Christmas At Love House: Bittersweet Interlude (Bull Rider #3)

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Christmas At Love House: Bittersweet Interlude (Bull Rider #3) Page 14

by Mary J. McCoy-Dressel

  “Sure, if that’s what you want.”

  Velia returned and sat the bottle of water on the table. She whispered, “Is he asleep?”

  “No, I’m not asleep. I want to be left alone, so I can.”

  Caulder nodded Velia toward the door, walked around the bed, and held his hand out to Natale. “Come on.”

  “Foley?” Natale didn’t budge but spoke in a soft voice, “Let me stay with you. You don’t have to talk. I want to be here.”

  Sadness and sympathy in her voice wasn’t what he needed right now. He didn’t need her here feeling sorry for him. But on the other hand…her soothing words sucked him in. Foley covered his head with a pillow. “Stay then.”

  Caulder strode to the door and then it closed. Natale remained beside him. No way did he want to have this conversation with Natale while Caulder and Velia were in the room. They were her family, but this was between the two of them. After a few minutes, he began. “Natale, I appreciate you wanting to stay, but you’re too young for this.” He took a deep breath when Natale got up from the bed. Had she decided to leave after all?

  “Do you have any idea what I’ve already gone through in my young life?”

  Guess not.

  “You think I’m not strong enough.” She waltzed around the bed and poked him in the arm.

  Foley removed the pillow from his head and peered at her. She stood with her hands fisted at her hips, her legs in a wide stance—ready to take on the world. “You shouldn’t have to be strong, or feel sorry for me.”

  “That’s not what it’s about. I’m sorry this has to happen to you, but I don’t feel sorry for you…well, it’s more like I feel bad for what it does to you. Do you know how much strength it took to babysit my mom after my dad beat her? To make excuses to Alba for mamma’s bruises? For me and Torre to press our bodies against the door to keep my dad from hurting my mom when we were home?” She peered at the ceiling, hesitating before taking a deep breath, and she continued. “To pull Torre off him, so he didn’t kill padre?”

  “I’m sorry.” Foley placed his hands behind his head and stared at the ceiling fan.

  She paced the length of the bed. “Strength? What about the day I came home from school to find my mother beat and bleeding, dying, while my father lay passed out on the sofa, drunk? Who do you think had to call the police on her own father?” She flung her hands fitfully. “Accidenti a lui! Damn him. Damn him! Strength, you say. I have a lot of it. Even at my young age.” She marched to the door but didn’t open it, instead waiting with her back to him. “I’m not leaving you, so don’t go telling me I’m too young for this.”

  He closed his eyes when their gaze connected. Dang it all to hell. He hadn’t known all the details of what she, Alba, and Torre had endured. Only that their dad was in prison and their mother was dead. Putting two and two together, he had come up with the reason her dad was locked up, but not the goriness of it all.

  Natale came back and dropped to the chair beside his bed. “So you had a seizure. Peanuts compared to what I’ve seen.” Natale tapped her heel against the floor.

  Foley observed her. Her hands gripped the arms of the chair, eyes closed—chest rising and falling in rhythm to her breathing. His heart mellowed and he scooted over to the other side of the bed. “Lie with me.” When she did, he wrapped his arms around her. “I’m so sorry you went through that hell.”

  Natale hugged him and stretched out her body alongside his. “Don’t talk to me about being too young to deal with your issues, Reese. You know this is what I want if it means being with you. Don’t you dare treat me like a little girl.” Natale caressed his cheek and slid her hand to his temple, then held his hair back from his face. “Are you okay now?”

  He nodded. “Girl…no, you’re a woman. You better be sure because when I say I love you, I don’t ever what to hear you say you don’t love me anymore—whether it be five, ten, or…or ever.” Foley took her other hand and kissed her fingers. “If I let myself fall in love with you, I will want it to be forever. Do you understand that?”

  “Sì. Ditto.”

  “I need to rest a little while. Stay with me.”

  “Of course…”

  He closed his eyes and rolled to his back but grasped her hand when she placed it on his chest. She laid her head on his shoulder. Foley slid his hand over her hair. He rested for about thirty minutes until his stomach grumbled. “I’m hungry.”

