EVO Shift: EVO Nation Series: Book Two

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EVO Shift: EVO Nation Series: Book Two Page 15

by Chapman, K. J

  I refuse the stretcher. I’m walking out of this place. Leoni directs me toward one of the vans, but Kesh’s shouts stop me in my tracks. Cooper’s awake, no longer on his stretcher, and is beating two men senseless. He doesn’t let up; their feet writhe between his legs. Kesh and the second masked man drag him away, so I can see who has felt his wrath- Armpits and Goatee. Cooper’s eyes meet mine, and I nod my acceptance. Those scumbags deserve much worse.

  “Leave him,” I say to Kesh.

  The masked men have gathered. I can spot the man who spoke to me about not linking just by his impressive gait. He stands forward, one hand in his pocket and one on his gun. The Taggers and punters cry and whimper like drivelling messes.

  “They’re rapists.” I add.

  The main, masked man studies me for a moment. “Are you one hundred percent on that?” asks his unnatural voice.

  “They had my trousers down, but were interrupted. I doubt I was the first.”

  “They’re scumbag rapists,” Cooper snarls, panting from the effort of beating them.

  The EVO escapees shout their agreement. “They’re rapists, alright.” “They all are.” “Cowards!”

  Armpits sobs through his blood filled mouth, and Goatee raises his hands in surrender. Two gunshots fire simultaneously and both men slump over in pools of blood. Shouts and screams erupt around us; the Taggers and punters quaking in their skins.

  The main guy turns to the quivering crowd. “EVO or Non-EVO isn’t the issue here. We will kill all rapists. We also kill anyone who fights EVO for entertainment.” Another three gunshots resound off the buildings. The Non-EVO punters scream and shout. “As for the rest of you, don’t forget the mercy we’ve shown you tonight.”

  “Please, take me with you,” calls a woman at the back of the crowd. Her husband- lover- whatever he is, punches her so hard that she falls to the ground. “Please, take me away from him. I have no problem with EVO. Please,” she begs. “Please, don’t leave me with these people.”

  The main guy walks over to them, hits the husband with the butt of his gun, and gently helps the woman to her feet. “We know a place that will provide you with shelter.”

  I watch him lead her to the bus and help her inside. All the while, my heart beats a little faster. I’m watching Shift in action.

  “Strength and mercy,” Leoni whispers in my ear. “Your people. Our people.”

  I look at the EVO faces. “Where’s Bo?” I ask Leoni.

  She shrugs. “That blonde E.N.C girl?”

  The main man takes my hand and helps me into a van. “She had a choice and she chose to head out on her own.”

  That sounds like Bo. Nice to know she waited to see if I made it out alive.


  Our van jostles over uneven dirt roads, and Leoni dresses my eye.

  “Adam was safer if he believed that I had died along with Stuart. I couldn’t take a child on the run, and Stuart begged me not to drag Adam into my world.” Her sudden willingness to communicate takes me off guard, but I don’t interrupt. “I knew he was a young EVO, but he was always so sensible with his ability and understood the importance of secrecy. I had been working with Shift since Adam had turned three. I was foolish enough to think us invincible. We were anonymous; Rafe was the only one who knew all our identities and I trusted him with my life.”

  “But Jude betrayed him?”

  “Not betrayed exactly. Jude joined the E.N.C to gain intel for Shift, but he got pulled in and never came back. That broke Rafe. He had already lost your mother to her hatred and the drink, and then to lose Jude too.”

  “He told you all of this?”

  “We were friends. Rafe was intelligent- dedicated- some called him a renegade. Brilliant isn’t enough of a word to describe that man.” She smiles to herself, staring off into the distance with glazed eyes.

  “You loved him,” I say. I can feel the emotion settling around her like a cloud.

  Leoni snaps out of her reverie. “I loved my husband.”

  “I never said you didn’t, but you loved my grandfather too.”

  She hangs her head. “We never had a physical relationship. I couldn’t have done that to Stu, but Rafe was...magnetising. I did love him, possibly more than I ever loved another man.” Her voice catches in her throat. “I idolised Rafe, but he was twenty years my senior. Is it bad for me to say that if I hadn’t had Adam when I met Rafe…Well, I guess I would have taken that risk? But Adam needed stability, and I did love Stu. He offered me normality whereas Rafe could never.” She shakes at her head, leaning back from me.

