Sassy Ever After_Sass with a Past

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Sassy Ever After_Sass with a Past Page 6

by Flewz Nightingale

  A banging in the distance caught Colby’s attention.

  She grabbed his face, turning his eyes back to hers, then forced a kiss onto his mouth. She lifted her head and smiled. “Mine,” she said.

  Colby heard the banging again. He struggled again but in vain.

  The demoness smiled. “Sleep,” she said, before kissing him again. She grabbed him by the cock and squeezed tightly. “Mine,” she demanded.

  Another bang sounded, followed by a crash. The demoness looked in the direction of the sound then screeched. Colby threw her off of him while she was distracted. He got to his feet, but as he did the room began to crack and spin. “Wake up,” he began to hear, then he felt himself being shaken awake.

  “Wake up,” the voice said again. “Wake up! He got her!”


  Tanisha felt guilty as she hopped into Amelia’s car. She’d left Colby sleeping soundly, fantasizing if his groans were any indication of his dreams. She wondered what kind of wild fantasies filled his mind, especially after last night’s preview. They kissed and caressed and held each other throughout the night, but they stopped short of oral sex and full on intercourse, both of which she was looking forward to. But that would come with time. Hopefully. Right now she thought about her next steps.

  “So, are you going to share?” asked Amelia after Tanisha buckled in.

  Tanisha smiled. She wanted to tell Amelia about Colby’s attentive touch, about how she somehow felt attached to him, something she hadn’t allowed herself to become with anyone for years. She wanted to tell her about the ecstasy that he brought her to, but she didn’t know what she felt about it herself. All those feelings were true, but the light of the morning sun seemed to shine new worry and doubt in her mind.

  She used Colby’s phone to call Amelia while Colby was still sleeping, asking Amelia to pick her up from Colby’s address. She knew Amelia rose with the sun and hope she’d be the ray of sunshine that would pick her up while Colby was still sleeping, enabling her to hopefully avoid the morning walk of shame. Her feelings were still confusing, but shame was definitely in the mix.

  “It must’ve been hot. Which enchantments did you wear and how effective were they? I need to know this for research purposes, of course. Product development.”

  Tanisha smiled, though she still wasn’t ready to provide Amelia with detailed product feedback. “I wore Essence. Let’s just say it was effective.”

  Amelia smiled. “Another satisfied customer.” She handed Tanisha a smoothie. “Try this. I’m thinking about a line of spellbound smoothies. This one’s called morning after.”

  Tanisha’s face scrunched. “Like the pill?” She looked at the beet red smoothie. “You might want to change the name. It sounds like a liquid abortion.”

  “How did I not realize that?” She shook her head and continued to drive. “Anyway, how does it taste? And how do you feel? Do you feel strong? It’s laced with a fortification spell. It’s for the morning after, when you’re tired or hung over.”

  Tanisha took another sip. She didn’t feel any different but it tasted damn good. She wondered if Amelia had a smoothie that would clear her mind.

  “So what’s the plan?” asked Amelia. “What happened to your car?”

  Tanisha glanced at her watch. It was barely 730 and the garage wouldn’t open until nine. It would give her a chance to shower and pick up her car, if Amelia did mind playing chauffeur. It would also give her time to figure things out. She wanted to trust Colby and to feel like she can count on him for help, but this wasn’t his problem and he didn’t know Brad. She’d found that plans were easy enough to think up in the heat of the moment, and she appreciated him carrying and thinking up a solution to her problems, but after the wine and excitement wore off, the reality remain that she was on the run from a violent and possessive demon that was still her husband. She would have loved to get caught up with the thoughts of life with Colby, but the reality was that she had her son to protect. His needs were far more important than her own.

  She needed to stick with her plan. She’d see what progress was made on the car and figure out the next step from there. But first she needed a shower to wash last night’s stress and ecstasy away.


  An hour or so later she was clean and dressed. It had taken her longer than usual, but that was because she had many things on her mind, the main being the dream she had of Brad punching and choking the life out of her. She caressed her neck, still feeling Brad’s fingers around it. The dream was too vivid, bringing back memories of the violent temper that landed Brad in prison in the first place.

