Capturing Shadow [Cowboys and Werewolves 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Capturing Shadow [Cowboys and Werewolves 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 7

by Morgan Fox

  Growling, she rose to her feet. “I really hate it when you do that.”

  The sadness and confusion that filled his gaze were an exact match to her own feelings. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “Then you shouldn’t have said anything or you should’ve said something sooner.” More tears stung her eyes. “Why now? You and I have been together for over thirty years.”

  He hung his head. “I—”

  “What?” she snapped, frustration gripping her tightly.

  He glanced back up, a possessive gleam in his eyes. “I didn’t know if you’d end up hating me because I wasn’t a lycan. I’m not like Gavin, Shadow. I don’t live in your world. I live here in mine, another world, another dimension. How the hell could I ever compete with what you have back home?”

  She could choke him. How dumb could he be? Hadn’t he seen the way she longed for him? How many times had she told him that she was unhappy being trapped in her world? He would’ve provided the escape she longed for.

  “What I had was shit, Julian.” She was practically screaming at him. “You never considered that I would’ve come here with you? I’ve hated living in Silent Falls since my parents’ death. I would’ve gladly given up everything to be with you.” Her heart fluttered at the truth of her words.

  His face paled and he closed the distance between them. He didn’t touch her. He simply stared at her with tenderness that was all Julian. “I didn’t know,” he whispered. “I was afraid that you’d reject me…that you would decide I was a mistake. Not seeing you…I didn’t think I could live without you.”

  She sucked in a breath. Her heart beat fast. Then he touched her, gliding the tips of his fingers up her arm, over her shoulder, along her collarbone, until his fingers clasped the back of her neck. His touch was electric and caused her body to warm deliciously. His deep penetrative gaze was all she could see as he lowered his mouth to hers.

  The warmth of his mouth was better than she imagined it would be. The soft sweep of his tongue as it gently plunged into the depths of her mouth was a tantalizing mix of sensual and sweet. His free hand massaged the small of her back, pulling her to him. She molded against his body, clinging to him as if that were her only purpose.

  The blanket slipped down as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Her body quivered as her sensitive nipples pressed against the alluring heat of his chest. His long, golden white hair danced over her flesh, igniting more euphoric sensations.

  As his mouth devoured hers, she explored his taut body. Caressing every ridge, dip, and muscle, she found his masculinity exquisite. She couldn’t bring herself to stop touching him. A wild, fiery impulse drove her mad with need and longing.

  His kiss and touch felt right. Never in her life had she considered the possibility of something so perfect and delightful. The moment he took possession of her, she knew she’d never be able to deny him.

  His fingers played along the flesh of her neck. “Julian,” she breathed against his lips. She sighed as his kisses glided over her chin and down her neck. Closing her eyes to the force of temptation, she could no longer ignore what had always been in her heart.

  “I’m in love with you, too.”

  He steeled himself, moving only to lock onto her heavy-lidded gaze. A wicked gleam flickered in his eyes and a slow curve tugged the corner of his mouth into a knowing smile. He took her lips again and pure blinding passion exploded from deep within her soul.

  She was lost.

  Chapter 6

  Gavin woke from a chill that spread through his body. His mind was cloudy with haze as he searched the room for clarity. Then his heart leapt from his chest once he realized Shadow was no longer beside him. He recalled seeing a murky figure appear behind her, and just as unconsciousness claimed him, she was gone.

  He shot from the bed, searching for his clothes. After jabbing his legs into his pants, he dug into his pocket for his phone. He needed backup. He had a good idea who’d taken her, but he wasn’t ready to theorize just yet. He required proof and jumping to conclusions wasn’t going to help anyone.

  I’ll kill that son of a bitch when I get my hands on him.

  He pressed the buttons on his phone with familiarity. As partners and friends, he’d dialed Silence’s number a million times, and even if she hadn’t been Shadow’s sister, she should know what was going on.

  “You better be calling me from the bathroom to tell me that you did good, big boy.”

  “Someone’s taken your sister,” he blurted. His words scraped against his throat with a raw fierceness.

