Betrayal: Kyle's Revenge (The Betrayal Series)

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Betrayal: Kyle's Revenge (The Betrayal Series) Page 15

by Sofia Velardi

  Kyle stumped back to where Abby was cowering and grabbed a handful of her shirt to get her to stand up. He’d had it with Abby disrespecting and humiliating him.

  Abby let out a blood curdling scream when she saw Kyle charge towards her. “Please Kyle. Don’t hurt me. I said I was sorry. I won’t disobey you again. I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” she sobbed, bracing herself for more pain as Kyle hovered over her.

  Kyle placed both palms flat on the wall, trapping Abby between them. His eyes bore into Abby’s, their blazing anger burning a hole through her. The hate and revulsion Kyle felt for Abby were deeper and more consuming than ever, but he realized smacking Abby around was not going to satisfy his thirst for revenge.

  He was not going to reveal Brianna’s arrest to the world either, at least not yet. That arrest was all the leverage he had to keep Abby and Brianna apart. He wasn’t going to leak it. But he had to punish Abby and make her understand he was not to be disobeyed or disrespected.

  Kyle drew a deep breath and closed his eyes to get his rage in check. But it didn’t work because when he opened his eyes and they found Abby’s, memories of the last three years he had wasted on her flashed in front of his eyes. His anger reached its boiling point as she stared up at him looking paler than a ghost. “You think I was kidding around yesterday when I told you to stay away from Brianna? You think I was just spouting out empty threats?”

  While Abby pleaded for mercy with her eyes, Kyle slid one hand behind Abby’s head and gripped a handful of her hair. He ignored the look of desperation and helplessness in Abby’s face and dragged her away from the wall and into the kitchen.

  “Please Kyle, you’re hurting me,” Abby cried.

  Shrieking and pleading for mercy, Abby struggled to free herself from Kyle’s grip as she and Kyle stumbled inside the kitchen. She reached behind her head with both hands and tried to scratch Kyle’s wrists. When her nails sank in Kyle’s flesh, Kyle growled and hurled her across the room. Abby stumbled forward, crashing on top of a chair and tumbling to the floor with the chair under her.

  On her hands and knees, Abby winced and gasped from the sharp pain the fall had produced around her ribs. She was struggling to get on her feet when she felt Kyle’s hand on the back of her head once again, gripping her hair and yanking her to her feet.

  Abby was still processing the pain from the fall when she found herself bent over the kitchen table with Kyle’s hand holding her head down. She continued to wail and plead with Kyle to let her go. She apologized to him over and over, but Kyle was indifferent to her suffering.

  With his free hand, Kyle lifted Abby’s skirt up until it was bunched up on the small of her back exposing her panties. “Since you didn’t take my words seriously yesterday, maybe this will convince you I’m not to be messed with,” Kyle said through gritted teeth.

  When Abby felt her skirt go up behind her, she knew what Kyle was going to do to her next, but part of her refused to believe he’d actually do it. As vicious and callous as Kyle had become, Abby didn’t think he’d be capable of doing something as heinous as forcing himself on her.

  When she heard the sound of pants being unzipped, she knew Kyle had completely gone over to the dark side. Then she felt Kyle’s hand yanking and ripping her delicate lace thong off her, and that’s when she knew her life was never going to be the same ever again.

  With terror washing over her, Abby made one final attempt to talk some sense into Kyle. “Kyle please. Don’t do this. I’m sorry I disobeyed you. I promise I won’t do it again. Please let me go,” Abby pleaded.

  Abby kept wailing and pleading with Kyle until she felt Kyle’s whole cock ramming into her, tearing her insides apart with its girth and length. Her breath caught in her throat as the shock and the pain worked their way through her body. The excruciating pain rendered her incapable of uttering another word or making another sound. She struggled to lift her head and get off the table, but she couldn’t overcome Kyle’s crushing grip.

  Kyle kept grunting and ramming furiously into Abby over and over, making Abby and the table under her jolt forward with each angry thrust. Tears kept streaming down Abby’s cheeks and rolling across the wobbly kitchen table that kept sliding across the floor every time Kyle pulled out and slammed back into Abby.

