THE EIGHTH TOWER: On Ultraterrestrials and the Superspectrum

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THE EIGHTH TOWER: On Ultraterrestrials and the Superspectrum Page 3

by Keel, John A.

  While some recipients of the light, like Saul, do go on to make their mark in history, there are many others who don’t accomplish a thing. The Illumination experience changes their individual lives, but it has no effect on their world. In many instances people are changed for the worse instead of the better, just as the majority of all supernatural manifestations are harmful or at least senseless. In fact, our little planet is in a constant stare of siege, barraged by frightening phantoms and monsters, which are the products of the same phenomenon that produces Illumination. In olden times men divided all manifestations into two groups: those that were beneficial to the human race were credited to God; those that were frightening and harmful were the work of the devil.

  Modern theologians, even those with the most conservative churches, have rejected the concept of the devil. Satan is not mentioned in the original biblical texts in the modern context. The word Satan originally meant “adversary.” Like so many other things in the Bible, it was eventually twisted until it took on a whole new meaning. Men observed horrible, red-eyed monsters surrounded by an awful stench and regarded them as devils. Religious zealots found a place for the devil in their cosmos and gave him a home in hell. Hell was a translation of sheol, which meant “invisible world” or “the land of the dead.” We turned it into a place of fire and brimstone presided over by the Master of Evil himself. Once we had constructed the place in our minds, people began seeing the devil and, like modern UFO contactees who are whisked off to other planets, people were taken on hallucinatory trips to the underworld to confirm its existence.

  The American Indians had experiences with a devil type, too. They called him “the trickster” because he was always doing foul things to them. During the long Dark Ages, we gave the devil a prominent role in human affairs. We even credited him with all that was rotten in our world and came to believe that he and God were constantly battling, that human history itself was a record of that battle. When human events took a turn for the worse, we blamed the devil. Since so much of human history was shameful, we developed a series of “devil theories” to explain the rottenness. Eventually, the devil theorists became as important as historians. Indeed, many were historians.

  If you had dared to suggest one hundred years ago that God and the devil were in cahoots, you would he invited to attend a barbecue in the public square, and you would be the barbecuee. But today it is apparent that the same force that answers some prayers also causes it to rain anchovies and is behind everything from sea serpents to flying saucers. It distorts our reality whimsically, perhaps out of boredom, or perhaps because it is a little crazy.

  God may be a crackpot.


  I once dragged my hungry, impoverished carcass across the desert of Iraq to the place that was Babylonia to gaze upon the wall where the moving finger once wrote, and to stand before a pile of rubble that was once, supposedly, the Tower of Babel. Herodotus, a writer who visited the same place in 460 B.C., described it like this:

  A solid tower was constructed, one stadium [about 20 yards] in length and one stadium in width. Upon this tower stood another and again upon this another and so on, making eight towers in all. In the topmost tower there is a great bed richly appointed and beside it a golden table. No one spends the night there save a woman designated by the God himself. The priests told me that the God descended sometimes to the temple and joined her…I cannot believe this.

  Obviously Herodotus didn’t know much about horny gods; they were begetting all over the place. Every culture developed rites and practices designed to feed beautiful young virgins to sex-crazed gods. The universality of these off-color myths and bizarre sacrifices should give us pause and make us ask if perhaps there wasn’t some grain of truth to them. The Babylonians believed strongly enough in superhuman sex practices to expend their time, effort, and valuable raw materials in the construction of that cosmic trysting place, stocking it with gold furniture. Similar towers, or step pyramids, were constructed all over the world. They can be found in China, Mexico, South America, northern Europe, and even on remote Pacific islands. Usually a temple or special chamber sat on their summits. Were these, like the Tower of Babylon, used for cosmic seductions?

  The widespread use of gold in religious artifacts may be of special significance. Gold is a useless metal. It is too soft to be used in tools or cookware. It is also rare and difficult to mine and extract, especially for primitive peoples. But from the earliest times gold was regarded as a sacred metal, and men who encountered gods were ordered to supply it. Over and over again the Bible tells us how men were instructed to create solid gold objects and leave them on mountaintops where the gods could get them. The gods were gold hungry. But why?

  Gold is an excellent conductor of electricity and is a heavy metal, ranking close to mercury and lead on the atomic scale. We could simplify things by saying that the atoms of gold, element 79, are packed closely together. If the ancient gods were real in some sense, they may have come from a space-time continuum so different from ours that their atomic structure was different. They could walk through walls because their atoms were able to pass through the atoms of stone. Gold was one of the few earthly substances dense enough for them to handle. If they sat in a wooden chair, they would sink through it. They needed gold furniture during their visits.

  Long before money was invented, gold was regarded as a sacred metal. Everyone from the Vikings to the Aztecs broke their backs mining the stuff to furnish their temples and holy places. Priests, and only priests, wore fancy gold breastplates. The roofs of all temples, pagodas, chortens, and churches were lovingly covered with gold leaf. These gleaming roofs flashing in the sunlight can be seen for miles away from the air. A god soaring in his flying saucer could spot them easily and know that on holy days the entire population of the surrounding area could be found gathered under them. Or a beam of cosmic energy seeking human minds to reprogram could zero in on those golden-antennae easily.