  “So, who killed your husband?”

  “Rafe sent me to Cornwall when Shana contacted him out of the blue. She was worried about your advanced telepathy, and Rafe suggested she try a memory manipulator to give you a chance at a childhood. When I met your mother, I knew that you had little chance at a normal childhood regardless of your ability.” She gives me a sympathetic smile.

  “Observant,” I say, returning the smile.

  “I locked away the memories of your telepathy, of me, of Adam, and even the ones of Isaac on Shana’s request.”

  Shana was covering her own tracks, rather than protecting me.

  “The crash happened no more than seventy-three hours after I manipulated your memories. We we’re driving Adam back from football training when the brakes failed. The government had tampered with our family car. They were willing to sacrifice the life of a nine-year-old boy to rid themselves of me. Stu tried to steer us clear of railings, but the sharp turn just rolled us down an embankment. He died on impact, and Adam witnessed it all. I was in pretty bad shape, but I managed to get him away from the car. Rafe came and collected us. He set the wheels in motion, sorted out death certificates, bribed the medical examiner. If everyone believed we were dead, they wouldn’t be looking for a dead boy.”

  “Oh God, Leoni. I’m so sorry.”

  “That’s why I had to leave Adam. I manipulated him for his own safety. I was keeping tabs on him, though. Una, the care home manager, was EVO. She was a friend of your grandfather’s and took Adam in. She managed to sort his paperwork, and even played along with the story of my death. I was sick to my stomach when I knew he joined the army. He was fighting for the people who killed his father and never even knew it. I lost track of him when he went to Italy with Wheeler. I had no idea what Roscoe had made of him.”

  “How did Yvette Simmons not access those memories during her manipulation sessions with him?

  “Because I’m good at what I do. There’s no shame in admitting that.”

  I like her confidence, it makes me feel safe with her. Her ability isn’t physical in nature, but Leoni is a force to reckon with.

  “And what happened to my grandfather?”

  “Una contacted me to tell me she had heard talk that Rafe had died. They murdered him in his own home and staged it to look like suicide.”

  “How do you know it wasn’t suicide?”

  Leoni shakes her head. “I had spoken to Rafe that morning. He told me he’d been tipped off about a hit out on him. It’s too much of a coincidence.”

  “And these people are Shift- I mean the real deal?”

  “Yes, I believe so. You will understand soon enough. They’ve had an ear to the ground where you are concerned. Grayson was right, although, it wasn’t you finding them, it was them finding you. When we arrived at the E.N.C base, Shift were already waiting. We had no idea what had become of you or Cooper, but it didn’t take much for Kesh to discover that the Boss man was researching you.”

  “Why have Shift been looking for me?”

  “Because you are your grandfather’s blood and that means something to these guys. Well, one in particular.”

  The door is flung open and the smell of bonfire blows in on the breeze. I hadn’t even realised we had stopped moving. Leoni jumps down onto the frozen ground, her breath escaping her in a cloud. I follow her, my eye and chest now throbbing from the cold. Six large, military style te
nts surround a camp fire situated in the middle of a tree shrouded field. The night sky is wet and quickly turning frosty.

  The masked people get out of the vehicles with Kesh and Cooper. Cooper scruffs my hair and kisses my forehead. It’s a comfort to know that he genuinely cares. It wasn’t just a need for companionship in an impossible situation. Cooper and I are a team.

  Our driver, a woman judging by her slim frame, gently pushes me on. “I’ll get you something warm to wear,” she says. She’s being kind, but the synth makes her sound monotone and emotionless.

  I stand motionless, soaking in the warmth of the fire. Wheeler pops into my mind and my heart aches again. Adam and Yana might be safe somewhere, but Wheeler, Emiko, October, and Seth are still at the mercy of the government.

  The main man walks up to me. “The answer is still no. Give us an hour to scout the area, and then we’ll consider a link.”

  “Who are you?”


  “No. Who are you? Do I get to see your face?”

  He turns on his heels. “Follow me.” Then, he shouts to some of the other members. “Brick, Kid, bring everyone in. We’re having a meet.”

