Freedom: A Captivating and consuming contemporary romance (Freedom series Book 1)

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Freedom: A Captivating and consuming contemporary romance (Freedom series Book 1) Page 10

by J Grayland

  Scatted around the walls were various pieces of art, some paintings that looked somewhat abstract and some black and white photos. The whole area was breathtaking and neat, no clutter, everything in its place. I looked at Nate as he placed our bags down on the floor. “This is.... beautiful, the rent must be a real bank breaker,” I said in awe as I kept looking around the enormous space in front of me. The corner of his mouth twitched and turned up into a tiny smile and he shook his head “I wouldn't know about that, I own it.”

  “You....own....this?” I said, spreading my hands out in front of me.

  “I do. Come on I’ll show you to your room.” He picked up my bags and I followed him up the stairs and down a long hallway that had several doors. I followed him until he reached a door at the bottom and opened it, then moved back for me to enter. The bedroom had the same large floor to ceiling windows, it was a whole wall of clear glass. A huge bed sat almost in the middle of the room I walked over to it and ran my hand over the soft covering, plump black and red colored pillows leaned against an ornate carved wooden bed head. It looked so inviting after all the traveling we had done over the last twenty-four hours Nate dropped my bags on the floor at the end of the bed and pointed to another door. “In there is a bathroom and closet area.” He looked down at his watch and asked: “Are you hungry?” “No...thank you, just tired”

  “Okay, well take a shower and get some sleep, and... make yourself at home.” He turned to walk out of the door.

  “Nate,” I called and he turned to look at me “Thank you.” He gave me a quick nod of his head and just walked away closing the door behind him.

  The hot water from the shower streamed over every tight muscle in my body and it felt so good to have a decent shower with constant high pressure and steaming hot water. After washing my hair and body until I felt clean, I reluctantly got out, dried myself and slipped into a clean t-shirt then slid in between those soft, clean sheets, inhaling the aroma of freshly washed linen I closed my eyes and drifted off easily.

  Opening my eyes I glanced over at my phone and looked at the time it was 2.15 pm holy-crap I had been asleep almost the whole day. Getting up I pulled on a black pair of yoga pants, went into the bathroom and splashed some water on my face to try and clear my sleepy hangover eyes then pulled my hair up into a messy bun. When I opened the bedroom door I could hear two different male voices, they sounded muffled and somewhere downstairs. Walking down the stairs, I headed to the kitchen and quietly opened some cupboard doors looking for a glass. It felt really weird and uncomfortable going through someone else’s cupboards but my mouth was so dry I needed some water. To the left-hand side of the kitchen there was another door slightly open and just as I had found the glass that I had been looking for, Nate walked out dressed in a pair of very snug fitting jeans and a white button-down shirt, his sleeves folded midway up his arms. “Hey,” I said filling the glass up in the sink.

  “How did you sleep?” he asked.

  “Like the dead” I smiled, taking a drink from the glass.

  “There's some coffee in the pot and help yourself to something to eat, the refrigerator is pretty well stocked.”

  “Thanks, I’m not a big coffee drinker.” I took the glass of water over to the large windows that dominated the living area and looked out. The sky was so clear and blue and there was a fantastic view of the city below Nate didn't have to speak but I could feel his eyes watching me closely. “What a great view,” I said turning to sit on the couch.

  “Yes, It is, especially at night time.” He said glancing towards the view. Putting the glass down on the small table next to the couch I looked up at him, his eyes were focused entirely on me. “You okay?” he asked. I nodded and that intense focus that we had on each other was broken by a male voice. “Nate, we will have to make a move on this ASAP” turning I watched as a clean- cut, brown-haired man looking very much like Nate, only a few inches shorter and dressed in a stylish grey suit walked from the room next to the kitchen looking at some papers in his hand. He came to an abrupt stop and lifted his head and saw me sitting on the couch. “Oh, Hi, I'm Paxton, Nate’s brother.” He came over and held out his hand to me. Standing, I took it and looked into his friendly smiling face.

