Betrayal: Kyle's Revenge (The Betrayal Series)

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Betrayal: Kyle's Revenge (The Betrayal Series) Page 5

by Sofia Velardi

  She ran her tongue against the length of Brianna’s opening over and over and was ecstatic and relieved to discover she did not hate kissing Brianna there. She didn’t love it yet, but she didn’t hate it either. No longer feeling apprehensive about what she was doing, Abby opened her eyes and continued to swipe her tongue up and down Brianna’s folds. She thought she was doing a good job until she noticed Brianna was not reacting to her efforts as enthusiastically as she had hoped.

  Abby increased the speed and force of her swipes, but Brianna was still not giving her much of a reaction. With her confidence dipping, Abby sank her tongue as deep as she could inside Brianna and wandered aimlessly and awkwardly inside Brianna’s walls. Abby tried as hard as she could to arouse and please Brianna, but after a half hour, all Abby could get from her were a couple of polite moans.

  Feeling frustrated, Abby crawled up until her face was hovering over Brianna’s. “I didn’t do that right, did I?” She asked, her face twisting with embarrassment.

  Brianna chuckled and caressed Abby’s cheek. “Don’t worry about it. It was your first time. You’ll get better at it with time. It’s okay.”

  “I’m so sorry I’m so bad at this,” Abby said.

  The genuine mortification in Abby’s face warmed Brianna’s heart. Abby’s adorableness was just too much for her to handle. “Come here sweet girl,” Brianna cooed, grabbing Abby by the shoulders and getting her to lie next to her.

  Brianna wrapped her arm around Abby’s chest and nuzzled Abby’s neck. “This is what I want. Having you in my arms like this is just as good, if not better, than any orgasm. I mean that. Don’t worry about anything. Just let me hold you like this forever, okay?”

  Abby remained silent and stared at the wall pouting. To her, it was definitely not okay. She felt inadequate, clumsy and insecure. She had never failed so miserably at anything in her life.

  Brianna quickly fell asleep, but Abby didn’t. She was too disappointed in herself to sleep. She stayed up for hours planning her comeback. That night, Abby promised herself that the next time she and Brianna were together, she was going to rock Brianna’s world. She was determined to become the best lover Brianna had ever had.

  She was going to make use of the vast resource of educational material available to her on the internet and at the bookstore where she worked to learn everything she needed about orally pleasing a woman. With that plan, she succumbed to sleep in Brianna’s arms.

  Chapter V

  Meanwhile in Montana, Kyle spent that entire night staring at his computer screen. With every passing hour that Abby’s phone did not leave the mysterious apartment building in Midtown Manhattan, Kyle’s heart sank a little bit more. It was official. Abby was cheating on him. Kyle didn’t need any additional confirmation. He didn’t need to see her with the guy. That night he came to terms with the fact that the woman he thought was a pillar of honesty and goodness was nothing more than a lying, cheating whore.

  While everyone else in the house slept, Kyle sat in the dark with nothing but the glare of the computer screen illuminating his face. Kyle stared at the green dot in the middle of the digital map on the screen and chugged beer after beer. Tears threatened to flood Kyle’s eyes, but he fought them back. He had been taught that real men don’t cry. He didn’t even cry at his father’s funeral. He was determined not to cry over Abby. She did not deserve his tears.

  At around two in the morning, Kyle turned off his computer and got off the chair. There was no point in spying on Abby anymore. She was cheating on him, and he was never going to forgive her for it. Their relationship was more than over. With his legs feeling as heavy as his heart, Kyle staggered towards the window. His whole world was crumbling around him, and he didn’t know what to do. He wanted to talk to someone, but there was no one in that house or any place else he could talk to about the anger and pain that consumed him.

  At the window, Kyle stared at the dark, starry sky through the glass. It was a beautiful, quiet night in Glen Falls, Montana. But all the beauty and serenity in the world couldn’t take Kyle’s mind off Abby’s betrayal. He wanted to scream, smash things against the wall, and curse Abby’s existence to relieve some of the pent up anger inside him. But doing any of that would have woken up everyone in the house.

