A Christmas Kiss

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A Christmas Kiss Page 13

by Anna Samuels

  Alex arrived at exactly seven and I headed out to meet her at the car.

  ‘Wow! Look at you!’ she exclaimed.

  ‘What? Too much?’ I asked.

  ‘No! You look gorgeous!’ she said, animated.

  ‘Oh…thanks I guess.’

  ‘You guess?’ she chuckled.

  ‘I’m not great at taking compliments,’ I told her. ‘Compliments and helping hands….my two downfalls,’ I smiled.

  ‘And aside from that you’re pretty perfect,’ she smiled.

  ‘Oh stop!’ I joked, dismissing her playfully with my hand.

  ‘Shall we go?’ she smiled.

  ‘Love to!’

  I climbed into the jeep and we were off.

  ‘So, where do your parents live?’

  ‘Just down on Bournemouth seafront. It’s a beautiful house and they like entertaining ever so often.’

  ‘Have you told them you’re bringing me and not Jenny?’ I asked.

  ‘Of course! They’re looking forward to meeting you.’

  ‘Have you told them about me then?’ I asked, surprised.

  ‘Yeah! We talk loads so I’ve told them all about you.’

  ‘Oh,’ I said, faintly unsettled by that. ‘Does Jenny normally come to these things with you then?’

  ‘When she can’t find a good enough excuse!’ she said chuckling.

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘I mean she doesn’t if she can help it. She doesn’t exactly get on with my parents that well you see.’

  ‘No way! How come?’ I wondered.

  ‘They just don’t see eye to eye. Mum thinks she’s not the right one for me and Dad thinks she is snobby.’

  ‘Oh…how does that make you feel?’ I said, curious to the dynamics of the relationship between Jenny and Alex’s parents.

  ‘It’s awkward…but we just get on with it. They’re not openly hostile when we’re together, there’s just an air of…I don’t know, unease sometimes.’

  ‘Has it ever made you question it?’

  ‘What? My relationship?’ she asked.

  I nodded, and then regretted asking. Why was I getting involved? I shouldn’t even be asking this kind of question, I mused.

  ‘I guess I’d be lying if I said it hadn’t made me question it sometimes…my Mum fancies herself as somewhat of a psychic at times and tells me it’s not going to be an easy relationship. While I recognise she’s right, we’ve spent a lot of years as a couple.’

  ‘Yeah…and there must be something keeping you together for so many years.’

  ‘Yeah…’ she murmured quietly.

  ‘So your Mum is psychic?’ I asked, my heart thumping a little faster. Would she see through my calm façade and see the feelings that lay in my heart for Alex? I hoped not.

  ‘Oh not really…I don’t think so anyway. She tells me she sees things but I’ve never seen concrete proof. She just gets ‘feelings’ about things which are sometimes pretty apt.’

  ‘Oh…well I hope she doesn’t go looking for my deep and meaningful past and future!’

  Alex laughed. ‘She’ll love you.’

  I glanced over at her as she drove thinking that that was a strange comment to make. Why would she like me when she didn’t like Jenny?

  ‘Here we are!’ she announced, turning into a large driveway.

  ‘Wowzer!’ I exclaimed.

  ‘Yeah…cool house huh?’

  ‘Yeah! Wow this is amazing!’ I exclaimed.

  ‘It sure is…and they worked hard for it which makes them grateful. They aren’t stupid rich people, they’re grateful rich people,’ she smiled.

  I smiled at her. ‘I bet all well-deserved.’

  ‘That’s right. Come on, let’s head on in!’

  I joined Alex on the gravel that led up to the door and then waited nervously next to her on the doorstep.

  ‘Relax,’ Alex said, glancing down at me and taking my hand in hers. ‘They’re going to adore you!’

  The door opened and a tall man stood before us with a wide grin. He was a male version of Alex and I liked him immediately. His smile was wide and his face was friendly.

  ‘Alex! Welcome!’ he said looking at me. He enveloped Alex into a hug and then turned to be, literally bending to greet me as he towered over me.

  ‘You must be Ally?’

  ‘Yes. Hello, Mr uh…sir, um, Alex’s Dad,’ I stuttered, shaking his hand.

  His laugh boomed out heartily. ‘Jack will do Ally. Call me Jack!’