  “It's nice to meet you Paxton...I'm sorry for all the trouble I seem to have brought to your doorstep,” I said apologetically.

  “Oh, hell no, you haven't done anything you need to apologize for here, Peterson is an ass. Not only has he put you in danger but he screwed us over as well I'm glad you’re here and hopefully, it won't take too long for us to get you back home.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate it,” I said.

  Paxton looked back at Nate.“Okay well, I’d better get moving and I’ll meet you back down in the office later.”

  “Sure, thanks,” Nate said to Paxton as he got into the elevator and the doors closed behind him. Nate went to the refrigerator and pulled out a plate and some containers I walked up to the kitchen island and sat on one of the stools and then watched as he pulled a platter out of one of the cupboards and filled it with pieces of fruit, cheese, olives, and crackers, lifting a lid on another plate that was full of sandwiches, “I hope you like turkey” he said motioning to the food spread out in front of us. “It all looks great, you really didn't have to go to so much trouble.” “Believe me it's no trouble, I just picked up the phone and it came up from catering on the second floor, help yourself.” Going back to the refrigerator, he pulled out a jug of orange juice and filled two glasses.

  I think I was more hungry than I first thought because I am pretty sure I could hear the thud of the food hitting the bottom of my empty stomach and I had to keep reminding myself to chew before I swallowed. Nate ate and looked at his phone, thumb flipping through screens and tapping away at the keys and then the phone beeping back in rapid responses. I watched him, no I ogled at him, he was such a wonderfully built specimen of a man, the corded muscles in his arms flexed as he played with his phone and I found myself mesmerized by that ever-present twitch at the side of his jaw that kept flicking under the dusting of dark bristles along his jawline, and his unruly messy black hair where a stray lock had dropped down onto his forehead.

  My thoughts turned to the spacious area that was his home and he had a driver for Christ's sake! What the hell kind of security business did he and Paxton own? Breaking my thoughts, Nate looked up from his phone. “When you’re done eating, you need to get dressed.”

  “Oh, ok... where are we going?” I asked, slipping off the stool, grabbing the dirty plates and heading for the sink.

  “Just leave those, we need to meet Paxton in my office so we can go through some things then I've arranged for Charlie to take you out to do some shopping.” My head jerked up to look at him.

  “Umm…Charlie? Shopping? I..... Don’t do shopping," I said slowly, “but thank you for the offer.”

  A smirk danced across his lips. “All women shop,” he said with a smug look on his face.

  “Maybe in your world, but not in mine, and who the hell is Charlie?” I said placing my hands on my hips.

  “My PA, and you will need to shop, you only have the clothes that you took with you, good for the dessert Doc, but not for here.” He said matter-of-factly shaking his head.

  I pondered for a moment what he just said and I suppose this time he might actually be right I didn't really have much with me to wear at all. “You're right, I do need to pick up some things, but I don't need an escort to shop just point me to the nearest Discount shopping mall.” He gave me a weird look before he asked “Discount mall?”

  “Yes, you know like K-mart, Target..... You do have those here don't you?” looking down at his phone again and shaking his head he said, “I have no idea Doc, Charlie will take you shopping, and Nick will drive you and be your escort.”

  “You mean like a bodyguard?” I said under my breath.

  “Whatever you want to call it, but while you're here, where you go he goes....... understand?” he gl
ared at me sternly.

  “Yes sir,” I said giving him a mock salute, then before he could say anything else, I made a hasty retreat up the stairs to change.

  Dressing in a pair of black skinny jeans and a loose white shirt, I slipped into my hiking boots and grabbed my purse I brushed my hair out and pulled it into a ponytail and went back downstairs to were Nate was waiting. He handed me what looked like a small credit card. “You'll need this to get back up here when you’re finished, just swipe it over the small box in the elevator and it will bring you straight up to the penthouse.”

