Sins from Her Past (Scandalous)

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Sins from Her Past (Scandalous) Page 3

by Jules Bennett

  Evelyn hated the girl who had broken her brother’s heart and nearly killed his spirit in the process. But Vin was right. Dylan was a big boy and he’d be fine…even if his world-renowned model ex-girlfriend returned to their tiny town.

  “It’s understandable that you’d want to protect him,” Vin told her. “Especially after what he did for you when your parents died. Between him, Rick and Alan, you were fortunate to have people to take care of you.”

  She refused to give an ounce of gratitude. Rage toward the man who murdered her innocence and continued to plague her life bubbled up in her.

  Evelyn straightened her shoulders, tilted her chin. “I never needed anyone to care for me.” She came to her feet to look down at him. “I’m more than capable—”

  Another air pocket jerked the plane, sending her stumbling onto his lap.

  Vin merely quirked a brow and smiled. “You were saying?”

  Oh no, she couldn’t be in his lap, not with that sexy mouth so close. Not with that thick, muscular body molded to hers with only their thin layers of clothing separating them. And certainly not when she was seething with anger on top of these newfound urges of desire. How could she trust her own judgment?

  His heavy-lidded gaze dropped to her lips.

  “Vincent.” Her plea came in a whisper, not strong like she needed it to be. This couldn’t happen. On so many levels this spark of intimacy was wrong.

  But on the only level that mattered right now, this feeling in his arms was so, so right. They’d hugged countless times over the years, but nothing like this. No hold had ever felt so…safe and electric at the same time.

  With one arm firmly around her, he brought his other hand to her lips, stroking the bottom one with the pad of his thumb. Without her consent, her breath hitched. The man had too much power over her. Power was something she couldn’t lose control of. For her own peace of mind, she needed to stay in control at all times.

  Cupping the side of her face in one strong hand, he closed the gap between them. As his lips claimed hers, he stroked the side of her face. Evelyn couldn’t recall what her fantasies of kissing Vincent were like, which just went to prove that reality was much, much better.

  Silken lips slid against his, the soft trail of her fingertips slid up his arm. He didn’t rush, didn’t pressure, but relished in the gentleness of this woman and yearned to uncover her passionate side.

  God, he’d waited years to touch her like this, but what right did he have? This was the baby sister of his best friend and Dylan only asked Vin to give her a chance at a job, not practically molest her before they could even get started.

  Before he could wrap both his arms around her, she pulled back and struggled off his lap. Shock now replaced that desire he’d seen, tasted. Her perfectly polished fingertips settled against her mouth, her eyes were huge and her skin had lost color, much like it had at his home two days ago.

  “I’m sorry, Vincent,” she rasped. “That wasn’t…I-I…”

  He watched her struggle for words, annoyed that she felt the need to apologize, amused that he could get her so flustered in such a short time, with so little effort.

  Coming to his feet, he placed his hands on her shoulders. “Are you sorry we kissed?”

  With only a slight hesitation, she shook her head.

  “Then there’s no need for apologies,” he told her in a soft tone because she still looked mortified. “I kissed you and I’m not sorry I did. I’ve been wanting to for a long time.”

  He took her hand from her lips and held it between them. “You’re not dating anyone, are you, Evie?”

  “Isn’t that something you should’ve asked before you kissed me?”

  Vincent shrugged and offered her a grin. “Perhaps, but the opportunity would’ve been ruined had I asked when you landed in my lap. I had to seize the moment.”

  She tilted her head. “Isn’t that the way you’ve always lived your life? Taking what you want, when you want it?”

  An underlying tone of resentment laced her voice. Why was she angry? Over the kiss? No, she’d been an active participant. Something else was bothering her that had absolutely nothing to do with that eye-opening kiss.

  “For the most part, but I’m even more focused now.” He stroked his thumb along the back of her hand, thrilled to see the shock from her eyes gone. While the passion wasn’t back, he saw something just as powerful…intrigue. “You never answered my question.”

  “No, there’s no one in my life.”

