A Christmas Kiss

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A Christmas Kiss Page 28

by Anna Samuels

  She urged me off her lap then and stood. I watched as she pulled on the straps and attached the toys.

  ‘Oh there’s a little contraption for you?’ I said, seeing the little butterfly which spread across the area where her clitoris was.

  ‘Yes, as I move it’s meant to rub against me! Double the pleasure.’

  I grinned. ‘Sounds good!’

  ‘Back on the desk then, you!’ she replied smiling.

  I moved onto the desk and spread my legs. Alex moved between them and put lubricant on the toy. She then pressed the sex toy to my entrance. She eased it inside slowly, taking me inch by inch. I felt her slowly fill me and gasped at the sensation. When it was fully in, she looked up and met my eyes.


  ‘Yeah…’ I gasped. ‘It feels good…’

  ‘Good…’ she murmured and began to move, rocking back and forth with the sex toy, and setting up a wonderful rhythm inside me.

  I felt my already aroused body respond and I held onto her tightly as she rhythmically thrust it inside and out of me. Her hands clasped my buttocks and drew me closer.

  After a while, she eased back out and turned me around on the desk so my bottom was exposed to her. She then spread me from behind and eased the sex toy into my opening once more. She thrust hard and fast, making me yearn to cry out my pleasure; something I contained as we didn’t want to be heard from the small office.

  Her fingers reached for the lubricant and she spread some across my buttocks. Then her fingers found my more secret entrance and gently pressed inside. I moaned a guttural sound of pleasure as her fingers and the toy sent me spiralling to new heights. I came hard and fast, arching my back and pushing myself back against her eagerly. Delicious sparks of heat rushed through me as she slowly eased out. I came to standing feeling shaky, completely spent from the experience.

  ‘How was that?’ she asked.

  ‘It was…there aren’t words,’ I decided.

  ‘You liked it?’ she asked.

  I smiled, ‘I most definitely did,’ I agreed. ‘How about you take it home later so I can try it out on you?’

  She smiled, ‘You’re on!’

  ‘Great…now how about a sandwich?’ she laughed.

  Chapter 32

  The need for more

  I headed back to the gallery, with flushed cheeks and a jaunty step. I felt as fulfilled as I could possibly be sexually and every moment spent with her, was incredible for me. I let myself back into the gallery and settled down to paint for the afternoon.

  My creative juices were flowing freely as I lifted my brush to the canvas. As I painted, I revelled in the feeling of happiness which came alongside doing something I enjoyed. I spent a moment thinking about how far I had come in these few short months; how I had left a profession I didn’t enjoy to make a success of a new business. I felt proud and fulfilled, in more ways than one.

  Later on that afternoon, my phone rang unexpectedly.

  ‘Hello?’ I said, picking it up idly.

  ‘Oh hey, Ally…it’s me,’ Laurie said.

  ‘Hey sis! How’s things?’

  ‘Good, good…all very busy after the Christmas rush though,’ she complained.

  ‘Oh is it?’ I asked.

  ‘Yes…we have Daniel’s parent’s down at the moment…it’s hectic,’ she said, whispering the last few words.

  ‘Oh no! I bet you want your house back!’ I replied, imagining her ordeal.

  ‘I absolutely do,’ she said brightly, clearly in company.

  ‘Well, I’m sure it’ll happen soon,’ I replied.

  ‘Yeah…Ally, I’ve called you to ask a favour,’ she went on.


  ‘I feel bad asking…but, well…you offered to babysit if we ever needed you…’

  ‘Oh absolutely! When do you need me?’ she asked.

  ‘Well, tonight if it’s not too short notice? Dan’s parents want to take us out to dinner and he’s quite keen…’

  ‘Yes, that’s fine,’ I told her. ‘I can do tonight.’

  ‘It doesn’t mess up any plans of yours?’ she asked.

  ‘No, not at all,’ I told her. ‘It would have been a quiet night in with Alex,’ I told her.

  ‘Oh…yes…bring her too if she wouldn’t mind being stuck with the kids all evening!’

  ‘Well, I’ll ask her…tell her it’s an option. What time do you want me over?’

  ‘I don’t know…half six or seven?’

