The Vampire's Rebirth (Fatal Allure Book 11)

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The Vampire's Rebirth (Fatal Allure Book 11) Page 3

by Martha Woods

  With my mouth open it must have been too alluring to pass up, his thumb passing over my lip and pressing against my tongue, my lips closing around the digit all on their own and sucking eagerly. That seemed to be all the answer that he needed, taking one look at the want in my eyes before nodding at Damon, fingers already pulling me by now drenched underwear to the side before sheathing himself inside of me.

  Moaning around Vincent’s thumb, I rocked my hips back against Damon’s with what little leverage I could get, his hands coming down to grasp at my hips and hold onto me tightly while he got me used to his size. It hadn’t been that long since we’d had sex, we took advantage of what little moments we’d managed to get to ourselves, but it was long enough that both of them were… more than a little much to handle, if you weren’t experiencing it regularly then you would be forgiven for forgetting completely just how intense it could be.

  And intense was definitely the word that I would use, his length pushing so deeply into me that I could feel the rest of my body shifting in response, his fingers so tight around me and me so tight around him, Vincent’s thumb in my mouth the only thing stopping me from moaning out into the night and letting the entire world know what was happening here. Not that either of them would have minded, I pay the bills after all, but maybe my neighbors didn’t need to be party to that as well.

  “Please,” I panted as soon as my mouth was free again, “I want more, please…”

  “Look at that,” Damon said, pride clear in his voice, “Working already.”

  “Don’t get cocky Damon, it’s unbecoming.” Vincent knelt down in front of me, lips against mine and drawing the first drop of blood before he leaned back and stared into my eyes. “Are you sure? We can stop anytime you want, just remember that.”

  “I-I’m sure, please… please just, whatever it is, I need more…”

  Whatever instructions were passed between the two of them in the single look they shared I will never know, but it was clear enough that Damon held onto me even tighter before lifting me up, turning around and placing his back against the sheets while I mounted him, the movement so sudden and jarring that I almost didn’t process just where I was at the moment. It wasn’t until he started thrusting up into me and Vincent took his seat in front of me that I realized what had happened, and by then my eyes were already rolling into the back of my skull, even before he leaned forward and swept his tongue over my nipple, cupping my other breast in his hand and massaging just as strongly and just as steadily as he had only minutes before elsewhere.

  “Wow,” I gasped, hips thudding up and down against Damon’s, “Not what I was expecting but… wow…”

  “It’s been way too long,” Damon said, squeezing my hips with every thrust and pulse of his length inside of me, “I’d almost forgotten how good you felt.”

  “We can’t have that, can we Amy?” Vincent popped his lips off of my breast, reaching up and groaning against my lips, “We’ve all been so busy, so little time has been left for the two of us to enjoy together. We’ve been so focused elsewhere that we forgot… what really matters.”

  With his hand dipping lower along my stomach and his fingers touching at where Damon and I were connected, it wasn’t any surprise that we weren’t going to last much longer, the contact almost burning us in our sensitivity. None of us could be blamed for being quick, I want to point out that we haven’t really done it in that long, there was a bit of stored up lust that was taking over and making it a lot harder to hold on, that was a normal thing to happen. But you couple that with vampire roughness and Vincent damn near slipping his fingers inside me alongside Damon and well… there’s not much you can do to resist that.

  “Oh god, I-I’m gonna…” I cut myself off with a guttural moan, resting the back of my head against Damon’s shoulder as he too wrapped his arms around me, thrusting one last time upwards before burying himself to the hilt, groaning against my shoulder and sinking his teeth into my neck, drinking greedily and shivering as my taste entered his mouth.

  Vincent watched us all the while, the small tremors of his shoulders the only sign that I could make out how much he was enjoying what he was seeing, his fingers still teasing at the both of us and milking every last ounce of pleasure that he could get, the corner of his mouth slowly turning up into a smirk and his hunger becoming readily apparent.

  Slowly, once it was clear that Damon was finished in both senses of the word, Vincent grabbed me under my arms and lifted me gently off of him, my sensitivity making me wince as I felt Damon fall free from me but soon enough I was placed down on the bed once more. I was expecting Vincent to have his turn now, god knows that it would have made me go mad but I would have pushed through it anyway, a little too much pleasure was never a bad thing in my opinion, but to my surprise he only crawled on top of me and held me softly in his arms.

  “Don’t worry,” He said, “You look like you’ve had a little bit too much for right now. I just need one thing, if that’s alright with you…”

  At the first prick of his fangs against my neck I knew what he wanted instantly, the barest of shudders giving my consent and baring myself to him. There was that tiny pinch of pain, before it was covered up by that overwhelming euphoria that could hardly even be explained, let alone experienced. I was grateful that this was all he was doing, as much as I loved when all three of us cut loose and really let our passions be known I… was just too worn out by now, you needed preparation to be able to do what we did on those occasions and we just plain didn’t have that tonight.

  Pulling back from me and wiping his arm across his mouth, Vincent looked down at me with all the love in the world and squeezed my shoulder, collecting a drop of blood that he’d missed and darting his tongue out to drink it. “Are you alright Amy?” He asked, “That wasn’t too much was it?”

