Bound by Love

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Bound by Love Page 6

by T. A. Chase

  “You’re so fucking tight,” Ren forced through gritted teeth.

  Letting go, Tyler rolled up, crushing their lips together. Moving inches apart, he said, “Fuck me.”

  Whatever control his lover had snapped. Throwing his head back, Ren’s hips jerked, driving into Tyler.

  “Tyler, coming,” Ren warned.


  With a shout, Ren came, filling Tyler with warm liquid. Shit. Tyler never had unprotected sex. Blowjobs without condoms were one thing. Bareback sex certainly took their relationship to a far more serious level.

  Tyler stared up at Ren’s sweat-drenched face and couldn’t work up any sort of worry about it. Ren Alston had always been the man to whom Tyler compared all other men. He’d managed to find a few who had lived up to that incredibly high standard, but life hadn’t worked out for them. Now time would tell if his relationship with Ren would grow solid and last.

  Ren kissed him and slid away. Tyler shifted at the emptiness in his ass. He stretched and wrinkled his nose at the stickiness on his chest.

  “Let’s take a shower.” Ren offered him a hand after climbing out of bed.

  “Good idea. I don’t want to end up sticking to your sheets.”

  Ren slipped his arm around Tyler’s waist. “I wouldn’t mind. Can you spend the night?”

  “Set the alarm for five and I’ll be more than happy to stay.” He snuggled closer as they made their way to the bathroom.

  “I get out of bed around then anyway.”

  Tyler noticed Ren didn’t say wake up. He hoped his lover would need the alarm tomorrow morning.

  Chapter Eight

  Tyler nudged Gonzo out of the way. “Move your butt, Gonzo. I have to finish cleaning your stall.”

  The grullo gelding turned an innocent eye and huffed.

  “Don’t give me that look. I’m sure you think I’ve been neglecting you, but damn. If you were me, would you give up spending as much time as possible in Ren’s bed? I mean, have you seen his ass?” Tyler emptied a shovelful of sawdust into the wheelbarrow.

  Gonzo snorted and shifted away.

  “Okay, so you don’t care. Take my word though, he has the finest ass I’ve ever seen.”

  “Thank you, babe. I’m pretty impressed with yours.”

  Ren’s voice made Tyler jump and spin around. His lover leaned against the stall door, grinning at the obvious blush on Tyler’s warm cheeks.

  “Hey, Ren.” Happy they were alone, he set the shovel aside and went to get a kiss.

  The older man took his mouth like they hadn’t seen each other for days, even though Tyler had left Ren’s house early that morning. The kiss felt more like Ren knew he owned Tyler, lock, stock and barrel, and was claiming his possession. After spending time together almost every day for a month now, Tyler figured Ren might be right to think he belonged to him. Gonzo pushed him into the wooden wall. Laughing breathlessly, he pulled away from Ren.

  “What are you doing here? You’re early.”

  Grabbing the shovel, he handed it to Ren and maneuvered the wheelbarrow out of Gonzo’s stall and shut the door.

  “Thought I’d help you out. I know your dad let the guys have the night off because of the rodeo.” Ren followed him out of the barn.

  “Appreciate it. I just need to finish putting new sawdust down in Gonzo’s stall. Cattle have been taken care of and I’ll come back out later to feed the horses.”

  He dumped his load and refilled it with clean shavings.

  “No problem. Want to head out early? I’ll help feed the horses when we get back.”

  “Tell ya what? If you’re willing to finish up Gonzo’s stall, I’ll run in and get cleaned up.” He grinned.

  Ren pinched his ass and nodded. “I’ll do it, but you’ll owe me.”

  “What’s your price?”

  Shaking his head, Ren moved back toward the barn. “You’ll find out later. Now get going.”

  Tyler trotted to the house. He wasn’t worried about Ren handling Gonzo. Ren was the only other person his gelding liked.

  He walked into the living room fifteen minutes later, holding his best boots and hat. Ren sat in the recliner, eyes closed. He went over, brushed Ren’s hair off his forehead and placed a gentle kiss there. Giving Tyler’s hand a squeeze, Ren opened his eyes and met Tyler’s gaze.

