Human Animals

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by Kimmy Estrada

  Human Animals

  Kimmy Estrada

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  Disclaimers: This book contains explicit sexual content, graphic, adult language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable which may include: male/male sexual practices, multiple partner sexual practices, strong BDSM themes and elements, erotic elements and fetish play. This ebook is for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please do not try any new sexual practice, especially those that might be found in our BDSM/fetish titles without the guidance of an experienced practitioner. Neither the publisher nor its authors will be responsible for any loss, harm, injury or death resulting from use of the information contained in any of its titles. Please note that this is a work of complete fiction; it is intended as a fantasy only. No act or description is endorsed by the writer, publisher, editor, or distributor. All active/relevant characters are consenting adults over the age of eighteen. This book may also include tacit or secret consent.

  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. All characters, places, businesses, and incidents are from the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual places, people, or events is purely coincidental. Any trademarks mentioned herein are not authorized by the trademark owners and do not in any way mean the work is sponsored by or associated with the trademark owners. Any trademarks used are specifically in a descriptive capacity. All characters should be assumed to be over the age of 18. The cover model is also over the age of 18.

  First Edition


  Cover courtesy of Shutterstock.

  Young women have so much potential.

  These girls can do so much.

  They can be:

  puppy girls

  girl cows

  bondage slaves

  They can learn to obey their Masters.

  These girls will be subjugated,



  They can be sweet.

  And they can be punished.

  (That last part is especially fun.)


  Sasha Cow

  Becoming His Girl Cow

  Hypnotized HuCow

  Human Petting Zoo

  Doggie Discipline

  Hucow Bell

  Sasha Cow

  "You have one minute before the program begins," declared a mechanical voice. It sounded like a recording or something generated by a computer.

  Groaning, I tried to roll over, but I couldn't. Disoriented and dazed, I didn't know where I was. I didn't know what was happening. None of this made any sense. Last night, I didn't even party.

  At least, I couldn't remember partying.

  Wait a second. What could I remember?

  "You have thirty seconds before the program begins," said the same mechanical voice.

  My eyes finally fluttered open, and I found myself staring at the floor. It was a shade of dark gray. It looked fuzzy, like some sort of carpet, but to my immediate left and right, there were a pair of walls.

  Then I looked down at my hands. Leather straps had been placed on my wrists. Right away, I pulled on them, thinking this was some kind of prank. It was hazing or something.

  Yeah, that made sense.

  Okay, so the last thing I remember…

  My thoughts turned to fog. I remembered filling out the paperwork. I remembered getting the e-mail saying I had been accepted to Devinson University. I could even recall that sense of disappointment because I knew I wasn't going to be able to pay for it.

  But now, I kept reading the acceptance letter, and they offered me a full ride scholarship. I was going to college!

  I was going to party! I was going to meet some cute guy, I was going to make him fall in love with me, and we were going to get married! Oh yeah, I was going to pick a good one too, like someone who would become a doctor or a lawyer. I wanted someone loaded, someone who is going to be able to take care of me.

  "You have fifteen seconds until the program begins.”

  “What’s going on?” I tried to ask, only the sounds I heard were not real words.

  I tried to speak again, only to realize that there was something wedged in my mouth. A leather mask that covered the bottom half of my face had been placed on me while I was asleep or maybe unconscious. I tried to speak again, but I couldn't dislodge it.

  Gagging, I tried to stand up again, to slip my hands from the shackles. They were tight around my wrists. Worse, I only had a little bit of slack.

  My couldn't slip free, I glanced over my shoulder. There was a door behind me, but this room was incredibly small. It felt more like a closet than anything else.

  "You have ten seconds until the program begins.”

  Program? What program?

  I looked around, determined to get this to stop. I didn't know what this was supposed to be, but I never signed up for it! I started to struggle against the shackles, the leather manacles only moved down on my wrists a slight bit, making me grimace.

  “Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven.” The countdown started, and I worried about was going to happen. My heart started pounding, but I couldn't think clearly. How did I get here? What happened? “Six. Five. Four. Three. Two.” I came onto campus. I took the bus, I got with a bunch of other girls, and there were guys passing out flyers. They invited us to party. Most of us went…


  I flinched, expecting something horrible, but then the carpet beneath me started moving. I realized quickly that this closet came with a conveyor belt. When the floor beneath me started to shift, I didn't react fast enough. I allowed it to carry me a few inches back, my shackles became taut, and an electrical current shot through those chains, glancing down into electrodes hidden under my ankle shackles.

  "Disobedience will be punished," said the same mechanical voice.

  Right away, I growled, but gagged by that mask, I didn't sound very intimidating. If I was up and free and fully clothed, then I would have been able to scare the crap out of whoever was trying to tease me.