  It took me a moment to collect myself enough to reply, but once I was able to I simply smiled and nodded slowly, reaching out for the both of them and laughing when they fell into my arms. “I’m more than alright, I feel just about the best that I have in weeks. But… are you sure that’s all you need now?”

  “I can always try again later can’t I?” He grinned, placing his cheek against my chest. “After all, we’ve got nothing but time now.”

  Damon winced strangely at that, but by the time I was about to ask him about it he’d shaken his head and was looking at me with a smile. “We’re not going anywhere, well, we will be once we go to find this convoy, but after that we’ll be coming back.”

  “I know what you meant,” I said, rolling my eyes, “You two just be careful out there alright? I worry about you enough as it is, I worried about you before the two of you were both vampires, so just… don’t do anything risky, please?”

  “I promise,” Damon said, hand over his heart, “As soon as something looks like it’s going to escalate we’ll get out of there and come back to you, we can organize everyone together into an actual defense, rather than just relying on ourselves.”

  “Wow, a sensible plan,” Vincent laughed, “What on earth have you done with the real Damon?”

  Pulling them deeper into the bed before they could get started again, I sighed and nuzzled into each of them, hands around their shoulders and their lips against my chest. This was comfort, this was love, I don’t know how I had ever believed that something like this couldn’t be real. Well, I hadn’t had the best experiences before, but now… these two would be enough to convince even the most hardened cynic, which I was probably close to becoming before I’d met them.

  But that was all in the past, as for the now? Now I’m going to fall asleep at their sides, and enjoy the time I have left with them before we have to split up again.

  Chapter 2

  One downside of being responsible for the entire alliance, for everything that was good about it, was that my level of sleep had greatly decreased over the last few weeks, some new crisis keeping me up at night and preventing me from getting more than five hours at a time.
Even when I was still actively solving murders, I at least got weekends off, and there was downtime where the work wasn’t that hard or gruesome, but now it seemed that I was on the clock twenty-four hours a day.

  Though I was grateful that he considered me capable enough, I really couldn’t wait until Joseph came back.

  The point of me saying this is so you know that when I woke up only four hours later to find Damon gone and the curtains drawn over the windows, I was more than a little disappointed. We couldn’t even spend four full hours sleeping together, we already had to end our time and go off on our separate ways? What is going on with him that is making him do this, it surely can’t be anything that happened tonight, right?

  He appeared out of nowhere, we had sex, and then he just leaves while we’re asleep? We can’t have spent more than five hours together if he had just left, and I doubt that he’d hung around for long after we’d fallen asleep, so what was he doing? He wasn’t cheating I knew that much, whatever problems we might have had he wasn’t going to do that, he knows that if someone else caught his eye we’d at the very least be willing to talk about it, so that was off the table.

  The only thing that I could think of was that he wasn’t getting used to being a vampire, and I don’t want to sound insensitive by being frustrated by that, I have no clue about what he’s going through and thinking, it was such a shock to the system that you couldn’t blame someone for not knowing what to do with themselves as a result. But what I can be frustrated about is his persistent need to try and fix everything himself, constantly refusing Vincent’s help even when offered, always disappearing at night and not returning for days at a time to do… what exactly? I swear, if he’s running off every night to have his very own Karate Kid montage or whatever the hell it is he thinks he doing I’m going to kick his ass, I’ve been practicing my magic too, I could do it.

  “Hey, wake up,” I said, shaking Vincent’s shoulder and rousing him from his own sleep. Don’t worry, he doesn’t actually need that much to be rested, he just likes it. “Damon is gone.”

  Vincent sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers and nodding slowly. “Of course he is, why wouldn’t he be? Maybe we should start locking the windows.”

  “To keep him in or keep him out?”

  “I don’t know, either one would teach him a lesson I feel.”

  Looking over at the clock and groaning at the big flashing two I saw written in big red letters, I let my head fall back against my pillow and closed my eyes again. “Whatever,” I said, “I’ve got more work that needs to be done, that’s enough sleep for now.”

  “Are you sure about that?” He asked me, clearly concerned about my schedule over the last few weeks. I couldn’t blame him, four hours of sleep a night was wearing me out fast, and sooner or later I was going to end up sleeping at my desk when I went in. I’m sure that no one there is going to mind, they may actually be glad to see me resting for once but… I don’t know, I’ll feel like I’ve done something wrong in that case, like I’m not pulling my weight the way that I should be, that I’m just sitting around while everyone else is out there mending fences and spreading the word that peace may be on the horizon.

  Compared to that, filling out some reports and keeping the peace in our own ranks was… not really that bad, all things considered.

  “Don’t worry Vincent,” I said, patting him on the chest before rising up with a groan, “Soon enough I’ll be able to have some time off, then we can spend it doing whatever it is that we want. Actually, I’ll be spending all of it sleeping, you’ll be welcome to join me if you like.”

  “I think I would enjoy that,” He replied, rising with me and wrapping his arms around my shoulders, “Would you like some help down at the office? I know you’re going down there because it’s quiet at this time of night but… maybe an extra set of hands would be good. I can make coffee if nothing else.”

