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Judge Page 2

by Riley, Alexa

  He made sure it wouldn't be easy for me to get away from him. What I once thought was him being overprotective is clearly something else. I don’t have a dime to my name at this point, and I know I’ve got money. I’m a rich homeless person and the thought is almost laughable.

  I’m scared to apply for a job because I’m afraid they’ll do some kind of background check. What if it alerts the police to where I am? I have no idea what to do or where to go. I’ll likely spend another day sitting on this bench watching people walk by. Waiting for him to pass by. Maybe today I will follow him when he leaves. The dark-haired man in the suit carries himself without a care in the world. He looks untouchable.

  I watch as people step out of his way because they can feel the power like I do. I should be running, but each day I watch him enter into the gym right after I sneak out.

  I’d lucked out on my third day on the streets alone. I was walking past the gym and he caught my attention. He dropped his key and if I hadn’t been watching him, I would have missed it. He went to put it into his pocket after he scanned himself in, but he misjudged and it fell on the ground. He didn’t catch it because his cell phone was pressed to his ear as he entered the building. When I picked it up, I ran over to tell him, but he slipped inside before I could stop him. I’d picked up the key and knew I’d found my safe haven. For now at least. I’ll use this place for as long as I can. I’ve slept here a few times, but I’m always scared I won’t wake up in time to leave and get caught. Sleep isn’t a luxury I can afford, and right now I want to slide down the wall and drift off for days, but I can’t.

  With the key comes guilt because now I’m breaking the law. These are real charges that could be brought against me. Breaking and entering isn’t the only thing I’ve done in here. I stole PowerBars and water from the gym’s front desk, but I made a list of everything hoping to one day be able to pay this place back. The man in the suit has no idea what he did for me the day he dropped his key. He was helping me survive.

  I flip off the water knowing I need to get going. I’ve been in here too long already.

  When I turn around to grab my towel I freeze and all the blood rushes to my ears. As if my mind conjured him, there he stands not five feet from me. He’s standing outside the huge gym shower that’s big enough for ten people.

  His eyes travel down my body and back up. For the first time in my life I wonder what a man thinks of me even as I feel embarrassment flare over every inch. No one has seen me naked since I was a baby, and even then it would have been my nanny.

  “I…I,” I try to form words, but nothing comes out. He keeps on standing there, not saying anything. Maybe he’s as shocked as I am. “I’m sorry. I was just leaving,” I finally get out of my mouth as I scramble for the towel hanging on the hook. I wrap it around me as tight as I can and feel my cheeks burn with shame.

  “I’ve been looking for you,” he says as he cocks his head to the side. “You’re the little thief around here.”

  Panic hits me and I try to rush past him, but he grabs my arm. It’s not hard, but I know I can’t break the hold. I look up at him and he’s even bigger than I thought he was. He fills out every inch of his custom suit. Not like my uncle who has to have everything tailored smaller to fit him. What I thought were dark blue eyes from a distance are now as hard as ice. There’s no warmth behind them even if my body is starting to heat more than when I was under the running water.

  I want to defend myself and tell him I’m not a thief, but I’d be lying. I don’t need to add to my growing list of wrongs. The same man I’ve been having wild fantasies about is the one to catch me. I’ve been making up little stories about the two of us to fill my day. I’ve wondered what he’s doing and where he’s going. I’ve thought about his life and if he belongs to someone. Then I doubt myself and decide he’s probably like my uncle and belongs to a lot of women. That thought always makes my chest ache.

  “Please let me go and I swear I’ll never come back. You’ll never see me again.” I try to jerk against his hold, but he doesn’t release me.

  “How old are you?” he asks as I watch his tongue come out and lick his bottom lip. For some reason I mimic the action and his jaw tightens. His face is clean shaven and I miss the scruff it carries when he comes back to the gym at night. He comes twice a day, but even just once a day sounds miserable.

  “Eighteen,” I reply, and I’m not sure if he likes my answer.

  What I do know is that it makes me an adult. Meaning there won’t be a slap on the wrist for my petty theft. I swallow when I think about my uncle. He’d get me off, but I’d rather sit in a jail cell than go back to the life he has planned for me. One that I know is illegal but doesn’t stop him. I have a feeling nothing will and that’s why he can’t find me.

  “Please. Let me go,” I try again as fear climbs up my throat.

  “You’re homeless.” His eyes flick over to my bag, but I think he knew that before he looked over at it. Maybe he noticed me watching him. I bite my lip and nod. “Don’t you think it would be better to come with me then? Girls like you aren’t safe running around on the streets.”

  He glances down at my towel and I do the same, seeing it’s slipped some from when I put it on. Only a bit lower and he’d see all of my breast. Not that it matters because he already got a full view. Who knows how long he’d been standing there before I turned around.

  When his eyes come back to mine, I know he isn’t going to let me go. Unlike my uncle, though, I don’t feel fear. Desire curls up my stomach for all the wrong reasons and I can’t control myself. I need to because he can’t possibly want me. I’m a runaway who breaks into places and steals stuff. He’s a solid wall of man with money and power.

  “We’re going down to the courthouse. Get dressed,” he grits out.

