Best Friend's Little Sister

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Best Friend's Little Sister Page 40

by Riley Rollins

  My tongue touched her a second before my lips did. Her body rocked with the jolt, first moving away from me, and then pushing back. She arched her back and exposed even more of herself to me. I could feel her hard little pearl with my lips, and reached for it with my tongue. She was as delicious as I’d known she would be. Both honey and spice… hot and liquid. For a moment, I barely cared if she screamed out and I plunged in a finger as I took her with my mouth. I could feel the head of my cock, above the waistband of my jeans now, and soaking a wet spot into my shirt…

  I felt it begin to happen, maybe even before she did. A surge inside her… a swelling and a tightening. I reached up and gave her my free hand. She grasped my fingers hard and I could feel her struggle to keep her cry from escaping. “Suck them,” I ordered as softly as I could. I thrust my fingers toward her mouth. “Suck them hard… bite down if you need to… You’re going to come, and it’s going to happen hard…”

  I felt her soft, wet mouth engulf my thumb and for a moment, feared I would be the one to give us away. Her mouth sucking… and her pussy working… warm and slick… building and needing… I heard her gasp as I pushed two more fingers inside, filling her and stretching her hot opening… I was in her, everywhere at once, and when she finally exploded I was lost in her, in her hot, sweet world of wet flesh and pulsing muscle. When her teeth sank into my thumb, it nearly pushed me into exploding too. Pain and pleasure live seconds apart… I drove my fingers inside her without pity, desperate for it to be my cock filling her and feeling her rolling, pounding climax. But I held on, biting my own lip until I tasted blood, riding her out until her spasms slowed and she fell back limp against me. I drew her up in my arms, cradling her, holding her against my chest and I held her until her breaths finally began to slow. My cock still pounded needfully against her,

  but I felt strangely satisfied, simply by holding her… and watching her heart-shaped face.



  We’d crept out of Amelia’s apartment like thieves. My legs had trembled so badly that we’d agreed I shouldn’t drive. Instead, we’d left my van on the street and he’d driven me home himself. The entire way, he’d never let go of my hand.

  “I should go up,” I said softly. “In case she’s watching… she might have waited up…” I blushed pointlessly in the darkness. “Gran still keeps pretty close tabs…”

  “So would I,” he said, lifting my hand up to kiss it. He turned it over, pressing his mouth to my palm and I felt my head go deliciously swimmy again. “We got our evening together after all… the first of many.” He kissed my lips and I could feel the pulse in his swollen lower lip. “We’ve just started something that will need finishing… Again.”

  I wanted to stay with him, more than anything I’d ever wanted in my whole life, but I slipped out, keys in hand. He waited until I’d closed the door before he pulled away. And I watched him go, feeling the denim of my jeans rubbing against my oversensitive flesh. I climbed up the stairs in the darkness and smiled to myself, remembering he had my lacey pink panties tucked safely in his pocket. For later…


  “You’re sure you’re up for this, Amelia? If you want to reschedule, we can do it… If the bride doesn’t mind, that is.” I wondered briefly what I was offering. It was nine in the morning, the day of the bridal shower… But I could hear her shaking her head over the phone even as I spoke.

  “Not a chance,” she said, matching her confidence with her words. “Thanks to you and Chris last night, I’ve got this now. It was just the shock of it yesterday, that’s all. I’m usually so much stronger than that.” I smiled, listening to her. She did sound better.

  “Cliff and I had just talked about actually moving back in together a couple of days ago… and then this. It caught me off guard, that’s all. But I’m done with him and his secrets… done for good this time. And what better way to celebrate than a party full of decadent treats and a hunky male stripper.” She laughed and I couldn’t help joining in. Amelia was as naturally charming as her brother…

  “Okay then,” I said, cheerfully. I’d awakened feeling excited and energetic, ready to take on the world myself. I thought back to the reason why… and felt my cheeks burn. “So, we’ll see you at three and get set up. Plenty of time before the guests arrive…” I was busy thinking out loud. “I’ll have to get a ride over to pick up the van.” I blushed again, helplessly. “Chase drove me home last night after you went to bed… The van didn’t seem to want to start…”

  She didn’t seem to notice I was making excuses and I breathed a little easier, relieved.