  Inhaling and exhaling through my nostrils, I started to crawl. The shackles were too short for me to stand up. Worse than that, I looked down at the rest of my body. I found my breasts swaying beneath me.

  Were they bigger?

  No, I couldn't be. It was my imagination.

  I wiggled my ass from side to side, hoping to feel the fabric of my panties. I didn't.

  If this was a joke or prank, it was pretty extreme. And whoever did it to me was going to fail. I didn't know what it was going to take, but I was going to kick some ass as soon as I got out of here.

  I wiggled my ankle from side to side, and then I felt the weight of another set of restraints. Whoever did this certainly had a lot of free time.

  I started crawling, waiting for the punch line. Something was supposed to happen very quickly. It didn't.

  "What's going on here?" I tried to call out again, but my mumbles didn't make any sense. So if someone actually heard
me, they probably didn't understand.

  I crawled forward some more, feeling the heat kindle through my body.

  Okay, so I arrived at the campus, I took one of those flyers, and I decided to go to a party. It was being hosted by one of the fraternities on campus. I walked through the front door, and there were a bunch of other girls like me, freshmen.

  Right away, some guy came up behind me. He put his arms around my waist. Then he moved to my breasts, cupping them.

  Without hesitating, I elbowed him, shoving him back. He just smirked, "Yeah, you're going to be a good one.” Those words didn't make any sense to me.

  "Not here," said a second guy. Then he turned his attention to me. "I'm very sorry about that. Sometimes, some of the guys here get drunk and stupid. That's really no excuse, but I don't want you to think we are all animals."

  The first guy might have been a jerk, but the second one? Yeah, he was exactly what I was looking for. He wanted to save me. With light brown hair, dark brown eyes, strong cheek bones, and athletic shoulders, he smiled and my knees went just a little bit weak.

  "I'm Sasha," I told him, holding my hand.

  "Trevor," he said to me. "Trevor Dante.”

  I tilted my head to the side. Of course, I should have played it cool, but I couldn't help myself. "Trevor Dante? As in Dante Squared, the software company?”

  He smirked, looking off to the side like he should be embarrassed. "Yeah, that's my family." Right away, I knew that I liked this guy. He was perfect marriage material. I smiled at him, running my teeth along my lower lip. At the same time, I suddenly regretted wearing something so conservative.

  For my first day on campus, I picked out a pair of tight jeans and a tank top with spaghetti straps. Since it was still August, I expected it to be pretty warm. At the time, I had no idea I was going to meet the heir to a billion-dollar fortune, nor did I ever imagine that this outfit was going to be the last one I wore before my life completely changed.

  The treadmill continued to buzz along. At first, it was easy. It went slowly, but some span of time elapsed, and it sped up.

  I tried to shout out, raising my voice as much as I could. I yanked on my shackles again, but now, every time they went tight, a jolt of electricity ran through the chains, sliding right into my skin. I stepped back, struggling.

  And yet, I had to continue going, crawling, crawling, on my hands and knees.

  I felt like some kind of animal, especially as my breasts swayed beneath me.

  After another couple of minutes, I looked down. My skin was warm. But that wasn't what caught my attention. Rather, my breasts seemed larger now. What was going on?

  Slowly, I started to realize that this wasn't some sort of prank. This wasn't something a fraternity could do…

  I looked around again, searching for something I could use. When I turned my head up and to the side, I spotted the speaker. That's where that voice came from. Unfortunately for me, that piece of information wasn't very useful.

  Forced to crawl along, I kept trying to formulate a plan. Instead, I thought back to that party.

  Trevor brought me another drink. I sipped, feeling the nice buzz. Actually, that didn't really make sense. This was only my second beer. In high school, I drank at a couple of different parties. I knew I could handle more than just two.

  "So, why are you here? Why are you really here?" Trevor asked me.

  For a moment, I glanced around, realizing that pretty much everyone at this party had paired off. The number of guys and girls seemed to be perfectly matched. What were the chances?

  That thought quickly dissipated. "I'm here because I want to find a nice guy, someone who will take care of me."

  "Take care of you? Really?" Trevor asked, the skin wrinkled around his eyes with amusement. I noticed that he wasn't having any of his own beer. Somehow, that seems unimportant.

  I took another sip. "Yeah, I'm not really into all of this school stuff. Reading and learning stuff. It's kind of boring. So yeah, I thought I would come here, I would find some good lawyer guy, and I would marry him."

  "What if he's not the marrying type?” Trevor asked. Again, I got the impression that he wasn't just smiling. He was stifling his laughter, but the joke was on me.

