Jack Higgins - Dillon 01 - Eye of the Storm (Midnight Man)

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Jack Higgins - Dillon 01 - Eye of the Storm (Midnight Man) Page 16

by Eye of the Storm (Midnight Man)(lit)

  'It goes way back into the past. A flying club in the thirties. Then the RAF used it as a feeder station during the Battle of Britain so they built three hangars. Someone tried it as a flying club a few years ago. There's a tarmac

  runway. Anyway, it failed. A fella called Bill Grant turned up three years ago. He has two planes there, that's all I know. His firm is called Grant's Air Taxis. I heard recently he was in trouble. His two mechanics had left. Business was bad.' He smiled. 'There's a recession on, Sean, and it even affects the rich.'

  'Does he live on the premises?'

  'Yes,' Angel said. 'He did have a girlfriend, but she moved on.'

  'I think I'd like to meet him,' Dillon said. 'Maybe you could show me, Angel?'

  'Of course.'

  'Good, but first I'd like to make a phone call.'

  He rang Tania Novikova at her flat. She answered at once. 'It's me,' he said.

  'Has it gone well?'

  'Unbelievable. I'll tell you tomorrow. Did you pick up the money?'

  'Oh, yes, no problem.'

  'Good. I'll be at the hotel at noon. I'm overnighting here. See you then,' and he rang off.

  Brosnan and Mary Tanner went up in the freight elevator with Charlie Salter and found Mordecai waiting for them. He pumped Brosnan's hand up and down. 'It's great to see Professor. I can't tell you how great. Harry's been on hot bricks.'

  "This is Mary Tanner,' Brosnan said. 'You'd better be nice. She's an army captain.'

  Well, this is a pleasure, miss.' Mordecai shook her hand. I did my National Service in the Grenadier Guards, but lance corporal was all I managed.'

  He led them into the sitting room. Harry Flood was seated at the desk going over some accounts. He glanced

  up and jumped to his feet. 'Martin.' He rushed round the desk and embraced Brosnan, laughing in delight.

  Brosnan said, 'Mary Tanner. She's army, Harry, a real hot-shot so watch your step. I'm working for Brigadier Charles Ferguson of British intelligence and she's his aide.'

  'Then I'll behave.' Flood took her hand. 'Now come over here and let's have a drink and you tell me what all this is about, Martin.'

  They sat in the sofa complex in the corner and Brosnan covered everything in finest detail. Mordecai leaned against the wall listening, no expression on his face.

  When Brosnan was finished, Flood said, 'So what do you want from me, Martin?'

  'He always works the underworld, Harry, that's where he gets everything he needs. Not only physical help, but explosives, weaponry. He'll work the same way now, I know he will.'

  'So what you want to know is who he'd go to?'


  Flood looked up at Mordecai. 'What do you think?'

  'I don't know, Harry. I mean there are plenty of legit arms dealers, but what you need is someone who's willing to supply the IRA.'

  'Any ideas?' Flood asked.

  'Not really, guv. I mean, most of your real East End villains love Maggie Thatcher and wear Union Jack underpants. They don't go for Irish geezers letting off bombs at Harrods. We could make enquiries, of course.'

  'Then do that,' Flood said. 'Put the word out now, but discreetly.'

  Mordecai went out and Harry Flood reached for the champagne bottle. 'You're still not drinking?' Brosnan said.

  'Not me, old buddy, but no reason you shouldn't. You can fill me in with the events of recent years and then we'll go along to the Embassy, one of my more respectable clubs, and have something to eat.'

  At around the same time, Sean Dillon and Angel Fahy were driving along the dark country road from Cadge End to Grimethorpe. The lights of the car picked out light snow and frost on the hedgerows.

  'It's beautiful, isn't it?' she said. 'I suppose so.'

  'I like it here, the countryside and all that. I like Uncle Danny, too. He's been really good to me.'

  'That makes sense. You were raised in the country back there in Galway.'

  'It wasn't the same. It was poor land there. It was hard work to make any kind of living and it showed in the people, my mother, for instance. It was as if they'd been to war and lost and there was nothing to look forward to.' 'You've got a way with the words, girl,' he told her. "My English teacher used to say that. She said if I worked hard and studied I could do anything.' 'Well that must have been a comfort.' It didn't do me any good. My stepfather just saw me as an unpaid farm labourer. That's why I left.'

  The lights picked out a sign that said Grimethorpe Air-field, the paintwork peeling. Dillon turned into a narrow tarmac road that was badly potholed. A few moments later, they came to the airfield. There were three hangars, an old control tower, a couple of Nissen huts, a light at the widows of one of them. A Jeep was parked there and Dillon pulled in beside it. As they got out, the door of the Nissen hut opened and a man stood there. 'Who is it?'

  'It's me, Mr Grant, Angel Fahy. I've brought someone to see you.'

  Grant, like most pilots, was small and wiry. He looked to be in his mid-forties, wore jeans and an old flying jacket of the kind used by American aircrews in the Second World War. 'You'd better come in, then.'

