Sins from Her Past (Scandalous)

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Sins from Her Past (Scandalous) Page 8

by Jules Bennett

  “Not yet,” she told him. “I already spoke with Marcia and she’ll issue the invites. I’m calling caterers after Vin and I meet today.”

  “And how is your little project coming? The two of you getting along okay?”

  The tone in his voice implied something dirty and Evelyn refused to let him make her feel dirty ever again.

  “Everything is great and I need to go.”

  “Wait,” he stopped her. “I hate that you don’t talk to me. You just got back into town and I’ve barely seen or spoken with you.”

  Shock filled her a second before she let out a burst of laughter. “Are you for real? You sexually assaulted me, you bastard. You’re lucky you’re not rotting in a prison somewhere, spending your days as Bubba’s sex toy.”

  “We had a good thing,” he growled. “You know it.”

  “Your mind is warped, you sick pervert.”

  Evelyn ended the call and with a shaky hand she laid the cell back on the desk and slid the switch to Vibrate. She didn’t want to hear any more.

  Was his mind really that deluded? What they “had” together was a one-sided control issue filled with sex and dirty mind games.

  And after thousands of dollars and countless hours on a sofa, Evelyn knew none of what happened was her fault. Not one bit of it.

  She eased onto the side of the bed and took a moment to breath. Okay, so his call and accusations had rattled her. He’d known when he called that no one would be around to hear. Sneaky bastard.

  Evelyn nearly jumped out of her skimpy towel when the loud knock on her door jarred her thoughts. It wasn’t a knock on the main door, but on the adjoining door to Vin’s room.

  With a sigh and legs that were a little sturdier, she went over and opened the door.

  “Ready to go?” he asked.

  She glanced back to the clock and realized more time had passed than she’d thought. “Oh, Vin, I’m so sorry. Give me fifteen minutes. I was on the phone and lost track of time.”

  His eyes traveled over her, down to her hand where she clutched the towel between her breasts and then back up to her face. “I can wait.”

  Evelyn shivered at his soft tone that implied so much more than just waiting for her to get dressed. How could three men spend so much time together and one be so evil, so corrupt and different?

  “I’m sorry…about last night.” She rested one hand on the doorframe and held on to her towel with the other. “I don’t want you to think I’m a tease or that I don’t like kissing you. I just…well, it’s complicated and to be honest you may want to run fast and far.”

  Vin reached out, slid a fingertip over her bare shoulder and across to the other. “I’m not running anywhere and maybe it’s time you stopped doing the same. Whatever it is that’s eating at you, let me help.”

  If only things were that simple. The complications were beyond just leaning on a friend for moral support. Besides the fact that Alan, Vin and Dylan had been friends for years, Alan’s dad was a state senator and one of the investors in Vin’s new resort. Not to mention the next election was in a few months. And as much as she hated and despised Alan, she’d never do anything to hurt Rick or his career. He’d loved her like his own and had taken her in without hesitation.

  “You don’t know what you’re asking,” she told him. “Believe me, Vin. The world you’re used to with your women is nothing like my world. Do yourself a favor and forget this attraction between us.”

  He took a step forward, forcing her to back into her room. Now she held on to the towel with two hands as he loomed over her.

  “Don’t,” he said. “Don’t look at me like I’m going to hurt you. Damn it, Evie. What the hell happened? I can’t help if I don’t know. And as for forgetting this attraction? That will never happen because I’ve been infatuated with you since I met you. How’s that for honesty? So you can figure out if you want to get past your problems with my help or go through life running scared. But know this, if you let me in, I’ll never let anything or anyone hurt you again.”

  When she didn’t say a word, he swore, raking a hand over his nearly shaved head. “Get dressed. I’ll wait downstairs in the lobby.”

  And with that he went back into his room and slammed the door.

  After his encounter with Evelyn this morning, Vin was thankful for the reprieve when they spent a few hours on the site. Afterward he’d led her back to her room with the promise he’d take her to dinner later.

  Later was now here and he surveyed his room one last time before going to knock on the door separating them. He always kept his door open, but hers remained closed.

  Evelyn opened the door and smiled. “Why do I even need a door to the front of my room?”

  “Exactly. Are you ready for dinner?”

  She nodded. “Let me grab my purse.”

  “You won’t need it. We’re not going far.” He stepped back and gestured toward the living area near the window. “I thought we could stay in.”

  Her eyes rounded as she stepped into his room. “But…”

  He laid a hand on her shoulder. “Relax. We’re just going to enjoy dinner. Okay?”

  Her eyes found his, locked on as she nodded. “Okay.”

  As she moved to the table, Vin checked her out. At least with her back to him he could take in his fill and not freak her out. She wore a pair of white capris and a light blue tank. She’d piled her hair up on top of her head and had silver flip-flops on. She may look like a teenager, but Vin knew better. This was all woman—all curvy, vivacious woman who deserved to be treated with respect and care.

  Vin was not only the right man for the job; he was the only applicant. He was going to make damn sure she realized that what they had could be something fantastic. He certainly had his work cut out for him.

  “Did you know we weren’t going to go out when we were together earlier?” she asked, standing beside the table.