  “Ok,” I said taking the card and shoving it into my purse while following him into the elevator, the next time the doors opened we faced a set of large glass doors with “King Inc” etched into the glass Nate opened up the door and motioned for me to enter. Walking forward we passed an empty desk, then another large set of dark wooden doors that he pushed open into a huge office with more floor to ceiling glass windows that took up the whole back wall. A large wooden desk sat in front of them. On the desk were three computer screens and a keyboard. On one side of the room was a small compact wall unit that looked like a bar, with bottles and glasses of different sizes and a coffee machine. Tucked into the side was a small refrigerator and sitting on the other side of the room was a black leather couch with a couple of matching chairs. Nate walked over to the desk and pulled a notepad and pen from one of the drawers and handed it to me. “I need you to write down all your social network addresses and passwords, and also any email addresses that you use.” I gave him a wary look as I took the pen and pad from him.

  “Don't worry, we can change all the passwords afterward, but we need to go through everything.” Sighing, I wrote down the information that he wanted and handed him back the notepad, then sat down on the couch. Nate moved back behind his desk and pushed a button on the desk phone “Charlie, can you come in here please” he said and a female voice quickly answered. “Yes, Mr. King.” With a knock on the door, it opened and in walked an elegant looking woman. She looked to be in her mid- twenties, slim build with long waves of auburn colored hair that fell over her silky cream blouse; her black pencil skirt sat just above her knees; the skin on her long legs looked flawless under the fake tan she wore I only saw the back of her when she walked into the office and up to stand in front of Nate’s desk. “Charlie, this is Casey” When she turned around to where Nate was looking at me sitting on the couch, the smile on her face faulted just for a split second, then it was instantly back in place as she came over and held out her hand for me to shake. Standing up I took it and looked at Nate.

  “This is Charlie?” I asked him with a raise of my eyebrows, but before Nate could answer, Charlie did it for him “Yes, it's really Charlotte but Nate likes to call me Charlie, it's his little pet name,” she purred. I choked back a small laugh that I managed to cover with my hand but that didn’t stop her eyes turning into little green slits as she gave me the ultimate death stare which was eventually interrupted by Nate handing her some cash. “I need you to take Casey shopping. She didn't bring much with her, so take her down to Pioneer Place we have an account there so just charge anything she needs.”

  “Hey, hold it there,” I said, placing myself to stand right in front of Nate. “I have my own money and I will buy my own clothes thank you.” His eyes locked onto mine and that little tick at the side of his jaw started its little dance of agitation. “The cash is for tipping, something I am sure you’re not used to.”

  “I have credit cards and I believe that you do have those little things called ATM's right?”.

  “Yes, and a large currency exchange rate to go with them when you use a card from overseas.” He said with a slight quirk of his lips.

  “I'm sure I can handle that, but thank you for the offer.” He let out a curse under his breath and I turned to Charlie. “Come on Charlie, let's go shopping, apparently every woman just loves to shop,” I sang sweetly to her while giving Nate a smile.

  On the way out of Nate's office, she grabbed her purse and we went down into the lobby we walked out into the heat of the day to where Nick was leaning against the black Lincoln, parked out the front of the building. He was a pretty solid looking guy, maybe in his late thirties, dressed in black dress pants and a black button-down shirt, but the dark sunglasses and his shiny bald head made him look badass.

  As soon as we reached him he opened the back door and Charlie got in and slid up the seat giving me room to sit next to her. When Nick slid into the front seat she said “Pioneer Place please Nick,” then she looked me. “It's got some great top end retailers there.”

  “Sounds expensive,” I answered.

  “If you call Macy’s, Tiffany and Saks Fifth Avenue expensive, then yes it is.” She said sounding snotty.

  Letting out a sigh I said, “I just want a cheap shopping mall, nothing fancy and overpriced.” And from the look, she gave me you would think I had just slapped her across the face.

  “I guess it depends on one's taste and upbringing,” she retorted. Smiling to myself, I just turned and looked out of the window. “So where are you staying?” Charlie asked.

  “Up in the Penthouse.”

  “The Penthouse,” she sputtered out. “With Nate?”

  “Yep. With Nate.” I didn't even have to look at her to feel the angry heat radiating from her, then she slowly said.