  ‘That’s fine. I close the gallery around five as it’s so dark right now. No-one comes down at that time so there’s no point in still being open.’

  ‘Ah, I see…how is it all going?’ she wondered.

  ‘Surprisingly well!’ I exclaimed. ‘I’m selling enough on a daily basis to be needing to make more art work and to be in profit! As it stands right now, I’d say I’m earning three times the amount I was earning as a teacher.’

  ‘Ally, that’s amazing!’

  ‘I know, right! I was having one of those moments this afternoon…where you just stop and reflect. I was counting my blessings for all the good things that have come into my life lately.’

  ‘That’s nice,’ she murmured, ‘and what about Alex? How’s it going with her?’

  I paused for a moment, gathering my thoughts. ‘I don’t know…it’s definitely going shall we say…I’m trying not to analyse it.’

  ‘Why?’ she asked.

  ‘Because Alex asked me not too.’

  ‘You’re a woman! We analyse!’ she laughed.

  I sat back in my chair. ‘I know…I guess I just don’t want to get too far ahead of myself…in case it doesn’t work out.’

  ‘Why wouldn’t it work out?’ she asked.

  ‘I’m just being cautious…avoiding getting hurt again.’

  ‘But unless you stick your neck out, sometimes you never give it a chance.’

  I swallowed hard. ‘I don’t think we’re ready for the conversation yet.’

  ‘Maybe she would surprise you…’

  ‘Maybe…but I’m pretty sure she’s very content with the friends with benefits type relationship…otherwise she would have said so, right?’

  ‘Possibly…possibly not…’ Laurie replied.

  I exhaled with exasperation, ‘some help you are, Laurie!’

  ‘Sorry, sis! But you just don’t know until you ask.’

  ‘I suppose so.’

  ‘Well, I should let you go. Are you sure you don’t mind about tonight?’ she questioned.

  ‘I don’t mind at all. I’ll see you at about half six.’

  ‘Thanks Ally. See you later!’

  ‘See you later!’ I replied.

  After hanging up, I tried to start painting again but I found myself distracted. I tidied up the shop instead and repositioned some of the items on display. When I was done, it was almost four o clock, so I decided to close up early.

  After locking up, I headed over to the café and went in the back door. Alex was stood in the kitchen, chatting to Steve.

  ‘Hey!’ she smiled as I walked in.

  ‘Hey!’ I replied. ‘I just came to tell you I’ve closed up early. It’s so quiet and I thought I’d get home early.’

  ‘Yeah, good idea. It’s been dead here for the last hour…we might do the same.’

  As Steve wandered off to chat to one of the other staff, I leant against the counter. ‘I’m going to be out tonight,’ I told her.

  ‘Oh really? What are you up to?’ she asked.

  ‘I said I’d babysit for Laurie.’

  ‘Oh right! How lovely!’

  ‘You’re more than welcome to join me, but I didn’t know if you’d want to,’ I replied.

  ‘Oh I won’t intrude on your family time, but I will miss you…we won’t be able to get up to any more mischief,’ she grinned.

  I smiled at her, but my over-analytical brain was working. Was she only sad to see me go because she wanted sex? I couldn’t figure her out. ‘It’s only one night.�

  ‘Yeah…maybe we could head home for a bit first?’ she murmured hopefully.

  I nodded, ‘Yeah…that’d be nice.’

  ‘I’ll go and ask to Steve to close up tonight, then we can get going.’

  ‘Okay,’ I agreed.

  I waited for five minutes while Alex organised to leave. We then walked out to the car together and started heading home.

  The short drive was quiet and when we reached home, we headed in quickly out of the cold.

  ‘What time are you going out?’ Alex asked, when we were inside and collapsing down onto the sofas.

  ‘I said I would get there for half six.’

  ‘Ah good…that’s two hours away,’ she murmured, reaching out her hands for me.

  I moved into her embrace willingly but all the while wondering if there was more to our coupling than sex. I was beginning to feel uncomfortable with what was happening, mainly because I felt I was hiding the true extent of my emotions.

  ‘The time spent in my office was pretty, damn good, hey?’ she smiled, drawing me closer still.

  ‘It sure was…’ I murmured, as she kissed me ever so gently.

  ‘Maybe we could spend a few more moments together before you go out?’