  Blood rushed to Abby’s face as her upper body laid on top of that table. She whimpered softly, clenched her fists and mentally questioned God for abandoning her. She prayed for the whole nightmare to end, but Kyle wouldn’t stop or even slow down. Soon she stopped struggling. She stared into space through the tears flooding her eyes and let despair take over.

  “Disobey me again and things will go a lot worse for you,” Kyle snarled as he pulled out of Abby. He pulled his boxer briefs and pants up while shooting Abby’s half naked body a disgusted look. He had a chance to see her face as he walked around the kitchen table to step out of the room. Seeing Abby looking broken and lifeless made Kyle feel a pinch of remorse for what he’d done, but he quickly reminded himself that she deserved to be punished.

  Abby stayed bent over the table long after Kyle had left the room. She could feel Kyle’s warm seed dribbling down her inner thigh, but she was in too much pain-physical and emotional-to get up and clean herself up. With her skirt still bunched up behind her back and her private parts exposed, Abby sobbed silently and wondered what she had done to deserve so much pain and humiliation.

  Kyle, who had disappeared into the bedroom to change his clothes, returned to the kitchen and stood at the doorway. “I’m going out. Don’t do anything stupid,” he barked.

  The thunder of his voice sent shivers through Abby who was still bent over the kitchen table. She couldn’t see Kyle’s face and wouldn’t dare raise her head to look at him. She could hear his footsteps growing fainter and fainter, and then the sound of the front door being slammed shut reverberated through her weary body. He was gone. Momentary relief washed over Abby.

  With great effort, Abby straightened herself up and pushed her skirt down. She held her ribs and winced from the sharp pain that shot through her midsection with every step she took out of the kitchen. She was also having difficulty breathing. She figured she had bruised her ribs when Kyle threw her across the kitchen and she fell on the chair. She didn’t think she had broken anything, but the pain was pretty strong.

  After limping into the bathroom where she cleaned herself up and popped a couple of pain pills in her mouth, Abby hobbled to the living room and laid her battered body on the couch. Like waterfalls, tears kept pouring out of her eyes and down her cheeks. She had never felt as alone, helpless and hopeless as she did lying on that couch. She could not sleep. She was in too much pain in spite of the pills and was afraid Kyle would come back and force himself on her again.

  Chapter XII

  Meanwhile at a bar across town, Brianna sat on a bar stool and sipped Ginger Ale while pretending to listen to a story her date was animatedly telling her. Her name was Sasha, and she was one of Brianna’s co-stars in the musical. Sasha, a spunky, short-haired brunette with a nose ring and a bolt across her tongue, had been pursuing Brianna since they met at the auditions for the musical. Brianna had used every excuse in the book to not go out with her after Abby dumped her, but after a month, she figured it was time to move on. So she accepted to go have a drink with Sasha.

  Brianna kept nodding and smiling politely at what sounded like a very interesting story about Sasha’s recent trip to India. But she couldn’t focus and give Sasha her undivided attention. After seeing Abby that afternoon outside the theater, she was all Brianna could think about.

  Brianna had spent a whole month trying to get over Abby. She felt she was making progress until Abby showed up out of nowhere.

  Why was she there? What did she want? Why did she run away? Why did she look so sad?

  Those were the questions that kept running through Brianna’s mind ever since the strange encounter. Many times throughout that day, Brianna felt the urge to call Abby or go to the bookstore t
o talk to her. But she remembered Kyle’s threat and thought it’d be better for Abby and herself if she stayed away.

  “Is everything okay?” Sasha asked, narrowing her eyes at Brianna.

  “What?” Brianna replied, snapping out of her Abby-induced trance.

  “You look like you went someplace else for a second there. I didn’t think my story was that boring.”

  Brianna shook her head and chuckled nervously, embarrassed by her own rudeness. “I’m sorry. Your story is not boring. It’s me. I’m just a little preoccupied with something right now. Please continue.”

  “Don’t apologize. The story isn’t really that interesting anyway. I’d rather talk about you. I’m so glad you finally agreed to have a drink with me.”

  “Me too. I’m having a good time. Honestly. I just get lost in my own thoughts from time to time.”

