Best Friend's Little Sister

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Best Friend's Little Sister Page 65

by Riley Rollins

  I couldn't see her face, but I felt her chest fill with her breath. The next thing I knew, my arms had folded around her, and she was leaning back into my chest. She was warm and round and luscious. The answer to my dreams. This was the least I could do to thank her.

  "A studio," she breathed. Her head turned and her curls caressed the nape of her neck. "You're giving me a studio to work in…"

  "Nine months is a long time, Libby. I want you to be happy here. To do the work you were meant to do." I'd seen a number of her sculptures and the woman had the kind of natural born talent other artists would kill for. "Tell me if there are any changes you need and I'll make them. If there's anything at all I can give you…"

  She turned in my arms, her full, round breasts pushed up against my chest, her arms around my hips. Her face was partially hidden in the twilight of the evening, but I could tell her cheeks were wet. Something inside me shifted the throbbing ache in my loins to the center of my chest. "What, Libby? What's wrong? Tell me…"

  And then her lips were on mine. I didn't know if she was pleased or upset about my gift. I only knew that our bodies had a far deeper understanding. What might have only been a kiss of thanks had deepened in a heartbeat, into a savage hunger. Her curves were the luscious release my aching hardness demanded. I molded her to me, my body unforgiving, hers yielding. I threaded my hands through her thick curls, taking her mouth the way my body wanted to take her body…

  "Jack… god, Jack…," her words came after each gasp of air. I pulled back, looking into her eyes.

  But I never found out what might have happened next. My phone rang, vibrating my pants and ending the moment. Libby broke away, her eyes bright, her cheeks flushed.

  "What?" I answered sharply. My blood was racing, my mind anything but clear. Interruption was the last thing I'd wanted.

  "Jack?" It was India. "What the hell, Jack. You always this cranky?"

  "What is it, India? This isn't the best timing."

  "Sorry…," she faltered for only a second. "I just thought you'd want to know. Spence and I had our meeting tonight."


  "And besides finding out the man is a bit of an ass, I found out something else. That the takeover…"

  "You mean the merger…"

  "Whatever. The deal he's been working on with Warner may have taken a turn."

  "He told you this?" I asked, angered at the thought he was telling anyone in the company anything, before he told me.

  "It was a phone call I overheard," she said. "Enough to make me call you, interrupt your evening with Libby."

  "I'll be in the office tomorrow. And thanks for the heads up. I'll make Spencer my first meeting of the day."

  "So, how is it, having Libby living with you now? Didn't I tell you she was terrific? How are the two of you getting along?" Her questions shot out rapid fire.

  Always the nosey one in the family, India had always been way too interested in my personal life. But thank god for it this time, I thought, watching Libby explore her new studio. I felt my frustrated cock throb, still angry at the interruption.

  "Good, India. Really… good." I swallowed hard. "See you tomorrow."

  Libby closed a cabinet door and turned back to me. The air between us was still crackling with the energy of our kiss.

  "Is this what you want?" I asked. I meant the studio, but the question came out with a weight I hadn't intended. "I'm sorry if I overstepped just now…" She was still looking around the room, not meeting my eyes. "It's good for us to have an attraction." It seemed best to address it head on. "It'll make things go smoother with my family tomorrow." I felt like I was grasping at straws.

  "It will," she answered slowly. "And considering the circumstances, it's probably pretty common…"

  "For any two people having a child to feel a bond between them…"

  "That's right," she said. "But we're both adults here. And it's really just a business agreement, in the end. Attraction is just proof that my eggs are ripe and ready… It makes it more likely the insemination will work on the first try."

  "And we're both very focused on being successful here," I added. "So, we're good?" If this was all purely business, why did my heart speed up when she turned those green eyes up to mine?

  "We're fine," she said, smiling unevenly. "And I can't tell you how much I appreciate all this," she waved a hand around the room. "It's perfect. Everything is perfect. I can't even tell you…" She broke off. "But it's been a long day and a birth mother-to-be needs her rest.