  "Oh, he will be," I said. I wasn't drunk. I would have recognized drunk. "I'm really smart when it comes to guys. I know what it takes to tease them and string them along until they are willing to do whatever I want. Like there was this one guy in high school. When we first got together, he was the quarterback, and he was a total ladies man. He could get away with anything, but then we met, we started dating, and it was only a couple weeks before he was begging me to go steady."

  "Go steady?" Trevor asked, smiling again. I liked his smile. And yet, it still felt like he was secretly laughing at me. "Who uses words like those?"

  I shrugged. "Hey, I get results. I get the guy, and I get to do whatever I want."

  "Could you get me to do whatever you want?" Trevor wanted to know.

  This should have felt like a trap but I took another sip of beer, and I could feel that tingling warmth spread through my fingertips. I smiled and I giggled. "Oh yeah, I could definitely get you to do whatever I wanted. I could get you to buy the pretty jewelry and get an apartment off-campus. Would you like to do that?"

  "No thanks," he said to me.

  "How about this then?" I continued, completely unfazed. I set my beer down on the mantle, and I came closer, just a little bit unsteady on my feet. I touched my fingertips to his chest, and I walked my hand up along his solid build. "Let's go back to your room, and you can tell me all about your fantasies. If you're a very good boy, I can make a couple of them come true," I said.

  "You really are perfect," he told me. He kept my cheek in his hand, and I thought he might lean in to kiss me. That would have been perfect. Instead, he trailed his touch down my cheek, sending little tingles through my skin. From there, he rested his palm on my breast.

  There was a gentle squeeze, and my body immediately reacted. I could feel my nipples harden through my bra and tank top.

  "Perfect," he said again.

  He dropped his hand down to my side, grabbed my wrist, and he pulled me through the party, escorting me back upstairs. Under normal circumstances, I probably would have been shocked. I should have been shocked.

  One guy had already dropped his pants, and there was a girl eagerly sucking his cock. She gave him a blow job like it was the best thing she had ever done. Another couple simply made out.

  Then there was one guy standing behind a girl. It was the guy I first met when I walked into the party. He had his hands up her top. He moved his palms along her breasts, squeezing and pinching her nipples. She was moaning, clearly enjoying it.

  "What's going on here?"

  "Freshman orientation," he replied, chuckling.

  I didn't get the joke, but then he unlocked his bedroom door, and he nudged me inside. Surprisingly, his room struck me as both large and clean. Then again, he probably hired someone to clean it for him.

  In any case, I didn't really care about those details. Instead, I spun around, and I tried to kiss him. He didn't allow that, not yet. He locked the door again, and then he dragged me across the room, taking my beer from my hand and placing it on the small table by his bed. He nudged me down onto the mattress.

  "Before we go any farther, I want to inspect you."

  "Inspect me?" I asked, giggling. Somehow, that seemed really funny!

  But he didn't crack a smile, and then I realized he was serious.

  With any other guy, I would have jumped back up onto my feet, and I would've marched from the room, shouting he was a jerk. A guy would have even flipped him off.

  "You want to please me, don't you?" Trevor came off as so incredibly smug. No boy should have been able to talk to me like this.

  Normally, I would have laughed in his face. Or better yet, I would have smacked him. This time, I did neither. Instead, I licked my lips, suddenly attrac
ted to his bravado. "What if I do? What if I want to please you?"

  I leaned forward, pressing my breasts against his chest. At the same time, I moved my fingernails along his forearm, doing my best to be seductive. Under other circumstances, I had been able to turn boys to jelly, molding them into whatever I desired.

  The same thing was supposed to happen with Trevor. Instead, he grabbed my wrists, and he extended them over my head.

  Slowly, he lowered his mouth to mine. He kissed me briefly, and I could feel the flare of desire rush through every inch of my skin. I was very warm, breathing heavily.

  The treadmill started speeding up, snapping me back to reality. I forgot all about Trevor even though my pussy was now damp. Damn it. Why did I have to remember how hot he was or how good he made me feel with that first kiss? And the way he touched my breasts?

  I glanced down at my melons again, only to confirm what I already suspected. They were larger.

  It felt like minute to minute, they were growing. By this point, they had to be at least a full cup size larger. How was this possible? What was happening to me?

  Bracing myself, I came to the conclusion that I only had one chance. I steeled my resolve even as my heart raced in my chest. At first, the treadmill had barely moved, but incremental increases in speed meant that my skin was hot, I was gasping through my nose for air, and perspiration dotted my forehead and shoulders.

  When I first got off the bus, ready to explore the campus and have some fun with the male population, I never imagined a situation like this. What were they trying to do to me?

  Just before I put my plan into action, I thought about Trevor again, in his bedroom.

  He kissed me slowly at first, knowing full well that I yearned for more. Then he stopped altogether. "You, young lady, haven't gotten your inspection yet. You've been so busy trying to distract me."


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