  “Good.” He eased her back down into the plush leather seat, taking the one next to her and keeping hold of her hand. “I have a proposition.”

  “You cocky bastard.” Evelyn jerked her hand away. “You can’t be serious?”

  Laughing, Vincent sighed as the perfect idea unfolded in his head. “Nothing so drastic as what you’re thinking, I’m sure. But, since we’re going to be traveling together for some time, I would like for you to escort me to several parties, receptions and galas I have in the coming months while we work together.”

  Shifting sideways in her seat, Evelyn seemed to consider his proposal. “Just as friends?”

  Not at all. “Your choice on how deeply intimate we become.”

  “Why me? Why not one of the other million women in this world who would love to be on Vincent Hawk’s arm, in his bed?”

  “Interesting choice of words.” He studied her, surprised at how he missed the fact that while she was quiet, her words were honest and powerful. “I don’t want someone else. I don’t want a woman I have to keep entertained or worry about taking care of. And as you stated earlier, you don’t need to be taken care of. We’ve been friends long enough to be comfortable together.”

  “Comfortable? You make me sound like your favorite pillow. My heart’s all aflutter.” Her dark lashes lowered as her gaze dropped to his lips. “What about that kiss?”

  “The first of many, I hope, but anything from here on out is your decision.”

  Her eyes closed as she took in a deep breath. Tilting her head back against the seat, she lifted her lids and glanced out the window.

  “I will attend your social functions as a business associate and a friend only,” she told him, her hands clasped in front of her. “Anything else would be out of the question. That kiss means nothing. It can’t.”

  Vincent fought back the urge to chuckle. She wanted him. Passion swam in her eyes, had poured from her kiss. And now that he’d had a sample of his best friend’s baby sister, he wouldn’t mind a bit seeing her on a much more intimate level.

  “Whatever you desire, Evelyn,” he told her as he stepped closer. He bent to whisper in her ear, “Just let me know if you ever want to discuss other options.”

  Before he could ease back, her body trembled against his.

  Oh, this was going to be such an interesting time. Maybe Dylan did know what he was doing when he asked Vin to hire his sister. Surely Dylan wasn’t playing matchmaker. If he was, Alan may have been a better pick, being a senator’s son and having grown up together in the same hoity-toity, beachy community. Regardless, Vin wasn’t wasting this opportunity…especially since his lips still throbbed from her touch.

  Sometimes business and pleasure mixed beautifully. Simply beautifully.

  Chapter Three

  Did the man have to be so darn appealing on every blasted level?

  Evelyn stepped into the grand foyer of Vincent’s Milan resort. They’d shared that kiss hours ago and still she had thought of little else.

  Damn it, she wanted to be free to be with him. She wanted that choice to let her body follow its passionate urges, but fear wouldn’t allow such a freedom.

  And like any other woman, she had goals of marrying and having children. She had to conquer her fears if she was ever going to get that family she’d always dreamed of. What qualities did she even want in a man? Honesty, loyalty, sense of humor and someone who challenged her.

  Perfect—she’d just described Vin. That man behind the wheel
of a minivan with car seats strapped in the back? The image was laughable. Even though he’d expressed his dreams of a family, she just couldn’t imagine Vin settling down.

  The man was that potent, though, no doubt about it. He spoke and charm oozed off each word, he smiled and had her smiling in return. With little to no effort, Vin knew just how to throw his appeal out there for all women to lap up and beg for more.

  And speaking of potent, Evelyn forced herself not to spin in a huge, little-girl-like circle with her head tilted back, her eyes captivated by the intricate detail work of the painted ceiling.

  “Beautiful. Yes?”

  Vin’s warm breath on her cheek, his soft words in her ear brought her back. She didn’t have to look over her shoulder to know he stood right against her. If they hadn’t just shared a scorching kiss and an intimate conversation, she’d lean back just a bit to feel that hard chest against her body just once more, but he’d probably mock her or make some sarcastic remark like he did in that joking way. But just once she wanted to draw strength from him, though he could never know why. No one could.