  The original Aramaic word for gods (plural) was Elohim. The translators of the Bible made this singular. “In the beginning the gods created the heaven and the earth” became “In the beginning God created…” Monotheism, belief in a single god exclusively, began in the Far East centuries before Christ. The Romans, Greeks, and other peoples of Europe and the Middle East continued to worship a multitude of gods well into the Christian era. The early Christians adopted much of theology associated with multiple gods, and even today some churches are still unwittingly teaching and spreading the beliefs of the pre-Christian era.

  There are many remarkable similarities in the beliefs of isolated primitive peoples. For example, from Africa to Australia there are early myths that the gods came from the Pleiades, a cluster of six stars visible to the naked eye (and over two hundred stars when seen through a telescope). How did this particular myth get started? And why are the Pleiades universally known as “the Seven Sisters” when only six stars are visible?

  Is it possible that early peoples everywhere were actually being visited by seemingly supernatural beings who claimed to be from some other planet? It is not only possible, it is highly probable. Each year thousands of people still encounter these same kinds of beings. The UFO lore is founded on such encounters. The gods of the ancients were probably just as real as these modern “spacemen.” Historians, mythologists, and folklorists are in for a terrible shock when they finally realize that many of the charming myths and legends of the past had a basis in truth.

  There are several modern cases in which young women were purportedly abused sexually by spacemen from flying saucers, and young men were seduced by space ladies; the lusty gods of the ancients are still around and still up to their old tricks. Even the ferocious dragons of another age periodically stalk across the twentieth century landscape, leaving enormous footprints behind, just as the red-eyed winged harpies haunted West Virginia in the 1960s, and the hairy “wildman of the woods” described in Medieval literature still appears in the Mississippi valley and the fore
sts of the Northwest where he is known variously as Bigfoot, the Sasquatch, or the Abominable Snowman.

  The blurry past often overlaps into the present through some unfathomable distortion of time and space. People in Europe are awakened in the middle of the night by the sounds of battle, of swords clashing against ancient armor amid the cries of men and horses in a phantom reenactment of a long forgotten war. Ships wrecked on rocky shoals hundreds of years ago reappear in the places of their doom, and people gather on the shore to hear the screams of the drowning sailors and watch the disaster repeat itself. Fliers in the Great War of 1914-18 reported circling airports in England, utterly amazed to see huge, gleaming metal aircraft totally unlike the primitive cloth and wood planes of their time. For a few moments they had somehow penetrated the barrier of time and visited the future.

  You and I are trapped in the stream of time, able to move in only one direction—forward, from the past to the future. But nature is not so confined. Time becomes a circle with the past and the future linked, just as space is curved, according to Einstein. If you could look far enough into the empty sky, you would be able to see the back of your own head. Perhaps if you could propel yourself far enough into the future, you might find yourself back in the age of dinosaurs. Our reality is not as real as it seems. Prophecy, the talent for accurately viewing the future, would be impossible if the future did not already exist in some form. We just lack the means to define and describe that form.

  Before we can sensibly examine the many peculiar manifestations of the ultraterrestrial forces around us, we must try to understand the basic forces that influence our reality. The noble ancient gods suffering from satyriasis are of less importance than those mysterious beams of light that numb our brains, restructure our memories, change our lives, and give birth to our beliefs and our philosophies.

  When the men of ancient Greece and Rome saw what we now term UFOs, they noted that the objects changed colors, conforming to the known color spectrum. So the word specter was born.

  The human eyeball doesn’t amount to much. Many animals enjoy eyesight far superior to ours, and most animals have a sense of hearing that greatly exceeds the limited range of human ears. These heightened perceptions mean that animals move in a reality quite different from ours. They can see and hear things we cannot. Human psychics, as I have already pointed out, have abnormal perceptive equipment. The phrase “extrasensory perception” is a slight misnomer. It would be more accurate to call it “extended perception.” Some people have latent extended perception, which can be activated with proper effort and training. Parapsychologists claim that everyone has psychic ability, but I question this. When a non-psychic undertakes a program to develop these abilities, he or she runs the risk of so-called “possession.” That is, some outside force, or the percipient’s own unconscious mind, is able to interfere with the conscious mind, which has made itself receptive to such interference through psychic training. Many talented psychics are themselves “overshadowed” or possessed when they adopt extreme beliefs. Those who enter into and attempt to practice witchcraft and the black arts run the same risk and very often end up being controlled by the very forces they are trying to control. Those who dabble on the periphery of the black arts and ufology must be included in this category, often undergo “psychic attack,” for when the human mind is channeled in these directions, it literally attracts negative energy from what I call the superspectrum—a spectrum of energies that lies outside the normal electromagnetic spectrum.