  He’s reluctant to let me go, but he does. I jump away from him and do as he says. I’m digging through my bag, but I feel his eyes burn through the fluffy white cotton of my towel and suddenly I’m slippery between my legs.

  If someone saw my clothes they would never think I’m homeless. I’m sure over time they’ll become more worn down, but for now I have a bag of some decent things I packed thinking I’d need work clothes. I slip a dress over my head first, not bothering with a bra or panties.

  I take a glance at the man I thought saved me that day when he’d dropped the key and I realize he’s about to throw me to the wolves. I slip on my flats and shoulder by bag and then do the only thing I can.

  I run.

  Chapter Two


  “Not so fast.” I grab her bag by the strap and she comes to a halt as she tries to yank it out of my hand. She could abandon it, but if she’s like other people who are homeless, her life is in here. I take her upper arm and hold her close to me as we walk out of the showers and to the front of the gym. When I’d lost my key I’d asked the owners who I personally knew to check the cameras out front to see if I’d dropped it after I used it. I couldn’t find it anywhere else. They’d confirmed what I’d thought. Telling me a young girl had picked it up.

  My grip on her isn’t tight, but as big as my hand is it can wrap all the way around her so she can’t get away. Her dark blonde hair is soaking wet and drips down onto my suit. The smell of the shampoo the gym uses hits my nose and I don’t like it on her. It’s a manly smell and she looks like strawberries and cream.

  I’ve been watching her for a few days now and biding my time. I knew she was young, but I’m happy to hear that’s she’s legal. The way I was watching her in the shower long before she ever saw me could get me disbarred. I’ve been a judge for a long time and I’ve followed every letter of the law for my entire career. But I’ve never been so tempted to own a little slip of silk and use it for my release.

  “You can’t do this, please. He’ll find me.” When we walk out into the cold air, I feel her body shiver. She’s still soaking wet and her dress clings to her in places, making it see-through.

,” I curse as I look down at her pink nipples soaked against the material. “Do you have a baby?” I ask as I push her against the outside door of the building to cage her in and keep her from running again.

  “What? A baby, no. Why would you ask me that? I’m only eighteen.”

  I shrug as I pull off my suit jacket and put it on her. “Your nipples are wet. I wasn’t sure if it was milk.” Her face blanches at the same time her cheeks burn. “And you’re old enough to get pregnant. I’ve seen how ripe you are.”

  I stare down at her for a long time and slide my finger along the neckline before I pull it out and peek down into the valley between her tits.

  “What are you doing?” Her voice is a whisper, but I hear it.

  “Just getting another look.” I let the material go and pull my coat tight around her before I take her upper arm again and begin walking.

  The car I called for before I followed her in is waiting by the curb. I open up the back and give the driver directions as I put her inside and get in after her.

  “If he finds me then I’m done for. I probably won’t ever get a chance to escape again.” She looks down my body and licks her lips. “I’ll do whatever you want. Just name it.”

  “Are you offering to suck my dick so I’ll let you go?” I ask, raising an eyebrow at her.

  “I-I, um…”

  I lean close and take her chin gently between my thumb and forefinger. “Why would I let you go after I’ve had this mouth wrapped around my cock?” Her mouth closes and she stares at me but doesn’t say anything.

  The drive to the courthouse doesn’t take long, and when we get there she tries again to make a run for it. I put my arm around her waist and practically carry her into the building and into my chambers. When I walk into my office, I’m thankful my secretary isn’t there yet. I don’t need to explain what’s happening. I kick the door closed behind me before I bolt it shut and release her.

  “Sit,” I order, pointing to the chair, and she looks at me defiantly, raising her chin proudly.

  “No.” She crosses her arms over her chest, but my jacket is so big the sleeves flop around and undo her brave facade.

  I reach out and take my jacket by the lapels and peel it off her so she’s standing there in only her dress.

  “Sit down now before I make you get on your knees and earn your way out of this room.”

  She opens her mouth to say something back but sees the look in my eyes and thinks better of it. I wait as she walks around to the chair and slowly lowers herself into it.

  Letting out a sigh and at the same time trying to get my dark urges under control, I hang my jacket up and walk over to my desk and take a seat behind it. I need as much distance as I can handle between her and me right now. I’m too on edge and I’ve got to take a breath. She makes me do and say things I never have before. I might be the one in control of what we are saying, but I’m pretty sure she has me by the fucking balls.

  “You’re Nora Vaughn,” I say, and she gasps.

  “How do you know who I am? Oh god, did Uncle Harry send you to find me?”

  “No,” I say and tap the thick folder in front of me. “Your case came across my desk a week ago. Then shortly after I just so happened to spot you outside my gym every day at the same time. You always had wet hair.”

  She reaches up instinctively now and touches the damp locks. “Okay, fine. You caught me and you’re not with my uncle. Are you going to call the damn cops or what?”

  I lean back in my chair and hold out my hands palms up. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but you’re in my chambers. I’m a judge, little girl, and the last thing you should be worried about is the cops. I’m Smith Prescott and I’m the one person you should watch your mouth around.”

