Bound by Love

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Bound by Love Page 8

by T. A. Chase

  Tyler nodded. “I don’t have a problem giving up control. I don’t like confrontation.”

  His lover shook his head. “You giving up control to me in bed isn’t why I love you. Outside of our sex life, we’re equals. We give and take.”

  Understanding blossomed in his mind. “JT’s a leader. He always made the decisions and expected me to go along with them. You’re not that way.”

  “Right or wrong. Good or bad. Whatever we decide will be done together.” Ren cupped Tyler’s cheek. “Besides being fucking sexy as hell and giving me a hard-on the minute I see you, you’re intelligent and kind.”

  Tyler’s face heated and he knew he was as red as a beet. “Thank you, Ren.”

  “You’re welcome.” Ren reached out and popped him on the ass. “Let’s go shower. You need to get home to help your dad and I have a couple of breeders coming today.”

  He yelped at the sting, but followed Ren to the bathroom. His gaze devoured Ren’s wide shoulders and muscular thighs. Everything about the man made Tyler happy. Something settled in his heart. He was afraid to name it, but it felt like contentment.

  § § § §

  Tyler’s contentment lasted until he pulled into the ranch driveway and saw a strange truck parked in his usual spot. Instinct told him it was JT. A crazy urge to turn around and go back to Ren’s hit him. He wasn’t running away. He could deal with whatever his brother threw at him.

  Shutting off the engine, he climbed out and went to the barn. Stepping inside, he heard a commotion coming from Gonzo’s stall. His gelding was upset about something if the angry whinnies meant anything. He hurried down the aisle, getting there just in time to see the grulla lunge for JT, who was trapped in a corner of the stall.

  “What the hell are you doing, JT?” Tyler spoke quietly and slid open the door. “You know Gonzo hates you.”

  “I was being nice. Thought I’d feed Gonzo for you since I know you were with Alston last night. Figured you’d sleep in late.” JT’s face was white. His words full of disdain.

  “I work here. I still pull my own weight, no matter where I spend the night.”

  Tyler slipped Gonzo’s halter on and led the horse from the stall. Putting him in the cross-ties, Tyler faced his brother. JT didn’t look like his usual chipper self.

  “You look like shit. How often have you been getting as drunk as you were last night?”

  He searched out Gonzo’s curry comb while waiting for JT’s answer.

  “Since you left.” JT shrugged. “I fell apart, man. Without you there, I don’t have anyone to take care of me.”

  “Oh, your binges are my fault because I chose to have an actual life and not follow you around like your personal assistant.”

  Tyler’s tone was harsh. He kept his brushing even and gentle. No reason to take his irritation out on Gonzo.

  “Ty, you’re my brother. You’ve always taken care of things for me. I don’t know how to function without you.”

  JT’s whiny, pleading tone set Tyler’s teeth on edge.

  “You’re going to have to learn. I’m not coming back.” He turned to look at his brother. “I’m happy here.”

  Scowling, JT stood up and stalked over to Tyler, poking him in the chest. “Alston will get bored with you once he realizes you’re not me. He’ll drop you and you’ll wind up alone. If you insist on staying here, I won’t take you back.”

  “Joseph Thomas, leave your brother alone.” Their dad walked in. “Why can’t you be happy for Ty for once in your life? Why does all this have to be about you?”

  His brother started to protest when Tyler stopped him by turning back to Gonzo.

  “It’s all right, Dad. Let JT bitch and pitch a fit. I don’t care. I figured out something this morning. Even if what’s going on between Ren and I doesn’t work out, I’ll be okay. Sure it’ll hurt, but it won’t be the end of the world.” He combed his fingers through Gonzo’s mane. “I don’t need Ren or anyone else to make me who I am. I just need me.”

  His dad thumped him on his back and laughed. “Good job, son. It took me a hell of a lot longer to figure that out.”

  Knowing he had his dad’s approval helped, but even if he didn’t have that, his attitude wouldn’t change.

  “Why don’t you load Gonzo up and take him over to Ren’s? The hands have everything covered here and JT can help me with what little is left.”