  “Why didn’t you say anything? If you didn’t want to go anywhere I could’ve ordered room service for myself and you wouldn’t have had to go to the trouble.”

  Slowly, he closed the space between them. “First of all, I have to eat too. Second of all, I’m selfish and I didn’t want to share you with a restaurant full of people tonight.”

  “I know you have questions, but for tonight can we just be Evie and Vin? That’s all I can handle right now.”

  In an attempt to get those stiff shoulders to relax, he smiled and nodded. “I’ll be whatever you need me to be, but I won’t let this go. Can I just ask one more question?”

  “I can’t guarantee an answer.”

  “Fair enough. Does Dylan know what you’re battling?”

  Her eyes closed as she shook her head. “He can never know what I’ve sacrificed. Ever.”

  When she opened her eyes, the fear was gone and in its place was determination. Her chin tilted, the muscle ticced in her jaw.

  The wall of defense was up and he wasn’t going to get any further. But with every question she answered, he had two more.

  What the hell had she sacrificed?

  “Hope you’re hungry,” he told her, changing the subject and finally seeing that relaxing of her shoulders. “I ordered a lot.”

  “When don’t you,” she joked. “Maybe you haven’t noticed that I need to eat less and not more.”

  He pulled out her chair and shoved her into it. “Shut up. I don’t want to hear bullshit like that again.”

  “You’re a grouch.”

  He took his own seat. “When I hear nonsense like that, yeah, it tends to make me grouchy. Who the hell told you that you needed to lose weight?”

  “My doctor, the mirror.”

  He glared at her across the table. “Your doctor is an ass and if you want to know the truth, look in the mirror with me. I’ll tell you exactly what I see.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You’re horny. Your opinion is skewed.”

  Vin couldn’t help the burst of laughter that ripped thr
ough him at her blunt observation. “Okay, I agree that you do something to me, so yeah, I’m horny. But I’ve also got eyes and I can see you perfectly fine.”

  She muttered something about needing glasses and reached for the salad dressing. He let the topic of her weight fade and focused on the resort.

  “I’m thinking of heading to Key West,” he told her. “There are some amazing little cozy places there that I’d like you to see.”

  She eased back in her seat, eying him across the table. “Is this how you normally work? I know you fly all over, but doesn’t that get tiresome? Couldn’t you just, I don’t know, call someone or use email?”

  He shrugged. “If I want to see something or research something I prefer to do so in person. Is there a problem?”

  “Not really, but I have to say you’re really spoiling me for my next client.”

  He grinned. “Spoiling you is a great idea, but we’re traveling for business.”

  “Believe me, everything you’ve done since taking me on is spoiling me.” She sighed and patted her stomach. “I am so stuffed. That was amazing. Usually hotel food isn’t that great.”

  “But it should be,” he told her. “Every part of the experience should be satisfying.”

  She smiled. “You know, most businessmen care about the almighty dollar. But you care about the person.”

  He shrugged, not wanting her to think he was some softy when it came to work. “If the patron isn’t happy, they won’t come back. You have to cater to the people, not to whether or not you’ll make more money than the previous fiscal year.”

  Evelyn groaned and came to her feet. “Please, don’t start with the business talk. That crap makes my eye twitch.”

  “You’re in business for yourself,” he reminded her while standing. “These are things you’ll have to deal with in time.”

  “My business isn’t near on the scale yours is. You’re a millionaire and I’m, well, not anywhere close.”

  He laughed. “Maybe not, but you could be.”

  “No, thanks. I want to be successful, but I want to be happy and comfortable, and I want to be able to keep control over my business.”

  He studied her, noting that this was not the first time she’d mentioned being in control.

  “That’s most important to you, isn’t it?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

  Cocking her head to the side and pursing her brows, she asked. “What?”


  She turned to the living area and took a seat on the couch. “It’s everything,” she told him, looking up to meet his gaze. “I have to be in control.”

  He remained where he was, not wanting to do anything to bring the fear back to her eyes.

  “Everything circles back around, doesn’t it?” he asked softly.

  She nodded. “You have no idea.”

  “Does every decision hinge on your past?” He moved and took a seat in a wingback chair next to the sofa. “Do you have to be in control with everything?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “Is that why you’re so reserved?”

  She smiled. “Is that a nice way of saying I’m uptight?”

  “Maybe I used to think you were a little uptight, but that only made you that much more intriguing.” He eased forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “Now I realize you’re just guarded.”

  “That’s one word for it.”

  He eased down onto the floor, took her hands in his and looked into her eyes. “You don’t have to be. Let your guard down. Let me be your guard.”

  “You’re getting too deep for me.” She smiled, as if trying to lighten the mood because she was uncomfortable. “We’re not going to go any further with this topic. Yes, I’m guarded; yes, I have a past that is very personal, and no, I don’t intend to share it with you, Dylan or anyone else.”

  While he admired her strong will, he knew if she didn’t discuss what was going on, she’d break. He intended to be very, very close in case he needed to pick up the pieces.

  “Good for you,” he told her. “I admire you for your courage. Since we’re putting this all in the past, you won’t mind if I move forward.”