  Especially considering Alan was Vin’s and Dylan’s friend, and Rick and Alan were investors in Vin’s new resort. God, this was a giant, jumbled mess and one she’d hoped she could just put behind her and move on.

  Shame filled her at what she’d done. But it was over now, had been for a few years. The images, the ugliness of that chunk of her life made her physically ill. But she was tired of running and coming home to face her past was exactly the step she needed to take back her life.

  “You know it’s beautiful.” She forced her professionalism to the forefront as her designer’s eye took in the pale marble floors, the thick, matching columns. “Stunning, breathtaking. It’s like another world. And nothing less than what I expected from your resort.”

  With a gentle tug on her elbow, Vincent escorted her through the lobby. People smiled, nodded and jumped to attention as Vincent passed by. She had a feeling the employees were alerting every other worker that Vin was in the building. But he spoke to each person by name, showing them a piece of his charm and style.

  Evelyn kept her head high, her shoulders back as she returned polite greetings. Did these employees and guests think her to be another one of Vin’s playmates? Perhaps he paraded women in and out so often nobody really cared what arm candy floated through the resort.

  Arm candy? Had she just degraded herself to arm candy? Fantastic. Way to stay classy. But she knew she wasn’t arm candy because there was never a lady on Vin’s arm who wore above a size four, and that was on her bloated days…heaven forbid a twelve. A tight twelve on some occasions, but whatever.

  Vin led her into a large elevator and smiled at the guests as he slashed a card down the slot to access the top floor. His charm knew no bounds and even that simple smile with a flash of white teeth and twin dimples was enough to have her looking away. She already knew she was pathetic, but she would not fall into that endless line of women who would gladly drop their panties for this man.

  Good Lord, if she did, she’d turn into a Vincent Hawk statistic. And she was beginning to wonder if she could or would let him be the man to help her overcome her fears. Would he be up for such a baggage-bearing challenge?

  Seven years was a long time—especially considering how young she was—to go without sex, but the thought of it had always sent a shiver of fear creeping through her. But with Vin she knew he’d be gentle, giving…wouldn’t he?

  “I’ll show you to your suite,” he bent to whisper in her ear, cutting into her thoughts. “You can freshen up and I will be back to get you in a couple of hours. If I recall, you take a while to get ready.”

  Evelyn rolled her eyes. “Don’t confuse me with your bimbos, Vin. I’ll be ready in thirty minutes.”

  “I could never confuse you with bimbos,” he countered with a grin. “And I can’t wait to see this thirty-minute transformation. I’ve yet to see a woman get ready in so little time.”

  She held out her hand. “Want to place a friendly wager on it, pal?”

  “Hundred bucks says you won’t be ready when I come back in thirty minutes.”

  His hand slid into hers, his warm palm nearly scorching her own as desire filled his eyes again. Yeah, Vin wasn’t immune to the growing sexual attraction and she certainly wasn’t either, but could she handle more than just harmless flirting and easy banter?

  He dropped her hand as the elevator doors slid open and an elderly couple exited.

  Evelyn had to admit she was eager to go to the art show tonight, excited to get started on purchasing some pieces for the resort. But she’d be lying to herself if she didn’t admit how anxious she was to spend more time with Vincent. She wanted to explore the passion, the desire. Maybe he was the right man to help her overcome her fears. Maybe a fling with him would help her realize that she was in control and that what had happened to her wasn’t about sex, it was about domination.

  She was a young, healthy single woman and there was no reason for her to let one man have control over the rest of her life.

  And while she knew Vin would dominate any bedroom, she wasn’t afraid of him. Intrigued, aroused and very, very curious—but not afraid. Power and domination could be attractive…it could also be terrifying when placed in the wrong hands.

  Vin hadn’t mentioned the kiss and she hadn’t either. But that moment in time kept playing over and over in her mind and she only wished she could find the stop button instead of the rewind. She couldn’t maintain a level of professionalism when she wanted to wrap her arms around him and see if he tasted just as good as he had the first time.