  “Wait a minute,” JT stuttered. “I have to ride tonight. I was planning on going back to the fairgrounds.”

  “No riding the rest of the weekend for you, JT. Buck told me the powers that be kicked you off the circuit because you’ve been showing up drunk to ride. You’ve got nowhere else to be right now.”

  JT sputtered, but couldn’t find the words. Their father’s disapproval and disappointment shone in his voice. Tyler felt sorry for his twin, but not enough to go back to the circuit with him. It was time they both learned to live without the other.

  He moved to the open barn door, pulled out his phone and dialed Ren’s number.

  “Alston.” Ren’s voice was brisk.

  “Hey, Ren.” He didn’t fight the smile blooming on his face.

  “Tyler. Did you miss me already?” Ren’s tone lowered and sent shivers over Tyler’s skin.

  “Yeah. Would it be okay if I brought Gonzo over? Maybe once your business is done, we can go for a ride.”

  “Or maybe you can ride me.”

  Heat and lust rocketed through his body to settle in his groin. He bit back a moan and adjusted his prick, trying to find room in his suddenly tight pants.

  “How can you do that to me?”

  “Do what?”

  Ren’s question was innocent, but Tyler could tell Ren knew what he was talking about.

  “Make me hard as nails just with a few words.” He leaned against the weathered wood of the barn.

  Ren chuckled. “It’s because your body remembers how good it feels to have my cock up your ass.”

  This time he did moan. “I’ll be over in a few.”

  “I’ll be in the training barn, love.” Ren hung up.

  Tyler hung up and tucked the phone in his shirt pocket. It took a minute or two for his erection to die down enough to where he could walk around without embarrassing himself.

  He hooked the trailer up to his truck. Grabbing Gonzo’s tack, he stowed it in the back of his truck. His dad joined him as he was loading Gonzo.

  “That gelding would follow you off a cliff if you asked him,” his dad observed as Gonzo followed Tyler to the trailer and in without a lead attached to his halter.

  “Yeah. He’s a good one. Thanks for picking him for me.” Tyler secured the doors.

  “I didn’t. When I went over to Alston’s to buy some horses for you boys, Alston brought Gonzo out and said the gelding would be perfect for you. He also said Bitsy had a forgiving nature, so she’d work for JT.”

  Tyler laughed along with his dad while he thought about the fact that Ren had chosen Gonzo for him. It was a big sacrifice. Gonzo might not have been able to sire foals, but the gelding would have won ribbons for Ren. Gonzo was an almost perfect specimen of not only a Quarter Horse, but a grulla. Yet Ren had sold Gonzo to Tyler’s dad specifically for Tyler. He would have to thank his lover.

  “I’ll see you tonight, Dad.”

  “Why don’t you plan on staying at Alston’s the rest of the weekend? JT’s here. He can help me out. It’s time I had a talk with that boy.” Frank grimaced.

  “I’ll see you in church then?” He wasn’t going to argue about staying with Ren.

  “Yes. Church tomorrow.”

  Tyler watched his father head back to the barn. He’d always respected and loved his father. It couldn’t have been easy, raising twins and running the ranch after their mother had died, but Frank did the best he could. Which was pretty damn good even taking into consideration how JT turned out.

  Racing in the house, he packed some clothes, grabbed his “Sunday” hat and left without having another
run in with JT.

  Ren came to greet him when he pulled up in front of the Alston house. They smiled at each other, but with the ranch hands and prospective buyers around, all they could is shake hands. Ren eyed the bag Tyler carried.

  “Dad suggested I stay here the rest of the weekend.”

  Surprise registered on Ren’s face.

  “JT’s home and Dad wants to talk to him.” Tyler shook his head. “JT got kicked off the circuit because of his drinking.”

  “Damn. That’s a tough deal, but he did it to himself. Drunk cowboys are too dangerous. It’s a good thing someone cared enough to put a stop to it.”

  Tyler knew Ren was right, but he couldn’t help feeling sorry for his brother. The rodeo was the one thing JT loved more than anything else in the world. Not being able to compete and hear the roar of the crowds was going to be as close to hell as JT could get at the present.

