”

  “Good for you,” Abby remarked.

  “Anyways, you were saying something about being fascinated by me?”

  “Yes. I was fascinated with your mystic if you’d like to call it that. And then when I saw you for the first time in person I was just star struck. And I wasn’t the only one. Every guy at that party was in love with you. I was a little jealous of you, actually.”

  “Jealous? Of me? Why?”

  “I’ve always felt invisible to most men. With the exception of Kyle, they all treat me like their little sister. You, on the other hand, had all the men at that party eating out of your hand, even after they found out you were gay and realized they had no chance with you.”

  “Men are idiots. I don’t know how they couldn’t see just how gorgeous you are. I noticed it immediately.”

  Abby reached out to grab a lock of Brianna’s silky hair and wrapped it around her finger. “At first, when I saw you dancing and flirting with all those guys, I wanted to be you. But after I kissed you, I wanted to be with you.”

  “Is that so?” Brianna smiled widely, delighted by all the interesting things she was learning about Abby that night.

  “Yes. I could not stop thinking about it all day and all night. I even had dreams about it.”

  “I couldn’t stop thinking about it either.”

  “Then that night in your hotel suite, I just wanted to be with you. It’s hard to explain or understand because I had never felt those things before for another woman. But there is something about you that just draws me in. I’m powerless against it, whatever it is.”

  “I know what you mean. I feel the exact same way about you. There is an aura about you, Abby. I don’t know how to explain it. I feel so comfortable and peaceful around you. And you’re freaking gorgeous to boot.”

  Abby giggled like a school girl while her cheeks began to burn her face again. She wasn’t used to being fawned over that much. Not even Kyle complimented her as much as Brianna did. She needed to change the subject quickly.

  “So, what about you?” Abby asked Brianna while reaching forward to grab her wine glass. “I know you have always been attracted to girls. But have you ever wondered what it would be like to kiss a guy? To be with a guy? Have you ever been with a guy?”

  Brianna chuckled, but her joyful expression quickly morphed into a somber one when the memory of the only man she had ever been with pushed its way into her thoughts.

  “I’ve never been with a guy in my life except for that degenerate pastor who forced himself on me.” Brianna got quiet for a second and reached for her wine. She downed what was left in her glass in one gulp.

  Brianna couldn’t even say his name. She desperately wanted to move on from what Pastor Patrick Miller did to her. And while she was sleeping better and was no longer afraid of him, the mere memory of the man still made her seethe with uncontrollable rage.

  Abby realized immediately she had put her foot in her mouth. She wanted to kick herself for her unintentionally insensitive question. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have…”

  Brianna waved her hand in the air. “Don’t worry about it. It’s okay.” Miller had ruined a good chunk of her life. Brianna wasn’t going to let him ruin hers and Abby’s evening. After purging the memory of that terrible man from her thoughts, Brianna continued answering Abby’s question.

  “I have never been with a guy by choice, but I came pretty close to being with one once.”

  Abby’s eyes bugged out at the revelation. “Really? Who?”

  “My best friend Billy. I told you about him the other night.”

  “Yes, I remember. He’s the one who helped you escape from your parent’s house and flee to California.”

  “Yes, him. Anyway, Billy is straight and has had a massive crush on me ever since we met in grade school. He’s the first person I told I was into girls. He was crushed at first, but has been very supportive of me ever since. He is a great guy, and I love him to death. I didn’t have any real friends growing up except for Billy. I could talk to him about anything and could always count on him to keep my secrets. He is so handsome, sweet and smart, I sometimes wished I could fall in love with him. My life would have been a lot easier if I had.”

  “Anyway, one night, during our sophomore year in high school, his parents were out of town and Billy had his house to himself. He was bored, and there was a whole case of beer in his fridge. So he invited me over to hang out and get drunk.”

  “What about your parents? Did they know you were alone with a boy in his house?”

  “I snuck out. They never suspected a thing.”

  “Then what happened?”

  “We hung out in his living room and drank some of the beer in his fridge. We were pretty buzzed but not really drunk. We were joking around and being very touchy feely with each other, but we both knew nothing was going to ever happen between us.”

