A Warrior's Heart (Shields)

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A Warrior's Heart (Shields) Page 9

by Grant, Donna

  “What do we do?” Val asked.

  Hugh turned to the Roman before looking to Cole. Both men were anxious and frustrated. “We heal him.”

  “He’s supposed to be immortal,” Val argued. “I saw it with my own eyes in Scotland, Hugh. He should be healing by now.”

  Cole stood and gripped Val’s arm. “Gabriel will be fine. If he healed once, he can do it again. Maybe there was something different about this Harpy. Hugh?”

  He shrugged. “In truth, I barely paid attention to her. I was so rattled by having the Great Evil right there. He had Gabriel high up in the tree by the neck. All around us was this thick mist and the reek of evil.”

  “Yet he didn’t hurt Gabriel.”

  Hugh met Cole’s gaze. “The look on Gabriel’s face...it was pure terror. In all the creatures we have faced, all the evil men we’ve fought, never once has he shown an ounce of fear.”

  Val shook his head and sighed. “Who knows how any of us would react if the Great Evil had us in its clutches.”

  “He could have feared for Jayna,” Mina said as she lifted her hand, the thick, white paste on her fingers.

  Hugh turned to her. “Jayna? Why do you say that?”

  She spread the paste on Gabriel’s back gently. “For men who see great detail, you miss many things. Have none of you noticed how Gabriel rarely dines with us, and when he does, he never stays long?”

  “Aye,” Cole said. “He likes to be alone.”

  Mina sighed. “Nay. Each of you have found your mates. Each of you have love and happiness in your lives regardless of your pasts. Gabriel doesn’t have that. He doesn’t have anyone.”

  “We are his brethren,” Val stated.

  Hugh watched his wife smile sadly. “She’s right,” he agreed. “I wouldn’t have thought it to bother Gabriel, but it makes sense.”

  For a long moment, he watched the rise and fall of Gabriel’s chest. The wound had been deep, but it shouldn’t have caused as much damage as it had.

  “Do you think the evil could’ve taken away his immortality?” he asked softly. Val and Cole jerked their gazes to him.

  “Nay,” Val answered first.

  Cole shrugged. “It’s possible, I suppose. We all know he wants us and the women dead. He has gone to great lengths to do that. It could be why he went after Gabriel and not you or Roderick.”

  “But Roderick is immortal as well,” Val said.

  Hugh nodded sadly. “I need to speak to Aimery.”

  * * * *

  He smiled into the darkening skies. A storm was indeed brewing, and not just the one in the clouds. His plan was working out nicely, though he would have liked more time with Gabriel. He needed to speak with him, to make him remember the past.

  To remember his promise.

  He had been surprised to see Gabriel with Jayna and still alive. The little minx had been fixed on revenge for so long he naturally assumed she’d seek retribution as soon as she found Gabriel.

  But then Gabriel didn’t remember her.

  He laughed. How ironic. Jayna must have felt let down facing Gabriel after so long and he not remembering her...or the crimes he committed.

  “But it won’t be long now,” he whispered into the air.

  He gathered the mist around him. He had been angry when he’d first learned that Gabriel had joined the ranks of the Shields, aligning with the Fae. But it hadn’t taken him long to discover that Gabriel had lost his memory.

  That’s when he’d realized just how wonderful everything could turn out.

  Oh, he hadn’t wanted it to reach this far. He would have much preferred to destroy Earth like he had so many other realms. Yet, now that he had a pawn such as Gabriel, things would turn out just as he wanted.

  Not even the Chosen could stop him now.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Jayna was pacing her chamber. Well, not pacing, more like shuffling. Her ankle was better, though still swollen and soar.

  She had heard nothing from Elle or anyone regarding Gabriel, and even her asking the servants had turned up nothing. Whispers could be heard through the castle, but for what...or whom?

  Could it be Gabriel? Surely not, he was supposed to be immortal. He should be fine. He should be up and walking around, tormenting her with his sexy smile and molten silver eyes that looked as though they could see straight into her soul – a soul that wanted to kill him.