  “I understand,” Sasha grinned before taking a sip of her drink. “So… tell me, Brianna… How is it possible that a gorgeous girl like you is not seeing anyone?”

  Brianna shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m just too busy with the musical and don’t have time to go out on dates.”

  “Bullshit,” Sasha snapped. “What’s her name?”


  “What’s her name? The girl you are hung up on. Every time someone spaces out like you did and claims they don’t have time to date it’s because they are hung up on an ex. I’ve been there. So what’s her name?”

  Brianna let out a heavy sigh and played with the straw on her drink before answering. “Abby.”

  “Pretty name. What happened? Why did you two break up?”

  “It’s complicated.”

  “Isn’t it always?” They both chuckled.

  Sasha leaned forward on her stool until her face was inches away from Brianna’s. Her eyes began to dart between Brianna’s ocean blue eyes and her perfectly sculpted lips. “This Abby person must be pretty amazing to have someone like you so knotted up.”

  “She is,” Brianna replied, unable to hide the sadness and longing in her voice.

  “I bet she is. I wonder what a girl like me could do to make you forget her.” Sasha stared at Brianna’s plump lips and couldn’t help herself anymore. She leaned in and crushed Brianna’s lips with hers. Brianna was caught off guard by Sasha’s bold move. She didn’t object to it, but she didn’t kiss Sasha back either.

  Brianna desperately needed to get over Abby. Sasha was a gorgeous girl and seemed like a fun person to be around. Brianna thought that maybe Sasha could help her forget Abby. Sasha slipped her tongue between Brianna’s lips and seemed to really enjoy the kiss. Brianna, on the other hand, felt nothing. She felt no chemistry, no butterflies in her stomach. Sasha was not making her toes curl the same way Abby did. The image of Abby standing outside the theater looking lost and sad kept popping in her head. She tried to get into the kiss, but it was hopeless. She pulled back and broke the kiss.

  “I’m sorry Sasha. I can’t do this.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Sasha replied, breathless. “It was my fault. I shouldn’t have kissed you like that. You’re obviously not ready to move on.” Sasha lied. Her eyes and voice could not hide her disappointment or frustration.

  Brianna felt bad for Sasha, but there was nothing she could do other than apologize. “I’m so sorry the night didn’t turn out like you expected.”

  “It’s okay,” Sasha whispered, placing her hand over Brianna’s. “If you need someone to talk to, I’m here for you. I’ve been where you are a few times.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate that, but I’m not ready to talk about it yet.” Brianna took the last sip of her ginger ale and stood up. “Listen, it’s been nice hanging out with you, but I think I’m going to call it a night.”

  Sasha shot to her feet. “Let me walk you home at least.”

  Brianna held up her hand. “No. Stay. Enjoy your drink. I’ll see you tomorrow at work.” Brianna shot Sasha an apologetic smile, turned on her heel and headed for the exit.

  “Okay. See you tomorrow,” Sasha hollered as Brianna disappeared in the sea of bar patrons.

  Brianna walked out of the bar and headed home on foot. She needed some time to think and clear her head. She waded through the busy New York City streets and wondered how many more awkward dates she was going to have to go through before she could finally be over Abby. Abby showing up at the theater was bugging her. That night she went home and couldn’t sleep thinking about it.


  Back in Abby’s and Kyle’s apartment, Abby lied on her couch, agonizing over the shooting pain around her midsection. She kept popping pain pills, but the pain wouldn’t go away. She was starting to wonder if she had fractured something. She thought about going to a hospital, but she didn’t want to upset Kyle, so she sucked it up.

  Around three in the morning, the lock on the front door started to wiggle. It was Kyle returning home after another night of heavy drinking. Abby, who was still wide awake, held her breath and squeezed her eyes shut. She prayed that Kyle would leave her alone and not try to punish her some more.

  Luckily for Abby, Kyle ignored her. He made his way to the bedroom, stumbling and knocking over a vase on his way there. He fell asleep the second his body collapsed on the bed.

