Legacy and Love

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Legacy and Love Page 17

by Paula Mowery

  “Oh, yes. I really just discovered these books recently, so I’ve been reading to catch up.”

  The younger woman leaned around me to look at the other. “You know, I wonder what kind of series Alexa will write next.”

  “Honey, it’ll be hard to top this one.”

  A sadness cinched my chest. There would be no other series from Alexa Livingston. These two women talked as if they knew her personally. I was sure they felt as if they did through her many books. I had been grieved to lose my granny, but I suddenly realized there were many others who would grieve her loss, too. Each woman returned to reading or sleeping, so I returned to my book. Upon arrival, I thanked the ladies for their advice about the books. On the inside, I was thankful to hear from Granny’s fans. They adored her and didn’t really know who she was.

  Stepping through the gate, my eyes caught sight of Chase and a shiver ran through my body. He ran toward me and wrapped me in a warm embrace that felt like home.

  “That was a nice welcome.”

  “There’s more where that came from. “

  I raised my eyebrows in response.

  When we had retrieved and stowed all of my luggage in Chase’s car, we headed toward my hotel.

  “I want to take you to dinner tonight. Casual. The fancy stuff is tomorrow night. I’m so excited for you to be here at the book debut. We have other authors coming.” His words tumbled out quickly.

  A knot tightened in my stomach. Where did I fit in all this? Did he expect me to reveal who I was or to say something? He must have read my mind because he continued.

  “And, don’t feel pressured. I won’t reveal your identity unless you want me to.” He glanced at me out of the corner of his eye. “I want you to be able to enjoy the moment with no paparazzi hounding you.”

  I let out a breath. “Thanks. I’m not sure I’m cut out to say anything. In fact, I had the opportunity on the plane ride here, but didn’t take it. I didn’t want it.”

  Chase looked at me rather confused. I proceeded to tell him about the two women on the airplane.

  “There are many people all over the country who have that same sentiment, and they will be thrilled about this last book just like those two women.”

  “What are you going to say about Granny Olivia?”

  “I’m not going to reveal everything, because that would make it much too easy to track her down and her house and you.” His expression changed momentarily to sad. “I am going to announce she has passed, so this last book is precious. The end of the story in many ways.”

  “I realized sitting on the plane, listening to those two ladies, that you would definitely have to at least tell of her passing. They are already trying to figure out what she’ll write next.” My voice cracked.

  Chase put his hand over mine. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, all of this is so surreal, but the fact remains, Granny’s gone.”

  “I know.” His voice trailed off.

  Chase checked me in at the hotel and escorted me to my room with a promise to be back for me at five. I plopped onto the bed with a heavy sigh. I was really here. I grabbed the journal containing Granny’s story and began to add the sentiments I had learned from her fans on the plane.

  Chase showed up right on time, looking quite appealing in a casual blazer and jeans. He escorted me to a seat in a quaint little café. Being with him was comfortable and yet exciting all at once. Upon ordering our food, he covered my hand with his and looked me in the eyes. I was having trouble breathing normal being near him again.

  “Let me give you a run-down on tomorrow’s schedule.” His eyes danced, and he chattered on at a rapid pace. I couldn’t help but hope that his enthusiasm wasn’t only due to the book debut. “I’ll pick you up for breakfast, and then we’ll whisk over to the publishing company so I can give you a tour and show you off.” He grinned and winked. “Then, we’ll have a couple of hours to see some of the sights and then back to the hotel to get ready for the big evening.” He sipped his soda and clicked his lips. “How does that sound?”


  I could hardly sleep that night after Chase walked me to my hotel door. But, gladly, I had my journals, which I wrote in feverishly. Until almost two in the morning.

  I was much too eager to sleep in, so by the time Chase knocked on the door, I was ready to dive into our itinerary.

  “Wow, you’re up and at it.” Chase’s brows rose.

  “I don’t want to miss anything.” I especially didn’t want to miss out on a second being with Chase.