  Can we go back up to the house? I think what I need most right now is a shower and a good night's sleep."



  Sleep? Did I really say sleep?

  Good luck with that, honey. I was about as likely to get a good night's sleep as I was to wake up five inches taller and a blonde.

  Jack followed me into the house and up the stairs. I swear I could feel his eyes on my back the entire time. Maybe it was hormones. Maybe it was just a serious case of lust. But regardless, it was clear neither one of us had any intention of screwing up the business deal that stood to give us both what we really wanted. He wanted a baby and I needed the best chance I'd ever get at launching my art career. I had to create some kind of security for myself and my future. And there was no way in hell I was going to destroy it all by fucking my boss. No matter how delicious he smelled… no matter how huge and sexy and…

  We faced each other at the top of the stairs, our respective bedrooms so close…

  "I'm so glad you're here," he said easily. The timbre of his voice set off vibrations low and deep inside me again. "The bathroom's here…," he indicated a door directly across from his room. "I hope you don't mind sharing it… the other is downstairs."

  "I'm good… It's fine," I stumbled. "Thank you for tonight and… everything." I saw a light flare in his eyes again. "The studio, I mean. Goodnight… see you in the morning."

  I ducked into the bathroom fast and closed the door behind me, leaning my full weight back against it, breathing heavily. I hadn't felt so awkward with a man since I'd been in my teens. But I was so not going to screw up my future, now it looked like I might actually have one…

  I left my clothes in a heap on the floor and stepped into the shower, turning the water on full blast. I tipped my face back and let the water run in streams down my breasts and belly. At first, it was a soothing distraction. But by the time I'd shampooed my hair and was beginning to lather my body, I'd reached a point of no return.

  Imagining Jack's naked body standing in this same shower where I was now, along with the fire he'd lit inside me with his kiss, was just too much. I couldn't stop thinking, that in a few days time he'd be impregnating me. Although it would happen through a clinical procedure in the doctor's office, I still couldn't stop fantasizing what it would be like with him… the real way. That fucking hot kiss had been the final straw. My hand found its way between my legs and I shuddered hard. My body was so ready, so willing… besides, all the books I'd read said orgasms are very healthy for the expecting-to-be-expecting woman…

  I hadn't let my fantasies about Jack run wild. Not until now. But there was no way in hell I'd be able to maintain any level of comfort around him with this wall of sexual tension building up…

  I ran my hand between the swollen lips of my pussy and found them already slick, wanting badly to be fucked. I leaned back against the shower wall and relaxed into the privacy of the steam and the sound of the water falling around me. I plunged two fingers inside and felt pure instinct take over. All I could feel was my own desperation and the shock waves left over from Jack's kiss. I wanted him, pure and simple, here with me now in the flooding water. With his cock working me deep… the way that I knew it wanted to.

  I'd felt just how hard and thick he'd been. No man can hide his arousal from a woman when his hot cock is pressed into her belly. My hand moved faster, fingers moving in and out. My pulse was racing and I could feel my own tiny nub thickening, hardeni
ng against my palm.

  I'd felt how long that cock had been too, and I imagined it now, pushed up inside me to the hilt. I'd ride him, I thought, biting my lip to stay quiet. He'd hold my ass as I wrapped my legs around him and ride him till he couldn't hold it back any longer.

  I reached up and cupped one big breast with my hand and lifted it high, squeezing and pushing the nipple up and out. The one best benefit of being generously sized, the thought flashed. Then I reached down with my tongue and drew my own nipple in between my teeth. I sucked hard, pulling it deep into my mouth and flew apart in a shattering climax. No longer was it my hand or my mouth on my body. The fantasy of Jack Mason had fully taken hold…

  No longer me, it was Jack who was filling me, Jack who was sucking my breast. My needs had become his and we were lost together in a crashing wave that left me weak and trembling. My hands stroked and soothed my kindled flesh, and the orgasm slowly, slowly subsided. But as my heartbeat failed to slow, failed to fall back into its calm, steady rhythm, I realized this might have been a huge mistake. I collapsed against the wet wall, panting.

