Christmas At Love House: Bittersweet Interlude (Bull Rider #3)

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Christmas At Love House: Bittersweet Interlude (Bull Rider #3) Page 8

by Mary J. McCoy-Dressel

  “We weren’t in the water any time at all. He appeared out of nowhere. I don’t know who he was. I don’t think old Frank loaned him his cabin. He had to break in and didn’t know where anything was, but found what he needed to get a fire started, and to heat water for coffee. He frightened me when he wouldn’t take us home, though I was thankful he was there once we were in the warmth of the cabin.”

  “Hmm. I wanted to do something for him, but now I’m not sure. I had assumed Frank lent him the place like he sometimes does to friends.” Then he was reminded. “What about your clothes? Did you stick them in the closet sopping wet?”

  “No!” Her eyes widened when she pulled back to look at him. “I hung them across a line there in the bedroom.”

  “That’s not where I found them.” Sonofabitch. Something didn’t feel right inside. Jase must’ve felt it, too.

  “We should still do something for him.” She cuddled closer until he was wrapped around her like a down coat.

  First thing in the morning he’d rush over to the cabin to see if he was still there. He needed some answers. Caulder peered toward the blustery weather outside their window. Four years ago he told Velia only good things would happen in this home. They had enough bad memories in their life prior to moving in, and now this put a blemish on Love House. Yet, he wouldn’t let that be the main focus, because the love in this house took center stage. It was time to make her sign. He’d hang it inside the foyer for her to see Christmas morning, as a reminder that indeed, from this day on, the words on the sign would carry the true meaning. He’d give his life making sure of that.


  Caulder squinted toward the window. Sunshine blasted against the glass and the snow magnified the glare a hundred and five percent. Velia and Kase still slept. A smile came across his face as he observed them. An internal shudder might forever remain. They looked so peaceful, and he didn’t want to wake either of them. Velia’s arm was around Kase while Kase had his hand on hers. A sight he’d ingrain into his memory. He got out of bed, slipped his jeans on, and pulled the curtains across the window before leaving the room.

  Downstairs, no one was up, not even Natale. Her running shoes were by the door, so she wasn’t out getting her miles in. The fact she ran marathons surprised him, yet, he was proud of her for having so much ambition at her young age, and having more than a one-track mind like her brother. Alba, on the other hand, proved to be a typical teenage girl…with boys, selfies, and social media on her mind. Apparently everyone slept in this morning—Torre? His cousin? Foley? Or were they already out at the barn picking the next bull to ride?

  After making coffee, he checked the time. His parents must’ve bought half of Pittsburgh by now, and were probably getting ready to leave the hotel to spend a leisurely day downtown with Velia’s mom and dad. His mom had always loved shopping in Pittsburg at Christmastime. He could be sure she’d come back with cheesecake. Soon, and once they returned, packages would be delivered with special gifts for all of them.

  A walk through the house brought him to an abrupt stop when he viewed Foley and Natale stretched out, asleep on the sofa, arm in arm. He backed away, unsure of how to accept that—positive they hadn’t planned on being there in the morning. Reality struck him. Foley and Natale slept together? Coffee was needed in a bad way.

  First off, he lit a fire in the fireplace in the great room. He viewed the tall tree in the corner with a few red-wrapped gifts beneath it. Red candles stood beside the pewter reindeer on the mantle. Then he headed back to the kitchen until he got his thoughts together about finding those two wrapped up together. Before exiting the great room, he glimpsed Velia coming downstairs with Kase.

  “Let go of my hand, Mommy.” Shaking their hands, Kase peered at Velia.

  Velia released him and he ran like a sprinter for the family room. Caulder couldn’t snag him in time. “Better come with me, Velia.” At the family room, Caulder leaned against the jamb when he entered. “Good morning,” he barked in his most intimidating tone.

  “Daddy, look. Foley is in here.” Kase pointed to them. “Can I watch TV?”

  Caulder narrowed his eyes at them on the sofa as they sat up and situated their clothes. Natale scooted away and Velia’s gaze followed her out of the room. Velia met Caulder’s grimace, then Foley’s.