  After breakfast, I followed Chase into a tall building and onto a shiny elevator.

  “Now, you can see where all the publishing magic happens.” His eyes shone like a kid at Christmas. The elevator doors opened. The wall directly outside bore large golden letters spelling out Carson Publishing Company. Chase grabbed my hand and guided me to the right. He waved to a receptionist.

  “Hey, Glenna.”

  She nodded. “Mr. Carson.”

  Chase stopped at a set of double doors at the end of the hall. To the left another woman sat at an L-shaped desk. Her head popped up.

  “Alex, this is my assistant, Carol. This is Alex Lyndon.”

  Carol crossed the distance between us and took my other hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Yes, it’s nice to meet you, too,” I said. Carol looked to Chase as if awaiting more of an explanation.

  “I’m giving her the grand tour.” He opened one of the double doors, pulled me inside, and closed the doors behind us.”

  “Here is my office. I still have a hard time calling it that because it was my father’s.”

  I stood motionless, taking in my surroundings.

  The room was huge, accommodating a large wooden desk as the focal point. An oval table with five chairs stood in one corner. A couch with matching chairs flanked the wall across from the desk. Although, the wall was not a solid wall, it was a large window. The glass panels reached ceiling to floor and displayed the skyline of New York. It resembled something from a movie.

  I walked toward the large window. “Wow, what a view!”

  “I suppose if you like city skylines. I think that’s one of the reasons I continued to travel to your granny’s house. Now that’s a view. Those beautiful mountains as a backdrop to everything. The pace was much more to my liking as well. Slower was refreshing.”

  “Really? I would’ve thought this would be what you were used to.” I indicated the view as well as the expansive office.

  “We do what we must sometimes. There was no one else to step in when my father died. I do love the work, as I’ve said before. I enjoy providing Christian books that impact people’s lives.”


  “But, there are times, I don’t think I fit here.”

  My breath caught. He didn’t feel like he fit in New York. Had he really said that?

  “Publishing and editing are all I know.”

  I giggled. “Sorry, I have to admit, my idea of a publisher was some old man with a cigar giving orders to his printers. I don’t know why.”

  “Nope, just little ol’ me. My father did a good job starting this company and getting people who are good at what they do. It practically runs itself.”

  I tilted my head and gave him a look of disbelief. “I’m sure you’re being modest, but humbleness is an attractive quality.” I said that last part before I thought of how it would sound. Of course, it was what I was thinking and the truth.

  Chase gave me a sly look. “If you find humbleness attractive, I’ll make sure I try to have some.”

  Some heat rose to my cheeks. I needed to work on not being so honest and transparent or my cheeks were going to stay permanently a nice shade of red.

  After our tour of Carson Publishing Company, we strolled down the street. Chase pointed out different buildings and sights I had heard of but never seen in person. The sidewalks were fairly busy, so he reached for my hand and held it during the tour. His hand fel
t so natural holding to mine. I was hesitant to allow myself to fully enjoy these moments. In just two short days, I would fly back to Greeneville. My life was there now. I wasn’t sure of God’s exact plans for me, but I believed I was where I was supposed to be right now. Chase was here carrying on his father’s work, a worthwhile legacy. As much as I would like to see the two of us together, it was a long way between here and Tennessee.

  By the time he dropped me at the hotel after sightseeing, I was tired. I was glad to find I could fit in a nap before I needed to get ready for the debut. I awoke with another thought about the story I was composing, so I reached for the journal and added it in.


  I had almost completed my hair and makeup routine when Chase knocked. As I opened the door, his eyes bulged.

  “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you. You look dashing yourself.” I peeled my eyes away from his sleek black tux. “I’m just about ready. I only need to put on the finishing touches.”

  “I’m a bit early. Sorry. I guess I’m excited.”

  No one would have to guess. His excitement was evident. His blue eyes danced. I stepped back into the bathroom for a little more hairspray and a touch of lip gloss. I raised my voice so Chase could hear me in the other room.

