Predator's Rescue

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Predator's Rescue Page 25

by Rosanna Leo

  “No way. I’m done arguing with you.” She wrapped her arm around his waist. “That is, unless I find out I’m right about something and you’re wrong.”

  Jani kissed her, moaning softly as he licked at her lips. “Like I said, welcome back, Fleur.”

  * * * *

  Two months later. Christmas Night.

  “It’s my turn to hold Lloyd.” Marci reached for the little one, currently nestled in her mate Anton’s arms. “Anton Gaspar, you’ve been hogging him all night. Everyone wants a turn.”

  “Everyone can wait.” Anton pouted in jest. “This is a Christmas party. You have plenty to do and plenty of people to do it with. Why don’t you join Soren and Gioia’s card game? Or you can help Bart and Charlotte string the popcorn garlands.”

  “Do you love me, Anton?”

  “Of course.”

  “Then give me the baby.”

  Anton pretended to hold the baby away. “But he smells so good.” He sniffed the baby’s head. “This spot, right here. It’s addictive.”

  Smiling, Marci lifted the baby out of Anton’s arms. “I know. I want to smell him too.” She buried her face in Lloyd’s shoulder, making the little one squeak.

  Anton hugged his mate from behind. “You know, we could make a sweet-smelling baby of our own. I’m ready when you are, cicuskám.”

  Marci turned in his arms, filled with joy. “Really? When we go home to Hungary, maybe we should sit down and talk it through.”

  “Forgive me, kitten, but I’m certain no baby was ever created by talking it through.” He waggled his eyebrows. “Do you need me to show you how it’s done?”

  “Hey,” called Soren from the card table in the corner of the newly-constructed party room. “You two. Get a room.”

  Anton grinned. “We will. I’m looking forward to it.”

  Marci curled into her mate’s arms and gave Lloyd’s head another sniff.


  “Are you enjoying the party, Charles?” Bart Cairo helped his mate Charlotte place a popcorn garland on a high branch of the Christmas tree.

  “Yeah, although I’m jealous everyone else gets to drink alcohol and I don’t.” Charlotte grinned and gave her flat belly an absent-minded rub.

  Bart loved catching his mate in the act of caressing her stomach, just as she used to when she was carrying Lloyd. He dreamed of filling it with another of his babies. When she was ready, of course. The little guy was a handful as it was. Bart tried to help with the feeding, using bottles and pumped milk, but Lloyd had a bond with his mother. He always ate best when it came directly from the breast, and Charlotte never complained.

  For a woman who never thought she’d be a mom, she made such a good one.

  “What about you?” she asked. “Are you having fun?”

  Bart put down the popcorn and gathered her in his arms. “Of course. I’m here with you, aren’t I? The sexiest woman I’ve ever known.”

  Charlotte blushed, something she didn’t do often. “I still feel so…fleshy.”

  “You,” Bart murmured close to her ear, “are completely edible. And I want to lick every inch of your flesh. It feels like it’s been ages.”

  “I know.” His mate wrapped her arms around him and nuzzled his neck. “Believe me, as happy as I am, I’d like nothing better than a quiet night with you and your tongue.”

  “What would you say if I told you I have another Christmas gift for you.”

  “And that would be?”

  “Marci and Anton offered to babysit tomorrow night. All night.”

  Charlotte looked at him, her mouth open. “Bart Cairo, I love you.”

  “Love you, too, Charles. Merry Christmas.”


  “Soren Snow, you are totally cheating.” Gioia put down her hand and glared at her mate. “And at Go Fish, of all things. I know you have a five. Hand it over.”

  Her polar bear man maintained his poker face. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. How much rum did Ryland put in your egg nog anyway?”

  Gioia gasped in mock horror. “How dare you accuse me of over-indulging.” She hiccupped and they both burst into giggles.

  “I’m sorry, baby. I do have a five. I can’t lie to you.” Soren handed her the card.

  “I know you can’t. You’re like Pinocchio. Only when you fib, the temple at your vein starts to throb.”