  Suddenly, Kyle felt as if the room was closing in on him. He couldn’t breathe. He needed to get out of that house and clear his head. Otherwise, he was going to lose it. After grabbing his wallet and phone and stuffing them in his jeans pockets, Kyle tiptoed out of his bedroom and went downstairs. On his way to the kitchen, Kyle saw one of his cousins sleeping in the pull out sofa in the living room and was careful not to wake him up. Luckily for Kyle, he didn’t run into anyone else. Everyone in the house was sound asleep.

  In the kitchen, Kyle saw his mother’s car keys hanging on a hook by the door and took them. Even though he was already pretty drunk, Kyle decided to go for a drive with no destination in mind. Under normal circumstances, Kyle would have never dared to do anything as reckless and irresponsible as driving drunk, but he was so heartbroken that night, he didn’t care whether he hurt himself or others. Nothing mattered to him anymore.

  Kyle got in his mother’s Toyota Camry and drove around the residential neighborhood at twenty miles over the speed limit. He was lucky his erratic driving didn’t get him pulled over. He got on the town’s main road and just drove and drove. After running a few red lights and almost colliding head on with another car, Kyle decided to stop and find a bar. He drove by a dinky one on the other side of town and decided to check it out. He needed more alcohol, something stronger than the cheap beer he had been drinking, to numb the pain in his heart.

  After parking the car, Kyle staggered through the bar’s door and immediately drew the attention of the rowdy, drunk men and the scantily clad women who packed the run-down establishment. Kyle couldn’t care less that everyone was staring at him. He was there to drink. He was not there to socialize and certainly not to flirt with anyone.

  After wading through the pack of sweaty, drunk bodies, Kyle made it to the bar, squeezed between two large middle aged men, and sat on a stool. While country western music blasted from the speakers and blended with the loud laughter of all the drunk, happy patrons, Kyle tried to get the attention of the bartender.

  “Can I have a shot of whiskey, please?” Kyle slurred when the bartender came over to him. “Actually, just bring me the whole bottle,” he added.

  Seeing that Kyle was already pretty hammered, the bartender wasn’t going to give Kyle any alcohol. “Sorry, kid. No one here is going to serve you any whiskey or anything else in this bar. You look like you had enough to drink already. You need to go home.”

  “You’re not my fucking father. Just serve me the fucking drink,” Kyle scowled at the bartender while getting his wallet out of his jean pocket. He pulled a couple of bills out of it and tossed them at the bartender. “Here. I’m not a kid. I’m a grown man with money, and I want to drink. Get me a bottle of whiskey and mind your own business.”

  “Sorry kid. No can do.”

  The grumpy bartender, a pudgy, middle-aged man with a grey, scraggly beard and tattoo sleeves, knew Kyle and his family. His wife and Kyle’s mother worked together at a bank and were close friends. The bartender wasn’t going to give his friend’s drunk kid any booze, and he wasn’t going to let him drive in the condition he was either.

  “You need to go home and sleep it off, son.”

  Kyle grumbled something under his breath. Seeing that he was not getting anywhere with the bartender, Kyle got off his stool to leave. “Fine,” he barked, putting the wallet back in his pocket. “I’m leaving, but I’m not going home. I’ll find another bar where paying customers are appreciated and not treated like children.”

  “You are in no condition to drive, kid. Give me your keys,” the bartender demanded, holding out his hand. “Why don’t you call someone to come pick you up?”

  “I don’t need a babysitter. I’m a grown man.
I’m fine,” Kyle snapped, wobbling around and drawing the attention of the other patrons. Realizing he was too lightheaded to walk much less drive and find another bar, Kyle decided to stay and convince the pain in the ass bartender to serve him one drink.

  “Please man. I’m fine. Forget the bottle. Just give me one shot of whiskey. That’s all I need. One crummy shot. I need it badly. You have no idea the type of day I’ve had. Please.”

  The bartender felt bad for Kyle. He saw the anguish in his eyes but still wouldn’t serve him. “Sorry kid. If you don’t call someone to come pick you up, I will.”

  Kyle sat back on the stool and held his head with both hands. He refused to hand over his car keys and continued to hopelessly plead with the bartender.

  The back and forth between Kyle and the bartender caught the attention of a pretty young blond sitting at a nearby table with some of her friends. To the girl, Kyle seemed like a drunk pain in the ass, but he was drop dead gorgeous. The bubbly blonde had never seen him before and was intrigued. So she went to the bar to meet the handsome, mystery man.

