Beneath Him (Harlow Series)

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Beneath Him (Harlow Series) Page 4

by C. Shell

  Reaching for my hand he holds it while giving me a sympathetic look. "Baby girl, money does not equal hurt. You cannot keep putting all guys into the same category, it's not fair. I am not saying that I agree with this Alex's tactics but he does seem pretty damn crazy about you."

  "Crazy being the optimum word." I huff laying my head against the cool glass window. I know not all guys are like my sadistic ex but that is not a chance I am willing to take. There are a million other normal less arrogant guys in the world that can sweep me off my feet."

  "Yeah there are but will they make you feel the way he does?"

  "Maybe," I say hopefully.

  Chapter 5

  Slowly he peels off my shirt throwing it to the ground as his lips skim over my skin delicately leaving hot kisses in their wake. Wanting to feel skin on skin I reach up and start unbuttoning his dress shirt pulling it over his shoulders and adding it to my discarded shirt on the floor. His chest is just as beautiful and toned as I imagined. His lips capture mine, the kiss hungry and desperate. I hear a faint ringing but ignore it and reach for his belt working it undone as he releases my bra clasp with ease, pulling down my arms. My breasts ache to be touched as I arch into him. I am about to beg as that annoying ringing begins again.

  Jostled from the most realistic erotic dream I have ever had I sleepily realize the ringing is real and not in my dream at all. Throwing my arm out I feel around the top of my night side table until I grasp it. I don't recognize the number on the screen and panic at when I realize someone is calling me at two o'clock in the morning. Rampant thoughts of Jane, Jax or someone in my family being hurt race through my mind as I hit the accept button.


  "Did you come home alone tonight?" He barks out agitated.

  "Huh?" I pull the phone away from my ear and stare at the screen again as though it will shed some light on who I am speaking with. "Who is this?" I ask still half asleep and annoyed.

  "If you have forgotten about me already than I am losing my touch. I will do a better job on leaving a stronger impression on you the next time I see you."He chuckles. His deep voice strikes a chord that resonates through my body.

  "Alex?" I ask confused and in disbelief. "I never gave you my phone number. How did you get my cell number?"

  "You never answered my question Ms. Grayson. Did you come home alone tonight?" His deep voice bears the slight indication of irritation.

  As much as I would love to yank his chain and see how riled he will get I am too tired to play games. "Yes I am alone. I told you Jax is nothing more than a friend. Not all of us are like you, some of us can actually come in contact with the opposite sex and not have the need to fuck them Mr. Harlow," I snap back.

  "Language Jessica. Don't make me keep reminding you and I do not fuck everyone I meet. Stop being so crude it is beneath you," he warns.

  "I answered your question now answer mine. How did you get my number?" I ask on a yawn.

  "It was on your business file you turned in to my magazine," he says firmly as though using my business file for personal reasons is no big deal. He probably does it for all the girls he wants. A ping of jealousy runs through me thinking of him with someone else.

  "I did not give you that file for personal use," I sigh. "I am missing out on good sleep. Did you really just call to see if I was shagging someone or was there something else you needed?"

  I grin remembering my naughty dream. He would be beside himself if he knew I was dreaming about having sex with him.

  "I was just making sure you understood my earlier warning. I meant it Jessica, you are mine and I will not tolerate sharing you will anyone. Sweet dreams my lady. I will see you soon."

  The line goes dead before I can respond or ask how the hell I became his when we are not even dating. Holding my pillow to my face I scream as loud as I can. I have never met a more infuriating and confusing man in my life.


  I wake to voices drifting from the living room. A smile creeps across my face realizing Jane is finally home. I stretch out lazily loving the gently pull of my muscles before climbing out of bed and heading straight for the shower. The warm water helps bring me back to life but with it also memories of my erotic dream staring the one and only Adonis Alex. Remembering the way he kissed and licked my skin has my body humming all over again.

  I have to get him out of my system.