  “So am I. Thanks for letting me stay.” She leaned on an elbow, pausing briefly while staring at him. “Don’t be embarrassed around me for whatever reason. You told me you had seizures so it was no surprise to me. What’s it like?”

  Her compassion crawled into a corner of his heart. “I’m aware but not always coherent, or let’s call it being awake with confusion. I’ve been told that I’ve done weird things without knowing. Like in the chute, I just picked at the helmet in my hands when it should’ve been on my head.” He peered at her. “I don’t want you to see that stuff. Dammit, Natale.”

  She pressed her lips against his cheek. “Stop.”

  Foley released her hand. Closing his eyes, he waited before saying any more, and he peered at the foot of the bed as if there was something there to look at. He slipped one arm around her and she pressed her body up against him. She feels so good. “They’re called complex focal seizures if you must know, and they affect a bigger part of my brain than what a milder seizure would, because of my head trauma, of course.” He hesitated, trying to read her face, but there was love in her eyes. She was so much older than a mere eighteen years.

  “What else?”

  “I’ll usually know when one is coming on before you will. That’s why I knew I had to get off the bull. Baby, sometimes I won’t hear if you try to talk to me during an episode. If you yell at me I might take it as anger and respond with the same. Don’t yell at me if I seem not to hear you. It won’t help.”

  “I would never yell at you anyway. How can you work with your bulls?”

  Easy for her to say now. “My team is there with me in the chutes and they do all the work, but I do the final check on the flank strap. They know what’s going on, and I’ll just sit it out and wait if I have to, but I told you when I take my meds, it doesn’t happen. It has never happened in the chutes, when I’m with my bulls, or on the road.” Foley pushed her pretty hair back from her face. “Maybe you’ll have to remind me to take it.” He observed her for a long moment as she contemplated. “Talk to my mom about what she’s observed, if you’re brave enough to know.” She tensed at his words. “You’re brave enough. Relax.”

  “I’ll come visit you next weekend. I hate that we’ll be separated so much.”

  Wrapping his fingers around the back of her neck, he eased closer. “I have a better idea. Fly back with me and spend the night. When’s your flight leave?”

  “Two days after Christmas. I need to get home to do a few things and to be at the winery on New Year’s Eve. It’s impossible to go to your ranch this time.” Natale sat up abruptly, bouncing to her knees beside him. “Hey, come to my school’s Valentine’s Day dance. Can you get away? Do you have a show? Wait! Even better. Come for New Year’s Eve!”

  “I’ll have to figure it out. Are you saying y’all want me to be your Valentine?” Foley gave her a kiss, smirking when it ended. His head was clear now, his mind focused.

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying, bull ridin’ cowboy.”

  “Will you be mine?” Foley scooted closer, their lips inches apart—his body slowly reacting to hers. “What do you say?”

  She raised her hand to his cheek then brushed hair away. “You’re so handsome. Your hair’s freaking long in the front, amore mio. It covers your beautiful eyes. Yes, I’ll be your Valentine.” She chuckled. “Even when it isn’t Valentine’s Day.”

  Foley made a bold move and lowered himself over her. “Thank you, Natale.”

  She smoothed her hands up and down his back, ending with one hand around his nape. “Here we a
re again and I still want you.”

  She’s a woman now. He lowered his head to her chest, pressing his lips against the skin at the opening of her blouse, and she arched her body to meet his as he moved against her. Oh, hell!

  She framed his face with both hands. “I’ve never been with anyone.”

  Foley winked. “You’re all mine.”

  “Mamma mia! I can’t believe you’re saying those words. Bellissimo! Sì, I so want to be all yours, only yours.”

  Foley became pensive for a moment, and he peered into his mind’s eye. This woman’s body beneath him took away the embarrassment of what had happened. “I’ll see about changing flights. It’ll be difficult this time of year. Would you…” How far should he go with this? He peered into her eyes and envisioned a future he hadn’t considered…ever. Until Natale.

  Her brow lifted, waiting for him to continue.