  Tanisha made her way into the living room, wanting to hurry and pick up her car. She called out to Amelia but got no answer. She searched the living room and then the kitchen, both empty. She hurried to the window, fueled by a bubbling panic. Tanisha glanced at the driveway. The car was gone.

  Tanisha clenched her hands tight, trying to stop them from trembling. Her mind grasp for reasons why Amelia would have left. Even if just for a moment, Amelia would have let her know she was leaving and would be back.

  As Tanisha traveled from room to room she convinced herself things were fine. She wasn’t sure what she was looking for. She had no phone; it was still in her car at the garage.

  She grabbed a duffel bag from her closet and began throwing things in it, her most important things – the cash she kept hidden, a few enchanted vials that Amelia had given her, that like the Heat enchantment came with stern warnings.

  She made her way from her room to Brad Jr.’s. She grab some of his Pokeygo action figures, but the rest would have to be replaced. He be upset but they could be replaced.

  A sound from the kitchen stole her attention. Tension froze her body in absolute stillness. Her ears strained, trying to identify and listen again for the sound. But her efforts were rewarded in only eerie silence.

  She moved stealthily into the hall. She cushioned her steps with catlike silence as she made her way into the living room, listening for further sounds of disturbance. She breathed heavy as she looked around. Seeing nothing, she was tempted to heave a sigh of relief, but made her way to the window instead. She parted the curtains a sliver as she peered through the curtains, looking again into her driveway. The sight of her car froze her with stillness. Did Colby arrange this? How did it –

  The world came crashing down as she saw the answer standing in front of her. “No,” she mumbled.

  Her body shook, her lips quavering in agonizing disbelief. Her eyes stung as they locked with his. Her nightmare had materialized.

  “No,” she said again. “No.”

  “Yes,” said Brad with a sadistic grin. “Yes.”


  Colby jumped out of his bed. The girl that had just shaken him awake screamed.

  “Are you real?” Colby demanded.

  The girl was hysterical. “He has her,” she screamed.

  “Are you real?” Colby demanded again. He sniffed in her direction. She didn’t smell like a demoness, but a demon. And…like Tanisha. “Where is she,” he demanded.

  The girl was in hysterics and shaking. “He has her,” she said. “He took her.”

  Colby roared. He snapped the gleipnir from his neck and felt his bones start cracking. He let out an angry growl as he transformed into his beast.

  He had to find Tanisha.

  Chapter 7 - The Agony

  Tanisha tasted the blood on her swelling lip.

  “I’m sorry about that baby. I didn’t mean to do that. I’ve changed. You don’t know that yet, but I have.”

  He drove the car like a madman, speeding and swerving to avoid hitting oncoming traffic. Tanisha was beyond tears, reality being far too dangerous to cry about. She was determined to live. Even if Brad’s driving threatened to kill them.

  “This is a new start for us.”

  Tanisha knew better than to argue with him. She knew driving wouldn’t keep him from raising a hand to her to protest her disagreement.
  “We’re married. A family. Until death do us part.” He reached over to grab Tanisha. She flinched at his touch.

  He smiled. “It’s been a while, I know. You’ve been running away from me but I forgive you.” He crept his hand between Tanisha’s legs. She stiffened and tried to stop him but his hand turned into a fist. She braced herself for a blow.

  He didn’t hit her, but smiled, then forced his hand back between her legs. “We’ll get reacquainted.” When she tried to stop him again it only angered him. He grabbed her harder.

  “Please,” she pleaded.

  He stopped and smiled. “I like when you beg,” he said. “I missed that.”

  Memories of the past came flooding back, including those she only now realized she’d blocked. She considered throwing herself from the car at the thought of going back to the way things were.

  “I’m not going back this time,” said Brad. “I’m not letting you guys get away from me. We’re gonna be a family. You and Jr. are gonna listen to what I tell you to do and we’re gonna make this work. I’ve changed,” he said, “I’ve forgiven you.”

