A Christmas Kiss

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A Christmas Kiss Page 16

by Anna Samuels

  ‘What?’ I said, stunned. I hadn’t slept that long since I was a teenager.

  ‘Yeah! That’s why I was getting concerned.’

  ‘Oh blimey…yeah, I’m fine,’ I said rubbing my bleary eyes and beginning to gain focus. When I could see clearly, I glanced up to see Alex’s gaze flicker down my body. I realised with a start that I was wearing pyjama shorts and a tight fitting vest top with nothing underneath.

  ‘I, uh…I better go change…do you want to come in while I do?’ I asked, not sure what she wanted to do.

  ‘Yeah sure…it’d be good to catch up.’

  ‘Absolutely! I have so much to tell you about what happened this week!’

  ‘Ooh…sounds intriguing!’

  ‘It is,’ I promised. ‘Right, let me change and I’ll be back in a minute,’ I told her, shutting the door as she came in.


  I ran up the stairs and into the bathroom. After looking in the mirror, I groaned inwardly. My hair was a mess, I looked pale and tired with no make-up on and my clothes hid nothing of my body. I quickly tidied myself up and dressed in jeans and a black top. After applying a little make-up, I hurried back down the stairs to find Alex sat waiting for me.

  ‘So!’ she smiled. ‘A lie-in! That was well deserved, I bet!’

  ‘It sure was…I’ve never worked harder than I have this week!’ I exclaimed, plonking myself down heavily on the sofa opposite Alex.

  ‘Well…you must be down to about five weeks now…it’s a countdown now!’ she said, looking optimistic.

  ‘Not anymore,’ I told her, unable to hide my smile.

  ‘What do you mean?’ she asked looking confused.

  ‘I’ve been released from my contract, Alex! I’m done as of yesterday!’ I told her excitedly.

  ‘No way! How did that come about?’ she asked, leaning forwards.

  I explained to Alex what had happened that week and how it had come to be that I was now free.

  ‘That’s great, Ally! I’m so pleased for you! And so pleased you’re home for good now!’ she exclaimed.

  ‘Thanks. I’m so happy I feel like I’m walking on air!’ I smiled.

  ‘I bet you do! So, the big question is…when are you going to open the gallery now?’

  ‘Well I did have a bit of an idea-if you think it’s a good one?’

  ‘Go ahead,’ she prompted.

  ‘Well…I just wondered…what if I had something of a big opening on the evening the lights are lit for the first time…when the Christmas tree goes up?’

  Alex gasped. ‘What an excellent idea!’ she exclaimed. ‘It’s next Saturday, right? The first of December?’

  ‘That’s right.’

  ‘Oh I can just picture it…you know what we have to do immediately though…we need to advertise it, Ally. Let people know that it is happening and invite everyone we know down. We’ll make a real occasion, set some tables outside with drinks and festive foods and then do a ribbon opening of the shop! What a great idea, Ally! It’s perfect.’

  I smiled, ‘I was thinking about it all week. When I knew I was definitely leaving, all I wanted to do was get started with the gallery. Making an event of it seems like an excellent way to start.’

  ‘Exactly. Shall we make up some flyers this afternoon then?’ she suggested.

  ‘Well yeah…but don’t feel like you have to do it. I can get it sorted.’

  ‘No, I’d like to help. We could do it in my office if you like. I have a printer set up for flyers and advertising.’

  ‘Oh great! Well, if you’re sure you don’t mind?’

  ‘I don’t,’ she grinned. ‘So…what else have you got to do to have the gallery sorted?’

  I thought for a moment, ‘it’s pretty much getting there actually. With another whole week to work on it, I’ll be ready in no time.’

  ‘Great. You don’t need any help with anything?’ she asked.

  ‘I don’t think so…it’s mainly just arranging everything and then getting started on more work so I have plenty of pieces if I sell. I thought I’d paint the sunsets and local scenes as lots of passers-by will be from the area I should think.’

  ‘I reckon you could be right, and people come down for the view so lots of people will like seeing paintings of Hope Beach.’


  ‘So are you headed down there this afternoon?’ she asked.