  I kissed her back and nodded against her lips, ‘uh huh…’

  ‘Come here then,’ she said, pulling me onto her lap.

  I kissed her passionately, letting my mind drift from the troubles I pondered. In her arms, I lost myself for a while.

  I left the house at twenty past six. Alex and I had spent the whole time in each other’s arms and aside from a quick shower and change, I hadn’t had a minute to myself. It was only as I drove off into the night that my head began churning information around once more in a turbulent fashion.

  I couldn’t stop thinking about Alex and I and worrying about what was happening. Laurie was right, of course I would analyse what was happening! As an intelligent, thoughtful woman, I was bound to!

  I pulled up outside Laurie’s house and went inside quickly, grateful for the distraction that her family provided for me.

  Laurie greeted me at the door with a smile and a hug.

  ‘Hey sis! Thanks for doing this! It’s really good of you!’

  ‘No problem,’ I smiled, ‘I always love spending time with the kids.’

  ‘Well, you’re an absolute star!’

  I grinned. ‘So, where are they?’

  ‘They’re in the lounge. They both need bed soon though. With all the excitement of Christmas, bed time has become later and later…they both need some catch up.’

  ‘Are they okay with you going out?’ I asked.

  ‘Zachy is…he’s really excited about seeing you. Katie’s a little unsure though…she still wants Mummy at bed time. She’ll need plenty of cuddles I expect!’

  ‘Fine by me,’ I said, following her into the lounge.

  I greeted Daniel’s parents warmly and they all rose and began moving towards the front door quickly. They had booked a restaurant at seven and didn’t want to be late. Zachary and I waved them goodbye at the door and then shut it behind them.

  ‘It’s so cool that you’re here, Ally!’ Zachary exclaimed excitedly.

  ‘It is? How come?’ I smiled, taking his hand to walk back into the lounge.

  ‘Yeah! I want to show you the cool stuff I got for Christmas! It’s wicked!’

  I smiled at him. ‘I can’t wait.’

  We reached the lounge where Katie sat on the carpet playing. When we walked back in, she looked up with wide eyes.

  ‘Where Mummy?’ she asked pitifully.

  My heart sank. She was clearly going to be emotional this evening. ‘Mummy will be back soon, honey’ I assured her.

  ‘Me want Mummy,’ she cried, her eyes filling with tears and her little shoulders beginning to shake.

  ‘It’s alright, Katie! Ally’s here!’ Zachary told her in a consoling tone.

  ‘Yes, I’m here sweetie. We can play for a bit and then Mummy will be home!’ I told her, scooping her onto my lap.

  She looked up at me with wide, teary eyes and then slumped her head against my shoulder. I rocked her gently against me, realising it was tiredness which was affecting her normally happy disposition.

  I stood with her in my arms and headed for a sofa. I sat in one corner and cuddled her to my chest. Rocking her gently, I felt her breathing slowing down and her body relaxing. She was tired out and I knew that thankfully, she would be asleep quickly.

  Zachary, being used to such happenings, settled quietly onto the carpet to play with Lego. Every now and then he would glance up and give me the occasional hand gesture-a thumbs up or an okay sign. Each time I would smile and nod at him.

  When I was sure Katie was deeply asleep, I stood awkwardly and made my way upstairs with the sleeping child. I laid her into her bed and covered her up with the duvet. I then pulled the stairgate closed and headed down the stairs quietly.

  ‘Hey Zachy! I’m all yours,’ I told him.

  ‘Ah wicked! Do you want to see all my cool stuff?’ he asked.

  ‘I sure do!’

  ‘Good…come over here!’ he ordered.

  I followed him to his toy box and sat down to play. He talked me through the figures he had been given for Christmas and all about the games he liked playing with them. Next, he showed me a board game which involved pulling rubber snot out of a plastic nose until the characters brain popped out. The weird and wonderful seemed to enthral him and it was entertaining to see him so easily amused.

  At eight o clock, I knew enough was enough. He was showing signs of tiredness by rubbing his eyes and becoming restless in our game. We tidied up and headed upstairs.

  In Zachary’s room, I sat beside the bed looking down at him as he lay down ready for sleep.


  ‘Yes Zachy?’