  “Promise me something, okay?” she asked, sounding odd. My heart started to speed up.

  “What…? What is it…?”

  “Just don’t come before two, okay? Promise me?”

  “...Of course, Amelia,” I answered, swallowing my curiosity. “I promise…”

  Reese stood, tapping her nails against a plastic container of Swedish meatballs. “No van. It’s after one and we need to start packing this stuff up. Soon. And no van…?”

  “Relax,” I told her, wishing I could take my own good advice. “She made me promise, and I trust her… Tam’ll just drive me over and I’ll have the van back before two thirty… We’ll be fine.”

  Reese made a grumbling sound under her breath but continued to work, packing flatware and linen cloths into a wheeled crate. “So… how was last night? You know I’ll never make it through the day without a report.” Her eyes were bright, curious. She tucked a stray hair away from my face. “Where did he take you,” she asked softly, “and more importantly… did he get you there…?”

  I blushed furiously in answer.

  “Well, that’s a yes,” she said smiling for the first time this morning. “So why the hell didn’t you stay the night? I had it covered with your grandma. And you’re welcome… again.”

  “And I appreciate it,” I replied, brushing a spot of lint off one of her long black sleeves. We were both in black slacks and button-down shirts. Very professional, even by Gran’s strict standards. “There was a last minute change of plans, is all. We ended up having dinner with Amelia, at her place. She was exhausted… and went to bed early…”

  “And you two did it with her in the other room?” her voice was whisper-soft but intense, her eyes wide. “I haven’t given you enough credit…”

  I tucked my chin over her shoulder, close to her ear, smiling in spite of myself. “I didn’t… We didn’t… at least not yet. And don’t go saying anything to Tam. I still need to keep up some kind of professional appearance.” I paused a second. “But just between us, it was amazing. He was amazing. He is amazing…” I sighed and she looked at me, seeing more than I was even telling. “I’ve never felt like this in my whole life, Reese. It’s not just the way he… well, you know…

  It’s that he’s so kind… to his sister, to me. He’s not like other men. He’s different and exciting and…, he touches me. And not just that way… He touches me here,” I put my hand on my chest. “There’s just something so special about him.”

  “I’m happy for you, Em,” she said, giving my hand a squeeze. “I was married six years and I never got touched. Not like that.”

  She grinned and let me go, as a car horn beeped outside. A second later, it sounded again, and we headed together for the window.

  Waiting outside on the street was a shiny new silver van, with a huge pink bow on the hood.



  I waited only long enough to enjoy the surprise on her face. The note I’d left on the van’s dash would explain. And I would see her after the party at Amelia’s tonight. That was all I’d been able to think about, going home last night to an empty bed…

  Wrapping her silky panties in my hand and using them to jerk off last night had finally gotten me to sleep, but only just barely. Coming in a hot, thick jet had mingled our juices, letting me relive the scent of her, remember the taste of her… but even that hadn�
�t been enough to quiet the need inside me for long. I’d dreamed of her, of thrusting fully inside her, and working in and out with long, wet strokes. I’d dreamed of her heat, her responsiveness and of an achingly low moan escaping her lips. I’d awakened, rock hard, and painfully needy again. There was just no waiting left in me anymore…

  So I’d taken care of the easiest thing first. It had been a number of years, since the last time I’d bought a car for a woman. And it sure as hell hadn’t been a delivery van. But Sutton and I had given good old Frank plenty of business over the years, and he knew better than to ask questions. He’d promised he’d have the perfect vehicle in place and on time. And he’d never failed yet. Judging by the expression on Emi’s face, he’d hit the mark again today. I watched from across the street as he handed her the keys. Then I took off.