  “What? Where are you?” Silence questioned with haste.

  “I’m at her place in Shadow Meadows,” he said, breathing hard. “We were together and someone came in and took her.”

  “And you couldn’t stop him?”

  A surge of disappointment filled him and he closed his eyes remembering what he could. “I was sort of…unconscious.” Frustrated, he raked his fingers through his hair. “Damn it, Silence, I didn’t even have a chance to do anything. I just fucking passed out.” His wolf roared at the back of his mind. He wanted his mate. He wanted the bastard’s head who took her.

  Silence didn’t say a word for a long moment. “Could you make out anything about the person?”

  He sat on the edge of the bed. “You know how I hate to guess.”

  “Now is not the time for your necessary fact finding. Tell me what your gut says.” She knew him better than anyone. It came with the territory of being partners.

  “It was Julian,” he said through gritted teeth. His chest tightened as if his soul was being ripped from his body. “Julian took her.”

  Everything inside him told him it was that golden-haired bastard. The way Julian looked at Shadow when they were together made his gut roll with jealousy. Chances were Julian took her somewhere to convince her to ignore the mating bond.

  Could Julian cast a spell over her and make her forget that she’d told me she loved me?

  He felt sick. His entire body rocked with splintering nerves. He wanted to hit something, knock the living hell out of something, anything.

  Silence’s voice drew him from his unsettling thoughts. “That was my guess, too,” she muttered, sounding distracted and distant. “Listen, Gavin, sit tight. I need to grab a few things and then I’ll be on my way.”

  His heart grew heavy. “Should I be worried?”

  “No. Absolutely not,” her voice was stern and sincere. “I’ve known Julian my entire life. He would never hurt Shadow. He worships her.”

  The twisting knot in his gut tightened. Again his thoughts returned to the reason that Julian had taken her. “That’s what I’m afraid of.” His jaw flexed under the compression of muscles. He could spit nails he was so pissed.

  “I’ll be there soon,” she said before hanging up the phone.

  For a long time he sat staring at his cell phone waiting for the screen to fade and resume sleep mode. He never blinked his eyes and they began to water. His heart couldn’t stand the idea of not having Shadow close. His wolf was furious. Gavin was going crazy thinking about another man hurting her and he couldn’t do a damn thing to stop it.

  Shit, he didn’t even know where to begin searching for her. There was no trail to follow. No scent left behind. They just disappeared.

  The fucking fae.

  As hard as it was to do nothing, Gavin got dressed and retreated into the living room. An unsettling cold had consumed the home. He moved to start a fire in the fireplace, but a loud thump drew his attention toward the back porch.

  He stiffened his spine, waiting to hear the sound again. Cabin homes in the woods could stir the mind into a frenzy of thoughts, if he wasn’t careful. Racing headlong into the forest would be reckless. Even with his lycan senses, he knew there were things in their world that could tear him limb from limb. But he couldn’t stop himself from stepping closer to the back of the home. The urge to investigate was unavoidable.

  The thump grew louder
as if something were knocking against the outer wall of the cabin. He held his position, tilting his head so his lycan ears could take over. He honed in on the noise.

  The roof.

  Most likely the sound was only a tree branch scraping against the shingles. Sighing heavily, he turned around. Cold, menacing gold eyes greeted him. Without a chance for his brain to process what was happening, a powerful force shoved against his chest, sending him flying back into the reading chair and lamp at the far corner of the room.

  The air shot from his lungs like a bullet from a gun, leaving his body scrambling for oxygen. Gavin’s lungs burned and panic set in. Before he could stand, the figure in black was effortlessly hoisting him up.

  Gavin was not a small man. At six foot six and over two hundred pounds, he was considered a Viking among his kin and friends. Being thrown around like a rag doll had him wondering what the hell this creature was.

  Gavin’s eyes closed tight as he was once again tossed around the room. The being was using him as a personal wrecking ball. Gavin’s eyes widened as the figure approached, reaching to take hold of him by his hair. Gavin gripped the figure’s wrist and his flesh was as cold as ice.