  ‘Thanks…Jack,’ I managed.

  ‘Come on in! We’ll introduce you around!’

  I took a deep breath as Alex led me in, pulling me by the hand. There was no escape from everyone noticing our entrance as Jack announced us with the booming voice I now would associate with him.

  We made our way from person to person and I was introduced to no-end of extended family I didn’t know. They were all friendly and welcoming but it was just a little overwhelming.

  When we reached Alex’s mother, I was already becoming lost in who everyone was.

  ‘Mum, this is Ally. Ally, my mother-Laura.’

  ‘Hello Ally!’ my mother exclaimed pleased. ‘I’ve heard so much about you, I couldn’t wait to meet you!’

  ‘Oh thanks! It’s nice to meet you…uh, may I call you Laura?’ I asked.

  ‘You most certainly can,’ she smiled. ‘Now, Alex, go and get a drink for yourself and Ally…I’m going to get to know your friend!’

  ‘Okay Mum…I’ll be back soon, Ally,’ Alex told me with a reassuring squeeze of my hand before she left.

  I nodded and then turned back to smile at Laura. ‘Thanks for having me here today…I have a very small family so it’s lovely to meet such a large, happy one.’

  She grinned and I saw a hint of Alex in her eyes. ‘That we are…a little rowdy at times, but there is a lot of love in this room.’

  ‘I can imagine.’

  ‘So, Ally…you’re an artist! You’re opening a gallery down at the beach?’

  I nodded smiling. ‘That’s right. It’s very exciting…I actually brought a little gift from the shop for you,’ I said, reaching into my bag and pulling out a small handmade box.

  ‘For me?’ she exclaimed. ‘How kind!’

  I watched as she opened it and her eyes lit with pleasure.

  ‘It’s made from sea glass…’ I told her as I watched her look at the silver bracelet entwined with sea glass.

  ‘It’s exquisite! Oh will you put it on me now?’ she asked.

  ‘Of course!’ I said and reached to fasten the clasp.

  When it was on, she admired it happily. ‘So kind…so very kind. Thank you Ally.’

  ‘You’re welcome,’ I smiled. ‘I’ll hope you come down when I’m open?’

  ‘I’d love to! We come down to the café to see Alex often so we’ll come and see you as well.’

  I smiled.

  ‘I must say, Ally, you’re exactly as I pictured,’ she told me.

  ‘You pictured me?’ I asked with a confused frown.

  She nodded. ‘I knew the moment Alex started talking about you…I knew that you would be special…now I’ve met you, I understand why.’

  ‘I, uh…I don’t quite understand,’ I murmured, glancing across the room where I saw Alex steadily making her way towards us.

  ‘You just hang on in there,’ she said, leaning towards me in a conspiratorial way. ‘Your secret is my secret,’ she told me.

  I looked at her stunned for a long moment. Did she know what I was thinking? Why would she say something like that if not?

  ‘I, uh…’ I murmured.

  Laura winked at me as Alex arrived back.

  ‘Alright?’ she asked me.

  I nodded and put a smile on my face. ‘Yes, of course.

  ‘Alex, look at this! Ally gave it to me, isn’t it beautiful?’ Laura said, showing the bracelet to Alex.

  ‘Oh wow! That was kind of you, Ally!’

  ‘Oh it was just a little g
esture,’ I murmured, embarrassed.

  ‘A lovely gesture,’ her Mum said.

  ‘So have you finished quizzing Ally yet, Mum?’ Alex asked.

  ‘I haven’t even started darling!’

  ‘Good. I’ll save you before it starts, Ally.’

  ‘Well do come back to chat a bit later,’ she asked.

  I nodded, ‘Absolutely,’ I promised.

  We headed off to meet more family members.

  The night was a blur of people, food, laughter and happiness. Everyone I met welcomed me with open arms and I felt like I was part of something wonderful.

  I spent time chatting with Alex’s Mum and Dad, her brother and sister too. I talked to an aunt who was sweet and elderly and just wanted to tell me about the old days. I sat on the floor and played with one of the children who was playing alone. It was there that Alex finally caught up with me after doing the rounds herself and chatting to her family.

  ‘Hey Maisey! Hey Ally!’ Alex said, sitting down on the floor.

  ‘Hey,’ I smiled.