  “I’ll be ready in a half hour,” she told him as the doors slid open on the penthouse floor. “Just show me to my r—”

  Words died in her throat as she stared at an open living area complete with floor-to-ceiling windows that stretched across the far wall overlooking the old city of Milan. Her kitten heels sank into the plush carpeting as she moved with slow, cautious steps.

  She jerked her head over her shoulder. “Tell me we’re not sharing this suite.”

  Still standing directly in front of the closed elevator doors, Vincent shrugged. “This is my personal penthouse. It does not get rented out for anybody. There’s five thousand square feet of living space, four bedrooms, all with their own baths.”

  “This isn’t a good idea.” On so many levels.

  He crossed the room, but kept some distance between them. “Because of the kiss? This doesn’t have to be complicated, Evie. We can move on or we can stop dancing around the fact that there’s a physical attraction here.”

  Turning to face him, more than aware of the crackling air that had settled between them, she said, “A physical attraction isn’t something I tend to act on just because it’s there, Vin. Besides the fact you’re Dylan’s best friend, you’re also technically my boss now.”

  “And you’re attracted to me?” he asked, lifting a corner of his delectable mouth.

  Damn him, he knew she was.

  “I’m confident enough to admit that I am, but that doesn’t mean anything, so quit flashing those dimples at me.” She laid a hand on his chest and shoved. “And stop invading my space.”

  “Actually, you’re in my space,” he said, taking her hand in his and smacking a kiss on her palm before releasing her. “You’re going to love it here.”

  She turned, crossed to the double doors leading out onto the balcony. God, her nerves, her emotions were all over the place. She wanted to want him—okay, she did want him. But she wanted to be able to make a decision without analyzing it to death.

  And all this uncertainty rolling around inside her was the reason she’d focused on her work for the past few years. She had little room for anything else.

  Evelyn turned fully to face him, trying to keep her anger at bay. “Awfully presumptuous to think I’d share a suite with you.”

  A hint of one of his sexy smiles flirted around his lips, but he saved himse
lf more of her fury by keeping his amusement to himself. Smart guy.

  “I have a smaller suite on the floor below reserved if you’re not comfortable here.” Once again, he closed the gap between them. “But this is plenty big enough, we’re here for business and I’ve already said anything beyond that is up to you. Your luggage is in one of the bedrooms and can be moved with just one word.”

  Evelyn crossed her arms, tapped her manicured finger against her arm. “It would serve you right if I took that room.”

  “But you won’t.”

  Intrigued, she lifted a brow. “Why won’t I?”

  That gorgeous, sinful gray gaze roamed over her face. “You’ll stay to torture me. You can’t do that from another room. You’ll stay out of spite to show me just how strong you are.” He eased down closer to her lips, a mere breath away. “You’ll stay because you’re wondering what it would be like to tempt fate.”

  Evelyn dug her fingertips into her arm, praying for control, demanding her body to suppress the shivers racing through her, one after the other.

  “I’ll stay,” she told him in a voice stronger than she truly felt. “We have business to conduct and I don’t like to waste time.”

  Those powerful lips were so close, all she had to do was ease forward an inch or less…that would be the real test of her control.

  Their previous conversation replayed through her head. “If you don’t get out and give me my half hour, you’re going to win the bet by default and then I’ll have to seek revenge.”

  Easing back on his heels, Vincent grinned. “I have some business to take care of first. Feel free to make yourself at home.”

  Leaving her staring at his back, Vincent pushed a button and got back on the elevator. With a soft swish of the doors, he was gone.

  Evelyn spun around, looking at the spacious, open suite. How many women had Vincent wowed with this place, this near-panoramic view? What number was she? Ten? Twenty? More?

  Shaking her head, she took off to find her room. The number of women in Vin’s life didn’t matter. Her attraction didn’t matter either. All she needed to concentrate on was her goal of owning her own company. She couldn’t get sidetracked by a playboy who could, no doubt, make her lose her mind with lust. And that’s all her emotions were—lust.


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