  Tyler studied the lines on Ren’s face and saw the exhaustion in his lover’s eyes. “Are you sure you want to go? We could stay here, snuggle on the couch and watch a movie.”

  “I’m always tired, Tyler. You get used to it after a while. I want to show you off.”

  “Like a prize bull?” He chuckled, perching on the arm of the recliner.

  “Yeah. My stud.” Ren slid his hand over Tyler’s thigh.

  “Does it still work when no one will know we’re a couple?” He spread his legs, encouraging Ren to move his hand higher.

  “Sure it does. I can’t kiss you or hold your hand, but when all the women and men lust after you, I know you’re going home with me. I’m the one you’re fucking.”

  Goose bumps covered Tyler’s skin as Ren’s commanding tone made him shiver. He bit back a groan when Ren’s fingers skated over the bulge in Tyler’s jeans.

  “Keep it up and we’ll never get to the fairgrounds.”

  Ren pressed his palm hard against Tyler’s erection and winked. “Put your boots on. Half the fun is anticipation.”

  He resisted the childish urge to stick his tongue out at the man. He slid his boots on and caught Ren’s hand, helping him to his feet.

  “I’ll drive. That way you can catch some rest if you want.”

  Tyler took Ren’s silence as agreement. They climbed in Tyler’s truck and he head out to the road.

  “Seen JT yet?”

  “No. He didn’t want to drive back and forth to the fairgrounds. He’s staying at his latest conquest’s place.”

  Would Ren mind that JT had a new boyfriend? Or girlfriend? Tyler wasn’t sure who his twin was seeing since JT wasn’t talking to him.

  Ren grunted. “Your dad wasn’t too far off when he said JT was worse than a bitch in heat. How long was his longest relationship?”

  He shrugged. JT’s twinks and buckle bunnies came and went. Eventually Tyler stopped learning their names since they were only around for a few days at a time.

  “Not sure. Got to the point where I didn’t care. You were the only one he told me about.”

  “And that was to hurt you,” Ren stated.

  He didn’t look at Ren as he nodded.

  “It’s amazing you two are related.” Ren’s hand landed on Tyler’s thigh, solid and warm.

  Tyler grinned, flexing his muscles. “Dad said we spoiled him and he might be right.”

  He trembled as Ren traced the inside seam of his jeans up to where the fabric stretched over his balls.

  “You’re teasing again,” he pointed out.

  Ren smirked. “Now now, Tyler, babe. You know I don’t tease. I give you everything I say I will and everything you need.”

  No argument there. He concentrated on getting to the rodeo in one piece. Silence filled the cab after that. Ren’s hand remained on Tyler’s leg, but Ren seemed to be dozing and Tyler didn’t want to interrupt whatever rest his lover could get.

  He parked the truck at the fairgrounds. The stands were crowded and he hoped his father had saved them seats. Turning the engine off, he sat, staring at Ren’s hand resting on his knee.

  Apprehension weighed him down. JT was his brother. Hell, they’d shared the same womb. No matter how much he disliked JT’s usual attitude and behavior, he still loved him. They were family after all. His twin had good qualities, but unfortunately, JT was afraid to show them.

  “Tyler?” Ren’s soft question made him twitch.


  “You ready?” Ren clasped his knee for a second.

  He took comfort in knowing Ren would be with him. Though he was sure JT would have some smart ass comment.

“Dad’s probably beating people off with a stick to save our seats.”

  Ren gave him a quick kiss before getting out of the truck. Tyler joined his lover, smiled and pulled his good Stetson down. Their journey to the grandstands was slow because Tyler was stopped every few feet, greeting enthusiastic fans or familiar friends. He answered questions about why he wasn’t competing anymore and the usual “what are you doing now” ones. The first rider for the saddle broncs had just burst out of a chute when they found his dad and sat.

  “Glad you got here. Didn’t think you’d make it.” Dad slapped him on the shoulder.

  “We had to fight through Tyler’s horde of adoring fans.” Ren bumped their hands together.

  He rolled his eyes. Running the gauntlet had been so surreal. He never thought he was flashy enough or good enough to merit that kind of greeting. Suddenly he found out people knew his name and he wasn’t just JT’s brother.

  “Didn’t think people noticed you, huh?”