  One problem done, but the next might not be quite as easy. I shifted gears and the engine purred in response. My thoughts were rushing ahead of me, faster than I dared drive.

  “Get someone else.

  It’s that fucking simple, Sutton. We live in LA. There are a thousand fucking caterers. Just get someone else.”

  “But I don’t want someone else,” Sutton said petulantly. “I want Emily… and I fully intend to have her.” He sat behind his desk and leaned back in his chair, leaving me to stand. I looked down at him, irritated. How the hell, in all these years, had I failed to see what an arrogant prick he was?

  “She signed the contract and I’m holding her to it,” he went on. “It’s as simple as that. You know goddamned well I couldn’t get it anywhere else, what she’s giving me…” He smiled when I took a step toward him, bristling. “The fucking cake, asshole,” he said quickly. “Relax, alright? I’m not looking to screw your little girlfriend.”

  “She’s not…,” I began, “...she doesn’t understand,” I finished unevenly. “This whole world we’ve invented… She doesn’t belong in it.” I flashed back to the feel of her against my mouth. “I don’t want her touched by it.” I looked down at him hard. “There’s a line… a hard fucking line, and I won’t stand for it being crossed.”

  “Hey… I get it,” he held up his hands. “We’re on the same side, remember?” He finished the amber colored liquid in his glass. It was only noon… “But I hear Jason got a good look at her last time. And he’s no great respecter of the rules…”

  “Just so you’re warned, Sutton, I intend to talk her into tearing up that contract. I can send more than enough straight business her way… She won’t lose a fucking dime giving this up this thing you’re planning. And you know I don’t give a shit if this means the end of this goddamned competition altogether. No one’s touching her.”

  “But you…?” He narrowed his eyes shrewdly. “Be smart, Chase. You know it’s what you want.” He smiled and something inside me flickered disturbingly. “This night isn’t gonna be like any other… You’re not the only one who’s gotten bored with how we’ve always played…

  It’s time for new rules… or maybe none at all. We’ve all just gotten a little jaded… We need a new challenge… a new kind of rush. Now I’m stepping up the game, Chase. And you are part of it, whether you like it or not.”

  “You’re wrong,” I said, gritting my teeth. “It’s fucking wrong… using women the way you do… And the way I did… It’s time to grow the fuck up and focus on protecting the company, to stop this shit before it takes us all down with it.” I ran an exasperated hand through my hair. “We’re worth a fucking billion dollars, Sutt, and I’m not willing to throw it all away. And I’m not going to stand by and watch you do it either.”

  “You’ll come to the party. You know you will,” he said, putting one foot, then the other up on his desk. He knocked over his empty glass and didn’t even look when it hit the floor, “if only to claim a piece of Emily’s delicious… cake…”

  “Fuck you,” I shot back, turning my back on him and striding out of his office. “It’s over.”

  “It’s just beginning,” he called out smugly behind me. And as the door closed, I heard him call out a little louder… “See you Saturday night…”

  I headed back for the car with long, hard strides, my hands curled into fists, I knew it as surely as he did. I hated him for it… but he was right. We both knew goddamned well…

  I would be there. And nothing in hell had the power to stop me.



  “He gave me… us… a van, Amelia. There was a note, but didn’t say much… Just that he wants to pick me up here at nine.” I caught my breath and put down a platter of anatomically correct cookies. “Wait…,” I looked at her again. “You knew…”

  “He wanted you at home when the van was delivered…,” she admitted shyly, “That’s why I put you off picking up the old one. And I told him I didn’t mind if you skipped out a little early tonight…”

  “Well, it’s beautiful… my god… But how can I keep it?” I brushed the hair out of my eyes and straightened up. “It’s generous. It’s amazing… But he can’t just give me a thing like that. We… I… we don’t even know each other all that well yet…”

  Amelia smiled and put a hand on my arm. “My brother’s loaded,” she said, her eyes twinkling. “It may not be quite as big a deal to him as it is to you. And he’s been generous before. He’s the kind of man who likes to fill a need when he sees one.”