  “Would you consider getting a room with me after we land in Sacramento?” Good God! What am I thinking?

  Her eyes widened and her voice went into a higher tone. “You’re flying home with me?”

  “Well, yeah, if y’all want me there New Year’s Eve. Bobby and I need to talk. I’d rather do it to his face. If he wants to knock my head off, he’ll have to do it.”

  “Oh, boy, you’re brave. What about my brother and sister? They’ll fly home with me, and Bobby will pick us up.”

  “Okay.” He thought a moment. “So, you’ll come with me and we’ll take the long way home. You drive a leased car, and I’ll hire a service to take me back.”

  Natale raised up to kiss him. She smiled, nodding in agreement. “I’d love to.

  Aren’t you afraid to be alone? What if…if you have a seizure while at the airport or on the plane?”

  “That’s why I wear the medic alert on this chain around my neck, but believe me… When I take my medication correctly, this doesn’t happen. I’m not afraid.” He kissed her wildly, not like any kiss he’d ever given her. He loved her. Loved her… Loved her?

  Torre tapped on the door. “Natale?”

  Foley moved from atop her and scooted to a sitting position. Natale did the same but ran her fingers over his hair. “Come in, Torre.”

  Upon entering, he gave them a brief glance then stuck his hands into his pockets and peered at the floor, his voice carrying a threatening tone. “I’m supposed to tell you it’s time to eat.”

  “Grazie. You okay?” she asked.

  “I’m not used to seeing my sister in bed with a guy.” He blatantly glared at Foley.

  “I’m not in bed with a guy. Well, I’m…I’m sitting here.” She rose from the bed and straightened her shirt and hair.

  “She’s sitting here…” Foley met Torre’s scrutiny with narrowed eyes, but he killed the attitude. He had not wanted a confrontation with her brother, who did what was expected from a big brother walking into a bedroom with his sister in bed with a guy. He’d lock the door next time.

  “Can I sit a minute?” Torre moved more into the room.

  “Sure.” Foley stood to tuck his shirt in, which still smelled like a bull pen, and gave Natale a wink. “What’s on your mind? You have a problem with this, because if you do, it’s all innocent…for now.”

  That shut Torre up for a second. He glanced back and forth at them, but met Foley’s unwavering gaze, took a seat, and calmly questioned, “You’re doing good, sì, now after what happened?”

  “I’m all right.” Foley sauntered to the window with his back to them for a moment, the blanket of snow blinding, but he pivoted after a few seconds. “Thanks for the help earlier, you know, for helping Aiden assist me off the bull.”

  “Non c’ e problema. Sorry. I meant no problem.” Instead of sitting, Torre headed back to the door to leave. “Ah, Foley?”

  When Torre, and even Alba for that fact, said his name, it came out with a bit of their accent attached, but Natale didn’t say it the same way. Chances are, Foley wasn’t in the Italian vocabulary. “Yeah, Torre, what is it? Say what’s on your mind. If it’s about me and your sister—”

  “No. You and…” Torre shook his head. “You and my sister are…well, that’s what you are—you and my sister. But, I’ll wear a helmet from now on.”

  Foley nodded. Proud. “Good.” Pacing from the window and around the bed, he held his hand out for Natale. “Let’s go down to dinner.”

  They went out the door behind Torre. Natale smiled at Foley and mouthed the words, I love you. He did it back like it was the most natural thing in the world. While his heart hammered, a smile tickled his belly. In a matter of weeks, his life had taken another dramatic change, opening the door to a hopeful future.

  Chapter Eleven

  Downstairs, Velia helped get the table set and prepared herb dipping oil to go with crusty bread. Once Foley, Natale, and Torre came down, they’d have dinner. Her mom, Dolly, and Judy took care of the main course—porcetta, or pork loin stuffed with pancetta and herbs, and an extra roast to make sandwiches for tomorrow’s lunch. Molto buono! It’d be a busy day as it was, preparing food for Christmas Eve—only a few days away.

  Velia grabbed Caulder’s coat sleeve before he went out the door, and she pushed a long strand of hair behind his ear. “What a long day this has been, huh?”