  She sighed and sank into a chair before the fire. All her pacing had done nothing but aggravate her ankle. She stared into the leaping flames, her mind taken to another time...another place.

  “Marry me,” Gabriel whispered into her ear as they stood before her father, the king.

  She smiled when she really wanted to throw herself into his arms. With the barest nod of her head, his hand moved to grace the small of her back.

  “I’ve already spoken to your father,” Gabriel continued. “He’s approved of our match.”

  “It wouldn’t matter if he didn’t,” she whispered, which earned her a stern look from her mother.

  But Jayna didn’t care. It was the most joyous day of her life.


  She jerked and turned in the chair to find Hugh standing beside her.

  “Forgive me,” he said with a slight bow of his head. “You didn’t answer my knock and I worried you might be ill.”

  “Nay,” she said with a small shake of her head. “I’m not ill.”

  He took the seat beside her. “You looked very deep in thought. Were you thinking of your past?”

  She looked into his brown eyes as his hand swept his dark locks away from his face. There was no need to lie to him, at least not about this. “Aye.”

  “Good memories?”

  She glanced away and licked her lips. “One of the few. It’s odd, is it not?” At his questioning gaze, she said, “How memories once forgotten suddenly become all you can think of?”

  “I’ve always thought that when those memories come to the forefront it’s because they are needed in some way. To comfort perhaps?”

  Jayna gave a short laugh. “Good memories should comfort, my lord, yet this one only brings pain.”

  “Good memories that bring pain. Just what happened to you, Jayna?”

  She sighed and folded her hands in her lap. “I don’t think you came to my chamber to speak of my memories, my lord. I do hope, however, that you bring tidings of Gabriel.”

  At Hugh’s diverted gaze, Jayna felt sick to her stomach. “Is he all right? He said he was immortal.”

  “I know,” Hugh finally replied as he looked into the flames. “The wound was...difficult...to stop bleeding.”

  “But you did stop the bleeding?” She gripped the arms of the chair unknowingly.

  Hugh’s gaze looked down at her hands, then to her face. Jayna instantly refolded her hands in her lap. She couldn’t allow any of them to know how important it was that Gabriel be all right. Let them think she was worried about him because she was fond of him. They need never know she must kill him to end her own torment.

  “Aye, we finally stopped the bleeding,” Hugh said quietly. “The wound traveled from his left side to his right shoulder. Along with the cut on his back, he also has cracked ribs.”

  Her lungs began to burn and she let loose the breath she had been holding. She sat perfectly still, waiting for whatever it was that brought Hugh to her chamber.

  After a moment of silence she said, “You talk as though he is still in danger.”

  “Because he is.” He sighed and raked his fingers through his thick hair. “Jayna, I need you to tell me what happened to Gabriel before we arrived.”

  All the saliva in her mouth vanished. She tried to lick her lips only to fail. A shiver ran through her and she rose to get closer to the fire, hoping it would warm her since her thoughts would not.

  “It happened so fast,” she said softly.

  “Tell me,” Hugh urged.

  Jayna closed her eyes as she wrapped her arms around herself. “T
he mist, there was so much of it and so quickly. I’ve never seen it move so quickly, as if it were alive. Then....” She stopped the memory of the Great Evil’s voice snaking fear through her.

  “And then?”

  She opened her eyes to find Hugh beside her. “The voice. It was...everywhere, but nowhere.”

  “What did it say?”

  “He spoke Gabriel’s name.”

  Hugh nodded. “And Gabriel? What did he do?”

  The look of terror in his silver depths would be with her forever. “I saw fear in his eyes. The mist was all around him, swallowing him. The next thing I knew, he was being lifted high into the tree, just dangling there. Then, you arrived.”

  “You didn’t hear anything else the voice said?”

  “Nay. I’m not sure it did.” As soon as the words left her mouth, she wondered why she had uttered them. She knew the evil had spoken to Gabriel. Why was she protecting him?