  I tried to maintain my composure, thinking of the needs he intended to fill…

  “That old van was on its last legs… so he provided a new one, that’s all,” she went on, unaware of my embarrassment. “Plus he likes you,” she added. “So do I.” She grinned at me and it felt good to see. “Anyway, I’m sure he’ll explain when he gets here. I’ll help Tammy and Reese with the last of the cleanup, so you two can head out before it gets too late.

  And whatever you do, make sure you thank him properly.”

  The bridal shower went more smoothly than I’d even dared to hope. The cake, a two foot sculpture in the round that imitated Michelangelo’s David, had been an enormous hit. But better than that, the light supper we’d provided had produced two more offers of work. Proper dinner parties that could be quite lucrative, judging by the size of the diamonds the women were sporting…

  I cleared plates and glasses while the guests clustered around the coffee table, busy examining some of the more erotic gifts. They laughed and chatted as Tam refilled their glasses. All in all, they were a pretty conservative group. But it was time for the entertainment portion of the evening… I saw Amelia give a nod and Reese came over to join me where I was waiting by the study door.

  “Go get ‘em, cowboy,” Reese breathed, as I opened the door and the stripper emerged. He was tall and sandy blond, dressed… at least for now, in denim and leather chaps. “Go keep Tam busy, would you?” I whispered. “I know she’s of age, but…”

  “One step ahead of you,” she answered back. “I’ve already got her washing up in the kitchen… And I’ll just keep an eye on things out here…” Her eyes glittered. “In case anyone needs a refill…”

  “Hmmm…,” was all I managed. The stripper had already lost his shirt and his back was a glossy expanse of tanned muscle. He’d put his rope around Becca’s waist and the music drowned out whatever she was saying to him. Her friends were tugging at his breakaway jeans and suddenly they gave way. His chaps stayed put, making a neat frame around his hard, rounded ass…

  “I think I’m gonna take a crate of glasses down to the van…” I tapped Reese on the shoulder.

  “... Right… glasses…,” she said. Then she tore her eyes away from the cowboy and smiled sheepishly. “Here, I’ll help you. I still can’t believe he gave you a brand new van.” She shook her head. “Things like that just don’t happen.”

  “He gave it to us, Reese. To the business.” I smiled back, pursing my lips into a tight bud. “But I know… It does seem too good to be true. And I’m still not sure it’s right to keep it…”

  But she was
no longer listening. The stripper had turned in our direction, and was giving the red-faced bride a view of his muscled backside. Reese, from a distance, was happily staring down nine impressive inches in the front…

  “Stay here and enjoy,” I told her, turning away, “but keep Tam in that kitchen.” I looked at my watch. “I need to get changed… Chase is going to be here soon. Don’t forget, we’re getting started at seven-thirty sharp tomorrow morning.”

  “I love my job…” she whispered back. “Have I told you that lately…?”

  We’d left our personal stuff in Amelia’s bedroom. I changed quickly into the skinny black dress I’d brought along. It looked fine with the short heels I already had on, but I took an extra moment to run a brush through my hair and put on a touch of lip gloss. I hesitated for a second, and then reached into my bag for the tiny bottle of perfume I’d thrown in at the last minute. I wanted to keep it understated… since I really wasn’t entirely sure why Chase wanted to see me tonight. Nine at night on a Sunday didn’t really seem like the ideal chance to pick up where we’d left off… But still, my heart was pounding. And I didn’t care what served as an excuse. I couldn’t wait to see him again.

  “He’s here, and I’m so glad he’s taking time away from work for a change.” Amelia said, opening the door and poking her head around the corner. “He’s waiting for you out in the hall… so he wouldn’t interrupt the ladies…”

  I grinned and grabbed up my bag. “Am I okay?” I asked, trying to push a stubborn strand of hair out of my eyes. My legs were shaking underneath me, and I was sure my excitement was showing all too clearly. “Not too much?”


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