  Ducking his head, Tyler shifted, uncomfortable with how observant Ren was.

  “When I was on the circuit, none of them seemed all that friendly.”

  “Or maybe you’ve never had a chance to see what other people think of you.” Ren tapped his hand. “JT shines so brightly, it’s hard to see you in the shadows.”

  He thought about it. “I guess you’re right. I just assumed they were hanging around because of him.”

  “Stop chatting and watch the saddle broncs,” Dad interrupted them.

  “Who do you like for the go-around?”

  They started discussing the riders.

  “Where’s JT?” Tyler asked when there was a break between the broncs and steer wrestling.

  “Don’t know. We split up when we got here.” Dad braced his boots on the plank in front of him.

  “Get a chance to meet whoever he’s staying with?”

  Curiosity ate away at him. Was his brother still with the cute calf roper or had he moved on?

  “No.” Dad shook his head. “I asked him about it, but he sounded uncomfortable. Maybe he doesn’t realize I know he likes guys.”

  Tyler shot a quick glance around, but they were isolated in the stands. “Dad, you might want to keep it down.”

  Frank Newsome quirked an eyebrow at his youngest son. “I don’t care what other people think. You and JT are my sons. Who you like shouldn’t matter.”

  “It shouldn’t, but it does and we really don’t want JT to get his ass kicked. No matter how much he irritates us.”

  “Guess you’re right.”

  His father looked disgruntled. Tyler coughed to cover his laugh.

  “Hey, Ty.”

  He turned to watch a stocky blond man bound up the bleachers. Shouting, he jumped to his feet and caught the blond in a hard hug.

  “Buck, how the hell are you?”

  “I’m doing great, man. Shoulder’s better and I’m getting back into the zone.” Buck pulled back and frowned. “What’s all this shit I hear about you quitting the rodeo?”

  Under Ren’s interested gaze, Tyler gestured to his lover and his dad. “Buck, I want you to meet a really good friend of mine, Ren Alston and my dad, Frank Newsome.”

  “Alston, huh? I’ve heard a bunch about you.” Buck shook Ren’s hand and greeted Frank. “Nice to meet you, sir.”

  Frank nodded and stood. “I’m getting some beer. You boys want some?”

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  Tyler turned back to see Ren eyeing Buck.

  “Heard a bunch about me?” Ren threw Tyler a questioning glance.

  “Shit yeah. Tyler always talked about how great a guy you are. He told me all about the horses your family breeds.” Buck punched Ren in the arm. “I’m looking to pick up a horse for my girlfriend. You got any that I could afford on a cowboy’s budget?”

  Ren looked unsure for a moment and Tyler took pity on him.

  “Don’t let this idiot fool you, Ren. Cowboy budget? Buck’s dad owns a contracting outfit in Washington. He can afford to buy one of your Queenie’s offspring.”

  Buck growled mockingly at Tyler. “Now what kind of friend spills that secret? I might have gotten one of those grullos cheap.”

  “None of my horses are cheap,” Ren informed the cowboy.

  “Arrogant bastard, aren’t you?” Buck’s shout of laughter carried over the stands.

  Ren seemed unrepentant. “Why be humble when it’s the truth?”

  “True. Can I stop by your place beginning of next week? I’ve got to take a couple bulls back to the ranch. I really am looking for a reining horse for my girl. She’s mentioned your horses a couple times.” Buck was serious this time.

  “Sure. I’ve got a few five year olds that you can check out.”

  “Great. I’ll give you a call before I come out.”

  They shook hands and Buck threw an arm around Tyler’s shoulder for a fast one-armed hug.

  “It’s good to see you finally get a good one, Ty. Don’t let this one go.”

  With a wink at the open-mouthed Tyler, Buck dashed down the bleachers again.

  “One less person we have to hide from.” Ren took their cups of beer from Tyler’s father as the older man returned from the refreshment stand. Tyler had a hard time wrapping his mind around the fact that Buck knew he was gay and didn’t seem to have a problem with it.

  The calf roping event was next. This had been his bread-and-butter event. When they were on, he and Gonzo were unbeatable.

  “Who’s competing tonight?”