  I nodded. ‘I am…I hadn’t planned to sleep so long but I guess I must have needed it! I better get something to eat and then head down there…’

  ‘Or we could go down now, get some food from the café and eat and work in my office?’ she suggested.

  I smiled. ‘A far better plan…let’s go!’

  ‘Okay then!’ she grinned.

  We made our way down to Hope Beach in separate cars and then parked next to each other. I fell into step alongside Alex and into the back of the café through the back door.

  ‘Come and take a seat in my office. What can I get you to eat?’ she asked.

  ‘Oh anything…I’m not fussy…anything that’s being made easily would be great.’

  ‘Okay then…give me a couple of minutes.’

  I waited for Alex patiently, looking around her office curiously. I wondered how often she sat in the small room and what she spent her time thinking about when she did.

  Alex returned in a very short time with two plates and cutlery.

  ‘Simple fare but yummy,’ she said placing sausages, chips, eggs and beans in front of me.

  ‘Oh lovely! Good, warm winter type food,’ I said. ‘Thanks for this.’

  ‘A pleasure…will you have space there? I’ll eat on my lap.’

  ‘I’ll be fine thanks,’ I replied as I perched the plate on the minimal desk space and began to eat.

  ‘So what shall we say on this flyer?’ Alex asked as we ate.

  ‘Well we need date and time…that’s essential. What time do you normally do it by the way?’

  ‘I think it was six or seven last time. It’s dark by half four anyway but we want it before people’s dinner time and at a decent time for any children coming.’

  ‘I’d say six then,’ I told her.

  She nodded. ‘Six it is then.’

  ‘Maybe we should advertise a free drink or something…some kind of gimmick to get them down here…I’d obviously pay for the costs of supplying the drinks.’

  ‘Hmm…well, I usually put on mince pies and drinks for free anyway. It’s a good way to getting people coming back at another time so don’t worry about that. Maybe you should have something to do with the gallery-like a raffle and the winner gets something you’ve made…or their portrait painted?’

  ‘Good idea,’ I mused. ‘I could do a simple portrait pretty easily. Maybe I’ll offer that,’ I said, enjoying my food as we talked.

  ‘I think that would be a good way of encouraging extra people down here,’ she mused.

  ‘Yeah. Well, we’ll do that then.’

  We ate in silence for a few more minutes and I enjoyed every bite of the café-cooked food. When I finished, I sat back on the seat feeling full.

  ‘That was delicious…thanks, Alex.’

  ‘My pleasure.’

  ‘I love good café food.’

  ‘You do?’ she said, looking surprised.

  ‘Yeah! Love it! Why do you look so shocked?’

  ‘Oh I’m not exactly…I mean I like what we cook here…it’s just…I don’t know. For some people, I guess it’s not exactly fine food!’

  ‘Which people are we talking about?’ I asked, thinking I knew of who she spoke of anyway.

  ‘Well, Jenny for one. She thinks its absolute rubbish. She’s into fine dining and posh restaurants…’

  ‘Really? So you eat fancy stuff at home then?’ I asked with a slight frown.

  ‘Not really,’ she answered. ‘She does and has even refused to eat what I am eating at times over the years. Since I’ve had this place, I just eat here and then have a snack later
on to avoid arguments over dinner time.’

  ‘How strange,’ I commented. ‘It’s a wonder you’ve stayed together so long.’

  ‘It really is. Sometimes I wonder how and why we did,’ she murmured, looking away.

  I watched her curiously for a moment, wondering at the dynamics to their relationship. I didn’t know Jenny at all but from all the little things Alex had said so far, I wasn’t sure she would be my cup of tea. ‘There must be reasons,’ I said quietly.

  ‘Shall we get on with these flyers?’ she said, clearly changing the subject.

  ‘Sure,’ I agreed, glad of the distraction.

  We set to work, designing and creating the document which advertised the Christmas light turn on and my gallery opening for the next hour. When we were done and printed, I made my way to my new business while Alex distributed flyers to customers and friends.

  When I let myself into Hope Beach Art Gallery, I paused for a moment and simply enjoyed being there. It felt like I had been gone for way longer than a week and I realised that the gallery was making me happy and I was creating something special and unique. I wandered around, perusing my various works from over the years. I had created a huge range of wonderful artwork and all based on the same theme…everything was connected somehow to the sea.