  The electromagnetic spectrum has now been thoroughly explored and defined by modern science, and the superspectrum has only recently attracted the same attention. The energies in the normal EM spectrum work for man in the form of radio waves, power, and X-rays. The energies in the superspectrum often work against man because they affect our minds rather than our machines. Some of these energies are loosely controlled, and some are completely uncontrolled and can cause all kinds of havoc. Many of the manifestations credited to a superbeing, a God, are actually produced by these uncontrolled and semi-controlled energy fields. A computer stores information by an electrical system of negative and positive charges. The superspectrum records information in the same way but without mechanical assistance. It doesn’t need transistors and tape recordings. Each unit of energy in the superspectrum is polarized to perform an information function. It is impossible to explain this in a few words, so I will take a great many words here.

  Visible light covers a very small part of the overall EM spectrum. It consists of vibrations of electromagnetic energy, tiny pulses of energy. The length of the pulse is called its frequency. Just think of a series of snapping rubber bands. The longest band is 0.000032 inches and would be perceived by the human eye as red. The shortest would be 0.00006 inches and is seen as violet. The complete color spectrum remains unchanged from your kindergarten days. (See figure 1)

  Infrared is invisible to the eye but can be felt because it is heat. Suffocating waves of heat are often radiated by UFOs and even by some ghostly apparitions. Many reported UFOs first appear as a red blob in the sky, or sometimes as a purple blob. Then they go through a series of changes in the proper order of the spectrum and either solidify into a seemingly solid mechanical object, or they simply fade away into nothingness. The witness is actually viewing the transition, of a mass of energy from the invisible part of the spectrum, across the visible spectrum, and back into the invisible frequencies. The mass is somehow altering its frequencies to make the transition.

  Over the years numerous engineers and professional photographers have experimented with infrared photography, often with startling results. Using infrared lenses and film they have actually taken pictures of UFO-type objects that were not visible to the naked eye. An engineer named Trevor James was a pioneer in this type of photography back in the 1950s when be was able to film a number of invisible objects in the air over the California desert. Tourists using ultraviolet lenses in Yellowstone National Park (notably) have been astonished to find large circular objects in their pictures later. The implication of these pictures is, of course, that UFOs are normally invisible to us and are seen only by accident or design.

  Early in my own UFO investigations I noted that some people could see UFOs, often objects of very large size, while others standing in the same location would see absolutely nothing. This is because persons with psychic ability can see over the fringes of the spectrum into the infrared and ultraviolet when certain special conditions exist. These conditions include the intensity of the natural magnetic field in the area where the sightings take place. The psychic is not hallucinating. He’s seeing something that is there but that is invisible to normal eyesight.

  Some UFO contactees, such as Mr. Gary Wilcox of Newark Valley, New York, on April 24, 1964, have allegedly been told by the entities that UFOs are normally invisible in daylight and become visible at night because they glow with energy within the visible spectrum.

  These masses of energy are apparently very plastic, capable of assuming an endless variety of forms. The UFO lore abounds with descriptions of objects and entities glowing. The famous “little green men” are usually small humanoid figures surrounded by the distinctive cyan glow. In ancient times, angels were self-luminous, usually white or yellow. Artists conveyed this by creating halos of light around their heads.

  Paradoxically, in a business filled with paradoxes, one useful criterion in dealing with UFO cases is the fact that if the object or entity is surrounded by a glow or is seen going through the spectrum changes, it is probable that the thing seen was real or at least a real intrusion into our reality. When no glow of any kind is present, there is a good chance that the sighting was hallucinatory.

  When a mass of energy enters the visible spectrum by turning red or violet, it must somehow be altering the frequency of its “vibrations.” These frequency changes are so well controlled that the object can vibrate at the exact frequency of the percipient’s brain waves. When the object’s pulsations are s
ynchronized with the percipient’s frequency, a medical phenomenon occurs. The witness lapses into a hypnotic-like trance and hallucinates. If the percipient is psychic, the trance can seem like an extension of reality, and the hallucination will seem like a very real experience. In most cases, the witness will later note a great time discrepancy; the experience will seem to have taken more time, or less time, than actually expired. Witnesses without psychic ability will not become entranced. They simply fall over unconscious.

  The basic process in these cases is relatively simple, as you can see, but explaining the intelligence that controls these frequency changes is much more difficult. To fully grasp it we must explore the electromagnetic spectrum and the more enigmatic superspectrum step by step.


  In the spring of 1936, farmers outside Rome, Italy, complained to the authorities that somebody was killing their sheep. The animals were found scattered among the scrubby hills, their bodies unmarked. Autopsies failed to disclose the cause of their deaths. Even in muddy fields there were no footprints or other clues. They seemed to have simply fallen over and died without a struggle, without reason.

  That June, Benito Mussolini’s wife planned to drive to Ostia, a few kilometers outside of Rome. At breakfast on the morning of her trip, the Italian dictator winked at her mischievously.


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