  With all his might, Gavin swung his arm, connecting with the creature’s midsection. Capitalizing on the opportunity, Gavin brought his wolf out. His teeth lengthened to sharp points as his claws tore through the nail beds of his fingers, his body bursting in size.

  A wild, untamed roar exploded from deep within Gavin’s chest. Rather than be intimated by Gavin’s size and strength, the creature laughed and then began a steady rhythmic clap.

  Slowly, the figure raised his hands to the black hood that covered most of his face and pushed it back to reveal himself.

  Judging from the features of his face, he looked fae, but there was something off about the way he smelled. His scent was unlike Julian’s. There was a faint aroma that made him think of the fires of Hell.

  Is that sulfur?

  “Where is the woman?” His voice held a frightening edge to it, deep and abrasive.

  “Who are you?” Gavin demanded, keeping the strength of his wolf close.

  The dark figure moved around the room as if unaffected by the possibility of Gavin’s retaliation. He clicked his fingers and the light on the table next to the sofa turned on. As soon as Gavin raked him with his gaze, he knew he’d been right about the sulfur. The being in front of him was not fae, but a demon. The putrid scent was like a calling card for his kind and Gavin had come across a creature like him once before.

  “You’re a demon,” Gavin muttered through clenched teeth.

  “Give the boy a cookie,” the demon said with a snicker.

  “Now that I know what you are, tell me who you are,” Gavin demanded, his mind on fire with the need. Why was the demon looking for Shadow? Was that why Julian had taken her?

  He picked up a picture on the fireplace. It was the one of Silence, Shadow, and him as children. “You may call me Eblis.” Large yellowish teeth filled the demon’s mouth as he smiled at Gavin. “Now that I’ve answered your question.” He placed the picture back on the mantel. “Tell me where the woman is.”

  “No,” Gavin’s wolf answered.

  Eblis snickered, raising his hands, feigning fear. “Oh, forgive me, lycan. Does the woman mean something to you?” He tsked under his tongue. “Is she perhaps your mate?”

  Gavin’s blood boiled. “You are ten seconds away from the biggest ass whipping of your life.”

  “I doubt that,” Eblis said coldly. “I could snap your neck where you stand.” He waved his hand over Gavin, locking him in an invisible hold. “I don’t need to be a walking wall of muscle. I have powers you can’t even begin to understand.”

  Gavin struggled, unable to move an inch. The demon had magic. A lot of it.

  “That’s right, lycan. I’m not only a demon, but so many other things.” Eblis opened his hand flat in front of Gavin and pressed the palm of his hand against Gavin’s chest, pushing him back against the wall. “If you don’t tell me where I can find her, I’ll turn your guts inside out.” Eblis sniffed along Gavin’s skin. “Lucky for you, I only eat females.” He chuckled.

  The cold, brutal sound had Gavin straining against bonds he couldn’t see. “Go ahead and kill me. I’ll never tell you where she is because I don’t fucking know…and even if I did…I’d tell you to go fuck yourself.”

  As Eblis searched the room, he sniffed the air like a dog catching the scent of his prey before a hunt. A wicked gleam flashed in his golden eyes. “Oh, lycan. I already know where she went.”

  Eblis orbed to Gavin. Razor sharp claws sliced up Gavin’s chest. His stomach was turned into minced meat with the flick of Eblis’s wrist. Gavin roared as the pain seared through him. A cold sweat drenched him as his body began to shut down. The cuts on his chest were deep. His pants were wet with his blood.

  Eblis brought his fingers to his lips and licked the blood that coated his hand. Groaning in delight, he breathed, “Delicious.”

  Eblis lowered his hand and as he did Gavin’s limp body dropped to the floor. A coldness, unlike anything he’d ever felt before, washed over him. Gavin’s mouth went dry as he gasped for air. Each time he inhaled, the lacerations on his stomach and chest torturously stretched. His mind screamed in anguish. Shaking as if having a seizure, his body reverted back to his fully human form.

  Battle scarred and fatigued, once again Gavin was left with only the darkness that would keep him from Shadow.

