Loving Kate (Acceptance #3)

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Loving Kate (Acceptance #3) Page 2

by D. Kelly

  “Thanks, Mike,” she whispers, but I notice she’s slowed her pace and by the time we reach maternity, her hands are trembling a bit. She’s terrified.

  “It’s going to be okay, Kate. We don’t have to stay long, just long enough.”

  She nods and I transfer the balloons to the hand I’m holding the flowers in, then place my hand on her lower back and guide her into Vanessa’s room. Vanessa is in bed with Chad right by her side holding her hand, and Daniel is in the rocker by the window feeding his son.

  Wow… my best friend, my brother, has a son.

  The realization we’re all moving on in our lives really hits me, but not as hard as it’s hitting Kate if the grip she suddenly has on my hand is any indication. Daniel looks up at us and then down at Kate’s hand, shakes his head slightly, and continues to feed Lucas. His head is so far up his ass right now he can’t see straight. If he would’ve paid attention he would have seen it wasn’t a loving hand hold but a fearful one.

  “Kate! Mike! You guys are so sweet. You didn’t have to bring us anything, you’ve done more than enough already.”

  Even though Vanessa is beaming, she doesn’t look well. Then again, who am I to judge what she looks like? She just had a baby. Kate releases my hand and gives Chad a hug, handing him the bear and the balloons. After placing the flowers on the table, I lean down to give Vanessa a kiss on the cheek. Any animosity I’ve ever felt for her is long gone.

  “Congratulations, you look great.”

  “Always the charmer, aren’t you? I look like hell, but thank you for being sweet.”

  Kate squeezes her way in to see Vanessa, and I head over to see the proud papa. If he was angry a few minutes ago you wouldn’t know it now. “Congratulations, man, you look really happy.”

  As I squat down to get a good look at Lucas, Daniel replies, “So do you. Guess you guys worked things out?”

  He really doesn’t get it.

  “We did.” His eyes close because it’s painful for him to hear. Damn, he’s so stubborn he doesn’t see it. “She’s my best friend and she always will be… but her heart belongs to someone else. It’s probably a good thing, too, since he has her name tattooed on his back.”

  His eyes open wide and he glances over to Kate who is completely engrossed in her conversation with Vanessa and Chad. They’re laughing and not paying a bit of attention to us.

  “It’s true, Daniel. I let her go, but it’s not like I had a choice. She loves me… but she’s in love with you.”

  “It doesn’t matter, Mike, it’s too late.”

  Fuck this. I lower my voice but my tone is clear. “It’s never too late. Yes, she hurt you, but you weren’t exclusive and she didn’t do it purposefully. The only thing that matters is she would have forgiven you. She’s ready to try and work things out and welcome Lucas into her heart. You’re not going to find that with many girls, and even if you did…none of them are Kate.

  “Now, I don’t really want to hear what you have to say about all that. You can let it sink it for as long as you need. It’s the truth, and once you pull your head out of your ass you’ll realize I’m right.” He starts to speak but I cut him off. “I’ve got to get to work so I can do my job and yours, but first, are you going to let me finally hold my nephew or what?”

  Daniel finishes burping Lucas and hands him over tentatively. “Watch his head,” he cautions.

  I shake mine at him but heed the warning since I’ve never actually held a baby. Doing my best to control my emotions, instead of dwelling on what I missed out on with Lila Hope, I walk Lucas over to the window where I can get a better look at his face. He’s awake and his eyes are open wide. He might just be the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.

  He’s staring at me so intensely; I never knew babies could be so alert. It makes sense—he has to learn about his new world somehow. It’s time for the two of us to have a little talk. “Hey, Lucas, I’m your Uncle Mike.” Kate is looking at us with tears in her eyes and I know exactly what she’s thinking. “So just to be clear, I’m the guy who’s going to teach you everything you need to know about girls.”

  Vanessa chuckles and Daniel groans.

  “When you’re old enough, I’ll be the one to sneak you your first beer, take you to your first strip club, and teach you how the alphabet applies to women and it’s got nothing to do with spelling and everything to do with your...”