  Wearing skin tight faded jeans and an even tighter tank top and cowboy boots, the curly haired beauty approached the bar and ordered a drink. The stool next to Kyle had become available, so she sat on it. She eyed Kyle’s bulging biceps while she waited for her drink. She was dying to see Kyle’s face because Kyle had it buried in his hands.

  Kyle was heartbroken, but he still looked hot that night. His tight t-shirt and jeans made it obvious he had a great body. Even though he was acting like an obnoxious drunk, women still wanted him. That blonde sitting next to him was not the only one in that bar who had noticed him. The girl knew she needed to make her move quickly.

  When the bartender returned with blonde girl’s drink, he pleaded with Kyle once more to call someone to come pick him up.

  “I can drive him home, Phil,” The girl said to the bartender while staring at Kyle who still had his head down. Phil thanked the girl but still refused to serve Kyle a drink. A relieved Phil walked away from Kyle and the girl and went to serve other customers.

  “Hi. I’m Tara,” the girl cooed, flipping her curly hair back and swiveling on her stool to face Kyle. “What’s your name, handsome?”

  “Kyle,” Kyle mumbled, frustrated that he couldn’t get the shot of whiskey he desperately needed. His hands were still covering his face. He wouldn’t turn around or look over his shoulder to see who it was trying to start a conversation with him.

  “What’s wrong, Kyle? Why so sad? Did you break up with your girlfriend or something?”

  “Just leave me alone, please,” Kyle grumbled before shooting Tara a quick glance. That was the most polite thing he could come up with. He was too pissed to be nice or even civil to anyone. He wished everyone would just leave him alone so he could get as drunk as possible and forget all about his cheating girlfriend.

  Kyle’s dismissive attitude did not discourage Tara. After seeing his gorgeous face, she was more interested in Kyle than before. “You are so gorgeous Kyle. If you let me, I can help you forget all about that girl that broke your heart.”

  Kyle turned his head and gave Tara another quick glance over but did not reply to her shameless proposal. He thought she was attractive, but he was not interested. He was too heartbroken over Abby. Besides, women who threw themselves at men were a huge turn off to him.

  “What if instead of driving you home I take you to my place and make you forget all about that horrible girl who stumped on your heart? What do you say, handsome Kyle?”

  Kyle turned to her. “Do you have whiskey in your house?”

  Tara nodded. “You can have all the whiskey you want, baby.”

  “Let’s go,” Kyle commanded, shooting to his feet. Tara shot to her feet too, squealing at how tall and imposing Kyle was and how pretty his eyes were.

  Kyle grabbed Tara’s wrist and dragged her out of the bar. Kyle did not believe in hooking up with random girls-had never done it in his life. But Tara had whiskey and could drive him anywhere he wanted. He didn’t care if he had to sleep with her to get the booze. That night he no longer cared about anything. He was willing to do anything to make himself feel better.

  While Phil was busy waiting on other customers, Kyle and Tara stepped out of the bar and walked a few steps to the parking lot.

  “That’s my truck over there,” Tara remarked, pointing at a red Ford F150 parked on the other side of the poorly lit parking lot. Tara grabbed Kyle’s hand and dragged him to her truck. She couldn’t wait until they got to her apartment. So Tara decided to get some action with Kyle behind her truck in the empty lot. Kyle was the most gorgeous guy Tara had ever seen, and she wanted him badly.

  Behind the truck, Tara flung her hands around Kyle’s neck and pushed his face down so she could slam her lips against his.

  Kyle did not protest but didn’t really kiss her back either. Tara could do whatever she wanted to him as long as she got him the whiskey he badly needed.

  Tara did not care that Kyle was not into her. She was confident she was going to change how he felt about her by the time they made it to her apartment.

  Tara looked around and saw there was no one around. She and Kyle were between a wall and the back of her truck, and it was pretty dark. She realized they had enough privacy to do anything they wanted back there without anyone noticing them.

