The Billionaire's Saving Grace: A contemporary romance

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The Billionaire's Saving Grace: A contemporary romance Page 7

by Fiona Miers

  Emily rolled her eyes, remembering his speech from Saturday night. “Yeah, I’ve noticed.”

  She waited again, not wanting to push Martine to reveal confidences of a man she had worked with for a decade. Trust would be at a premium with a man like Nathan.

  “You like him, don’t you?”

  The question surprised her and she gaped for a moment like a goldfish.

  “Oh, ah...” Emily didn’t know what to say. She looked away and took a few quick breaths, heat creeping into her cheeks.

  Oh, crap.

  She must’ve looked like a guilty schoolgirl caught in her crush on the school jock and it made her stomach churn.

  Martine laughed softly. “I didn’t mean to embarrass you. I just want to know if you have his best intentions at heart before I give you more information on him.”

  “Oh, of course, I do. I must admit that I do want him to talk for the sake of the women who benefit from his charity, but at the same time, I think he deserves to feel their actual gratitude. He seems very detached from it.”

  Martine nodded but didn’t say anything else personal about Nate.

  “All right. Well, all I can say is that his weekend is empty so he is available, and he’s still in his office if you want to ask him.”

  She grinned at Emily and then left in a twirl.

  The room was quiet except for the beat of her heart. It thumped against her ribs, her blood rippling along in her veins.

  She took a deep, shuddering breath and pushed herself to her feet.

  Martine knew what she was talking about and if she recommended talking to Nathan now, then Emily was going to do it.

  She tugged on her jacket and lifted her head high. All she needed was ten minutes of his time.

  And it was his own bloody charity!

  With that thought firmly embedded in her mind, Emily strode out of her makeshift office, turned right and walked up to the large corner office that she knew to be Nathan’s.

  The lights were on and the door was wide open.

  A gold name plaque was attached to the front door.

  Nathan Johnson

  CEO Johnson Property Development.

  Her belly in knots despite her mental commands to her body to stop being crazy, she stepped into the doorway, lifted her hand and knocked on the wooden door. She could see him at his desk, staring down at some paperwork and her heart leapt as he lifted his head and stared at her. He had the most piercing blue eyes, and with his dark lashes and even darker hair, he sent her pulse into a fluttering overdrive.


  “Hi, Nathan. Do you have a moment to talk?”

  “Yes, of course, please come in.”

  He spoke in his business voice and despite her nervousness, she walked into the room and took a seat opposite him. There was something fraudulent about that voice that she didn’t like, but it was better than the smarmy one he’d used to try to coax her into his bed.

  “What can I help you with, Emily?”

  “I was hoping I could speak to you about Saturday night. My supervisor emailed me again today asking if it was possible that you come and speak at Eleanor’s Charity for the ten-year anniversary. We would only need you for about ten minutes—”

  “I’m afraid I’m busy on Saturday night.”

  Emily shut her mouth, which was still open since she was only halfway through finishing her sentence.

  She bit her lip and stared at him for a moment, weighing up her options of fighting for what she wanted versus conceding defeat and leaving. Giving up was never really an option for her and there was some devil inside of her that really wanted to see what Nate was made of.

  “Ah, I checked with Martine and she said you were available.”

  Nathan glanced away, clenching his jaw as his face contorted with anger.

  When he finally looked back at her his blue eyes were hard.

  Oops, maybe that wasn’t the best way to start.

  “Well, Martine doesn’t know everything I do with my calendar and my life. I have made plans and you don’t need to know what they are.”

  Emily took a deep breath and lay her hands gently in her lap. Patience was the key with this one.

  “Nate.” She let his nickname hang in the air, hoping it would soften him a little. “Would it be possible to give us ten minutes of your time? We can be totally flexible. First thing at 6 p.m. or even midnight. Whatever works for you, I will make sure there are people there to hear your speech.”

  Nathan relaxed back into his chair and stared at her through slitted eyelids.

  “How much is it worth to you, Emily?”

  And the smarmy tone was back.

