Zombie Boy: Press Start (Adventures of Zombie Boy Book 1)

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Zombie Boy: Press Start (Adventures of Zombie Boy Book 1) Page 7

by Val O. Morris

  Caleb suddenly came flying out of the exit. "Dudes, wait up!"


  But it was too late. Hundreds of zombies all turned in their direction.

  Katie drew her hockey stick from its holster on her backpack. "Looks like Adventure Land is about to live up to its name."


  There was no way the four of them could take on hundreds of zombies that were within ten feet of where they stood. Too many zombies for three bats and a hockey stick. Going back inside the haunted ride was not an option, either. Zombies pounded on the door behind them.

  The foursome took off running through the amusement park. Occasionally they had to dodge pockets of zombies by zig zagging through rides and games. Liam came to a sudden stop once they reached the main food area. A large horde of zombies was shambling around. Since there was no real food around to hide their scent, the zombies noticed them immediately.

  "We'll never get out of here alive," cried Caleb.

  "Yes, we will. Just keep moving!" Liam took off towards a cotton candy stand. He bashed in the back wall where they were able to sneak past most of the horde. "When we get out of here, head for my house."

  Liam noticed the kiddie rides they passed earlier. "Not much farther."

  Then, everything went black.

  All the lights and sounds from the rides ceased. At first it was silent, but then the shuffling of feet and moans accosted their ears and they realized just how not alone they were.

  Caleb asked, "Tell me again whose genius idea was it to come here."

  Liam whispered, "Hold on to each other and try not to make too much noise." He dug the flashlight out of his bag. "Keep moving and don't stop."

  Katie grabbed hold of Liam's backpack strap. Rhonda held on to Katie and Caleb took up the rear. It was a tight squeeze as they moved into what was apparently a pack of rotting flesh-eaters.

  "Stay close. Don't let one of them come between us."

  Moving in tandem like one unit, they forced their way through the crowd. Liam didn't want a zombie to get too close, so he held up both arms, elbows out, to push through. With the flashlight in an awkward position up by his chin, the light would sometimes catch a zombie's face. Gray and brown decaying flesh hung on brittle bone. And if the skin had been torn, zombie goo oozed out of the opening.

  "Oh, man!" Caleb fanned the air around his face with his free hand. "I think one of them farted!"

  Rhonda replied, "How can you tell?" Their smell was overwhelming even without that added bodily function.

  "Gross," Liam muttered.

  Some pathways were narrow and they had to literally squeeze between zombies, brushing shoulders with death and rot. Since there wasn't much room to walk, Liam and his friends had to shuffle their feet, too, being careful not to trip and fall. Occasionally, a zombie would bump into one of them and push them back. Getting separated from the pack would be instant death.

  Something pulled them backward.

  "Help! Guys!" It was Caleb. He had fallen and zombies were closing in on him.

  There was a tiny part of Liam that wondered if they'd be better off making a run for it. He looked at Katie and Rhonda. They looked terrified. "Watch your backs." He then pulled his bat from his bag and started swinging. He pushed and shoved and bashed in zombie heads like a mad man.

  He made it to Caleb and grabbed him under the arm. "Get up!"

  It was too risky to try and regroup. They needed to get out of there. Running as hard as they could, they shoved zombies out of their way as they made it to the turnstiles near the entrance. There were only a few stragglers roaming the area, and Rhonda and Liam made short work of them with their deadly bats. Thankfully, most zombies weren't advanced enough to figure out how to get around the turnstiles. The group was able to quickly climb through the hole that Liam had cut earlier.

  "That was intense." Liam put his hands on his knees to catch his breath. They all let out a sigh of relief.

  Rhonda said, "I don't know what was worse, being that close to a zombie or having Caleb glomming all over me." He looked like she had just kicked his dog. "You smell as bad as they do."

  He sniffed himself and made a face. "Worse." Then he stuck his hand out to Liam. "I was almost zombie meat back there. Thanks, man."

  He hesitated briefly, but Liam shook Caleb's hand. "You might not be so lucky next time." Then he walked over to Katie and put his arm around her. Zombies were still pouring into the amusement park where the fence had fallen earlier.