  Tanisha sat silent, trying to figure out what to do and not wanting to escalate his madness.

  “I forgive you for running away from me, for denying me what’s mine. You and Jr. are both mine. I forgive you for forgetting that.”

  She thought about her son; how she didn’t want him introduced to the world of domestic violence, how she didn’t want him to also become a punching bag, and how she didn’t want him seeing her as one. But Brad wouldn’t find him. He’d back handed an answer out of her when he demanded to know where he was, but she lied. She didn’t want to think about what would happen when Brad realized that. Hopefully she could run by then.

  “Say you’re sorry,” demanded Brad, bringing her back to the situation. “Apologize!”

  His outburst shook Tanisha’s core. This is what she wanted to avoid. She knew where this would lead. She remembered that his verbal assaults were the foreplay to something much more physical.


  Her mouth tried to form words but couldn’t.


  Her lips trembled. “I’m sorry.”

  He slapped her. “Don’t lie to me,” he demanded. “Apologize. Sincerely!” He raised his hand to hit her again. “Apologize. Now!”

  Tanisha fought back the sob that wanted to burst forth. She gained her composure as best she could, despite her trembling hands and quavering throat that had trouble forming words.

  “I’m sorry,” said Brad. “I shouldn’t have hit you. I know that’s not right. You don’t believe me, but I’ve changed.” He moved his hands back to the steering wheel, gripping so hard his knuckles where white. “Tell me you believe me.”

  Tanisha forced out the words that he wanted to hear. “I believe you.”

  “Good. You never believed in me before, but I forgive you for that.”

  She didn’t bother arguing that her belief in him is what kept her with him at first, and what had given her a sliver of hope all of these years. She cursed herself for being so stupid.

  “I’m glad you believe in me now. But you still owe me an apology. Apologize for what you did. Apologize for not believing in me before.” He shifted in his seat and looked at her rather than the road. “Apologize,” he said, glaring into her eyes, “apologize for everything you’ve done.”

  Tanisha saw Brad’s eyes changing. They’d become dark red, as if filled with blood. She looked away.

  The slap took her by surprise; it stung, the force causing her head to hit the passenger side window.

  “Look at me,” he demanded.

  She looked him in the eye, ignoring her fear and the tear streaming down her face.

  “Don’t cry,” he demanded, “don’t you dare fucking cry. Apologize. Sincerely.” He stared and waited, anger accumulating in his eyes. “Apologize!”

  “I’m sorry!” She tried to be strong, for herself, but she couldn’t contain the emotion he demanded she keep pinned.

  He grabbed her face like she was a child. “I told you not to fucking cry.”

  He released her face; her body shook in silent sobs.

  “That’s better. Now, tell me what you’re sorry for. Tell me you’re sorry for trying to take everything away from me. Tell me you’re sorry for giving yourself to someone else. Tell me you’re sorry for being a whore. Tell me you’re sorry for keeping my son away from me. You’re sorry for all that, aren’t you?”

  He punched her when she couldn’t form a response.

  “You’re sorry for all of that, aren’t you?”


  Tanisha made her peace with the fact that she would die. As Brad continued to slap and punch the perfect apology from her, she realized he was her only real regret. She regretted ever having met him or the lot of his demonic family. She regretted not being smarter back then, even though she was barely 20 when they met. She regretted spending so many years of her life tainted by the shadow of Brad.

  She thought about her son. She was glad he was with her sister. She regretted he’d have to find out the truth like this. But he’d live, which was more than she could say for both of them.

  She checked the mirrors and the roads, looking for oncoming traffic or anyone behind them. She wasn’t looking for help, she was looking for the perfect time to do it, when no other cars were around to prevent any other casualties. She prayed for forgiveness then grabbed the wheel and turned it with all of her might.

  It was all a blur as the car spun and flipped off the road.


  Tanisha woke with a jolt. Her eyes darted from side to side, looking for one thing: Brad. She was still strapped in the passenger seat. Her eyes darted to the driver side. He was gone.