  “Agreed. I’ll clean the snow off the porch and steps, then save the rest until after dinner.” He gave her a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll be right in.”

  You can’t do that is what she wanted to say but telling him he couldn’t do something was like permission to him. In the kitchen, solemn voices carried through from the family room. The earlier episode with Foley had affected everyone. As she had expected, even Foley turned out to be a part of this whole extended family bound by love and friendship.

  Kase ran to her with a cracker in his hand. When he offered her a bite, she took one then set it on the table and took her son’s hand. “Let’s go turn the Christmas tree lights on in the great room. They look so pretty when they glow.”

  “Okay, Mommy. I like them. Where is Natale?”

  “She’s upstairs. Are you hungry? It’s nearly time to eat.”

  On the way through the house, Kase chattered. “Sì, yes. Daddy said he was, too, and nonna gave him a big piece of cheese.” He released her hand and rushed to the tree, bending down to look beneath. “Nonna gave me a piece of cheese and a big cracker.” He stretched his fingers way out to emphasize the size. Kase dropped to his knees to peer under the tree again. “Where’s Foley?”

  “That was nice of nonna. Foley will be right down.” Covering a yawn, she flipped the switch and the room glowed with multicolor lights from the tree. The mantle over the fireplace sparkled with even smaller white lights intermingled with greenery. She glanced up at the big wreath, looking so perfect above the mantle. Colored shadows from the tree displayed on the walls.

  The outside lights set on a timer, came on at that instant. Their reflection on the frosty windows gave the room a magical appearance. She glanced to the top of the doorway. Before bed, she’d get her husband under the mistletoe hanging in the center.

  “Look how pretty it looks outside, Kase. See the lights on the snow?” Velia turned on the receiver, tuning the station to holiday music. She smiled when he stretched out on the floor to see better under the tree. Velia took a seat on the love seat and entwined her fingers in her lap. Energy had drained from her body. “What are you looking for under there, Kase?”

  “Presents. Whose presents are these?”

  He referred to the wrapped gifts for Granny, Dolly, and Aiden. “Remember, I already told you Santa didn’t come yet,” she muttered while trying to hold back a yawn. “They’ll be a lot more under there when Santa comes.”

  “Yippee! For me, too?”

  “Of course. I need a little rest here, honey. Your little baby brother or sister makes me tired.”

  He scurried up from the floor and came to stand in front of her. “How, Mom? Where is my brother or sister? Can I have a brother and a sister

  “Not this time. One or the other.” Velia patted her belly, knowing this would probably be their last one because of her age now. They should’ve tried a couple years ago, but life just got so busy while on the road most of the past years. “The baby is growing right here for now. Inside.”

  Kase peered at her belly. His nose scrunched up in question. “How?”

  She never should have said that yet. “It’s a long story, sweetie, and I’m too tired to explain right now.” She placed her hand against his cheek. Looking into his eyes brought an overwhelming abundance of love into her life. “Is that all right with you, my little one?”

  Kase climbed up beside her and got on his knees as he held out one finger. “Can I feel?”

  She took his hand and kissed his finger. “My darlin’, there isn’t much to feel right now because it’s brand new. Can you say, piccina?”

  When he cocked his head, a lock of dark hair fell to his forehead like his daddy’s did. “Huh?”

  Velia chuckled. “It means little one in Italian. Now you’ve learned a new Italian word. That’s what we used to call you before you were born.” She stretched out and brought him beside her. “Mom needs a five minute nap.”

  “Can I go see Dad? I’m not tired.”

  “He’s outside cleaning off the snow. Sì, but only peek through the door.” Velia closed her eyes. He slid off the loveseat. His little footsteps went pitter-patter all the way into the kitchen—running all the way. A short rest was all she needed.


  What she thought had been a short time later, Velia woke to voices in the kitchen and dishes clattering. She went to investigate. Her mom, Dolly, and Judy finished up at the sink. Dolly put the last of the dishes away. “What’s going on? You guys already ate?”

  Lidia came to her with a big smile. She dried her hands. “Sì, figlia mia. They tried waking you, but I shooed everyone away to let you sleep.”


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