  “I have never lied to you.”

  “I know that, but you’ve lied to others.”


  “I overheard you when you were on the phone earlier this week. You lied to that symphony conductor who asked you to play with his ensemble for New Year’s Eve. You said you were busy.”

  “I will be busy. With you.” Soren reached across the table for her hand. “Besides, people book me two years in advance. What was he thinking?”

  “You’re such a diva.”

  “Anyway Gunnar’s joining us for New Year’s. I wouldn’t miss that for the world.”

  Gioia smiled. Although Soren received so many invitations to play gigs, he’d limited his time onstage, preferring to spend time with her and her young son. For a man who’d been a sworn bachelor not long ago, he’d turned into the perfect husband and stepfather. He never sacrificed their family time or their couple time, which was great considering all they’d been through with the Alpha Brethren.

  “Now,” Soren said, returning to their game. “Do you have an eight?”

  So in love and filled to bursting, Gioia dropped her cards on the table. She stood, walked around and sat in his lap. She draped her arms around his shoulders. “Go fish.”

  He cupped her cheek and dragged her closer for the first of many kisses that night.


  “I’m telling you, it was Danny Kaye,” Nina Moon declared.

  Her mate Killian shook his head. “Nope. It was Jimmy Stewart. I know my classic Christmas movies.”

  Nina called across the room to her sister-in-law. “Suzan, who did the sister act in drag with Bing Crosby in White Christmas?”

  “Danny Kaye,” said Suzan. “Without a doubt. Sorry, Killian.”

  Killian frowned. “You girls are ganging up on me.”

  “Oh please,” said Nina, grinning. “If that were true, you’d be in heaven.”

  Killian arched an eyebrow. “Does that mean you’d consider…?”

  “No!” Nina flounced over to his easy chair and straddled him there. She whispered into his ear. “I know your brothers love to share their mate. I, however, do not. Do you hear me? I don’t share you with any woman.”

  Killian gripped her by the hips and kissed her. “Just the way I like it. I don’t share well, either.” He reached over to the side table next to his chair and pulled a maraschino cherry chocolate from an open box of candy.

  Nina opened her mouth and waited for him to pop it in her mouth, but he ate it instead.


  “I told you, woman. I don’t share well.”

  “I’ll get you for that, Killian Moon.”

  Killian smiled. “I was hoping you might.”


  Suzan Moon sat before the roaring fire, cozy between her two jaguar men. It had been a wonderful night, full of wonderful emotions. Flanked by Percy and Byron, absorbing their love, she enjoyed looking upon their friends and reliving their happiness courtesy of her empathic powers. It wasn’t always easy being an empath but at times like these, the multiple shots of joy were a thing of pleasure.

  Byron topped up her wine glass. “Here. Drink some more. We’re within stumbling distance of our cabin anyway.”

  “Just a little more, thanks. I want to be sober.”

  Percy winked. “Did you hear that, bro? Our mate wants to stay sober.”

  “I heard it,” said Byron. “And why do you want to be sober, Suzi?”

  “Remember what we did last Tuesday night?”

  Percy nodded, his face deadpan. “Yup. We hun
g those pictures in the hallway.”

  “I’ll bring the level,” said Byron, playing along. “You bring the hammer.”

  She slapped them both on their knees. “I wasn’t talking about hanging pictures.”

  “Oh no?” Byron pulled her onto his lap. “Hmm. I can’t recall what else we might have done. In fact, Tuesday night was…”

  “Unremarkable,” finished Percy. He inched closer on the couch and kneaded her thigh. “In just about every way.”

  Byron kissed the side of her neck and she sucked in a breath. “Maybe you should refresh our memories.” He let out a soft growl only she would hear.

  Suzan licked her lips and decided to give them some of their own, coy medicine. “Actually, it’s completely slipped my mind. You’re right. It must have been totally unmemorable.”

  “Is that so?” Percy crossed his arms in a dare. “Maybe Byron and I have to try a little harder to keep you interested.”