  She tried to move but realized she couldn’t. She was stuck upside down, still fastened into the car. The window on the front and side were gone, maybe Brad had gone flying out. A realization came over her. Someone would have to report the accident, meaning police would have to come on the scene. It was just a waiting game. Still, she’d rather not be stuck in the upturned car waiting, not if she could free herself and perhaps run back to the road. She tried to free herself in vain. Not only wouldn’t the seatbelt unlatch, the door wouldn’t open and she seemed to be crushed into place. She prayed for the quick arrival of a rescue team.

  She heard movement from the outside of the car. “Hello,” she yelled. “Help!”

  “Bitch,” replied Brad. His voice sounded exasperated, giving Tanisha hope that he’d been injured enough in the accident. He could still walk, but as she listened to his gait, the sound of the stride was clearly broken. If she had to guess, it sounded as if he were limping and dragging one of his feet.

  “You fucking bitch.” His words sounded a little more forceful than before. “You fucking bitch.” He seemed to be chanting or channeling his hatred.

  Tanisha swallowed as Brad’s voice got louder and came closer.

  “I’m going to kill you.” His voice was suddenly much deeper. Demonic.

  Tanisha’s pulse raced as she heard him coming closer, cursing and getting louder and angrier as he neared the upturned car. “You fucking bitch!” He repeated the same thing, a mantra of hate from and illiterate monster.

  The smell of fire and sulfur filled Tanisha’s nose. Was the car on fire? Her hands scrambled instinctively at her seatbelt again but it was still stuck. Her mind raced. Was the car on fire? Was Brad about to burst into flames? She couldn’t see beyond the smashed wreckage around her but she smelled fire and now gas.

  Her throat tightened with fear. She’d made her peace with death, but now wondered how it would come—by fire, injury, or the hands of a demonic husband?

  Brad’s footsteps stopped as he reached the car. He walkover to her side and fumbled and pulled at the door, making violent sounds with his efforts.

  She let out a scream at the sound of the passenger door being ripped away from the wreckage. �
�You fucking bitch,” he cried as he pulled violently at the door. “You better not die before I kill you.” He gave a final pull on the door and ripped it from the hinges.

  Tanisha saw the semblance of what used to be Brad. Only he’d grown more monstrous and grotesque. His skin had become gray and ashen, his veins blackened and clearly visible on his skin. He seemed more monster than man.

  Their eyes locked. But it was like looking into the eyes of something soulless. His eyes turned jet black, no irises or pupils, just dark beads of nothing. She tried to look away, but they’d hypnotized her, like a snake.

  She became lost in his eyes and had a vision; she could see herself as she was now, but from his perspective. She could also see what he wanted to do to her. To rip her from the car so he could choke the life out of her. She saw him holding up her convulsing body, fighting uselessly against his grip around her neck as he held her in the air and choked her. “Die,” she heard in his mind.

  He broke the gaze of their eye contact, his eyes suddenly focused on something on the other side of the car. She couldn’t see but heard the growl.

  Brad’s face contorted with an expression inhuman. He screeched a piercing sound, but not for long. The wolf attacked Brad, silencing the scream.

  The wolf was giant, the size of a clydesdale. In one quick move the wolf had charged Brad and had him under it’s massive paw. It looked at Tanisha. She recognized the glowing blue eyes. Colby.

  Anger overtook the wolf. He snarled at Brad, still under its paw. The wolf looked at Tanisha again, then back at Brad, massive canines exposed. He seemed to be debating ripping out Brad’s throat. Tanisha knew Colby must have been inside fighting with his wolf. She didn’t want Colby to have to live with the guilt of having killed her husband, but she’d shed no tears at the funeral either. She was sure the sight of herself was enraging, as she’d seen what she’d look like through Brad’s eyes. She looked like a popstar that had taken a violent ride with an abusive boyfriend.

  The Wolf bit into Brad’s flesh. Brad let out a piercing screech. He tried to block the wolf’s jaws but it bit into the arm Brad tried to block with. Tanisha heard the crunch of bone and saw the wolf shake its head vigorously, like a dog with a chew toy or dead rabbit.


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