  “You know Nate and I are very close.”

  “That's nice,” I shrugged and she continued, “I mean I do a lot for him as his PA, and we have been out on quite a few dates as well.”

  Turning now to look at her, I ask “So you and Nate”

  “Well, kind of. We’re trying to keep it on the low because he is my boss after all.”

  “I see, funny he never said anything to me about you,” I said giving her a knowing smile. She stuttered now, trying to think of something to cement her claim, “Like I said, he doesn't want it getting out yet.”

  “Uh, huh.” I smiled to myself.

  “You have a very strange accent, is it British?” She asked, changing the subject.

  “No,” I laughed at the friggin bimbo, “Australian.”

  “Oh, so you like have koala bears in the backyard and snakes everywhere?” “Yeah, and I ride my pet kangaroo to work every day as well.” I sighed and she actually paused at what I had said like she was thinking about it, then she let out a small air-headed giggle “That's a joke right?” I just shook my head from side to side, thinking wow, how the hell was this girl working as a PA?

  After spending what felt like an eternity in and out of small expensive clothing stores, I finally found a small inexpensive store that had everything I needed without sending me broke. Within a few minutes of entering the store, Charlie snubbed her nose and loudly let me know that she would be waiting for me in the car. Looking around, I picked up some shirts, pants and a couple of summer dresses and some comfortable strappy flat shoes. I also managed to buy some new underwear, something that was greatly needed. I paid for my purchases and came out to walk into the cosmetic store next door. There I grabbed some shampoo, deodorant, body wash and a few cosmetic items. I have never been big on plastering my face with layers of make-up but I still like to use a little touch here and there. Swiping a bottle of perfume that sat on the counter. I paid, picked up my bags and went back to the car.

  Once we were back at King International Charlie got off the elevator on the fourth floor I said a quick thanks, then continued up to the top floor. On entering the living area I noticed an iPhone sitting on the kitchen counter with a note under it. Picking up the note it read “Casey, please use this phone, I have installed my number in it, feel free to call home, don't wait up for me, I will be late, make yourself at home Nate.” I was torn between being happy that I would be able to call Flynn now and a little disappointed that Nate was going to be late. Now, why the hell is that bothering me? I mean the poor guy has also been away from his home and family and.....the comfort of Charlie’s company
? And with that thought, a shiver ran through my body. Stunned at the way I was feeling, I gave myself a shake and went up to my room to put my purchases away.

  For dinner that night I just grabbed the cheese and fruit platter that was still in the refrigerator from earlier in the day, sunk into the soft leather couch and dialed Flynn's number. He answered quickly, shouting into the line “Casey? Where the fuck are you?”

  “Hey, it's ok, I'm ok Flynn,” I reassured him.

  “What the fuck is going on? I was on my to pick you up from the airport when I got your text.”

  “I know, there was a change of plans at the last minute. I'm so sorry Flynn. I didn't mean to give you a scare.” I said as I nibbled on some cheese.

  “Ok, just give me a minute to breathe here, then talk.” He breathed deeply into the phone. I spent the next twenty minutes explaining to my best friend about everything that Nate had told me and why he had brought me to Portland. “So really the fucker has kidnapped you,” Flynn said.

  “Kind off, I guess.” I chuckled, “He's a good guy Flynn.”

  “That he might be, but do you trust him?” he said seriously. Now that right there was a question and a half, and it was something I had to think hard about.

  “Flynn? you know I can't....” my voice faltered and Flynn picked up where I had left my sentence. “I know, I know. It's hard for you to trust babes.”

  “I trust him to protect me,” I said.

  “That's all I'm asking Casey.” he sighs into the line.

  “Nate and his brother are doing some digging Flynn, and that worries me.” There's a slight pause, I know that Flynn knows exactly what I'm worried about, “Don't be, nothing will be found.”

  “But what if...” Flynn cuts off my sentence sharply. “No! Casey, there's no if's or buts about it, they would have to be pretty damn good to find anything about Max I buried it myself, I promise you.” I let out a sigh. “I hope so.”


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