  Hugh gave an audible sigh. “You are taking all of this very well. Not many people would be so calm after all they saw today.”

  “Would it do any good for me to be other than I am? I’ve survived this long because I do not let emotion rule me.”

  “Hmm. I’d say you do allow emotion to rule you, Jayna, just not the emotions of most females.”

  She stopped him just before he reached her door. “It will come again, won’t it?”

  Hugh nodded solemnly as he turned toward her. “Do not venture outside of the castle walls unless you wish to die.”

  “I’ll heed your advice, my lord.”

  And with that, he was gone.

  Jayna’s knees gave out and she crumpled to the floor. She would be here far longer than she anticipated. But the burning question in her mind was why the Great Evil had forgotten to mention the creatures to her and his involvement in everything?

  Or had he?

  * * * *

  Lips as seductive as Rufina, the Fae queen, beckoned him. Hair as golden as the sun upon the sea glided through his hands while hazel eyes smiled up at him.

  “Come, Gabriel,” she called as she ran out of his arms.

  He chased after her, unsure of where she was leading him, but desperately needing to know. She smiled as if she knew him, wanted him.

  Gabriel couldn’t help but return the smile she threw over her shoulder as she ran ahead of him. With the sun shining in the vivid blue of the sky without a cloud in sight and the bright green grass beneath his bare feet, it felt as though he were in Heaven.

  No worries weighed upon his heart, no doubts, no fears. Nothing but the need to have the beautiful woman in his arms again.

  He lengthened his stride and easily caught her. She wrapped her arms around him as he swung her around, her glorious hair trailing around them like a golden ribbons.

  “Oh, Gabriel,” she said as she tucked her head in his neck. “You make me so happy.”

  Gabriel’s eyes snapped open. His heart raced and sweat beaded his skin. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the darkness for him to see he stared at the stone wall of his chamber.

  It had just been a dream, but it had seemed so real. He closed his eyes and wished for sleep to claim him again. He wanted the beautiful woman and the comfort of her arms, yet the dull throbbing of his back and the ache in his ribs said that wasn’t going to happen.

  Gingerly he rolled onto his back and regretted it instantly. Pain lanced through him. He shut his eyes tightly and fisted his hands in an attempt to rule over the agony.

  “We had you on your side for a reason.”

  Gabriel opened his eyes to see Val standing over him with his mate, Nicole by his side. He tried to smile at them, but must have failed by the worry in their eyes.

  “I’ll be fine,” he gritted out. His mouth tasted of sand and he wanted nothing but a very large jug of ale. Several jugs in fact.

  “Many times you’ve cared for us and insisted we follow your directions. Heed your own words, Gabriel, and do what needs to be done.”

  This time he did manage the smile. “Always has something to say, doesn’t he?” he asked Nicole.

  She glanced up at Val as she leaned into him. “He’s right though.”

  While he was happy that they were so concerned over his welfare, Gabriel just wanted to be alone to think over his dream and wonder why the hell he hadn’t healed yet.

  “You’ve had everyone very worried.”

  The soft, unmistakably feminine voice made chills run over his skin.

  He turned his head to the side and found Jayna sitting stiffly in a chair beside his bed.

  “You should be taking care of your ankle, not sitting here worrying over me.”

  She glanced down at her tightly clasped hands. “It seems there is need to worry over you.”

  Gabriel sighed and closed his eyes. Damn but he hurt. The need to take a deep breath was great, but so would the pain if he attempted it.

  “I’ll be fine,” he said again.

  No one had said a word after Jayna’s statement.

  “Aye, you will,” Hugh’s voice said from somewhere in the chamber.

  By the heavens! Is everyone in here?

  He was afraid to open his eyes, afraid to see the concern, the doubt in everyone’s gaze. What kind of a man was he that he would face evil creatures but wanted to run and hide from the very people he considered his family?

  A soft hand touched his arm. Was it Jayna? Was she reaching out to him because she felt his pain? Curiosity made him open his eyes to find Mina’s hand on him.