  “Mike!” Kate admonishes me while blushing furiously. The thought that I never got to do that to her crosses my mind but I quickly dismiss it. I laugh while Daniel shakes his head and Vanessa stifles her giggles.

  “But first, we’ll do the fun stuff. I’ll be your babysitter while your mom and Chad and Dad and Kate, are off making you some brothers and sisters.” I look up to be sure they all caught that. Vanessa winks at me then looks between Kate and Daniel, nodding her head in total agreement. Daniel shifts his weight uncomfortably while Kate continues to blush. “I’ll teach you how to be a good catcher—none of that football crap your dad and Uncle Jake are going to try and teach you. Too many hits to the head will make you stubborn like them.”

  “Look who’s calling who stubborn,” Daniel snorts out and I casually flip him the bird which elicits laughter from them all.

  “I’ll teach you some more stuff, too, but let’s keep that just between us for now. No sense getting your dad worked up to the point he’ll want to leave you with Uncle Connor, instead. One gossip queen is enough in this family.”

  “Hey now, I heard that!” Connor exclaims from the door. Lucas is still looking up at me with his big eyes as if he’s absorbing every single word.

  “Don’t care if you heard. It’s not anything I wouldn’t say to your face.”

  “Asshole,” Connors mumbles.

  “You know you really should watch your language around the baby, Connor.” He looks embarrassed, and for the first time in a while, Daniel roars in laughter.

  “Yeah, because you were just so kid friendly while talking about how you were going to teach him the usefulness of the alphabet.”

  “That’s what Uncles are for—to teach kids all the things their parents secretly want them to know but are too chicken shit to talk to them about.”

  Gently, I pass Lucas to Vanessa but she promptly passes him to Kate. Watching Kate hold him, sweet talk him, and kiss him is almost more than I can bear. One glance at Daniel and I know he’s feeling the same way. That’s a good thing. Maybe he’ll let his love for her push through that armor he has up right now.

  “So when are they springing you guys from here?” Connor asks Vanessa as he sits down in the chair next to Kate.

  “Actually, that’s something we wanted to talk to you guys about,” Daniel cuts in when Vanessa hesitates.

  “Lucas is healthy enough to be released tomorrow. But Vanessa’s blood pressure isn’t coming down the way the doctor would like to see, so he wants to keep her a few more days for fluids, medication, and observation.”

  “But,” Vanessa interrupts, “I want Lucas at home, getting familiar with his surroundings. Not out at Daniel’s house where he’s so far away. I know he’ll eventually have to be there since we’ll share custody, but for now, I want him in his nursery. I know it’s a lot to ask, but I was wondering if you guys could maybe help Daniel out so he could stay at my place with Lucas. Just until I can come home. Chad wants to be here with me and this will be a good time for Lucas and his dad to bond.”

  “Um, I can help if Daniel wants me to,” Kate says apprehensively.

  Daniel nods his head yes but doesn’t speak.

  “Gossip queen and I can help, too, and Jess loves babies so I don’t think it will be an issue. We’ve got you guys covered.” I bend down and give Vanessa a quick kiss on the cheek and turn to Kate. “I’ve got to get to work, are you…”

  “She’s hanging out with me today. We’ve got some things to take care of so you can go, asshat.” Kate nods her okay and I slap Connor on the back of his head on the way out.

sp; “See you guys later. Daniel, call me or text me and we’ll figure things out. Don’t worry about the office; I’ve got you covered.”

  “Thanks, Mike.”

  This might be just the break Kate needs to get a little bit closer to Daniel. The more time he spends with her, watching her shower Lucas in her love, the harder it will be for him to resist her. I know I wouldn’t be able to. Once I get to my truck, I send a group message to Connor, Jess, Jake, and April, letting them know we need to talk. It’s time to put a plan in action, and the first part of that plan is leaving Kate alone with Lucas as much as possible. Not that we can’t help, but I know Kate; she’ll cut back on all her non-essential obligations to help Vanessa and Daniel right now. It’s the perfect opportunity to push those two back together again.