  "Where do you think they're coming from?" she asked.

  "I don't know."

  Katie stared at him. His face wore the expression of someone who was scared but in control. "You'd be okay even if we never make it back home."

  That was the first time she had really acknowledged that they were some place other than home. It comforted Liam to know he wasn't alone. And there was no one on the planet whom he'd rather be stuck with than her.

  "What makes you say that?"

  "I know you. This world is exciting and you're really good at killing zombies. You've kept us alive so far."

  He couldn't deny the thrill of offing zombie after zombie and being the hero for a change. He'd never felt more alive. Much different than at school where he didn't fit in. He turned it around on her. "You want to go home, don't you?"

  "Yeah, but..." She trailed off.

  "You have something great waiting for you back home," he finished her thought. It was true. Katie's home life was all sunshine and rainbows. His was like starting over at the beginning of the hardest level he'd ever played every day of his life. But he knew deep down that they had a small window of opportunity to find a way home. Or they'd be stuck in the game world forever.

  She looked away so that she wouldn't have to see his saddened eyes. She was also afraid of the truth. When they find a way home, would he actually leave?

  Katie finally broke the silence. "Now that you're leveled up, shouldn't we try and find that old man?"

  The foursome started walking toward Liam's neighborhood. Liam and Katie walked down the middle of the street in front of Rhonda and Caleb. Walking on the sidewalk was too risky. Too many cars and bushes to get trapped around by a zombie.

  The moon hung high and bright in the sky. The extra light it offered was some welcomed security.

  "Wow, I don't remember seeing so many stars before," said Katie. "I can't wait to get back to school. Plus, there are still too many games I haven't gotten to play yet."

  He looked at her like she'd just said the most magical thing ever. That was it. Why didn't he think of it sooner?

  The look on his face told her he'd had an epiphany. "What are you thinking?" she asked.

  "Maybe we just each need to play the game again to get home."

  "But when you turned it on before, it had that same message on the screen."

  "But that was before we knew we were in a game."

  She shrugged. "Do you think it'll really be that simple?"

  Liam wondered what would happen if they tried to play the game while inside the game. It made his head hurt trying to sort that out. But it was worth trying. "Nothing about this has been simple."

  He turned around so that he was walking backward and could see Caleb and Rhonda. He motioned for them to pick up the pace. "Come on! I've got an idea!"

  A few minutes later and they rounded the corner at Hillside and Maple Street. Someone was walking toward them. It was still too dark to make out who it was but he wasn't shambling like a zombie. Finally, the figure stepped through a streetlight.

  Thomas was heading for them. His fists were clinched and he looked ticked.

  "Uh oh," said Caleb.

  Liam glared at Caleb. Had they been set up?

  Katie grabbed Liam's arm. "Let's go the other way."

  Liam gritted his teeth. He wouldn't run anymore. He wouldn't be pushed around. "No. If this is the final boss fight, then I'm ready."

  The foursome met Thomas in the middle of the street.<
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  "Where are you headed at night, peewee?" Thomas asked clinching his fists opened and closed.

  "My friends and I thought we'd take a zombie bashing stroll. You?" A snarky reply came out before he could think better of it. His days of being the victim were over.

  Thomas noticed Caleb hanging back. "Speaking of friends, I see you've made a new one."

  Liam looked Caleb in the eyes. He knew it could go either way. It could get real ugly and they could go home one person less, or they could stand their ground and solidify their unit.

  Liam turned back to Thomas. "Yeah, that's right. Is there a problem with that?"

  "Oh, no problem for me. Might be one for you." He circled Liam and Katie. "Did Caleb here tell you that I've been following you? Oh, yeah! Don't look too surprised. Caleb's been feeding me information."

  Liam never took his eyes off Thomas. "That true, Caleb?"

  Caleb's tone turned serious. "No way, dude!" He stepped up to where Liam and Thomas stood, his eyes fierce. "I haven't told him nothing!"

  Thomas laughed. "Wow, he's got you all really fooled." He smiled at Caleb. "Keep playing the game. I like that."