  “Kase, come with me a minute, honey. We’ll put the TV on in the kitchen.”

  Caulder waited until she left. “In my house where my kid can find you?”

  “We fell asleep. It was innocent.” Foley rubbed his leg as he peered at Caulder. “Y’all don’t have to worry about me, and ya know it.”

  Maybe still a bit shocked, he did his best to stay in control. “I don’t know what I know.”

  Standing, Foley stood in front of Caulder, his hands on his hips as if waiting for some kind of confrontation, and ready to take it on if there was one. “You look at her as if she’s still fourteen. She isn’t. She’s a woman and that’s how I see her.” Foley rubbed his temples before glancing back at Caulder. “Nothing happened. I have more respect for you, and her, than that.”

  Caulder thrust his fingers into his hair. “I know, but—”

  Foley shoved one hand into the air in front of him. “What do want me to do? Give in to my pain, my injuries, and forget I’m a man? It’s too late for that now. Don’t you see—”

  “No. Dammit, Foley. She’s like a daughter to me.”

  Natale came into the room and slipped her arm around Foley’s waist, taking a moment to give him a smile. “You don’t have to deal with this alone.” She glared at Caulder with fire in her eyes. “You have to trust me…and him. I’m not that young, naïve girl anymore. I know how to behave. I have enough men trying to be my padre. Too bad the real one won’t be, huh?” She ran out of the room.

  Foley followed but stopped before exiting. “Trust me, dude. I’m not going to hurt her or your family. Caulder, this is me y’all are talking to. I love you, man, like a brother.” He continued on to find Natale.

  “Sonofabitch,” he mumbled under his breath. Caulder looked up when Velia came in with a cup of coffee for both of them.

  “What happened?”

  Shoving his hands into his hair again, he said in a calm voice, “I don’t know. Well, I do know… Natale isn’t a kid and can’t be treated like one. Foley’s a man, even with injuries. We have to trust them, or so I was reminded.” Shaking his head, he didn’t know what to think.

  “Why was Natale crying? What did you say to her?” Velia entered the room and set the mugs down on the coffee table in front of the checkered brown and black sofa, and she fell into Caulder’s embrace.

  “She overheard me saying she was like a daughter to me. It was more about her father. Apparently she has a few asshole fathers.”

  “Is that what you’re calling my brother now?”

  “Babe, I’m calling your husband an asshole because I just acted like one.”

  “Come on and have your coffee while I make breakfast. Everyone will be up soon if they aren’t already. I need to prep some items for dinner afterwards. I’m looking forward to our families being together tonight.” Velia’s gaze went to the sofa. “I do know one thing…Foley’s whimsy is back and Natale is glowing. That can’t be a bad thing.”

  Caulder took her hand as they got their mugs, and together they walked toward the kitchen. “How are you this morning?”

  “I’m fine. Kase seems to be doing well, too. How about you?”

  “All right. I need to take off for a minute. I’ll be back later.” With a mug in his hand, he headed to the mudroom.

  “Are you going over to the barns?” Velia asked, then sipped her own coffee.

  “No, darlin’. Just down the road. I’ll be back soon.” He handed her his cup and got on his gloves and hat. Later, he’d take the guys over to the barn as he’d told Foley the other day. Caulder didn’t have a doubt his cousin would get on a bull. Seemed he was a little adrenalin-charged himself.

all, Jase and Dane both had given it a try when they were younger. Tristan called them all crazy fools, but he thought nothing of getting in the corral with a fresh horse wanting nothing to do with a saddle. Caulder got in the car and headed to the old cabin to see if the hunter was still around by chance. He had better have some answers. Later, he had to call about getting a new truck since it had been determined the other one was unsalvageable. He loved that truck, too.

  Chapter Seven

  In the barn, Natale’s jaw clenched tight until she was ready to speak. “I’m tired of them treating me like a child. They all do. Mio madre wouldn’t if she was still alive.” Natale sat on a bale of straw and covered her face with her hands. She scrunched up her nose at the rank smells in the barn. “I’ll prove it to them one of these days.”

  Foley bent forward to press his lips against her temple. Then he gingerly lifted her face upward, giving her a soft kiss.