  “So let me get this straight. Now you want us to push Kate and Daniel together? Do you have multiple personalities or something? Weren’t you just trying to break them up? No, fuck all that, we decided she should be with you, she’s your April.”

  April laughs at Jake’s reaction “She’s me, huh?” she asks him playfully.

  “Baby, no one can ever be you,” he answers her with a long, lingering kiss and then continues, “But she’s his version of you.”

  As I watch Jake and April, I notice how much passion they have, even after all this time. I’m not sure Kate and I ever had passion like that. But I never thought we were missing passion, either. That is something I need to analyze later.

  “She was… but now she’s not,” Connor tells Jake smugly, cutting into my thoughts and confirming what we knew all along—he was on Daniel’s side. But none of that really matters now.

  “It wasn’t my choice, it was hers. I just want her happy. Hell, I want both of them happy. Daniel and I agreed the decision would be Kate’s and she’s made it. But he’s a stubborn ass so we need to make him see the light.”

  “I agree with Mike,” Jess says, plopping down next to Connor. “Daniel is being a jerk, so if we can push this along so we can all get back to normal, I’m game.”

  “Okay… but isn’t it messed up not to help Daniel in his time of need?” Connor asks a valid question.

  “It’s not like we’re not going to help him, and for the most part, I’m not sure how much help he’ll actually need. He’s going to be off work for a bit and I don’t imagine Vanessa is going to be in the hospital that long. We all kind of have a feeling for Kate’s schedule, and with finals coming up she’s going to be studying at home.”

  “Yeah, and I can keep you posted because we’ve always shared a calendar so we know where the other will be,” Jess answers sweetly.

  “So what exactly do you want us to do, Mike? I’m not exactly comfortable keeping this from Daniel. He’s my best friend.” April looks apprehensive as she flicks her nails “But if it helps them in the long run and it’s not too devious, I guess I’m in.”

  “No, I’m not trying to be too devious. But say Daniel has to be somewhere at nine am so you’re going to watch Lucas for a few hours, but Kate doesn’t have class until ten am. We just tell Daniel you can’t get there until about nine fifteen. That will still give Kate plenty of time to get to class but she’ll have to have that interaction with Daniel.”

  They all nod their heads in agreement “In all seriousness, this is still hard for me, too, but I’m trying here. And I am happy for them, but I’m not going to sit back and watch him throw away the best woman to ever come into his life.”

  Jess comes up behind me, throws her arms over my shoulders, and kisses me on the cheek. “That’s why you’re my best friend and just part of the reason why I’ve missed you so very much. You’re the only other person in the world aside from me who I know will put Kate’s feelings above their own.”

  “Hey, that’s not fair, Jess. I do that, too, and so does Daniel. He’s just hurting right now.” Connor’s right, we all protect Kate, not because she’s weak but because she’s been through so much. Such a good person shouldn’t be sad all the time.

  “Maybe so…” She lets her sentence trail off and Connor continues to pout.

  “All that matters is that we’re all in agreement to help our friends do what they can’t do for themselves right now.” Suddenly, I’m exhausted. It was a long day at work and the past forty-eight hours have been exhausting. I’m supposed to meet Misty for coffee in a half hour, too.

  “I’ll talk to Daniel tonight or tomorrow and see what he needs help with and then I’ll let you guys know. I’ve got to go meet Misty, but thanks for coming over and agreeing to help.”

  Jake and Jessica both look equally surprised and April gives me a knowing look. She liked Misty when she met her back then, but it’s Connor who speaks up, as usual.

  “You’re going on a date already? Look, Mike, you’re not going to hurt her or fall back into your old patterns now that Kate isn’t an option, are you?”

  It’s frustrating that he doesn’t ever seem to have any faith in me, but I guess I can understand why. “We’re meeting for coffee as friends. I need to apologize to her for what I did to her. I’m not going to make any attempt at getting into her pants. I just need to make amends and I’d like to get to know her again…that’s all.”