  “Let’s get Gonzo settled. You can help me with the yearlings. We’re getting them used to being handled.”

  “How many of them do you keep?”

  Excitement simmered through him. He’d never really gotten a chance to see Ren work and he bet it was amazing.

  “We had fourteen yearlings this year. We’re only planning on keeping two of them. The rest have already been sold or will be taken to auction in the fall.” Ren handed him a lead rope. “Get your boy out.”

  Tyler unlatched the back of the trailer and went in to unhook Gonzo. The gelding backed out like the old pro he was. Gonzo whinnied when he saw Ren.

  “Next to me, I think you’re his favorite person,” Tyler joked.

  “He has some personality issues.” Ren patted Gonzo’s neck.

  “Is that why you told Dad to buy him for me?” He stood as close to the older man as he could without touching him.

  “I knew you’d be better able to cope with Gonzo than JT. They’d be fighting each other all the time. Gonzo has no tolerance for stupidity and JT’s not known for making smart choices.”


  “We can put him in with Solace. She tolerates him.” Red led the way to Solace’s paddock.

  “Tolerates?” Tyler waited for Ren to open the gate before he removed Gonzo’s halter and smacked the gelding on the hip to send the horse on its way.

  Ren locked the gate and moved toward a different, smaller barn. “Solace doesn’t like anyone—human or horse. She’s indifferent to all of us. The only creature she loves is a skinny black cat that lives in her barn.”

  Tyler grinned. The thought of a thousand-pound horse in love with a cat tickled him. Ren pointed to a stall where a leggy chestnut dun stood, its head hanging over the door. Tyler took a halter off the hook and slid it on the yearling before he opened the stall all the way. He hooked the lead he carried to the halter and encouraged the gangly youngster to step out.

  The yearling tossed his head and got ready to balk at the first hint of tension on the rope. Tyler made sure there was no resistance by holding onto the end of the lead. When the colt realized Tyler wasn’t going to force him anywhere, his natural curiosity got the best of him and he moved down the aisle. Ren joined them with a pretty grulla filly. She seemed less worried than Tyler’s colt.

  “She’s a lot less skittish than this one,” Tyler commented as they went outside.

  Ren nodded. “Tassel was the final foal born last year. He’s been behind from the beginning. I haven’t been able to work with him as much as I’d like, but he’s a smart one. He’ll figure out what we want before long.”

  For the next several hours, Tyler helped his lover work all the yearlings and some of the older horses. He enjoyed watching Ren interact with the horses and the potential buyers or breeders who arrived throughout the day. Ren was firm with the young horses, never letting them get too exuberant, but not crushing their spirits either. His steady murmuring kept the animals focused on him and not distracted by the busy activity around them.

  The men and women who stopped to do business with Ren seemed to be in awe of him. His belief in the quality of his horses commanded their respect. Some would call it arrogance. Tyler called it confidence and it was a huge turn-on for him.

  He sat on the top rail of Solace’s pen, petting Gonzo, when Ren walked up and stood next to him. He ran a quick hand over Ren’s shoulder and the older man smiled up at him.

  “We’re done for a couple of hours. You want to help me clean some tack?”

  He thought about it. “Sounds really exciting. Sure, why not?”

  Jumping down, he found he was trapped between the fence and Ren’s body. His sharp intake of breath filled his nose with scents; horse, sweat, leather and a smell that was uniquely Ren. The urge to press against the hard body in front of him was strong, yet Tyler didn’t want to do anything that would “out” Ren to his men.

  “Don’t worry, baby. I gave them the night off and they headed to the rodeo. I figured you’d be willing to help me bring the horses in later.”

  Tyler buried his fingers in Ren’s hair. He eased Ren’s head down to bring their mouths together. Their kiss was hot and moist, filled with longing and impatience. It had been hard not touching Ren all day. He’d rather suffer, though, then get Ren—or himself—in trouble.

  Ren stepped away, bent and picked up his hat from where it had fallen when they kissed. He took Tyler’s hand and they went to one of the smaller barns.

  “I thought we might try something since we’re here by ourselves.”