  Lost in his gaze, Natale circled her arms around his neck. She smiled at the idea of being close to him, so she leaned forward to kiss him again.

  “It’s all part of life, girl, or so I’ve heard. They love you. Rest assured in that. It wasn’t my intention to get y’all in trouble. It was nice to have you lie beside me last night. I guess they don’t know how close we’ve gotten. That—”

  “Reece. Foley.” Natale sighed. “I don’t know what to call you.”

  “Call me anything. Baby might work, too.” He gave a guiltless grin when she looked his way.

  A brainstorm struck her like lightning. With a wiggle to her eyebrows, she whispered, “Cowboy?” It always made her smile when Velia called Caulder her cowboy. Did she really have her own now?

  “Sure.” He took a seat beside her, chuckling. “But call me on time for dinner.”

  “What an old cliché.” Natale took in the fine features of his face, the teeny bit of scruff, and his lips. “Thanks for cheering me up. You’ve been so good at that since we met back in October. I’m glad we get to be together right now. I want to know so much more about you.”

  “That’s what I’m here for, cowgirl.”

  “Natale laughed. “I’m far from a cowgirl.”

  “Well, stick around. Y’all will be a real cowgirl one of these days.” He rubbed his leg as he spoke, squeezing his thigh as he rubbed.

  Had he been aware of how often he massaged his leg as he talked? Had it hurt so badly always that it became a habit he wasn’t aware of doing? “I bet you’re sore after two of us sleeping on the sofa all cuddled up together.”

  “A little. Worth every ache, darlin’. I didn’t intend for us to be there this morning.” Foley lifted her chin, turning her to face him. “Are y’all feeling better now? Don’t be mad at Caulder. He’ll come around. This is new to him. He forgot what it was like to fall…” Foley peered at the floor and shook his head. “I’m falling in love with you. Is that possible?”

  Natale slipped her arm around his waist and Foley put his arm around her in return. “I might’ve been in love with you since I first saw you when I was a giggly teenager.”

  “Might’ve been, girl. Don’t get mad, but you were a kid and I couldn’t think of you like that. I didn’t look at y’all like that until…two months ago, almost immediately in the arena that first night.” He held steady eye contact and laid his hand over his heart. “You’re no longer a child but a stunning woman I want to be in love with, Natale.” He tipped her chin to meet his sincere gaze. “Do you mind?”

  She loved the way he said her name with his little accent. Lost in his gaze, all she could do was nod before he angled his head to kiss her. Not guarded like he had before, but this time with hunger and more meaning. When their lips parted, she slowly opened her eyes, and spoke in a whisper, “Are you asking permission to fall in love with me? Because I don’t mind if you do. I’ve never been in love before. I like how it makes me feel. Like jelly in a jar, I’m all jiggly inside.”

  “Come to my ranch and stay with me when you get out of school. You know, before ya start college.”

  Searching his hazel eyes, she was unsure of what he meant. To stay with him, or to stay at the ranch with his family? What had he asked of her? Her pulse sped up and she wasn’t used to all these new sensations. She placed her hand against the side of his face, soft scruff prickling her palm. Her own reactions to him surprised her while she admitted to her inexperience to the ways of love. “Reece. I’d love to, but…”

  He pulled himself away and stood with his back to her. “I’m sorry.” Whirling around, he spoke with a soft voice and tone, “Maybe you can come to some shows and we’ll hang out. I want to experience it all with you. To be with you as often as I can.”

  Natale stood and put her arms around his waist, totally swept away, wanting to experience so much more. Yet, a slight fear came with the want and need of him. “I’m…unsure of what you mean. Stay with you? Reece…”

  He held their hands between them. “M-my ranch. In the spare room like y’all did the last time.” Taking hold of her arms, he moved her out and away from him. “Not in my bedroom…” With a lowered voice, he mumbled, “I wouldn’t…wouldn’t ask that of you. At least not yet.” He glanced away. “Girl, I have a brain injury. Some things don’t work, like trying to do certain things—a memory or two, sometimes a temper slips out…even a seizure maybe, but everything else still works and…” The sound of a vehicle pulling away drew his attention to the door.