  “Alright, well don’t screw it up this time. She was good for you. You didn’t see it back then, but maybe you’ll be able to see it now. Damn, dude, you must have a magical fucking dick because I’ve never seen girls forgive anyone for being an asshole the way they forgive you.”

  “I’m pretty sure it was called a fantastic fucking cock recently,” April pipes up, giggling, and Jess gives her a high five.

  “I think Connor has an un-natural obsession with Mike’s dick,” Jake says, laughing. “First, he’s a motherfucking pussy master and now he has a magical fucking dick. But I guess you’d need a magical dick to be a pussy master? Fuck if I know. I’m just glad I got the brains in the family.”

  “They call you the pussy master?” Jess spits out, half laughing and half appalled, but I just laugh it off.

  “It’s a Connor thing, mostly, and since he’s your boyfriend he can explain it to you. I’ve got to go meet Misty. See you guys later.”

  As I walk away, I can still hear Connor. “Seriously, Jess, a motherfucking pussy master. The things girls let him do without him even trying is unreal.”

  “Stop, Connor. That’s like me talking to you about the gumdrop situation. Let’s just not go there.” As the gate closes behind me, all I hear is the lot of them cracking up. I can’t imagine my life without them.

  Fifteen minutes later and I’m nervous as fuck sitting in a booth at Kickin’ Java, waiting for Misty. I’ve never been nervous around girls, only around Kate. I’m not ready to analyze what that actually means; I’m just hoping she’ll still want to stay friends once we’re done talking.

  Every time the door opens, I look up from my table in the corner to see if it’s her. When she finally does come through the door she looks amazing.

  Stop it, Mike, don’t even go there.

  Her eyes dart nervously around. I catch her attention and wave and watch as relief floods across her face. It stings a little that she would think I’d stand her up, but I understand exactly why she would. I was such a bastard to her. She slides in the booth and the first thing I notice is how good she smells. I’m not sure what it is, but there’s something about both Misty and Kate that makes my dick hard just from their scent alone.

  The waitress takes our orders and we sit in uncomfortable silence for a few minutes. “I’m sorry, Misty. You were my friend and the way I treated you was reprehensible.”

  “You’re right, Mike. It was. You hurt me more than you could ever imagine. Was the sex that bad? Personally, I thought it was pretty fantastic but something had to have been wrong for you to cut me out of your life like that.”

  Is that why she isn’t having sex? Because she thought she was bad in bed all this time?

  “No, Misty. God no. The sex was amazing, it was just…too
much. And we were friends, really good friends, and I think that was the problem.”

  Confusion is written all over her face. “How could us being friends be the problem? Isn’t the ultimate goal of any good relationship to be friends as well as lovers?”

  Our conversation halts as the waitress delivers our coffee and it gives me a minute to collect my thoughts. My answer needs to be honest because I can’t mess things up with her even more. “Because I was really messed up back then. You were the first real female friend I made after leaving home.”

  She blows gently on her coffee and raises an eyebrow, indicating she wants more. “We talked about Kate; I told you more about her than I did anyone else. I’m sure you knew I wasn’t over her.”

  Misty sets down her coffee and her gaze meets mine. “Yes, I knew you and Kate had been childhood sweethearts. And I also knew that there was still a part of you that loved her. How could you not? You don’t just get over something like that.”

  She pauses and sips her coffee. “But where you were closed off to most people, you were open to me. We had fun together and it always seemed like we had a connection, at least to me. So when you kept reiterating we were just friends, it felt like you needed to convince yourself of that fact. Not because that’s how you actually felt.”

  Did I have my head that far up my ass?

  No, I was just that good at avoiding things I didn’t want to deal with.

  “It’s partially my fault, too. I pushed you into having sex that night. I just thought if I could finally tear down your walls you’d let me in all the way.” Her words are laced with sadness and regret and I hate that she’s spent these last few years feeling this way.

  “Misty, I wouldn’t have had sex with you if I didn’t want to. After you fell asleep, I went downstairs because I was freaked out. I had all these mixed feelings and that was the problem. I wasn’t supposed to feel. But God help me, I did with you and it scared me.”

  “You were scared?” she asks anxiously.


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