  "What do you want, Thomas?"

  "I want the game, peewee."

  "What game?"

  Thomas threw up his hands. "Don't give me that crap. You know what game. I just told you Caleb has been keeping me up to date ever since I sent him to follow you and your sweet little girlfriend."

  Rhonda asked Katie. "Who is this guy?"

  "A loser from our school."

  Thomas turned to Rhonda. "I'm, Thomas, the star pitcher for Draxon High." He stepped closer to her. "And who are you?"

  Rhonda drew her bat. "Someone who doesn't make friends very well."

  Katie joined her new friend and held out her hockey stick.

  Thomas held up his hands and stepped back. "Tough girls. I like that. Tell me, why do you hang around such a wimp?"

  Katie stepped forward. The hockey stick mere inches from Thomas. "Liam is no wimp. I bet he's killed more zombies than you."

  Thomas laughed again. "The peewee who can't even hit slow pitch? I doubt it." He pulled the hockey stick toward him and caught Katie in his arms.

  "Quit stalling and give me the game." He looked dead into Liam's eyes. "Or I take the girl."

  "Do it, man. He's not playing," said Caleb.

  Liam's heart raced. Pressure built in his ears. He felt the world spinning. Somewhere in the distance he heard Caleb urging him to give up the game disc.

  His backpack slid off his shoulders and hit the ground.

  Thomas saw the nail bat sticking out. "Don't do anything stupid. Like you did in the dugout."

  Katie asked, "What's he talking about?"

  "He didn't tell you? Little peewee here thought he'd be tough and punch me when he didn't make the team."

  Liam's voice shook, "That's not why and you know it."

  Thomas squeezed Katie tighter. "The disc, peewee!"

  Liam held up his hands to show he meant to play by the rules. He unzipped his bag and reached in. He felt the game case in his hand. Playing the game again was his chance at getting out of the game world. He couldn't just give it up. But he couldn't chance Katie's life. Getting out of the game world alive was numero uno.

  Holding the game, he stood up.

  Katie screamed, "Do it, Liam!"

  The pain and fear in her eyes broke his heart. She wanted to get home, too, but it wasn't worth the pain he'd feel if he let Thomas hurt her. Then he noticed it. Movement behind Thomas. He stalled hoping to buy some time. "You know... the game is broken. We tried it and nothing changed."

  "Nice try." He squeezed his arm tighter around Katie's throat. She whimpered. "Hand it over."

  "Okay, okay, just don't hurt her." He held out the game. "Please."

  Thomas stared at Liam. Liam's stomach was in a knot. He was ready to grab Katie and run the moment Thomas took the game. There was a twinge of something in Thomas' expression. A hint of evil. Liam swallowed and said a silent prayer for Katie's safety.

  "You know what your problem is, peewee?" Thomas's expression grew dark. "You never expect the change-up."

  With his free hand, Thomas snatched the game from Liam. With no intention of letting Katie go, Thomas then turned around to run off with her. But there was a zombie standing behind him and it lunged forward. Thomas jumped out of the way letting go of Katie in the process.

  The zombie fell into her biting her on the shoulder and neck!

  "Noooooo!" Liam went after them and pushed the zombie off of Katie. He caught her in his arms as they fell to the ground.

  Rhonda quickly connected her bat with the zombie's head. "Get him!" She yelled at Caleb. Zombie goo splattered everywhere as she continued to rip it to shreds.

  Caleb took off after Thomas, but it was no use. He had already disappeared into the night.

  Liam gently laid Katie against the cold concrete. He quickly tore off his shirt and applied pressure to her wound. "Stay with me, Katie!"

  Blood soaked through the thin cotton shirt. It was all over Liam, too. He tried his best to make it stop, but it was too much. The bite was too deep.

  She started shaking. Her eyelids fluttered.

  "I'm losing her!"

  "Keep her warm!" Rhonda removed her jacket and laid it across Katie's upper body.

  "Come on, stay with me." He pulled her into his arms and held her tight against his bare chest hoping the heat from his body would help.

  "Liam," she could barely whisper. "Come find me."