  Her mates, bonded by brotherhood, sent her a telepathic picture. It featured the three of them twisted in the sheets doing things that would make the other partygoers blush.

  Smiling, Suzan checked the clock. Was it rude to skip out of the party now?


  Ryland Snow found his mate Lia in the kitchen, preparing another tray of snacks. He crept up behind her, as stealthily as a big bear man could, and wrapped his arms around her. He caressed her growing tummy. “We have enough food. Stop working. Come sit with me and share my egg nog.”

  When Lia turned around, Ryland spotted her tears.

  “Baby, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” She wiped her face and blew her nose. “Really, nothing’s wrong.”

  “It doesn’t look that way.”

  “It’s just a different kind of Christmas, Ry. That’s all. I miss Lloyd.”

  “I know. I miss him, too.” He enfolded her in a bear hug. “But we have to try to move on. He would have wanted it. And in a few months, we’ll have Bump to take our mind off things.”

  Lia rubbed her tummy and smiled. Ryland never got tired of seeing her like this. Sometimes she fell asleep holding onto “Bump.” He’d called their little guy that a while back and it stuck. She was always touching Bump, always talking to him, as if trying to prepare him for a confusing world. A world in which he’d be different from so many others. Having been born human, Lia understood both sides of the coin. She remembered how shocked she was to discover shape-shifters existed, and she was determined to make sure Bump had a good life.

  God, he loved his mate. He thanked Lloyd every day for saving her from August Crane’s men. Ryland would have died without Lia.

  She inhaled deeply and kissed him on the lips. “I don’t know what I’d do without you, Ryland Snow.”

  “You never need to worry about it. I’m yours forever.”


  Of all the couples in the party room, thought Connor, Elaine and I are the only ones not touching.

  Although they’d come together to the party, Elaine had spent much of the evening sitting with Fleur or the other women. He didn’t begrudge her. It wasn’t as if they were actually a couple. They were friends. It’s all they ever would be.

  Still, friends could sit together, couldn’t they? He was starting to feel like a third wheel. He joined so many conversations when the only person he really wanted to talk to was Elaine. He liked her, always had. Connor knew some of the Ursa gang saw her as meek and quiet, but he’d gotten to know her from his times with Lloyd. He understood her quirky humor, although he didn’t see much of it these days. He’d give anything to make her laugh again.

  She had the best laugh. It never ceased to bring a smile to his face.

  Elaine wandered over to the snack table. She put some cheese on a cracker and popped it into her mouth.

  Good. She was eating. Maybe she’d eat more.

  He watched but she sighed and walked away from the table, uninterested in eating any more.

  She’d lost weight since Lloyd died and it kept Connor up at night. He had dreams of trying to feed her.

  He shook his head. Why did he keep trying? She didn’t even seem to like having him around most of the time.

  He walked over, determined to make conversation. “Hey, Elaine. Killian and Nina just popped on White Christmas. Want to watch?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Okay. Bart and Charlotte have a ton of popcorn left over. Want to share some?”

  “I’m not hungry.”

  Lloyd, buddy, Connor prayed. Help me out here. I don’t know how to help her.

  Unfortunately, Lloyd remained silent. His absence struck home for Connor. It always struck home, but today had been especially horrible. Lloyd had always been the one he’d run to when he learned a saucy joke. Lloyd had always shaken his head when Connor told him of his sexual exploits. Lloyd had been like a big brother as well as a friend.

  He’d hoped, in trying to help Lloyd’s widow, it would ease his own sense of loss, but it just made everything worse.

  For the first time, Elaine reached for his hand. “It’s hard, isn’t it? Doing all of this without him?”


  She sighed. “Connor, you’re a good friend. Please understand I’m about to say this as a friend.”

  “Go on.”

  “I want you to live your life. I won’t hold you back anymore.”

  “You’re not.”

  “I am.” Elaine’s tone had grown sharper, assertive. “I’ve made plans to move to Alaska.”

  What the fuck? “Alaska? Are you shitting me?”