  Frank handed him the one-sheet program. Scanning the names, he saw that all the competitors were good ropers, but he’d beaten them all at different rodeos. Bitsy must still be injured since JT wasn’t listed.

  “Which one’s gonna win it, Ty?”

  Frank’s question pulled him out of his thoughts. He pointed to a long-legged bay mare sporting a black-trimmed blanket and a hand-tooled saddle. Her rider stood beside her.

  “Patrick Robinson. His mare’s quick as lightning and he knows how to handle a rope. They gave Gonzo and me a run for our money a couple times.”

  His father grunted and turned to talk to the man on the other side of him.

  “I’m pretty handy with a rope as well,” Ren murmured, the heat from his body transferring to Tyler. “Maybe I could show you how well I can tie knots. I can see you now, naked and stretched out on my bed. Or in the barn on your knees with your hands behind your back, riding me.”

  Each image Ren’s words created exploded in Tyler’s mind and his cock stiffened until it pressed hard enough against his zipper to leave marks on it. They had played a few times during sex. Mostly it had been Ren telling him what to do, but no further than that. Ren probably would have liked to have done more, but Tyler hadn’t been comfortable asking for what he really needed. Something told him, though, that they were going to take the next step in their relationship.

  “Stop,” he hissed, shifting and hoping his father remained engaged in conversation elsewhere.

  “You can see it, can’t you? Imagine the sting and burn on your wrists because you’ll struggle against the rope. You’ll want to touch me, but you won’t be able to.” Ren’s body brushed against him. “You’ll have to wear long sleeves or else everyone will know.”

  Tyler couldn’t stop himself. He rubbed his fingers over his wrists and moaned softly. It had been over a year since he found a lover who would tie him up. Ren’s voice stoked the excitement in him.

  “I want you.” Ren’s growl almost obscured his words.

  Tyler nodded and took a breath. “Dad, Ren and I are heading back. I have to feed the horses.”

  His dad studied him for a second with a slight smile. “Sure, Ty. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  His father’s knowing smile caused him to flush. He’d probably die of embarrassment if he wasn’t so turned on.

  “Bye, Frank.”

  Ren stood. Tyler’s erection was almost too painful for him to follow his lover out of the stands. He focused h
is attention on Ren’s ass, deciding he’d follow wherever Ren went.

  Chapter Nine

  Ren couldn’t believe how hard he was. Just the thought of seeing Tyler bound with ropes was enough to make him cream his jeans. Thank God he had more control than that. They’d feed Tyler’s horses and then head over to the ranch. They’d play in the barn where he had everything he needed.

  “Can’t have the real thing, so you’re settling for second best, I see.” JT’s slurred voice stopped them in their tracks. Anger flared in Ren at the hurt in Tyler’s eyes. Whirling, he scowled at JT.

  “Hey, JT. Good luck riding tonight,” Tyler said hesitantly.

  “Not going to stay and watch, huh? You’d rather go home and get fucked by my ex-boyfriend.” JT’s words were cruel and his tone bitter.


  Ren grabbed JT’s shirt and twisted his fist in the fabric. He dragged the smaller cowboy to him until they were inches apart. JT stood on his tiptoes and stared into Ren’s face. There was fear in those hazel eyes, along with anger, pain and loneliness.

  “You won’t do this here. If you want to embarrass yourself, that’s fine with me. I don’t give a rat’s ass about you.” He nodded toward Tyler. “However, I do care about your brother. I won’t allow you to hurt or humiliate him in front of his friends. Do you understand?”

  JT gulped and nodded. Ren pushed him away.

  “Good. Go sober up. No one’s going to let you ride drunk.” Ren gestured for Tyler to head out in front of him. He turned back to JT. “Grow up, kid. None of us were put on this earth just to please you. You’re not the center of anyone’s universe.”

  He walked away from JT, unconcerned with the man’s pride. Ren wanted to make sure Tyler didn’t believe what JT had said.

  “Let me have your keys. I’ll drive us home.” He held out his hand.

  “I’m okay. You don’t have to worry about me being upset.” Tyler handed him the keys.

  “Are you sure?”

  Ren opened the door for Tyler, resisting the urge to squeeze the man’s ass as Tyler climbed in.


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