  ‘Hello Auntie Alex. You want to play too?’

  ‘What are you playing?’ she asked.

  ‘Rock, paper, scissors,’ she told her. ‘I didn’t have anything to play because Tom was mean to me but then Ally played with me.’

  ‘Well that was nice. Do you want me to ask Mummy to speak to Tom?’

  ‘Yes please. He shouted in my face!’ she told Alex seriously.

  ‘He didn’t! Okay, I’ll just get Mummy.’

  I kept playing with the little girl until Alex came back with her older sister. With Mummy taking over, I was freed up once more to talk to Alex. We sat in the corner of the room, chatting amongst the throng of people in the room.

  ‘I’m sorry it’s been so hectic here tonight,’ she apologised.

  ‘That’s okay. Your family is lovely,’ I murmured. ‘It’s all so busy and active all the time. You could never be bored,’ I smiled, looking around at all the faces in the room.

  ‘That’s true; but a minute of peace is welcomed when it’s found,’ she laughed.

  ‘I’ll bet.’

  ‘So shall we get out of here?’ she asked.

  ‘Why? We haven’t been here that long?’

  ‘It’s just I thought you might want to leave?’ she said, looking at me closely.

  ‘No, I’m fine; unless you need to leave?’

  ‘Well no…’

  ‘I’m fine, Alex. Let’s be sociable a little more. Your family are great. When it’s done, you can buy me a pizza,’ I laughed.

  ‘Done deal,’ she smiled, her eyes twinkling and meeting mine mischievously.

  ‘Come on then,’ I said standing. ‘Introduce me to more people.’

  We stayed at the party for another two hours before leaving just before 11pm. We climbed into the cold car and Alex started up the engine.

  ‘Pizza or bed?’ she asked me.

  I tried to ignore the flash of erotic images which flooded through my brain at Alex suggesting bed to me but somehow didn’t quite manage it. ‘Um, pizza?’

  ‘I was hoping you’d say that,’ she smiled. ‘Your place again?’

  ‘We can do… I really don’t mind.’

  ‘Yeah, your place…I liked your house.’

  ‘Thanks,’ I smiled.

  We went back to mine and I ordered a pizza while Alex picked out a film for us to watch. The house was cold and as the heating had only just been turned on, we both would be chilly for a little while.

  ‘All ordered,’ I said.

  ‘Great…come on,’ she encouraged, ‘the film’s starting and I got us a blanket as its so, damn cold!’

  ‘Oh right…’ I said, heading to the sofa.

  ‘Closer,’ she ordered. ‘I’m freezing.’

  I ended up sitting down, with Alex’s side pressed against mine. She arranged the blanket over our knees and wriggled down for comfort. I kept my eyes glued on the beginning film in an attempt to stop myself fantasising about reaching over and touching the woman who haunted my dreams.

  ‘Are you tired?’ Alex asked, after a while.

  ‘No, not really,’ I said glancing at her.

  ‘Me neither…weird huh? It’s been a long day.’

  ‘I know. A good day though.’

  ‘Yeah…what are your plans for tomorrow?’ she asked.

  ‘Well, I want to be at the gallery for as much of the day as possible. I’ve been invited to Laurie’s place for lunch though…she’s cooking a roast.’

  ‘Oh yummy! Lucky you!’

  ‘I, uh…well, don’t suppose you want to come?’ I offered, realising I wanted her to meet my family now that I had been introduced to hers.

  ‘Well I’d love to…but would Laurie mind?’ she asked frowning.

  ‘No, she loves company and feeding people. She tries to feed me all the time,’ I laughed.

  ‘Who wouldn’t want to feed you?’ Alex smiled, and her eyes dipped down momentarily before returning to my eyes. I felt myself gulp involuntarily and found I could not look away from the intensity of her gaze. My heart hammered in my chest and I felt a brief pause of time as our eyes held.

  A loud knock at the door had me springing from my seat. I quickly rushed for the door and fumbled with the keys in the lock. My reaction to her was heady, intense and alarming. She moved me in the basest of ways and there seemed to be nothing I could do to control it. I paid for the pizza, and headed back to Alex, feigning a cool façade.

  Chapter 15

  Family and friends

  The pizza and film ended in a blur as I fell asleep on the sofa. When I woke, I felt sleepy and warm, my head resting comfortably on something nice and cosy.