  And then she went limp.


  His blood boiled in his veins. Heart raced. Jaw clinched tight. When he finally looked up from Katie's lifeless body, his eyes were dark and full of pain. And rage. "He will pay for this."

  Rhonda knelt beside him. She placed her hand on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Liam."

  "Yeah, me, too, man."

  "I'm not leaving her body here to be ravaged by those... those things." He picked Katie up into his arms and walked away.

  Rhonda and Caleb shared a look that said they should let him grieve and stay out of his way. Rhonda picked up the two discarded backpacks and handed one to Caleb. They followed along in silence.

  Liam stepped into Katie's bedroom. Her scent still lingered. Laying her on the bed, he gripped her cold hand one last time. Did she know how he felt about her? Thomas told him at the arcade that he'd better make his move. Why didn't he tell her when he had the chance?

  Liam moved in front of her dresser. A picture of them peeked out of a photo montage of her friends and family. Tears swelled in his eyes. In one sudden motion, the contents of her dresser smashed into the wall, and he fell to his knees crying.

  A few minutes later, Rhonda looked up from where she sat on the couch waiting. Liam stood in the doorway red faced. More from anger than of sadness, the look in his eye gave him away.

  Caleb was leaning against the fireplace. He straightened up when he caught Liam's fiery gaze. Liam hauled off and punched Caleb in the jaw. They fell, pinning Caleb against the brick wall.

  "This is all your fault!"

  Rhonda struggled to pull Liam off of Caleb.

  "Her blood is on your hands!"

  Caleb yelled, "You're the one who risked her life hoping that zombie would get him!"

  The whirlwind of emotions that coursed through Liam's body was staggering. The world had closed in on him.

  And there in the dark recesses of his existence, he knew, just like with the kid at the arcade, what happened to Katie was his fault.

  It played on repeat in his mind. The zombie approaching Thomas from behind. Liam using that to buy time. Hoping it would attack Thomas. Then teeth. Biting into Katie. Blood. Lots of blood. And darkness.

  Darkness not just in her eyes as she took her last breath but in his very being. He had known Katie for as long as he could remember. He was stronger with her around. Happier. Better. Even though she was better at everything than him, he
was better just having been around her.

  Now she was gone.

  He, however, was still alive. Living in a game world. Alone in an alternate reality from what he had known. He had to find a way out. A way back to reality. As crappy as it was, going back meant Katie was in that world. Or, at least, a version of Katie.

  Liam stopped his advance on Caleb.

  Rhonda stepped between them to ensure he wasn't just warming up for round two. "Punching him won't bring her back."

  Liam rubbed his forehead. Caleb was right. It was his fault. He was careless and hot-headed, and for the first time, it led to disaster. "I'm sorry. I don't know why I let him make me so angry."

  Rhonda casually touched his shoulder. "We all have demons in our closets."

  He half smiled at her knowing that he would need to face those demons if he ever hoped to get a grasp on his anger.

  Caleb stepped closer, "Look, dude, you gotta believe me. I didn't tell him anything."

  "Why should I? You've been spying on us this whole time to get that disc."

  Caleb shook his head. "No, I wasn't. Look, I'm not as dumb as you think I am. I know going with him and the disc was my ticket outta here. Why do you think I'm here now and not off with him? Thomas is a liar and a grade A creep." He ran his hand through his hair. "I'll help you get that disc back. I promise you that."

  Rhonda said, "He makes a good point."

  Liam relaxed his shoulders slightly. "For some reason unknown to me, Katie trusted you."

  "You've saved my life a couple times now. I owe you. We've gotta get that disc back."

  Liam stood. "For Katie."

  Caleb nodded. Then he stuck his hand out and looked at Rhonda. She slapped her hand on top of his, and then Liam placed his on top of theirs. They raised their hands into the air. "For Katie."

  Then Rhonda said, "Lead the way, boss."

  Her words felt like a warm blanket. Anger had enveloped his heart, but it calmed him just a bit to know he had friends who were behind him one hundred percent. "I want you both to promise me something." He looked dead into their eyes. "If she turns..." He couldn't say the words.


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