  I normally fall for more submissive type guys. Those who allow me to keep the upper hand and happily go along with whatever I want. Alex is the complete opposite which scares and excites me at the same time. I know I will never have the upper hand with him. He is too good at surprising me and throwing me off guard.

  And what is it with him and all the dominant controlling crap? No rational person gets that possessive considering we have yet to round third base let alone have sex. I need to stick to work and building my career and find a way to deter Mr. Strong Arms.

  Examining my pruned fingers I am pretty sure I have overindulged my time in the shower. I finish washing my hair and soaping my body so I can go and join Jane, we have so much to catch up on. Pulling my cozy soft chenille robe around myself I clamber into the living room finding Jane in the kitchen pouring herself a cup of coffee.

  "Good morning sunshine," she says smiling up at me. She looks amazingly put together as always. "Care for a cup?"

  The heavy smell of fresh ground coffee beans is too enticing to say no. "Yes, please." Watching as she goes over to the cabinet and retrieves my favorite coffee cup I ask about her weekend.

  "So was the lake house everything you hoped it would be?"

  "It was nice and I enjoyed the time alone with David but as always he refused to leave work alone. While I swam he emailed and finished paperwork. I felt more alone than with him most of the time."

  She moves around the kitchen fixing my coffee just the way I like it, adding the right amount of milk and sugar before handing it to me. I can tell she is in a funk over David's lack of being able to separate his personal and business life. I have never thought highly of David but wanting to keep our friendship out of rocky terrain I keep my feeling about him under lock and key. If he is half the douche I think he is than it will all bubble up eventually and come to the surface for all to see.

  Sipping my coffee I offer to be the friend she needs right now and just listen and let her complain and work through her own feelings. We spend most of the day vegging out and watching action flicks.

  Curled up on the sofa picking at a slice of pepperoni pizza while watching Men in Black Jane casually asks, "You ready to tell me what happened this weekend?"

  Turning to her I try and feign ignorance. "Nothing much. Pretty boring actually," but I can tell she is not buying it.

  "I got a text from Jax asking me how you were and when I asked "why" he played innocent. You two are both lousy liars by the way," she says knowingly. "Spill it Jess. What are you not wanting to tell me about?" She asks eyeing me warily.

  Sitting my pizza down on the coffee table I sink further into the sofa cushions wishing they would swallow me up. Where to even begin? I tell her the whole long drama saga, starting with the job shoot and running into Alex, our meeting in his office, his intrusion on my night out clubbing with Jax, and ending with his call last night. When I am finished she is looking at me with a stupid grin smeared across her face.

  "So you have The Alex Harlow wanting to sweep you off your feet and you are running away from him? Please tell me why?"

  "No correction, he does not want to sweep me off my feet he wants to fuck and possess me. I am sure that is not the same thing," I huff reaching for my Coke and wishing it was something stronger.

  "What am I going to do Jane?" I ask worriedly. "The man is hard to say no to and I refuse to give in to him. He will have sex with me give me an earth shattering orgasm than leave me standing around trying to pick up the pieces."

  Moving to my side Jane covers my hand with hers. "Jessie you have to stop thinking all guys
are Travis. He was one bad apple; they are not all like that." I know she means well and she might be right but that does change my predicament.

  I can feel the atmosphere shifting towards darker territory than earlier and I refuse to let my past mistakes ruin our day. "Want to go out to eat tonight? My treat," I add hoping to entice her to agree.

  "Dessert included?" She asks on an arched brow. I smile knowing she has taken the bait and is now playing with me. Every time we go out to eat and I order a delicious dessert and she promises to help me eat it but once it arrives I end up eating the whole damn thing myself. I blame her for any extra pounds that magically appear on my hips.

  "Sure," I say playfully slapping her leg. "Let's get dressed. Last one ready has to drive," I call out behind me as I dash down the hallway towards my bedroom." She calls me a cheater and lets out a string of curses after stubbing her big toe trying to get to her bedroom. I groan knowing I will be blamed for her klutz move and will no doubt be reminded of it continuously.