  The look Ren shot him made Tyler stumble as his cock filled to the point of pain. When they got in the barn, Ren pointed to a bench in front of an empty stall.

  “Strip and place your clothes neatly on the bench.”

  Tyler paused.

  “Don’t worry, love. Everyone’s gone and we’ll hear anyone driving up.” Ren caressed his cheek with a calloused thumb. “Trust me. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  Relaxing, Tyler started removing his clothes. If he didn’t trust Ren, last night would never have happened. There was a question he needed to ask though.

  “How did you know I wouldn’t completely freak when you started spanking me last night?” He folded his shirt and sat to pull off his boots.

  “You always seem happy and willing to let me take the lead when we make love. You don’t mind when I get rough and you said you’d played before. I thought I’d give it a try. You were going to let me tie you up.” Ren went into the tack room and came out, holding something in his hands. He studied Tyler. “If you’re not comfortable with this, tell me. I enjoy playing, but I don’t need it to get off with you.”

  Tyler thought for a moment. He had a feeling whatever Ren was thinking of would be intense and would take him further than he’d gone before. Did he want to do it? Ren wouldn’t have a problem if he drew the line at spanking once in a while.

  A little voice in his head reminded him what it felt like to have Ren’s hard hand hit his tender flesh. How turned-on he’d gotten and the strength of his climax when Ren finally let him come. His cock had been half-erect all day from the ache in his ass and the slight irritation of fabric rubbing against his bruised skin.

  He loved knowing he wore Ren’s marks. Somehow it made their relationship feel stronger and deeper. Standing, he pushed his jeans down. He bent and picked them up.

  Tyler heard Ren moan right before the man grabbed his ass and squeezed. Bracing his hands on the bench, Tyler pushed back into Ren’s grasp.

  “This has possibilities, but I want to play a bit.” Ren gave him a light slap. “Come here.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Tyler turned to see Ren standing in the middle of the aisle. He blushed when he realized Ren was still fully dressed.

  “Hold out your hands.”

  He did, and Ren started wrapping them with the strips of fabric they used to protect horses’ legs during shipping.

  “Don’t want you to get too bruised. Not too tight?”

  Flexing his wrists, he shook his head. “They’re fine.

  “Remember your safe word?” Ren reached for one of the cross-ties and fastened it around Tyler’s wrist, stretching his arm out to the left.

  “Bubbles.” He tested the chain.

  “Why bubbles?” Ren bound his right wrist with the other cross-tie.

  “My first pony’s name was Bubbles.” He hung relaxed in his restraints.

  “I wondered about that.”

  Tyler heard rustling. He didn’t look, closing his eyes and clearing his mind.

  “This is the cloth I use to make Solace’s coat shine. It’s soft.”

  Ren ran the cloth over Tyler’s chest, brushing his nipples with the silk-like fabric. His lover trailed it down his back and caressed his ass. He moaned.

  “Now for something a little harder.”

  The polishing rag disappeared. He tried not to tense as Ren scraped the bristles of a brush over his skin and down the back of his thighs. He couldn’t decide whether to pull away from or push against the needle-sharp sting.

  Soon the brush was replaced by a curry comb with hard rubber bumps around the edge. Ren dragged the comb over Tyler in circles like he was brushing a horse. Tyler arched, tugging on the restraints and moaning. The sensation was intense. It almost bordered on painful, yet never quite went over the line.

  “Do you like that?”

  He nodded, moving toward the touches.

  “I have something else if you’re willing.”

  His lover stood before him, holding a short strip of leather. It was a strap off a saddle. Ren slapped it against his own thigh. Tyler jerked at the loud crisp sound of leather hitting jean-covered flesh.

  He bit his lip. “I don’t know, Ren. I’ve never been whipped before.”

  Trailing the end of the strap over the head of Tyler’s cock, Ren chuckled. “Your mind might not be sure about it, but your body seems to like the idea.”

  “Of course it does. It likes a lot of things that aren’t good for me.” He winked.

  “Darling, I think this could be very good for you.” Ren leered, winding the leather around Tyler’s prick and pulling it tight.


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