  “I’m excited, too. This will be a great night.”

  I emerged from the bathroom to find Chase perched on the side of the bed with two of my journals in his hands. I froze.

  He held the books up. “These aren’t your grandmother’s, are they?”

  I shook my head and swallowed at the lump that suddenly rose in my throat. “No.”

  He rose from the bed. “These are good. The story of your grandmother’s life would be the absolute grandest finale to her writing career. And, this.” He held up one of the red journals containing the fiction I had been working on. “This is amazing. You must have gotten that writing gene from your granny after all.”

  “Do you really think so? You’re not just saying that?” I bit at my thumbnail.

  “No, I’m not just saying that. These are incredible.” He dropped the books on the bed and took me in his arms. His face was mere centimeters from mine. “I think you might have found your calling. Will you let me take them to read?”

  “Oh, I don’t know.” My stomach tightened. The thought of someone reading my thoughts made me feel so vulnerable. I had written in journals all my life, but never had I given them over to another person to read through. My heart and soul were in those books. But, if there was anyone I was close enough to, it would be Chase. “Okay, you can read them.”

  “Thanks. Now, let’s go enjoy the party.”

  I smiled. Before he released me, he pulled me into a kiss and an excited spark shot through me.

  As we stepped from the car, Chase handed his key to the valet. He joined me on the sidewalk where I was admiring the fancy hotel entrance. He offered his arm, and I slid my hand through, resting it on his forearm. He patted my hand and gazed into my eyes. “Ready.” I took a deep breath, let it out, and nodded. Walking into the hotel, I felt like a princess attending her first ball.

  At first sight of the banquet hall, I gasped, and my eyes clouded with tears. “It’s beautiful.” Round tables were decked with white cloths and floral centerpieces. Two giant posters of Granny Olivia’s book cover flanked a small raised podium.

  “Mr. Carson,” a female voice said. I tore my gaze from the décor and looked into the eyes of a tall slender blonde in a long green dress. Her brows rose.

  “Lisa, this is Miss Lyndon. Lisa is one of our acquisition editors.”

  Lisa smiled, extended her hand, and we shook. When she disappeared into the growing crowd, Chase leaned close to my ear and whispered. “I thought it safer to introduce you as Miss Lyndon since Alex and Alexa are so similar.” I nodded. I appreciated his forethought and consideration. As Chase led me through the minglers to the front table, he introduced me to other attendees. I recognized some of the names as other Christian authors. I was honored and thrilled to be in their company.

  “Here’s where we’ll be.” He gestured toward a table at the front. He took my hand and pulled gently. “You have to meet my mother.”

  My stomach fluttered. As we neared the table, a woman stood, looking regal in a long red dress. Her gray-white hair was shoulder length, coifed to perfection. She smiled as she noticed our approach.

  “Alex, this is my mother, Angela Carson. Mom, this is Alex Lyndon.”

  I extended my hand, but Mrs. Carson bypassed it and pulled me into an embrace. She pulled back and gazed into my eyes. “It’s so wonderful to meet you.”

  “The pleasure is mine, Mrs. Carson.” I could see where Chase had gotten his beautiful blue eyes.

  “Come, sit here.”

  “Thank you.”

  Chase made his way to the podium and asked everyone to take their seats. After about fifteen minutes, he addressed the crowd.

  “I want to thank all of you who are in attendance this evening to launch a very special book.” Chase’s voice broke, and he looked down. He cleared his throat and lifted his head again. “I’m sorry for the emotions, but this book launch will be quite different from any you may have attended before.” He gripped the sides of the podium. “Alexa Livingston has always embodied the very mission of Carson Publishing Company. It was never about her, but all for God’s glory. This is why Ms. Livingston never revealed her identity. She wrote for her precious readers, not for fame or money.” Chase paused.

  My bottom lip began to quiver.