  I enter a tent behind him. Leoni is already pouring herself coffee from a kettle on a camp stove. Cooper sits on a deck chair, growling as the masked woman dresses his hand.

  Main guy opens a second deck chair and taps it impatiently. I sit, unsure of anything except the pain that’s slowly overwhelming me and my hunger that is fuelled by the scent of hot coffee. Cooper grabs a cup and downs it in one, then pours another and downs that too.

  “You’ll be shitting through the eye of a needle tomorrow,” laughs main guy, through his synth. It’s not so much a warning as a statement. He wipes at his hands with an antiseptic wipe, squats in front of me, and peels my dressing away. “I’ll butterfly stitch it for now. It’ll have to do until we get to Syndicate headquarters. I hear they have a doctor.”

  “Is that where we’re going?” I want to see Jude, and I need to give Adam a location when I link.

  He concentrates on my eye. It’s unnerving not being able to see their reactions or hear their real voices.

  “We want to accept their proposal in person.” I flinch as he pinches my wound together. “We don’t pretend to be perfect. We’re happy to leave that role to Syndicate, but we can do what we do best. Syndicate can protect these EVO and the Non-EVO woman. We liberate, and they protect. We can help them whilst they keep their hands clean. The bigger picture and all that tosh.”

  “I agree,” I say. “Kind of like Batman and Jim Gordon.”

  He laughs, although the sound is distorted. “Exactly, we’re Batman and Grayson is Jim Gordon. I like it.”

  “I want in.”

  “If she’s in, I’m in,” Cooper adds

  Main man looks to Leoni, and she smirks, taking a long sip of coffee. “I told you.”

  “Are you already a member?” I ask her.

  “Leoni and Kesh are members now. We made an exception to them wearing masks tonight because we thought it better that you associated us with familiar faces.” He sticks a piece of gauze over my eye, and hands me two packs of meds; painkillers and antibiotics. He hands Cooper the same two packs. “We’re having a meet,” he says to the masked woman. Then, turning to me and Cooper, he gestures for us to follow him outside.

  I can hear the EVO who have been rescued from the fight house, but I can’t see them through the trees.

  Main guy catches me looking. “Most of them wanted to go their own way, so we dropped them off a few miles away from the fight house. The remainder want sanctuary at Syndicate’s base. They’re in a small camp a little way out in that direction. We keep them away, so we can remove our masks. Some of my guys are watching them.” He presses a small button on the grill of his mask. “Rio, quieten it down over there. And make sure the woman is comfortable.”

  Four masked people, including Main man, stand around the fire warming their hands. Kesh stands amongst them, laughing and joking with the shortest of the bunch. The woman hands me an over-sized wool sweater. I think it’s a man’s sweater, but it’s warm, and I’m grateful.

  “Teddie and Cooper are in,” Main guy announces. “So, we need to give them their names.”

  The group break out into whoops and whistles, all pulling off their masks.

  “Rule one- unless I say so, you do not remove your masks in public. Anonymity has always been our security.” He chucks masks at Cooper and I. “I’m Crow, real name, Ian Fletcher. I’m a Pyrokin.” He eyes Cooper with a half-smile. “I owe you an explanation, Teddie. I’m Rafe Lloyd’s nephew. So, I guess we’re cousins,” he says, shaking my hand.

  Crow is no more than thirty, with an impressive build and hard jaw line. His left eyelid droops slightly, and his cropped hair is red like mine.

  He points to the woman. “Coco. Real name- Mya Platt. The most impressive Spark I’ve ever met.”

  Coco shakes out her dark, curly hair and greets us. She is a beauty with dark brown skin and an athletic physique. Cooper raises an eyebrow in appreciation, and I elbow him before he drools all over himself.

  “What’s a Spark?” he asks.

  Coco closes her eyes and a light starts to burn under her skin. It gets brighter and brighter until I have to shield my eyes from the glare.

  “Impressed?” she asks him.

  Cooper starts to drool again. “Very.”

  “Kid aka Scotty Greer. Kid is what we call a Shriek,” says Crow.