  Her moment of bravery is dissolving and in its place is the shy girl from the shower. One again she licks those ripe lips and I can’t control the throb in my cock. Every time I put pressure on her I watch her mouth water.

  “What should I be worried about then?” She looks up at me through her lashes and I have to reach down under my desk and stroke myself over my slacks. I need some kind of release. I’ve never been so hard in my life. Where this sudden uncontrollable lust has come from, I have no fucking clue. I wasn’t even this hard up when I was in high school.

  “Me,” I say, and my voice is thick with need. “I’m the end all, be all when it comes to your future. I’ve got your whole file saying that your uncle is in charge so you can’t have your inheritance and you’re supposed to be in school.”

  “I can’t go back to him—”

  I raise my hand, cutting her off. There’s no way this kitten is getting away from me. “I think we can come to an agreement,” I say, and this time it’s my turn to lick my lips. “You’ll be under my care and supervision until I deem you ready to either go back to your uncle or take your monthly draw and go out on your own.”

  Her brows furrow as she thinks this over. “Why would I agree to this? How do I know I’m not jumping from one monster’s home to another?”

  The way she talks about her uncle has the hair on the back of my neck rising. I make a mental note to have him investigated to see what the circumstances of her running away were.

  “That’s simple, Nora,” I say as I run my hand up and down the hard length in my pants. “I won’t ask you to do anything you don’t want to do.”

  “How can I trust you?”

  “You can’t,” I say simply and shrug.

  I stand up from behind the desk and my prominent erection is on full display. She gasps and puts her hand over her mouth as I walk around to the front of my desk and sit on the edge of it.

  “I’ll start small just to prove my point,” I say as I cross my arms over my chest. “I want you to spread your legs over the arms of the chair and pull your dress up so I can look at your pussy.”

  She tucks her chin so I can’t see her eyes, but her face is red to her hairline.

  “Don’t be shy, Nora. We both know I saw everything earlier.” I lean in a little and whisper. “And you know I was watching the whole time.”

  “That’s different, I didn’t know you were there.”

  “I’m asking you to do something you’ve already done, and I bet if you let me take a look down there, I’ll see that you really do want me to look at it.”

  She licks her lips and I see her take a breath as she plays with the hem of her dress. I wait in silence as she slowly begins to move. It feels like hours, but it might only be minutes as she raises one leg over the arm of the chair and finally does the other. Her pussy is still covered with the material of her dress but she’s gripping it tight with both hands.

  “You can take all the time you want but I’m a patient man. I’ve also got enough power to keep you in here for as long as I want. Now show it to me.”

  Slowly she raises the material to reveal her pink pussy with her lips spread and everything on display. It’s obscene and in complete contrast to how fucking innocent she looks.

  “God damn,” I choke out as my mouth waters and my hand shakes. I wipe it down my face, not believing what I’m seeing. “So fucking pretty.” My voice is low, but I’m in control no matter what my shaking hands say. “I’ve never seen a pussy so pink before.” I lick my lips and inhale, praying I can catch a faint scent. “Stay just like that.”

  I push away from the edge of the desk and instead of going closer to her I go back around to the other side and take a seat. I unbuckle my belt and slip my hand inside my slacks as I lean back and stroke my cock.

  “Don’t you dare put those legs down. I want to see every inch of you while I cum.”

  I bring my palm to my mouth and run my tongue down it before I wrap it around my length and start jerking my cock hard and fast. I can feel sweat bead on my forehead and my free hand grips the arm of my chair so I don’t get up and run over to her.

  “Oh god,” she gasps, her eyes wide with shock and a trace of excitement.

  My arm is bu
rning as I go up and down faster with each stroke. Her lips glisten as she takes in the sight of me jerking off in front of her, and a drop of clear pussy juice runs out of her and down her ass.

  “Fuck!” I bark, cumming quickly all over my hand and making a fucking mess. I don’t take my eyes off her as I push through the pain and pleasure of my excitement and need for her.

  My heart is beating out of my chest and my head is dizzy, but I let go of my cock and try to catch my breath.

  “Jesus,” she whispers, and I see her eyes are wider now than they were before.

  I grab a couple of tissues off my desk and clean myself up, all the while keeping my eyes on her. “Put your fucking legs down,” I growl, mad at myself and mad at her for having such treasure between her thighs.

  She hesitates before she lowers her dress and puts her legs together. I think it’s then she realizes she wasn’t trying to cover herself when I was jerking off but holding it higher and higher with every stroke.

  “Now,” I say as I tuck my cock back into my slacks. All that work for zero relief. “Let’s work out the terms of you staying with me.”

  Chapter Three


  I clench my thighs together trying to listen to what he’s saying, but all I can focus on is the throb between my legs. It’s the sweetest pain I’ve ever known. I want to touch myself so badly, but I fight it.

  “Are you listening to me, kitten?” Smith’s hard words jolt me back to him.

  I lick my dry lips from all the panting I was doing. His face is stern and he’s concentrating. The glimpse of pleasure I saw on his face when he came is gone. It was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen and I want to watch it again. I want to make him to do that again because of what he sees when he looks at me.


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