  The interior of the Nissen hut was warm, heated by a coke-burning stove, the pipe going up through the roof. Grant obviously used it as a living room. There was a table with the remains of a meal on it, an old easy chair by the stove facing a television set in the corner. Beneath the windows on the other side there was a long sloping desk with a few charts.

  Angel said, 'This is a friend of my uncle's.'

  'Hilton,' Dillon said, 'Peter Hilton.'

  Grant put his hand out, looking wary. 'Bill Grant. I don't owe you money, do I?'

  'Not to my knowledge.' Dillon was back in his public school role.

  'Well that makes a nice change. What can I do for you?'

  'I want a charter in the next few days. Just wanted to check if you might be able to do something before I tried anywhere else.'

  'Well that depends.'

  'On what? You do have a plane, I take it?'

  'I've got two. The only problem is how long the bank lets me hang on to them. Do you want to have a look?'

  'Why not?'

  They went out, crossed the apron to the end hangar and he opened a Judas so they could step through. He reached to one side, found a switch and lights came on. There were two planes there, side by side, both twin-engines.

  Dillon walked up to the nearest. 'I know this baby, a Cessna Conquest. What's the other?'

  'Navajo Chieftain.'

  'If things are as tricky as you say, what about fuel?'

  'I always keep my planes juiced up, Mr Hilton, always full tanks. I'm too old a hand to do otherwise. You never know when a job might come up.' He smiled ruefully. 'Mind you, I'll be honest. What with the recession, there aren't too many people looking for charters these days. Where would you like me to take you?'

  'Actually I was thinking of going for a spin myself one day,' Dillon said. 'I'm not sure when.'

  'You're certified then?' Grant looked dubious.

  'Oh, yes, fully.' Dillon took out his pilot's licence and passed it across.

  Grant examined it quickly and handed it back. 'You could handle either of these two, but I'd rather come myself, just to make sure.'

  'No problem,' Dillon said smoothly. 'It's the West Country I was thinking of. Cornwall. There's an airfield at Land's End.'

  'I know it well. Grass runway.'

  'I've got friends near there. I'd probably want to stay overnight.'

  "That's fine by me.' Grant switched off the lights and they walked back to the Nissen hut. 'What line are you in, Mr Hilton?'

  "Oh, finance, accountancy, that sort of thing,' Dillon said.

  "Have you any idea when you might want to go? I should point out that kind of charter's going to be expensive, Around two thousand five hundred pounds. With half a

  dozen passengers that's not so bad, but on your own...'

  That's fine,' Dillon said.

  'Then there would be my overnight
expenses. A hotel

  and so on.'

  'No problem.' Dillon took ten fifty-pound notes from his

  wallet and put them on the table. 'There's five hundred

  down. It's a definite booking for sometime in the next four or five days. I'll phone you here to let you know when.'

  Grant's face brightened as he picked up the bank notes. 'That's fine. Can I get you a coffee or something before you go?'

  'Why not?' Dillon said.

  Grant went into the kitchen at the far end of the Nissen hut. They heard him filling a kettle, Dillon put a finger to his lips, made a face at Angel and crossed to the charts on the desk. He went through them quickly, found the one for the general English Channel area and the French coast. Angel stood beside him watching as he traced his finger along the Normandy coast. He found Cherbourg and moved south. There it was, St Denis, with the landing strip clearly marked, and he pushed the charts back together. Grant in the kitchen had been watching through the half-open door. As the kettle boiled, he quickly made coffee in three mugs and took them in.

  'Is this weather giving you much trouble?' Dillon said. 'The snow?'

  'It will if it really starts to lay,' Grant said. 'It could make it difficult for that grass runway at Land's End.'

  'We'll just have to keep our fingers crossed.' Dillon put down his mug. 'We'd better be getting back.'

  Grant went to the door to see them off. They got in the Mini and drove away. He waved, closed the door and went to the desk and examined the charts. It was the third or fourth down, he was sure of that. General English Channel area and the French coast.

  He frowned and said softly, 'And what's your game, mister, I wonder?'

  As they drove back through the dark country lanes Angel said, 'Not Land's End at all, Mr Dillon, it's that St Denis

  place in Normandy, that's where you want to fly to.'

  'Our secret,' he said and put his left hand on hers, still steering. 'Can I ask you to promise me one thing?'

  'Anything, Mr Dillon.'

  'Let's keep it to ourselves, just for now. I don't want Danny to know. You do drive, do you?'

  'Drive? Of course I do. I take the sheep to market in the Morris van myself.'

  'Tell me, how would you like a trip up to London tomorrow morning with me, you and Danny?'

  'I'd like it fine.'

  'Good, that's all right then.'

  As they carried on through the night her eyes were shining.


  It was a cold, crisp morning, winter on every hand, but the roads were clear as Dillon drove up to London, Angel and Danny Fahy following in the Morris van. Angel was driving and more than competently. He could see her in his rear-view mirror and she stayed right on his tail all the way into London until they came to the Bayswater Road. There was a plan already half-formed in his mind and he got out of the Mini Cooper, parked it at the kerb and opened the doors of Tania's garage.