  Not giving her a chance to speak, he cupped the side of her face and claimed her mouth. He wasn’t gentle, but he wasn’t forceful. He slid his tongue along the seam of her lips until she opened, allowing him access.

  He eased forward, still on his knees, but wedged between her thighs. Her hands slid around his shoulders, holding on as if she didn’t know what he’d do next. Funny. He didn’t either. He knew he was walking a thin line, but damn if he could stop the journey.

  Evelyn’s fingertips dug into him through his T-shirt and he grew even harder just thinking of how her nails would feel raking down his bare back.

  “Let me make love to you,” he murmured against her lips.

  Chapter Ten

  Evelyn froze at his raspy words. Desire and passion battled fear and anxiety.

  She slid her hands from his shoulders. “Vin…”

  “No.” He took her face between his strong, warm palms and forced her to look right at him, his face a breath away. “Don’t hide from me. I’m here and that’s all you need to know. Nothing else is in this room. Unless…you don’t want me the way I want you.”

  Evelyn closed her eyes, shook her head and met his gaze again. “I want you, Vin. I’m scared to death to want you, but I do.”

  Even though his eyes burned beneath those heavy lids and his breathing was fast, harsh, his touch was gentle as he stroked her face with the pads of his thumbs.

  “Nothing can hurt you, Evie. Nothing,” he repeated when she opened her mouth. “Just let me show you. You say stop, I stop. Let me try to help you.”

  God, what man would ever insist on helping her over this? What man begged for her attention and didn’t run scared at her extreme lack of passion?

  But at some point, she was going to have to try and fate had handed her the perfect opportunity. All she had to do was grab it.

  “You’re in control here,” he whispered. “I’m at your mercy.”

  Spears of desire shot through her. This man was on his knees before her, not asking for anything other than to pleasure her. Yeah, she’d never get another chance like this.

  “Don’t hurt me,” she whispered.


  He took her lips again and while his touch was gentle, it was also hungry and passionate. The fact that he wanted her, wanted to please her and make her see that not everything about intimacy was ugly had her letting her guard down lower and lower. For the first time, she wanted to let someone in and she wanted that person to be Vin.

  While his mouth continued to tease, nip and claim hers, Vin’s hands traveled down her arms and to the hem of her shirt. Evie willed her body to relax, to concentrate on his arousing kisses and how good they made her feel.

  With the first featherlight touch of his fingertips on her stomach, Evie stilled.

  “Relax,” he murmured against her lips. “I’ve got you.”

  He kept moving his hands until his palms cupped her breasts through her lacy bra. God, the warmth from his powerful touch had her arching into him.

  “That’s it,” he whispered. “Feel what I do to you.”

  Easing her cups aside, he slid his thumbs over her nipples. Evie gripped the edge of the sofa. When Vin dipped his head to capture one taut peak, she couldn’t suppress the moan.

  As his mouth tortured her breast, Vin slid the shirt up and over her head, tossing it to the side. Evelyn reached out to grasp his shoulders. She refused to let herself feel exposed. This was Vin and he wasn’t about to hurt her.

  But that sliver of fear came over her. She’d also never thought Alan would hurt her either.


  Evelyn jerked her attention to Vin who was inches from her face, his hands on her biceps.

  “Whatever just entered your mind, get it out,” he told her. “I know you, Evie. I know how y
ou think, how you react.”

  Tears welled in her eyes. “I’m ruining this. I knew I couldn’t go through with this, Vin.”

  “Says who?” he demanded, giving her a little shake. “Says your past demons that have control over you? Says the asshole who you’re protecting?”

  Protecting Alan? Not hardly. But she was protecting Rick and Dylan. She’d lay down her life for those men because of all they had given up for her.

  “I don’t give a damn what happened before,” he continued. “I care about right now. I care about seeing you think of me for a change and not some bastard who stole your innocence. And damn it, I care about you.”

  “I know,” she whispered.

  He dropped her arms, causing her own to fall from his shoulders. He raked a hand over his short hair and sighed. Then, as if he was really sorry he’d said anything, he rubbed both hands over his face, laughed and looked to the ceiling as if seeking divine intervention.

  “I can’t keep fighting this ghost you’re putting between us,” he told her, coming to his feet to look down at her. “I know you’ve been hurt. You can’t hide forever from the truth.”

  Okay, now she really felt exposed. She pulled her cups back over her breasts and crossed her arms. She tried to meet his gaze, but she couldn’t. Yeah, wasn’t she a catch? Her lack of self-confidence was sure to be a mood killer.

  “I know you’re not ready for anything,” he told her. “At least not a relationship, but I can’t take back how I feel, Evie.”

  She searched the room for her shirt and just as she spotted it, Vin turned, grabbed it and handed it to her as if he knew how uncomfortable she was.

  After shrugging back into it, she came to her feet, awed at the fact that this strong man was humbling himself and fighting for her. He was fighting against a demon he knew nothing about and Evelyn wanted the good guy to win.

  “Vin, the fact you care so much about me really makes me feel special.” She reached for his arm when he continued to look away. “I haven’t felt that way before and what you’re doing is helping, but I’m going to need time. I understand if you can’t give it.”


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