  Kid is a scrawny, mousey looking guy, with limp blonde hair that hangs over his cheeks like curtains. He takes a deep breath and the loudest, ear splitting scream has us grasping our ears, and falling to the ground. He stops, laughing to himself as Coco slaps him around the back of the head.

  Crow gives Kid a glare before gesturing toward Brick. “And Brick. Real name- Luke Benison. Brick’s what we call a Runner…he’s fast.”

  Brick is a huge man with no neck, a shaved head, and tattoos covering his tree trunk arms. He offers a salute and a surprisingly cheesy grin.

  “Rio and Pug are at the other camp. You’ll meet them later,” Crow adds.

  Kesh makes his way around the fire and hugs Cooper and I. “I’m glad you guys are good. My nickname is Tech and Leoni is Queenie. I’ve been thinking about your name,” he says, grinning at me. “Crofty, Rambo—”

  “How old are you?” Kid asks.


  “Lucky for you I joined first otherwise you’d have my name,” he says, groaning.

  Coco brushes her hair out of her eyes. “What about Bear? You know, as in Teddie Bear.”

  “Nah, she’s the baby of the group,” Brick adds. “She’s our cub.”

  “Cub. Yeah, I like it. Is that okay with you?” asks Crow. I shrug. “Okay, Cub and—”

  I look to Cooper. “Psycho,” I say.

  Kesh laughs. “Perfect.”

  “I know the new names thing is harder when you know each other, so if you want to use your real names, only use them in private. Especially you,” he says, nodding to me. “Everyone knows your real name.”

  Cooper pulls his mask over his face and speaks through the synthesiser. “So, what’s the next move?”

  Crow throws another log onto the fire. “We sleep until midnight, and then we shall head to Syndicate headquarters in Cornwall. Cub are you ready to link with your bloke.”


  Leoni and Cooper sit across from me on sleeping bags. Crow left us alone, so I could link. I guess to some people it is a personal, private moment and it is in some ways. I pull the sweater up around my neck, lower my head, and clench my eyes shut.

  “Adam?” There is the beautiful crackle of electricity racing through my mind, but it’s accompanied with anxiety. “Adam?”

  “Not now, Baby,” replies Adam’s panicked voice. “Drones.”

  I snap the link instantaneously. “Shit,” I say, jumping to my feet.

  Leoni starts away
from me. “What’s wrong? What did he say?”

  “Drones,” I say, pacing across the camping mats. “What if I gave them away?”

  Cooper grabs my hand, pulling me down beside him. “We don’t know if the link affects him the way it does you. You’re the one using kinetic energy to link, not him.”

  “Cooper’s right,” Leoni says, sighing. “Give it a while, and then try again.”

  “Knock, knock.” calls a voice from outside the tent. A man walks in with metal trays of baked beans. The first thing I notice is the Alice band keeping his long, brown hair out of his face. His cheekbones are chiselled, and his blues eyes dazzling. There’s no doubting his good looks, and from the way Coco eyes me through the tent door, I know she certainly has her sights on him. I’m not her competition any more than Cooper is. I just want Adam. I want him with me and safe.

  “This is Rio,” Leoni says. “Ashley Lowen, an Illusionist. Rio, this is Cub and Psycho- Teddie Leason and Dom Cooper. You know their abilities, right?”

  “Who doesn’t? You guys are plastered on the news.”

  Cooper and I share a confused look.

  “You two, Adam, Yana, and Jude are on the most wanted list,” explains Leoni.

  “They’re classing you as high-grade EVO. They’ve also announced your dual ability, Teddie. It seems like you’ve put the wind up Towley’s ass for sure,” Rio adds.

  “This is turning into a peach of a day,” I say, sighing. Wiping my clammy palms on my jeans, I take the tray of beans from Rio. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “And I’m Pug,” calls a voice from outside. A short, black man with broad shoulders and a slight beer belly waves whilst scoffing a mouthful of beans. His nickname is no surprise. The way he grimaces and his round head give him the undeniable resemblance to a pug dog. I wave back, too exhausted to say another word.

  “Pug aka Troy Platt is a Hydrokin. He’s also Coco’s brother. So, did you link with your boyfriend?” Rio asks.

  I take another spoonful of beans, so someone else has to answer.


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