  She glanced over at the couch, where her young children Andy and Layla had fallen asleep. Dark-haired like Lloyd, they resembled sleeping angels, and they still clutched their favorite new toys to their breasts. “My kids need a new start and I can’t be here anymore. I have family in Alaska. They have a big house with a huge yard. It’ll be good for all of us.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Just don’t hate me, please.” She stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the cheek.

  Connor’s mountain lion stirred, its nostrils flared with curiosity. “I could never hate you, Elaine.”

  “Thank you for all you’ve done. I won’t forget you, Connor.”

  She wouldn’t forget him. Right. Then why did his heart already feel ripped in two?


  “Look at the stars, Jani.”

  Jani joined Fleur at the party room window. It was a clear night outside and the blackness of the Northern Ontario sky was rent asunder by thousands of blazing stars. They seemed so close, so big.

  Her mate hugged her from behind and kissed her shoulder. “You are more dazzling in my eyes.”


  “Did it work?”

  She giggled. “Yeah. Keep it up.” Fleur pulled his arms tighter around her.

  This had been her best Christmas ever. They’d awoken in each other’s arms and Jani had taken her with gentle brutality, professing his love over and over again. After trading gifts, a diamond necklace for her and some sought-after Maple Leafs tickets for him, they’d joined their friends in the party room for a day full of games and movies and food.

  Fleur had heard from her mom. She and Luke were traveling through India and Barbi had never sounded so healthy and so excited. Although they’d left as friends, Fleur knew for a fact Luke was going to pop the question while they were away. She expected her mother to come back with a fresh mark, one she’d undoubtedly show her. It might end up being a too-much-information moment. Her mom had a lot of those since meeting Luke, but Fleur didn’t mind. She was happy for the first time in a long time.

  “You should take some more pictures tomorrow,” said Jani. “The weather lady said it would be a good day and everything looks nice with the recent snow.”

  “That’s a good idea. Want to join me?”

  “Of course. I like watching you work.”

/>   They’d found her a new camera, a snazzy one with digital capabilities, something Fleur hadn’t had before. She’d already helped Ryland decorate most of the rooms in the lodge and she only needed to take a few more shots. Once they were done with the project, they planned to visit Hungary. Jani wanted to show her his home and she looked forward to taking photos in a new location.

  They still weren’t sure where to live and Fleur suspected they’d spend their time flitting back and forth. She didn’t care as long as Jani was at her side.

  Ryland approached with a bottle of champagne in his hands. He filled a couple of glasses and handed them to Jani and Fleur.

  “What’s up?” asked Jani. “It’s not New Year’s yet.”

  “I don’t care.” Ryland proceeded to fill flutes for everyone else in the room. “It’s been one hell of a year and I think we need to send this evening off in style.” Once everyone had a glass, Ryland spoke. “I want to thank you all for being friends with Lia and me, for being our family. We couldn’t have fixed the lodge so quickly without all of you and because all of you, I know the Ursa will continue to be a success.” He drew Lia close and held up his flute. “To friends!”

  “To friends,” everyone responded.

  Fleur hugged Jani before she took a sip. “To my best buddy.”

  He smiled, his eyes filled with unimaginable love. “To my mate, the only love I’ve ever known.”

  They clinked glasses, sipped, and ended their toasts with champagne kisses.



  WHEN Ricky Mason spotted the human girl sitting at the bar, he knew she was underage. As she ordered her drink, she spoke in an extra-loud voice, wanting everyone nearby to know she’d ordered alcohol. Just another sweet baby girl, dying to be noticed.

  Well, he’d noticed.

  Ricky pegged her at around sixteen. A bit old for his taste, but the freshest offering of the night so far. She might be a bit too skinny for his liking, but the knobby knees under her miniskirt made him smile. Her hair was pulled back into two braids, which made her appear younger than her years anyway.

  The bartender didn’t question her drink order and set a martini in front of her. They never questioned anyone in this bar about age of majority, which was why Ricky kept coming back. He liked watching all the lonely girls pass through, especially the innocent human ones.


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