  “We’re all here for you,” she said with a bright smile.

  It was too much for Gabriel. He turned his head away from her. “I’m tired.”

  When the door finally closed, he opened his eyes. Hugh stood on one side of the bed and Aimery the other. “I can’t do this now.”

  “You must,” Aimery said.

  “I’ve told Aimery all that happened. We think the Harpy’s talons may have been poisoned in order to effect you so,” Hugh said.

  Gabriel shook his head. “Does it really matter? I see how everyone looks at me,” he said more harshly than he intended.

  “You’ll get better,” Aimery said.

  “I know.” Gabriel was unable to meet either of their gazes. He was angry, angry because he shouldn’t be in a bed suffering, he should be healed already.

  He took a deep breath and then rolled to his side. Out of the corner of his eye he watched as Aimery gave a swift shake of his head. Probably to stop Hugh from aiding him. With great effort, he swung his legs over the side of the bed and sat up.

  “I’m going to kill that Harpy myself,” Gabriel said through clenched teeth. Then he raised his gaze to Aimery. “The Shields cannot afford to have a member injured. I am no good to them like this.”

  Aimery nodded, his flaxen hair barely moving. “I know. I was waiting for you to understand that.”

  Pride had often kept Gabriel from asking for help, but the evil surrounding Stone Crest could win if Gabriel didn’t put aside his pride for once.

  “Will you heal me?”

  “Though I am not supposed to, I will.”

  Just as the power of the Fae thundered through him, healing his injuries, Gabriel’s mind gave up one more memory long buried – of him lying on a bed, blood soaking the sheets and Aimery along with several other Fae doing their best to keep him alive.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Jayna knew she should go to her own chamber, but she couldn’t seem to leave the corridor outside of Gabriel’s. Everyone else had departed but Hugh. She hoped that once Hugh left, she could sneak inside and talk to Gabriel.

  She desperately wanted to know what the Great Evil had said to him. Had the evil whispered to Gabriel her intent? Did Gabriel know his days were numbered? If so, then she needed to finish her deed that night and leave.

  “Dark are your thoughts.”

  The smooth voice startled Jayna and she spun around to find herself staring at what was possibly the most stunning m
an she had ever laid eyes on. His hair was so blonde it was nearly white and hung long and straight down his back. Several small, intricate plaits adorned his temple to fall over his shoulder. With the face that was perfect in symmetry and grace and manliness, she could do nothing but stare. And lose herself in his mystical blue eyes.

  A smile pulled at his wide lips, as if he knew the reaction she had to him. Jayna blinked and jerked her gaze away from him.

  “My thoughts are none of your concern, sir,” she said as she tried to get herself under control.

  “Ah, but they are, my dear Jayna.”

  Her gaze returned to him, but this time she didn’t look at his face. He wore a tunic and pants, but the material was not common to her and the silvery white of the color was odd, almost...royal. She saw no weapon on him, but by the power radiating from him, she didn’t think he needed one.

  “Who are you?” she asked.

  “You may call me Aimery, though my title is Commander of the Fae army,” he said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

  A breath hissed from her lungs. She took a step back and braced her hands on the wall.

  His forehead puckered in a frown. “There is no need to be afraid. I’ll not harm you.”

  But he would if he ever discovered who she had aligned herself with and just why she was at Stone Crest. With her ankle, she couldn’t run and she doubted it would do any good anyway. He was a Fae, with powers beyond her comprehension.

  “What do you want with me?” she finally decided to ask.

  He shrugged. “To talk for a moment.”

  She licked her lips and leaned into the wall to take her weight off her injured ankle. It was swelling worse than before now. She should have taken Gabriel’s suggestion and kept it raised.

  “You’re injured as well,” Aimery said, his voice as smooth as silk and as commanding as a king’s.

  “It’s just a sprain.”

  “A sprain that festers.” He suddenly knelt before her and held out his hand. “May I see the ankle?”


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