  ‘How come you brought that woman to Christmas?’ he asked frowning.

  ‘Alex?’ I asked.


  ‘Didn’t you like her?’ I wondered, slightly concerned.

  ‘Yeah! I did like her! She was really nice…’

  ‘Ah good…well, why did you start talking about her?’

  ‘I just wondered why you brought her to Christmas Day?’

  ‘Well…because she’s a friend of mine,’ I told him.

  ‘I’m not allowed to bring my friends to Christmas,’ he objected.

  ‘Well, maybe she’s more than a friend. I didn’t want her to be alone on Christmas Day you see and so she came with me to your house.’

  ‘Oh…’ he murmured.

  ‘What are you thinking?’ I asked, interested by the curious look on his face.

  ‘I was thinking that maybe you would be married!’

  ‘To Alex?’ I asked, stunned.

  ‘Yeah! Like a husband but you’d have a wife!’ he said and chuckled to himself. ‘It’s a bit weird isn’t it?’

  I smiled at him kindly. ‘It can seem strange, Zachy yes…but sometimes a woman falls in love with another woman…’

  ‘Just like you and Alex.’

  ‘Yeah…’ I murmured quietly, realising how spot on he was.

  ‘Hey Alex! I have a question!’

  ‘Go ahead,’ I said, fearing its direction.

  ‘Can a woman who has married a woman have a baby?’ he asked frowning. ‘Like; if you and Alex got married, I might have a baby cousin!’ he exclaimed excitedly.

  I wondered how to answer him. ‘It’s possible, honey, but I would ask Mummy or Daddy about that.’

  ‘You’d be a great Mum, Ally!’ he told me smiling.

  ‘I would?’ I asked, feeling touched.

  ‘Yeah…you’re fun and kind too…and you have a nice face,’ he said thoughtfully.

  I met his eyes feeling overwhelming emotion for my sweet little nephew. ‘That was a lovely thing to say, Zachy. Thank you.’

  ‘You’re welcome,’ he smiled. ‘I mean it though.’

  ‘I know
you do honey…that’s what makes me so happy.’

  ‘He smiled and then yawned. ‘I’m so tired!’ he said, stretching dramatically.

  ‘You lie down then honey…go to sleep.’

  ‘Can I have a cuddle?’ he asked.

  ‘Of course you can, sweetie. Come here!’

  I embraced him onto my lap and held him close. Despite being less cuddly than when he had been younger, behind closed doors, he was still a loving little boy.

  ‘Come on then you…into bed!’

  I lifted him onto his mattress and tucked the duvet up.

  ‘Will you stay until I go to sleep?’ he asked.

  ‘Of course I will…’

  ‘And will you leave the night light on, please?’ he wondered.

  ‘I will, honey.’

  ‘Mummy calls me that,’ he told me.

  ‘And my Mummy called me that too,’ I told him.

  ‘That was Grandma wasn’t it? She died,’ he stated, as a matter of fact.

  ‘Yes, Zachy…she did.’

  ‘Mummy cried all the time,’ he told me.

  I felt my heart thumping against my chest. ‘I know sweetie.’

  ‘Why did she have to die?’ he asked.

  ‘It was just her time,’ I told him gently, unsure of what to say and not wanting to contradict anything Laurie had told him.

  ‘Is she in heaven now, Ally?’ he asked me.

  ‘Is that what Mummy told you?’ I questioned.

  ‘Yeah…is that where she is?’

  ‘Yes…that’s right.’

  ‘Where is heaven again, Ally?’ he asked, his little forehead furrowed in confusion.

  ‘Up in the skies, sweetie…Grandma and all the other people who have died, go to a wonderful place above us and are always smiling down on us to check we’re okay.’

  ‘I bet it’s cool up there…sitting on clouds and looking at all the people below.’

  ‘Very cool,’ I agreed. ‘Right, sleepy time now, Mister!’

  ‘Okay Ally…will you be here in the morning?’ he asked.

  ‘No, probably not,’ I told him, ‘but remember that I’m down at the beach all the time in my gallery. You can come down and be a shop man any time you want to!’

  ‘Oh really? Tomorrow?’ he asked enthusiastically.

  ‘If you like, yes! You’ll have to ask Mummy though.’


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