  Kyle was taken aback when Tara began to undo his belt buckle and pull his pants down but did not have the clarity of mind to stop her. As long as he got his whiskey, Kyle was willing to do anything, including fucking someone he just met in a parking lot. Besides, he was a free man. He didn’t owe loyalty to Abby anymore. With images of Abby rolling around in bed with her lover burning into his brain, Kyle shook with rage. He thought sleeping with Tara might make him feel better.

  Tara kissed Kyle again. She was pleasantly surprised when he kissed her back. While shoving her tongue down Kyle’s throat, Tara slid her hand inside Kyle’s briefs and started stroking him to get him hard. Tara squealed at the length of Kyle’s cock, and Kyle responded to the stimulation immediately.

  When Tara felt Kyle was ready, she pulled away from Kyle’s lips, looked around the parking lot to make sure no one was around, and dropped to her knees. She looked up at Kyle’s dazed face, grinning at him as she pulled his briefs down his hips.

  “Jackpot,” Tara muttered as Kyle’s cock sprung free in front of her face. It was the most beautiful cock she had ever seen: smooth, pink and thick. She did not waste any time and immediately closed her lips around its length. She licked and sucked Kyle’s perfect cock like her life depended on it while also stroking him with her hand.

  Kyle held on to the bed of the truck, threw his head back and just enjoyed the moment. Tara had a very talented mouth. She knew what she was doing. For a brief second, Kyle was able to forget about Abby and her betrayal. His heart was still broken, but Tara’s lips provided Kyle with a most welcomed, albeit brief, escape from reality.

  With his eyes closed, Kyle grunted and moaned as Tara’s skilled lips and deep throat gave him the best blowjob he had ever had. Kyle looked down and saw his cock disappear in and out of Tara’s hungry mouth. He locked eyes with her. She smiled at him, and he couldn’t help but smile back. He was starting to like Tara. She was easy, uncomplicated, had booze, and wanted nothing more than to please him. He’d never fall in love with her so there was no risk of her ever breaking his heart. Kyle wondered if he had been wasting his time chasing after girls like Abby when he should have been going after girls like Tara.

  Kyle threw his head back and closed his eyes again. After twenty minutes of Tara’s lip service, Kyle was on the verge of coming, but he didn’t get a chance to relieve himself because a loud menacing voice took him out of the moment.

  “Tara? What the fuck are you doing?” The voice barked.

  Kyle opened his eyes just in time to see a bald-headed, tattooed man grab Tara by the back of her hair and drag her away from him and his still hard, dr
ipping cock. Kyle began to sober up when he saw how big the bald headed guy was. He looked like a body builder or a bouncer. Kyle figured the guy was Tara’s boyfriend, even though the beast looked a lot older than Tara. Seeing how angry and big the guy was, Kyle began to fear for Tara’s safety.

  “I’m sorry, man. I didn’t know she had a boyfriend. Please don’t hurt her,” Kyle pleaded with the Shrek-like creature while bending over and pulling his briefs and pants back up.

  “Who the hell is this guy?” The massive guy barked, still holding Tara by her hair. His menacing brown eyes kept darting from Tara to Kyle and back to Tara.

  “Let me go, Jim,” Tara shrieked. “I’m no not your girlfriend anymore. It is none of your concern who I fuck or don’t fuck.” Tara struggled to jerk herself free from Jim’s grip. She tried to kick him and scratch his face, but she failed miserably. Jim was too strong. Tara looked like a rag doll in his hands.

  After zipping up his pants and buckling his belt, Kyle continued to plead with Jim. He stepped closer to the beast. “Come on, man. Let her go.”

  “I’m going to kill you, asshole,” Jim snarled, tossing Tara to the ground and lunging at Kyle.

  Kyle’s eyes flew to Tara who looked like she hurt herself when she crashed on the pavement. Kyle was in shock. His first instinct was to go help Tara. He was not really concerned about himself. But before he could get to Tara, Jim grabbed him by the throat and threw him against the parking lot wall.

  While Tara screamed for help, Jim punched Kyle in the stomach repeatedly, making Kyle’s body jolt back and slam against the wall behind him. Kyle wouldn’t have been able to defend himself even if he’d tried to. He was too drunk, and Jim was too big and strong. So Kyle took the punishment. Gasping for air and gagging on his own spit, Kyle dropped to his knees while Jim continued to punch him in the stomach.


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