  ‘Knock, knock!’ came a familiar voice from behind me.

  I turned to see Laurie and the children lingering outside. ‘Hello!’ I exclaimed happily. ‘It’s great to see you all!’ I said giving them all a hug one by one.

  ‘Well, Zachary fancied hunting for shells so we thought we would come and surprise you.’

  ‘Come in! It’s a work in progress but you’re more than welcome to look!’

  ‘Thanks,’ Laurie smiled.

  Laurie pushed the buggy inside and Zachary followed behind. ‘How are you Zachy?’ I asked him.

  ‘I’m good thanks, Ally. I was excited to see your art, Ally. Mummy says I’m an artist so maybe one day I can do this!’ he said, gesturing to the shop.

  ‘I’m sure you could,’ I told him happily.

  ‘Did you make all this stuff?’ he asked, stepping forward to look at the art work I had displayed.

  ‘Yes, I did. I painted, I sculpted, I made jewellery…anything arty, I have done it,’ I told him.

  ‘Have you ever made a snow man out of glitter?’ he asked and plonked his hands on his hips. ‘I did…at school. You’d like it, cos you’re arty.’

  I smiled. ‘I’d love to see it sometime…there’s something I have never made. Maybe you could show me how sometime?’

  ‘I will! When are you coming to babysit again?’ he asked. ‘I want you to babysit us and then we can do lots of cool stuff.’

  ‘Well, I’ll come anytime your Mummy asks me too. If Mummy and Daddy aren’t going out though, you won’t need a babysitter,’ I reminded him.

  ‘Mummy, are you going out soon?’ Zachary asked hopefully.

  Laurie turned around slowly and gaped at me, her expression stunned.

  ‘What?’ I frowned.

  ‘Ally!’ she exclaimed breathily.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ I asked again.

  ‘Nothing is wrong, Ally! I’m just…blown over by you I guess! I knew you were talented but I had no idea you had created all of this! This is incredible! Well done you!’

  I felt myself blush. ‘Ah, thank you, Laurie…it means a lot to me that you like it.’

  She smiled. ‘I more than like it, Ally. I love it! You’re going to be such a success,’ she predicted. ‘Your work is just gorgeous.’

  ‘Mummy!’ Zachary moaned.

  ‘What honey?’

  ‘I asked you a question!’ he said moodily.

  ‘Sorry sweetie, I didn’t hear you because I was so busy looking at Ally’s wonderful art gallery!’

  ‘Well, I said, when can Ally babysit again? I want to play and make stuff with her,’ he said somewhat grumpily.

  ‘Oh…well, Daddy and I aren’t going out until next Tuesday and Ally is in London in the week. We’ll have to ask another friend to babysit you.’

  ‘I’ll do it,’ I piped up.

  ‘What?’ Laurie said, looking confused. ‘But you’ll be in London teaching, surely?’

  ‘Nope! I won’t actually,’ I revealed. ‘I’ve been released from my contract, Laurie! I’m free! I’m home!’ I exclaimed happily.

  ‘No way! That’s wonderful!’ she said, pulling me into a warm hug. ‘I’m so happy you’re home for good. I’ve missed having a sister close by.’

  I smiled at her. ‘Me too…don’t worry though, you’ll see me all the time now. You’ll be sick of the sight of me!’

  ‘Not a chance,’ she grinned. ‘So, when are you opening?’

  ‘Well it was going to be when the school holidays began but because I’m here now, we’re going to open it on December the first. We’re actually having a bit of an event down here that day if you can make it. They’re turning the Christmas lights on, they’ll be food and drinks and of course my big opening!’

  ‘Oh we wouldn’t miss it for the world! Count us in!’ she smiled.

  ‘Thanks. I hoped you’d come.’

  ‘We will…now, were you serious about the babysitting offer?’ she asked.

  ‘Of course! When did you say? Tuesday night?’

  ‘Yes…from about seven till eleven-ish. Daniel has this work meal thing and I said I would try and arrange childcare so that I could go with him. With you home, I won’t even worry now,’ she said happily.

  ‘Exactly, and think of me first any time. You know I love time with the kids so it’s fun for me.’