  Abby let out the breath she was holding when she heard the bedroom door slam shut. Her heart decelerated to a normal pace, but she still couldn’t get her mind to quiet down. She spent the rest of that night falling in and out of sleep and having nightmares about what Kyle had done to her that night.


  When dawn broke a few hours later, Abby got off the couch, determined to go to work. The pain around her ribs had subsided enough for her to walk the fourteen blocks between her apartment and the bookstore without grimacing. She needed to get out of that apartment, and work was the only place where she could go without Kyle freaking out on her. She threw a couple more pain pills down her throat and got ready for her shift.

  After taking a shower, Abby crossed paths with Kyle on her way to the bedroom. She and Kyle stared at each other for a moment without exchanging words. Abby couldn’t hold Kyle’s cold, disgusted glare longer than a few seconds. His mere breathing filled her with terror. With her gaze cast downward, she rushed past him, afraid that he’d snap at any second and subject her to another round of his special punishment.

  Kyle watched Abby scurry away from him like a scared squirrel and attempted to grin, but it was too painful. Abby’s fearfulness would have been more enjoyable to him if it hadn’t been for the massive headache splitting his head. He realized he had overdone his drinking the night before. He wanted to stay in and sleep his hangover off but couldn’t take the day off. He was already in hot water with his boss for coming to work late a couple of times.

  With the stench of alcohol still all over him and looking disheveled, Kyle staggered out of the apartment and took the train to his internship. After Kyle was gone, Abby changed into clean clothes and went to her job at the bookstore.


  “Jesus, Abby! What happened to you?” Jeremy blurted when he saw Abby walk through the door hunched over and limping. The pain in Abby’s face and the huge dark circles around her puffy eyes told Jeremy things between Abby and Kyle were a lot worse than he had suspected. Jeremy could barely recognize the sweet girl who had been working for him for about two years. Abby looked like a ghost of her former self. It killed Jeremy to see her like that and not be able to help her.

  “I’m fine,” Abby insisted, grimacing and making an effort to walk straight.

  Jeremy stepped from behind the register and blocked Abby’s path. “You’re not okay. You need to see a doctor. What happened? Did Kyle did this to you?”

  “No. I bumped into a table and now I’m a little sore. That’s all. It’s no big deal.”

  “I don’t believe you. Kyle did something to you. I’m calling the police. You have to report it.”

  Abby’s face turned ghost-like when she heard the word “poli
ce”. “Don’t! Please Jeremy. Just let it go. Don’t make my life more complicated that it already is. Just leave it alone, okay?” Abby was attempting to walk past Jeremy to get to the register when the doors of the bookstore flung open. She and Jeremy turned around to see who had walked in.

  Abby’s heart dropped to her stomach when she saw Brianna step inside the store. She remembered Kyle’s threats and feared he could be watching the store or show up at any second. She could only imagine what he’d do if he walked in and found Brianna there. With sharp pain in her ribs that felt like she was being stabbed, Abby limped towards Brianna.

  “What are you doing here? You shouldn’t be here. Please go and stay away from me.” Abby grabbed Brianna’s forearm and tried to shove her out the door.

  Brianna ignored Abby’s pleas and refused to move. She stared at Abby from head to toe, stunned and concerned over Abby’s battered appearance and labored breathing. “What happened to you, Abby? Why are you limping?” Brianna asked, cradling Abby’s face with her hands.

  “Nothing. I’m fine.” Abby pushed Brianna’s hands off her face. “Please leave. I’m begging you.”

  “Her boyfriend did this to her,” Jeremy blurted out.

  “Shut up, Jeremy,” Abby snapped at her boss standing behind her but without turning around to look at him.

  Brianna’s eyes widened and flew to Jeremy for a second before returning to Abby. Brianna searched Abby’s face, looking for confirmation of what Jeremy had just said.

  Jeremy stared at the back of Abby’s head. “I’m sorry Abby, but I had to tell someone since you won’t.” Jeremy returned his gaze to Brianna. “Her boyfriend was here yesterday. He yelled at her and shook her around in front of everyone. Abby won’t tell me what happened to her last night, but I believe he’s the reason she is in pain and limping now. He’s dangerous, and Abby needs to get away from him. Could you please talk some sense into her?”


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