  As Angel and Danny drew up behind him he said, 'Put the Morris inside.' Angel did as she was told. When she and Danny Fahy came out, Dillon closed the doors and said, 'You'll remember the street and the garage, if you lose me, that is?'

  'Don't be silly, Mr Dillon, of course I will,' Angel said.

  'Good. It's important. Now get in the Mini. We're going for a little run round.'

  Harry Flood was sitting at the desk in his apartment at Cable Wharf checking the casino accounts from the night before when Charlie Salter brought in coffee on a tray. The

  phone rang and the small man picked it up. He handed it to Flood.

  'The Professor.'

  'Martin, how goes it?' Flood said. 'I enjoyed last night. The Tanner lady is something special.'

  'Is there any news? Have you managed to come up with anything?' Brosnan asked.

  'Not yet, Martin, just a minute.' Flood put a hand over the receiver and said to Salter, 'Where's Mordecai?'

  'Doing the rounds, Harry, just like you asked him, putting the word out discreetly.'

  Flood returned to Brosnan. 'Sorry, old buddy, we're doing everything we can, but it's going to take time.'

  'Which we don't really have,' Brosnan said. 'All right, Harry, I know you're doing your best. I'll stay in touch.'

  He was standing at Mary Tanner's desk in the living room of her Lowndes Square flat. He put the phone down, walked to the window and lit a cigarette.

  'Anything?' she asked and crossed the room to join him.

  'I'm afraid not. As Harry has just said, it takes time. I was a fool to think anything else.'

  'Just try and be patient, Martin.' She put a hand on his arm.

  'But I can't,' he said. 'I've got this feeling and it's hard to explain. It's like being in a storm and waiting for that bloody great thunderclap you know is going to come. I know Dillon, Mary. He's moving fast on this. I'm certain of it.'

  'So what would you like to do?'

  'Will Ferguson be at Cavendish Square this morning?'


  "Then let's go to see him.'

  Dillon parked the Mini Cooper near Covent Garden. An enquiry in a bookshop nearby led them to a shop not too far away specialising in maps and charts of every description. Dillon worked his way through the large-scale Ordnance Survey maps of Central London until he found the one covering the general area of Whitehall.

  'Would you look at the detail in that thing?' Fahy whispered. 'You could measure the size of the garden at Number Ten to half an inch.'

  Dillon purchased the map which the assistant rolled up tightly and inserted into a protective cardboard tube. He paid for it and they walked back to the car.

  'Now what?' Danny asked.

  'We'll take a run round. Have a look at the situation.'

  'That suits me.'

  Angel sat in the rear, her uncle beside Dillon as they drove down towards the river and turned into Horse Guards Avenue. Dillon paused slightly on the corner before turning into Whitehall and moving towards Downing Street.

  'Plenty of coppers around,' Danny said.

  'That's to make sure people don't park.' A car had drawn in to the kerb on their left and as they pulled out to pass, they saw that the driver was consulting a map.

  'Tourist, I expect,' Angel said.

  'And look what's happening,' Dillon told her.

  She turned and saw two policemen converging on the car. A quiet word, it started up and moved away.

  Angel said, 'They don't waste time.'

  'Downing Street,' Dillon announced a moment later.

  'Would you look at those gates?' Danny said in wonder. 'I like the Gothic touch. Sure and they've done a good job there.'

  Dillon moved with the traffic round Parliament Square and went back up Whitehall towards Trafalgar Square.

  'We're going back to Bayswater,' he said. 'Notice the route I've chosen.'

  He moved out of the traffic of Trafalgar Square through Admiralty Arch along the Mall, round the Queen Victoria monument past Buckingham Palace and along Constitution Hill, eventually reaching Marble Arch by way of Park Lane and turning into the Bayswater Road.

  'And that's simple enough,' Danny Fahy said.

  'Good,' Dillon said. 'Then let's go and get a nice cup of tea at my truly awful hotel.'

  Ferguson said, 'You're getting too restless, Martin.'

  'It's the waiting,' Brosnan told him. 'Flood's doing his best, I know that, but I don't think time is on our side.'

  Ferguson turned from the window and sipped a little of the cup of tea he was holding. 'So what would you like to do?'

  Brosnan hesitated, glanced at Mary and said, 'I'd like to go and see Liam Devlin in Kilrea. He might have some ideas.'

  'Something he was never short of.' Ferguson turned to Mary. 'What do you think?'

  'I think it makes sense, sir. After all, a trip to Dublin's no big deal. An hour and a quarter from Heathrow on either Aer Lingus or BA.'

  'And Liam's place at Kilrea is only half an hour from the city,' Brosnan said.

  'All right,' Ferg
uson said, 'you've made your point, both of you, but make it Gatwick and the Lear jet, just in case anything comes up and you need to get back here in a hurry.'

  "Thank you, sir,' Mary said.

  As they reached the door, Ferguson added, 'I'll give the old rogue a call, just to let him know you're on your way,' and he reached for the phone.


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