  I'd thought the fantasy of him would be enough. That I could satisfy the need he'd created in me all on my own. But as I leaned back, letting the water flood over me, I realized just how wrong I'd been. Instead of releasing my desire, I'd only heightened it a hundred fold.

  But I'd signed a contract. And I wanted the future it promised me. Bought and paid for, sex was a complication I simply couldn't afford…



  Thank god I can get by on damned little sleep, because I knew I wasn't getting any that night.

  The water had run in the shower for a long time, while I'd stripped down and climbed into bed, wide awake. No one, not even Elaine had ever lived with me at the lake house. It had always been a private place for me. Where I could run or swim. A place where I could relax and be myself. It would have been distracting to have anyone staying in the next room. But knowing Libby was here… stripped bare in my shower, eventually climbing into bed… Did she sleep in the nude?

  It was so fucking wrong to think of her in those terms, I chided myself. I pulled the blankets up over my goddamn hard on. My balls were high and tight, damn near blue. I'd been told by Dr. Tiller to hold off on orgasms for a few days before the procedure. To maximize my fertility. But I wasn't sure I had much of a choice in the matter anymore, considering the size of the raging erection I'd been sporting since I'd held Libby in my arms and kissed her…

  So many years, with my ex-wife's thin and unresponsive body in my arms, I had almost forgotten how it felt to hold a woman who was round and soft, warm and luscious… I rolled over onto my side, aching from the torture I was putting myself through. But I couldn't forget the feel of her mouth on mine, the way her body shaped itself to mine like they were made to fit together. Goddamn it, they were made to fit together. My rock-hard cock would slide into her tight little pussy like a hand into a glove.

  I was oozing now, making a wet spot on the sheets. I rolled onto my back and tried to force her image out of my head. I thought about the baby I'd planned for. The son or daughter I wanted more than anything in the world. For a few short moments, it was a good distraction. Until the image of Libby's swollen belly surfaced. Her already large breasts made larger and softer, as only a pregnant woman's breasts can be. Her belly growing rounder and riper with every passing day… until one day I'd put my hand on her and feel my son's first tiny kick… My cock throbbed hard, standing off my flat belly with single-minded intent.

  I was a man driven with need to impregnate my woman. And that woman was only a few feet away, her body ready and willing to be filled with my seed. In a goddamn perfect world, I'd be in there now, buried inside her, making her mine. Creating the future the way humans have for millennia. It was a primal need, and so help me, in spite of my conservative, highbrow upbringing, I was still a very primal male.

  But I wasn't going to put the future at risk. And there was no way in hell I'd risk losing Libby's trust by overstepping again. We'd settled things tonight, and were on the same page. Things were too good for me to fuck them up now, regardless of my body's demands. I truly liked Libby, and I respected her commitment to her art career. I'd already been renewing some old connections our family had in the art world. I wanted to see her succeed, not just because of what she was doing for me, but because her talent needed to be seen, to be recognized.

  I rolled over, throwing a restless arm over my forehead. Yeah, I had to be the good guy here. I didn't honestly have any other choice. My future and Libby's both depended on it. So did my future child's.

  But as the hours crept by and the night seemed to last forever, I can't say my resolve never wavered.

  And I'd have given damn near anything for the satisfaction of jerking the hell off.

  I must have slept, at least for an hour or so. Because I woke with the sky just beginning to lighten and my cock still as demanding as ever. I showered as quickly as I could in ice cold water, and left for the office without waking Libby. Maybe by the time I picked her up to go to dinner, I'd have my baser needs better controlled…

  Ninety minutes later, I had coffee in my hand and Spencer Pierson-Ellis waiting in my office. All thanks to Veronica, the best assistant I'd ever had. Although she and my ex-wife were good friends from way back, Ronni had been willing to stay on at Mason after the divorce.