  “Oh you’ll be bringing your superior coffee skills to the table will you?” I said that half in jest and half in genuine interest, he really was very good at making coffee for someone who didn’t even need to drink the stuff. But I suppose that was the thing with vampires wasn’t it? They didn’t have to do much, but if they wanted to do something you could be damn sure that they were going to do it well. “Actually you know what? I think I would like the company tonight. It’ll save me the trouble of having to worry if you’re bored all by your lonesome at least, I’ll be able to look across the room and see you being bored in the exact same place as me.”

  “That sounds wonderful,” He said, slipping out of bed and stepping over to the wardrobe, “It’s cold tonight, be sure to put on something thick. I might not get sick, but you sure can.”

  “Sure thing boss, I’ll get all bundled up and cozy.” Catching the shirt and pants that he tossed at me, I was dressed in no time and more or less ready to go. There was a shower at the office that I could use if I really needed to, they’d actually installed it when it became obvious that I was going to be spending most of my time there anyway, which I’m not sure is a good sign if I’m trying to give up being a workaholic but… whatever, once Joseph takes over again properly he can use it for all I care.

  As soon as we stepped out the door I was glad that I took Vincent’s advice, I mean it was two in the morning of course I was going to bundle up for the cold, but sometimes these things slip your mind you know? You need a reminder every now and then that you’re doing everything right, like if you check for your keys every time you leave the house it’s all but guaranteed that the one time that you don’t you’re going to have left them at home.

  “Get in,” I said, unlocking the car and slipping into the driver’s seat, “Find something good on the radio for us to listen to.”

  “Something good on the radio?” He laughed, flipping through channels and screwing his face up in distaste, “I’ve been alive for a long time Amy, and I can tell you for a fact that I can count the amount of times that they’ve had something good on the radio on half a hand.”

  “Oh stop being snobby, just because you went through the golden age of jazz doesn’t mean you can get away with being elitist.” I stopped his hand, deciding that the current station was good enough. “Besides, we don’t need something great, just something to wake us up properly.”

  “I’m not elitist…” He trailed off, crossing his arms and leaning his head back against his seat. “Ok, maybe I can be a little harsh sometimes, but I can’t help what I like.”

  “I know Vincent, I know, I’m just being a dick. Kind of.” I shoved him lightly, breathing a sigh of relief when I saw the smile return to his face. “You can be kind of an ass about it sometimes though, you might want to work on that.”

  “I will, I will, I’ll try not to insult your bubblegum pop music any more than I have to.”

  “And I’ll try not to poke too much fun at you for really living the stereotype of the old guy that cares about jazz, how about that?” I laughed at his offended look, already knowing what he’d taken issue with, “What? Just because you look like you’re in your twenties doesn’t mean that you’re suddenly not hundreds of years old. I have an understanding of the linear passage of time, I’m known to be smart.”

  “I… guess. Now I know how bad it feels to have someone ask you how old you are, I never really understood that before.”

  “Really? A few hundred years of life and you only just figured it out?” I giggled, squeezing his thigh in hopes that he wouldn’t feel too bad, “I’m guessing people don’t really call you old that much?”

  “No, no why would they?” He laughed, “You said it yourself, I look permanently in my twenties. The only people who would think that I looked old are literal children, and you can’t really take offense at what a child says. With… exceptions I suppose, but for the most part it’s hard.”

  I snorted, “You’ve never met some of the kids on my mom’s side, foul mouthed little assholes really soak up everything their parents say I’
ll tell you that much.”

  “I’ll take your word for it… is this it?”

  “Yep,” I said, pulling the car into the usual parking space and waving to the guard at the front door. “What do you mean ‘is this it’? You’ve been here before.”

  “Only the once, and that was before all the changes that you talked about. For all I knew your office was across the road now.”

  “Well, no, things are just the same as before. I just have a shower off to the side of my office, so if you feel like you need to wake up there’s the place to do it at.” Pulling the keys out of the ignition, I did my usual ritual of laying my head on the steering wheel and counting to ten, feeling the last few seconds of rest that I could get tick by slowly before I pulled back up and slapped my cheeks. “Alright, time to go to work!”

  There were a lot of things that I could have been thinking about as I walked up to my office, how many stairs were in my path, what Vincent could have been thinking as he trailed behind me, what Damon could possibly be up to in a city as large as this with a night as long as they were at this time of year, what the status was of the convoy that was on its way to meet us for whatever possible reason it was coming here for… instead of all of those very valid options of thought all I could think of was my hope that the night staff had delivered the blueberry donuts that I’d requested yesterday, sudden seasonal cravings hitting me with all the force of a freight train and refusing to let go until I got that first taste of filling on my tongue.

  I would have gone and gotten a box myself, but the place I liked was on the other side of town, far away from the duties of a workaholic, and though Cara had said that she would help me with anything I wasn’t going to break up her work day and all her responsibility by telling her to go and pick up fucking donuts for me. That just wasn’t cool in my opinion.


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