  * * * *

  As Silence opened the door to Shadow’s cabin, her gaze fell upon Gavin’s lifeless body. “Oh, God,” she shouted, scrambling to the floor, placing her hands on either side of his battered face.

  He lay in a pool of his own blood. Her throat went dry and her pulse raced. Her thoughts darkened as she took in all his physical injuries. Blood stained his cheeks, nose, and lips. From head to toe, bruises marred his once olive complexion. Inclining her head toward her mates, she fearfully called out for help.

  Walker was at her side in a blink, wrapping his arms underneath Gavin and effortlessly lifting him up. He gently carried Gavin over to the sofa and laid him down. Stepping back to make room for Silence, Walker muttered, “What the hell happened?”

  Taking hold of Gavin’s hand, she trembled, watching the life of her best friend slip away. Lance moved up beside her, kneeling at the side of the sofa. He’d brought with him some clean towels, water, and whatever he found from the bathroom medicine cabinet. Lance squeezed her hand gently as he turned his attention fully to Gavin. Tossing his cowboy hat onto the reclining chair, Lance went to work.

  Silence’s breath hitched as Lance cut the loose material of Gavin’s shirt. She stared in horror as the deep cuts on his stomach and chest were revealed. She shook her head. Nothing was making sense. This was not Julian. She was sure of it. In all the years she’d known him, he’d never raised a hand to threaten or hurt anyone.

  Her heart fluttered. She couldn’t lose Gavin. Not now. Not like this.

  Please don’t die on me.

  Walker stepped to the backside of the sofa with his hands extended out in front of him. “Do you feel that?” he asked.

  She cleared her throat, blinking her vision clear. “Feel what?”

  Walker inclined his head, his eyes moving around the room with a heightened level of scrutiny. “There’s a dark energy in here. It’s…powerful.” He stood next to the sofa and turned to face Gavin. With his eyes closed he sniffed the air. “Sulfur,” he muttered, but it was loud enough for Silence to hear.

  Her brow furrowed. Inhaling deeply, she sucked in the faint, putrid scent. “Why do we smell sulfur?”

  Walker pointed a determined finger to where Gavin slumbered. “Because a demon did this to him,” he said sharply.

  Silence’s brow drew tighter at the bridge of her nose, her entire body tensing. “A demon,” she gasped. “What would a demon be doing here?”

  Lance glanced over at her. His gaze dar
kened as he suggested, “Maybe you should ask Julian?”

  Silence frowned. “If I had to guess, Julian knew this demon was coming. Why else would he take Shadow?”

  “Two birds, one stone,” Lance muttered.

  Silence swallowed. “Julian saved Shadow from this demon, but he left Gavin to be slaughtered.” She groaned, clenching her teeth. “When I get my hands on him, I’m going to tear him apart.”

  “The real question is how do you find Julian?” Lance finished.

  Julian was from another dimension, which told her that was most likely the place where she would find her sister. She chewed the inside of her mouth as she tried to put her emotions in check. She had to put her cop brain back in her head so that she could figure out what needed to be done.

  Her mind burned with questions. Why would a demon be after Shadow and what part did Julian play in it?

  Walker came around and pressed his chest to her back and held her. She closed her eyes as his arms encased her in the protective shield of his warm body. He kissed the top of her head.

  “I have an idea,” he told her and she quickly turned around to face him.

  Her heart exploded with promise. Walker and Lance were the most resourceful men slash lycans she’d ever met and when they had a suggestion, she paid close attention.

  “I’m listening.”

  Walker’s hands moved to her shoulders. “From what you’ve shared with me about your childhood friend, he’s been teleporting here. Since the trail is fresh we just need to use a little magic and—”

  “Wait.” She placed her hands firmly against his chest. “You’re not thinking what I think you’re thinking.” She wrinkled her nose. “Are you?”

  Walker grinned, brushing his knuckles over her cheek. “If you’re thinking we use magic to travel to his world…yep, then you’re thinking exactly what I’m thinking.”

  Silence shook her head. “Walker, it’s too dangerous. What if something goes wrong and we end up in the Bermuda Triangle of dimensions. We could be lost forever.”


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