  “We were sitting on his couch, being silly and talking about trivial things like homecoming and college football, when all of a sudden, the conversation turned to more serious topics. We began to talk about girls and boys and how different our views are when it comes to love and sexual attraction.”

  “Out of nowhere, Billy confessed he was in love with me. It took me by surprise. I knew he had a crush on me, but I didn’t know he was in love with me. He told me he couldn’t believe how a girl as pretty as me was not into guys. He told me he couldn’t stop fantasizing about me and said he’d give anything so I would see him as more than just a friend. Maybe it was the alcohol, but he got pretty emotional about it.”

  “Poor Billy,” Abby said.

  “I felt bad for him, seeing him so sad and with tears in his eyes. But there was nothing I could do about it.”

  “Then what happened?”

  “He said he wanted to kiss me, just once. He said he needed to know what it’d feel like. I refused at first. I told him I didn’t want to ruin our friendship by doing something we both knew was not going to lead anywhere.”

  “But you ended up doing it, didn’t you?”

  “Yes. Billy looked so sad, it broke my heart. I adore him and didn’t want to see him suffering so much. Besides, at the time, I was a little curious about guys. I was wondering about what it would feel like to kiss one. Every girl I knew then was always obsessing over this guy or that guy, and I wondered if I was missing out on something. So I let Billy kiss me that night.”

  “How was it? Did you like it?” Abby asked, her face lighting up with curiosity.

  A mischievous grin stretched Brianna’s face. “I’m not going to lie. It was a good kiss. It was a great kiss, actually. It was very…umm stimulating which surprised the crap out of me.”

  “Then what?”

  “The kiss was amazing, but I didn’t feel any emotional connection to Billy. I kept picturing this girl I liked from my biology class the whole time he had his tongue down my throat. Besides, I didn’t like how the stubble on his face was burning my face. That was unpleasant. It was a very steamy kiss, nonetheless. I thought it was only going to be a kiss, but Billy had other plans.”

  “What did he do?”

  “We were still kissing when Billy’s hands began to wander. He squeezed my breast over my shirt. I pushed his hand away but did not break the kiss. I thought he had gotten the message, but then his hand began to slide under my skirt. That’s when I knew I had to put a stop to it. I pushed his lips and his hand away.”

  “How did he react?”

  “He was frustrated. I left him hanging. I snuck a peek at his crotch, and he had a massive boner poking through his jeans. He tried to kiss me again, but I told him it was not a good idea. He told me he understood, but things were weird between us for a while. He then got a girlfriend and his crush on me began to fade. We became tight again and still are great friends until this day.”

  “Poor Billy. It must be awful to be in love with someone and know there is no chance you can ever be with them.”

��Yes. I know exactly how that feels.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes. Growing up, I only developed crushes on straight girls. I’d fool around with the curious or confused ones, but they always went back to boys after they were done experimenting with me. It hurt.”

  Brianna exhaled and reached to touch Abby’s cheek with the tips of her fingers. “Then I fell for you. My brother’s girlfriend. The most forbidden of fruits.” She leaned in and laid a gentle kiss on Abby’s lips, thankful Abby was nothing like those other straight girls that broke her heart.

  “Have you ever been in love before me?” Abby asked.

  “Yes. Her name was Holly. She was a freshman and I was a junior in high school when we met. She was very shy and a bit of a loner like me. She was really bright and a good student. She was so smart, the school paid her to tutor other students. I caught her a couple of times checking me out, so I signed on for one of her tutoring sessions even though I had no interest in learning anything.”

  “You should’ve seen her face when she saw me walk in the empty classroom. It was just her and me in the room. She was so nervous around me, it made me laugh. Anyway, I locked the door of the classroom and made my move while she tried to explain differential equations to me. I didn’t learn any math that day. She, on the other hand, ended up learning a few things from me. She was so adorable and sweet. Sort of like you.”

  “Sounds like you really cared about her. What happened?”

  “After that tutoring session, we hung out at my house almost every day after school. I was as crazy about her as she was about me. But her parents found out about us and forbade her to see me. Soon after, her father moved his whole family to another state.”

  Brianna’s expression changed. Talking about Holly had stirred some painful memories in her.

  Abby intuited Brianna did not want to talk about Holly anymore, so she changed the subject.

  “You know, I’m really looking forward to us living together.”


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