  Laurie smiled. ‘Be careful! I’ll be making it a weekly event!’ she said with a laugh.

  ‘Maybe you should,’ I said seriously. ‘Get out more, especially as I’m willing to have the kids.’

  ‘It’ll certainly make things easier having you around, Ally. Thanks for the offer…really, thank you.’

  I smiled. ‘What are sisters for?’

  ‘Sisters are annoying!’ Zachary announced then, loudly and very bluntly.

  I laughed. ‘No they’re not! They’re pretty and sweet and kind and you love them to bits.’

  ‘I don’t think so Ally…have you seen Katie try to play with me? She just takes all my stuff!’ he exclaimed.

  I smiled at him, ‘only because she’s still little, honey. She just doesn’t understand how to play with you properly yet. Give her time…in a few years, she’ll be able to sit and make Lego creations with you and she won’t destroy the cities you build…she’ll get the hang of it; when she’s a bit bigger.’

  ‘I suppose…hey, Ally, we’re getting shells! Do you want to come with us?’ he asked hopefully.

  ‘Zachary, remember Ally is really busy right now with her new work. She probably doesn’t have time to come shell hunting.’

  ‘I am busy, but never busy enough to not come shell hunting! I’ll come for a bit, okay? Then I have to get back to my work,’ I told him.

  ‘Yay!’ he said, fist pumping the air.

  ‘I’ll lock up for a bit,’ I told them as we headed out into the sea air.

  I fell into step with Laurie, who was pushing Katie in the buggy. We parked ourselves on the sand, got Katie out and then all began looking for shells. For Laurie and I this meant sitting down on the sand and rifling through the debris for decent shells.

  ‘So how’s Alex?’ Laurie asked.

  ‘She’s fine,’ I murmured.

  ‘So you’ve seen her then?’

  ‘Of course! I’m working with her now!’

  ‘But you’ve seen her socially too?’ she asked.

  ‘How did you know that?’ I wondered.

  ‘I didn’t…but I do now. What have you done together?’ she asked.

  I shrugged, feigning innocence, ‘Nothing much…she came over and we watched a film. We made a cake another night…we went for a walk…’

  Laurie gaped at me again. ‘Ally!’


  ‘I thought she was attached?’

  ‘She is! Her partner goes away on work a lot. She was lonely last weekend so we kind of…did some stuff.’

  ‘Did you do anything you shouldn’t have done?’

  ‘Laurie! You’re not my mother, you’re my sister! But no…of course I didn’t.’

  ‘There’s no ‘of course’ about it, Ally. It’s clear and plain to see that you’ve completely fallen for her.’

  ‘I…I…’ I said beginning to object, but found I couldn’t. ‘Laurie, I’ve done nothing wrong.’

  ‘Keep it like that, Ally. Don’t even get near unless her status changes.’

  ‘Why would it change?’ I asked, a little miserably.

  ‘You never know…do you think she has feelings for you?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ I said quietly. ‘I think…well, I get the feeling she might be attracted to me sometimes…but that could just be me imagining it. I don’t really know…’

  ‘I think you’d know,’ Laurie said wisely.

  ‘Well, yeah…there’s a connection definitely, but we’re both being friendly towards each other. Nothing else at all.’

  ‘Well good. That’s a complication you could do without. Especially seeing as you’re trying to set up a profitable business here.’

  ‘I know…I know…I’ll stay clear of anything untoward…I just…’ I trailed off.


  ‘Oh nothing…’

  ‘No go on…you know I won’t judge…I may offer advice and help but I won’t judge!’

  ‘Well…I just have never felt like this, Laurie. The feeling I get when I’m with her, when she looks at me and my stomach flips over with excitement…it’s new…it’s wonderful. I can’t believe a connection like we have will come to nothing.’

  ‘She’s not free, Ally.’

  I nodded slowly.

  ‘I don’t mean to rain on your parade…really I don’t. Just be…I don’t know…mindful of the other woman. It wouldn’t be right to pursue anything with Alex right now.’

  I nodded, knowing she was right. ‘Yes…you’re right. I know you are.’

  ‘It doesn’t make it any easier, but maybe someday something will change.’

  ‘Maybe,’ I agreed, but the sinking feeling in my heart told me that it would not be soon.


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