  Clothes on, teeth brushed, hair pulled up in ponytail, sandals on and buckled. All I need is to finish my make-up and I will be ready before Jane for once in my lifetime. We have played this game on several occasions and I always lose but tonight I am determined and refuse to slow down. Pulling my pink bag out from underneath my sink I lay out some powder, blush, lip gloss, and mascara and get to work.

  Lathering on my final layer of mascara I run back into my bedroom in search of my purse just as my starts singing Crazy by Aerosmith, the ringtone I set for Alex after his late night phone call. I am not in the mood to deal with him tonight. Sighing heavily I hit the reject button and throw my phone into my purse.

  I enter the living room seconds before Jane and delight in my win. She shakes her finger at me as she grabs her car keys. "I let you win, you know that right?" She laughs.

  "You wish. You are the worst sore loser," I joke as I follow her out to her car. My phone rings again singing Crazy and I quickly hit reject again. Jane notices but does not say anything.

  "What do you want to eat," I ask switching topics.

  "I am not dressed for anything too nice. How about Napoli's Italian?"

  I shrug. "That works. I am ready for a glass of wine or two."

  Napoli's Italian is not the best Italian food I have ever eaten but it is casual dining and really close to our apartment. We arrive there within minutes and are greeted by an underlie enthusiastic hostess that looks as though she is still in high school and would rather be any other place than here waiting on us.

  I remember my good old high school days waiting tables, although they seem like another lifetime ago.

  Sliding into the booth I hear my phone beep indicating I have a text message. Jane looks over at me curiously and asks, "Who is it?"

  I know who it is but glance down at my phone anyways. I let out a small giggle seeing Master of the Universe light up on my screen. I should not have given him that title but it does seem to fit him.

  I contemplate lying and saying it is Jax but I hate keeping things from Jane. Lord knows I would give her hell if I ever found she did the same to me.

  "It's Alex Harlow," I say nonchalantly as though it is not big deal.

  She giggles and shakes her head. "So I take it he is the one who kept calling earlier? The one with the Crazy song ringtone?" She asks on a giggle.

  I nod yes. "The song seems to fit his attitude and crazy ass behavior."

  Our waiter arrives and we order two glasses of white wine and some fried cheese appetizers. "What does the text say?" She looks at me expectantly.

  Opening my phone I read it silently first than out loud for Jane.

  Alex: Stop ignoring my calls. I am losing my patience Ms. Grayson.

  "Wow," she exclaims. "He seems intense. What has his underwear in a bind?" She asks laughing.

  "Me I guess. Don't think he is used to having to work to get attention."

  "So, are you going to answer him?" She asks casually.

  I bite my bottom lip as I contemplate what to do. I know I need to ignore him and somehow force him to realize that I am not his to command but another part of me is kind of afraid of what he might do if I don't answer him. I stare at my phone as though it will magically give me the right answer. Before I have the chance to do anything it beeps again with another message.

  Alex: Last chance Ms. Grayson. By the way I love you in blue

  My eyes immediately trace down to the blue halter top that I am wearing. I cannot breathe. Looking around the restaurant I frantically search him out. He has to be here. How else would he know what I have on? There are only a few patrons sitting throughout the restaurant and unless he has aged thirty years overnight or became a woman, none of them are Alex. This is not even the type of place I would ever expect to find him at. When I think of Alex I think elegance and class, not casual and dumpy.

  Sensing my panic Jane asks, "You are really pale. What has you so upset?" Her eyes are pinched together with concern and I hate that my life has turned into a stupid soap opera.

  Damn Alex for ruining another fun night out.

  I hand over my phone to her and let her read it. Her response is almost identical as mine minus the mini heart attack I swear I am having. My mouth is so parched I down half of my glass of wine in one gulp.

  "You have to ask him how he knows Jess. Stop being a chicken and send him a text already,"

  "I am not a chicken," I bite back. I think about what to say and finally just settle on the most obvious.