  What was that crack in his voice? She hadn’t noticed it before. Because he spoke low now, or because of the words spoken? “Reece.” His real name began to grow on her the more she used it. Natale pressed her finger against his lips. “One day at a time? I want to spend as much time with you as I can before college. If I have to come visit you to do that, I will. Not to worry.”

  Again, he embraced her. Natale laid her head against his chest. She could almost reach his shoulder. There wasn’t anything about him she didn’t like. It was like she floated on a cloud of serenity when he held her. “Do you think I’m crazy for being in love with you? I have a lot of catching up to do. You’ve seen so much more than me.”

  “Not at all. I’d say y’all were crazy if you weren’t.” Foley looked into her eyes and chuckled. “How’s that for confidence, ma’am?”

  “I love it.” She took his hand, liking the way he said ma’am. “Let’s go get some coffee and see who left. My Aunt Lidia and Uncle Ric will be here later. I believe my uncle has some things to say to you…probably warnings. When Uncle Ric speaks, you listen. Capisco? You don’t want him as an enemy.”

  “Yeah, sure. Thanks for preparing me. He seemed nice the times I’ve been around him at shows. At Velia and Caulder’s wedding, he was a hoot.”

  “He was drunk! That was before we became…something. Expect the third degree. The good thing about zio Ric? He doesn’t treat me like a child. I can thank Velia for breaking him in on how to treat daughters. If only Bobby will be so kind and understanding.”

  “Well, Bobby is his son, maybe your uncle will wear off on him. Don’t y’all get along with Bobby? I thought you did.”

  “Oh, sì, I love Bobby like a father or uncle figure, more than just a cousin, and have great respect for him, but he thinks he has to protect me from the world.”

  They sauntered to the barn door with their arms hooked around each other’s. Foley slid it open when he got there. Blowing snow sprayed across their cheeks. “He’s right, you know. The world isn’t always a happy place. I’ll have to get to know him better.”

  “Sì, you will. Please?” She grinned and kissed his cold cheek. “I’m starved, too. It must be this mountain air…or Christmas magic.” She released his arm, happy and bubbly now. “Velia’s the best cook, and wait… You shall see what she and her mamma both come up with. It’ll be, how you say…delicious. Delizioso. I’m helping so I can pick up all their secrets.”


  “Stick around cowboy. Before long, you’ll be Italian!”

laughed. “Sure! Then I can understand what you say.” On the way inside, Foley rubbed his stomach. “Nothing wrong with my stomach.”

  Before going onto the veranda, Natale pulled the hood over her head, and stopped him. “You mentioned seizures? What do I do if you have one around me?”

  Foley peered at the ground, shook his head while scuffing up some snow. “God, girl, I hope that never happens. I don’t want y’all to see that.”

  Glancing at the snow around her boots, she stomped it off. “But I probably will. I need to know what to do.”

  “I take my medication, usually regularly…usually.”

  “Foley, don’t ride bulls anymore.” She clamped her hand over her mouth, for she had no right to tell him what to do, especially when it was something he loved with his whole heart. It was in his makeup—a part of him like Caulder’s and her brother’s. All she could do was stare into his enthralling eyes—the first thing she had noticed about him when she’d met him at Velia’s wedding. They still made her brain like cotton candy. “I’m sorry, but I’m scared for you.”

  Foley gripped her shoulders. “It’s who I am, Natale. I couldn’t stop if I wanted to. I wear a helmet when I practice now. The bulls are old and…well, old and kind of…out of it. My mom says the same thing, but I have to do it.”

  She peered in the direction of the snow covered, forested mountains in the far distance. The faint smell of pine, real pine and not a scented hanger, drifted through the air. How could he when he was in pain so much of the time? What if he got injured worse than the last time? A helmet only did so much. He could break his freaking neck!

  He cupped his hands around her face. “This is a serious thing for you to think over.”

  “Let’s get that coffee. I need to run later—get in some miles.”

  She tried to pull away, but he held her. “I’m not as well as I look, but I swear to God, I’ll go down doing what I love. You might as well strap me into a wheelchair and lock the door to keep me in, if all y’all think I can give up on bull ridin’.”


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