  I moved a little and realised as I sat myself up that I had fallen asleep alongside Alex and that I was sprawled onto her side!

  ‘Morning,’ Alex murmured sleepily.

  ‘Oh what? Did I…I guess I fell asleep.’

  ‘I guess we fell asleep,’ she chuckled as I quickly moved off her and away to the other side.

  ‘Sorry…you must have been so uncomfortable,’ I mumbled, embarrassed.

  ‘Not at all,’ she replied. ‘You were keeping me nice and warm!’

  I smiled then. ‘Blimey…don’t tell anyone about this…’

  ‘I won’t…I don’t think Jenny would be too impressed if I told her I was sleeping with another woman while she was away,’ she chuckled.

  ‘Oh goodness no! Don’t say a word!’ I warned her. ‘It’s not like we did anything wrong though…it was just late.’

  ‘Exactly,’ Alex agreed.

  I watched her check her watch and frown.

  ‘You know what, I’m going to have to get moving…the café needs opening in about fifteen minutes. I’m always there early and staff will be arriving soon.’

  ‘You go! Don’t let me hold you up.’

  ‘Okay…well, see you down there in a bit?’ she asked.

  ‘Yeah…and you still on for lunch at Laurie’s?’ I wondered.

  ‘You bet! I wouldn’t miss it!’

  ‘Great…I’ll let her know we’re both going.’

  ‘Okay…well, see you soon…and thanks for last night. It was the most fun I have had in a long time,’ she told me.

  ‘Same here,’ I replied with a shy grin.

  ‘Bye Ally.’

  ‘Bye Alex.’

  I watched her go with a silly smile on my face.

  After a shower and change of clothes, I phoned Laurie.

  ‘Hey sis! Long time! How are you!’ she said.

  ‘I’m good thanks! I was just checking we’re on for lunch today?’

  ‘Of course! The roast will be amazing,’ she promised.

  ‘Thanks Laurie…uh, is it okay if I…well, can I bring someone?’ I asked cautiously.

  ‘Who?’ she demanded immediately.


  ‘Alex? Of course you can bring her!’ she exclaimed happily. ‘Is there something going on between you two then?�
�� she asked merrily.

  ‘No Laurie! And please don’t say anything like that when she’s at yours!’ I begged.

  ‘Oh I won’t…I was just curious. You haven’t brought anyone with you to mine in years!’

  ‘Well Alex took me to meet her family last night so I figured it was polite to invite her along today.’

  ‘You met her family? Why?’ she asked, sounding confused.

  ‘Her partner is out of town and she wanted someone to go with…it’s not weird, Laurie…’ I told her.

  ‘And you say you’re just friends? No funny business?’ she asked.

  ‘No! Geez, Laurie…I’m beginning to regret inviting her!’

  ‘Okay, relax! I won’t say anything like that to her. It just sounds like you’ve become close pretty quickly.’

  ‘Not at all…we’ve become friends,’ I explained.

  ‘Ah…friends, is it?’

  ‘That’s right.’

  ‘Okay…well, we’ll see you later. The kids are excited to see you,’ she told me.

  ‘Ah bless them…can I bring them sweets?’ I asked.

  ‘Just a few,’ she said warmly. ‘Okay, see you later, Ally.’

  ‘Yeah…bye Laurie,’ I said and hung up.

  I grabbed my bag and headed down to the beach. After parking outside, I opened up the door to the gallery, put on the lights and pulled up the blinds. Passers-by could see me setting up and hopefully it would entice some in to have a look around.

  I worked on the far wall, mounting canvases and hanging them carefully. There was only one I found difficult to do alone and I left it until later. I decided with a smile, that I would ask Alex to help me when I saw her. She would like that I had asked her for help.

  People came and went and when anyone lingered, I made the effort to invite them in. I sold two more paintings, more jewellery and a small chair in the space of the morning which pleased me greatly. When Alex came over at 11.30am, I was £330 richer.

  ‘Hey Ally!’ she said, stepping in.

  ‘Hey Alex.’

  ‘This is looking great! It’s really coming together now!’ she smiled.

  ‘I know…I’m pleased with how it’s all going. I think it will look good when I finally get it finished.’


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