  "Start talking, Spence. I haven't gotten a comprehensive report in the last two fucking days. If I trusted you less, I'd think you were holding out on me."

  Spencer laughed, and a wisp of comb-over fell into his eyes. Only three years older than I was, he was already starting to thin on top.

  "Shit, Jack. It's not like you've been all that easy to track down lately. And India and I had a nice evening last night, thanks for asking…"

  I motioned for him to sit and drained my cup as he spread out the contents of his briefcase.

  "Even though a proxy fight can take longer than an outright takeover, I still think the numbers are showing it was the right path…" He shuffled through and tapped a stack of papers before handing them to me. "We knew it'd take a little more patience, Jack. And you agreed along with the other board members, that acquiring Warner Aluminum would transition more smoothly if we could win over the majority of their shareholders. Once that's done, and we've kissed all their wealthy asses, it will have been a fucking hell of a lot easier in the end."

  I scanned the sheets. The names were starting to add up. In a few more weeks, Mason could indeed have the majority of Warner's people in our pockets. It was the approach my whole family had agreed on. Effective, albeit slow. But more amiable than a forced acquisition. Every one of us had endured meeting after meeting with members of Warner's board.

  I nodded, unsure what had alerted India last night. I'd ask her at dinner tonight, but everything I saw on paper looked as it should. "I don't see Wyler or Jackson…," I said, scanning for their names. They were leaders on Warner's board, and we needed them for the rest to follow. "I want them, Spence. I did six goddamn months ago and I'm not waiting any longer." I wanted this merger done and over long before my duties as a father began.

  "We're close to schedule, Jack. If I can have just a few more months…"

  "You've got two weeks," I said determinedly, cutting him off.

  "I don't give a fuck what you have to do, Spencer. Or what you have to offer them. Just get those fucking signatures, and get them now. I want this deal done, and I'm not waiting any longer."



  While I couldn't say I'd woken up bright and refreshed, at least I'd gotten a few good hours of sleep. But I was both eager and nervous about seeing Jack again. I wasn't at all sure last night's orgasm wouldn't be showing all over my face.

  But when I reached the kitchen, it was obvious he'd left for his office early, maybe even before sunrise. There were crumbs on the stone countertop and the coffee pot was still half full, but completely cold.
Next to his cup was a note, my name at the top in tall, scrolling letters…


  I hope you slept well last night. I was too excited to sleep, so I'm heading in to work early.

  I'll be home before three and we can go over the details for dinner tonight at my folks'.

  Make yourself completely at home.

  I can't tell you how grateful I am.

  He'd signed it with a large, elegant J and I ran my fingertips over the initial. No more grateful than I am, Jack Mason, I thought, looking around the steel and stone kitchen. To think I went from being literally homeless, to living here… for at least as long as it took me to produce his baby…

  I set to work, making scrambled eggs and even made fresh juice from the bowl of oranges on the counter. I rested my eyes on the smooth surface of the lake as I ate, settling into the easy silence of the empty house. I had the next seven hours all to myself and I knew exactly how I was going to spend them. The key Jack had given me the night before was safe in my pocket. And just the thought of it there made my hands tingle.

  I finished my breakfast and straightened up the kitchen. Then, on impulse, I picked up the note Jack had left me and pushed it into my pocket along with the key and headed downstairs. The next few days were going to be the most complicated and life-altering of my life. I wasn't even sure I could sort out all the complex, intense feelings I'd been having since I'd signed Jack's contract. And after that kiss we'd shared…

  All I knew for sure was that I'd made the right choice. And that I wasn't waiting one more minute to release the whirlwind of emotions inside me. There had only ever been one solution in my life for how I was feeling now. And that solution was in the palm of my hands.


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