  Chase stole a quick glance my way and then looked back across the audience. He gestured toward the book cover. “This book is the last in a series, and Alexa Livingston’s last.”

  A concerted gasp emitted from the crowd.

  “Mrs. Livingston surely heard well done when she entered heaven.”

  Several people sniffed and then fumbled for tissues to catch tears.

  I wished that Granny Olivia could just have a glimpse of this. All these people she had touched. On second thought, I chuckled at that wish. As grand as this banquet was, I knew she had to be enjoying a much grander feast in Heaven. That most certainly paled compared to our feeble attempts to honor her.

  Chase completed his remarks and joined his mother and me for the dinner. The food was delicious, and the conversation was savory as well.

  Chase escorted me to my hotel room door after the festivities, unlocking and opening it for me. We stepped inside. I looked into his eyes. “This evening was so wonderful. Thank you for bringing me here to share in it.”

  Chase’s hands rested on my waist, and he pulled me near. “I wouldn’t have had it any other way.” He touched my cheek with his hand. “I liked having you on my arm and by my side.” He leaned near, and our lips met. My whole body felt electrified, tingling from head to toe. His warm lips lingered on mine, and his arms tugged me closer. A rush of warmth spread through me, and I relaxed in his arms. Suddenly, he stopped the kiss and leaned his head back. I opened my eyes to find him looking at me. His mouth broke into a grin. “I better go before I...” He breathed in and let the air out slowly.

  Slipping by me, he scooped up the journals I had promised he could read.

  “I’ll see you in the morning, not too early.” He kissed my cheek lightly and met my eyes when he pulled back. He let out a low moan and backed toward the door.


  “Night, Chase.”

  I leaned my back on the closed door, missing him already. His honorable restraint made Chase Carson even more attractive.

  * * *

  Chase hurried back to his apartment, barely pausing to shuck his tuxedo. Halfway through Alex’s fiction story, he punched the number for Lisa, one of his acquisitions editors.

  “Chase?” A panic rang in her voice. “It’s got to be—”

  “Lisa, sorry I’m calling so late. I thought you’d probably still be up after the debut.”

  “Yeah. What’
s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong. Something’s really right. Or, that is, someone.”

  “Chase, are you okay? Does this have anything to do with the woman I saw on your arm tonight?”

  “Everything to do with her.”

  “Miss Lyndon, right?”

  “Right. Alex. Could you meet me for coffee?”



  Chase raced to the coffee house with Alex’s journals in hand. When Lisa arrived, he offered her a cup of her favorite java. She sipped and then leveled her eyes at him.

  He pushed the journals across the table. “Skim a few pages of these.”

  She opened the top book. As she turned the first page, she leaned closer with interest. After a few more pages, she looked up, mouth agape. “Who is this?”

  Chase grinned.

  Lisa’s eyes widened and she bent her head across the table and lowered her voice. “Alex? Your Alex?”

  Chase nodded.

  “Where did she learn...?” She waved the journals.

  “Let’s just say she’s sat under a master for years.”

  Lisa sat back, folding her arms. “Can we sign her?”

  “I’ll ask her.”

  On the way back to his apartment, he called his mother.

  “Mom, I’m sorry it’s so late. I was hoping you might still be awake.”

  “It just so happens I am still up. I felt compelled to pray.”

  Chase chuckled. “I think I know why. I believe God’s leading me to make some changes.”

  * * *

  Early the next morning, there was a banging on my hotel door. I moaned and proceeded to peer through the peep hole. It was Chase. I looked down at my mussed appearance. Quite different from the polished look of last night. He knocked again. I cracked the door. “What’s wrong?” my voice squeaked out.

  He pushed open the door and barged in. “Nothing is wrong. Everything is right.”


  “Good morning, by the way.” He put his arm briefly around my waist and kissed my forehead. Then he pulled out the desk chair and plopped into it. “We need to talk.”

  My stomach tightened. What was this all about?


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