  Me: Stalking me now? Where are you hiding and what do you want?

  My phone beeps back almost instantaneously.

  Alex: Glad you came to your senses. Come outside for a moment, I need to speak with you.

  Me: Why would I do that and how did you know I was here? You really sound like a stalker

  Alex: No stalking needed. Come outside and I will answer your questions. I will wait for 10 minutes before I come in and get you.

  What? Damn arrogant bastard!

  I am screwed either way. The last thing I need is him barging inside making a scene yet If I go outside than he wins. Tapping my fingers on the table while contemplating my options I check my watch seeing I only have three more minutes left before the choice is out of my control.

  Throwing my napkin on the table I stand up ready to do battle. Glancing at Jane I ask," Would you mind ordering for me? He is outside and I need to handle this and nip it in the bud once and for all," I say with more certainty than I feel.

  "Of course I will. You want your usual, Spaghetti and meatballs with extra sauce?"

  "Yes please." I confirm.

  Marching out of the restaurant I give myself a little pep talk. You can do this Jess. He is just another rich jerk who thinks he can make the rules. Stay strong, don't back down, and make him want to run for the hills.

  Pushing through the double doors I am greeted by a gorgeous black stretched Mercedes limo with an intimidating large bouncer type of man standing guard outside the back door. The man could pass for a pro wrestler. His intense and daunting appearance does nothing to calm my nerves. My insides twist and turn into knots as I walk but I raise my head up high and continue towards the car refusing to back down. The large man nods to me as he opens the back car door but refuses to meet my eyes. I don't see Alex right away since he is seated against the other side of the seat, but as I scoot in I immediately notice his clinched jaw and furious green eyes.

  Fuck fuckity fuck

  The car door shuts behind me soundly and I instantly feel liked a trapped animal in the claws of a predator. That familiar magnetic pull is zipping between us as we stare each other down. I swallow hard and remind myself to stay strong and not back down to this Adonis of a man.

  I glare back at him determined for him to see how angry I am for forcing me to meet him. "Well I am here so tell me what was so important that you had to ruin another one of my relaxing nights out with a friend," I chide with more force than I actually feel.

bsp; "Why are you ignoring my calls Jessica?" He shoots back

  Really? He has to ask?

  I shrug unapologetically. "Mainly because I do not have to."

  The look he returns makes me squirm in my seat but I ignore it and continue on. "We are not an item and even if we were I am not ok with being at your beck and call Mr. Harlow."

  His smug smile disappears into a thin flat line as a muscle in his jaw begins to twitch. He sits quiet for a long minute deep in thought before saying, "Your right Jessica we are not officially an item and I think it is time to rectify that."

  Rectify that? No, no, no. This is not what we need to do.

  Reaching across the expanse of the back seat he yanks me towards him before I have a chance to comprehend what is happening. Our bodies crash together as he grabs my face kissing me hard, his tongue thrashing wildly with mine branding everything it touches. Lifting me up he pulls me onto his lap and I unabashedly throw one leg over his so I can straddle him.

  His mouth attacks my lips, neck and chest as he kisses, licks, and nips down my skin. The feeling of his hard erection pressing between my legs milks a needy moan out of me.

  Get a grip Jess, you need to stop this. But I don't.

  I pull at his tie releasing it and dropping it beside me as I begin working on his shirt buttons, snapping off a few in the process. I want to see his body, feel the contours flex under my fingers. He helps me work off his shirt as I start on his buckle and pants. We frantically work together until we are both in nothing but our underwear. We stare at each other turned on, breathing hard and daring the other to make the next move.

  What now? I want this. I want him but can I handle having him and keeping myself detached. I have to stay detached to protect myself.

  My eyes skim up and down his delicious body. He is perfect and beyond sexy, all tanned skin and toned muscle. Although I cannot see his erection through his boxer briefs, the feel of it grinding against my damp panties lets me know it is impressive.


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