  Emily’s spine tightened and pulled her up until she was certain she could balance a book on her head. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Come on, Emily...Emmy...what do you prefer?”

  “No one’s ever called me Emmy.”

  It sounded strange and she wasn’t sure it suited her at all.

  “, Emmy, how far would you go to guarantee my attendance Saturday night?”

  She forced a soft laugh through her lips. Surely he was joking?

  “I’m not going to sleep with you, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  His silken chuckle made her gasp, heat pooling between her thighs at that delicious sound. He was one silver-tongued man.

  “I would never expect a woman to sleep with me just to get something from me. God forbid.” His tone dripped sarcasm and her chest tightened at the well-aimed arrow.

  “Touché, Mr. Johnson.”

  Her gaze dropped to the floor and she struggled to think of what to say next. So many other women would have jumped into his bed in the hopes of money, prestige or at least flashy holidays and gifts. Although she would never sleep with him, his comment made her feel cheap for even attempting a bad flirtation.

  “I was being ironic, Emily.”

  She lifted her head when his tone returned to normal. “But I don’t have anything to offer you other than my heartfelt thanks. You own the place so you know there’s no money to pay you. You have built such an amazing charity, Nate. You really should be there to see it celebrate such an achievement. So many people want to thank you for everything you’ve done for them, and you deserve the praise. You really do.”

  Nathan’s eyes opened wide, his armor of disdain falling away like a visible skin.

  “Have dinner with me again.”

  “What?” Couldn't he be serious?

  “I want to get to know you better.”

  She shook her head, twisting her hands in her lap. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

  “If you have dinner with me tomorrow night, I’ll drop in at your party Saturday night.”

  Oh, he was canny. Offering her the one thing she wanted. “No matter what?”

  “No matter what, but I’m not speaking.”

  We’ll see about that.

  She tilted her head to the side and offered him a soft smile. “You’re sure I can’t tempt you into it?”

  “You could tempt the devil himself to give up Hell—but I’ll hold back. Thanks.”


  She blinked and mulled over his words once again.

  “I think that’s the best compliment I’ve ever received.”

  He broke eye contact and dropped his head, shuffling papers around on his desk. “Yeah, well, don’t get used to it. I’m not known for my compliments.”

  Her mouth twisted as a giggle bubbled up inside her. No, he was known for his charm, his money, his work ethic and his untouchable shield of indifference.

  “Don’t worry, Nate. I won’t tell anyone.”

  She stood up and backed towards the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow night, then?”


  She turned and fled, the air in her lungs evaporating as the giggle burst free.

  He was coming to the party!

  She packed up her laptop and put the files away into a c
abinet inside the next room. She’d be back here tomorrow for work and dinner, and the women at the shelter would finally get to meet the man who made it all possible.


  Nate ran a hand through his hair and powered off his computer. He couldn’t do any more tonight. His brain was fried, and now that he’d smelled Emily’s beautiful fruity scent, his mind was filled with her smiling face.

  Not great when you were trying to design a forty floor skyscraper.

  He pulled on his jacket, loosened his tie and undid the top button on his shirt with a groan. As he moved towards the door, his back ached across his shoulder blades and he stretched his back until he heard the joints give a pop.

  “Argh. Better.”

  He strolled towards the elevator and saw Emily look behind her as the doors dinged open and she hurried inside.

  A grin tugged up his lips as he increased the speed of his stride to step into the lift just as the doors slid shut.

  He heard her sharp intake of breath and his heart began to thump in his chest. Why had he done that?

  The air in the lift was hot and he was far too aware of her body next to his, smaller, softer and ready for the taking.


  His control snapped and he whirled her towards the wall, their briefcases clattering to the floor. He pressed her into the shining stainless steel and stared down into her wide brown eyes, her pink lips parted in invitation.

  He didn’t stop to ask her, he just let his lips drop and took her mouth in a kiss. She moaned and pressed into him, sliding her hands up his arms and into his hair.

  Oh fuck, she tastes so good.

  A groan rumbled in his chest as he opened her lips and let his tongue delve into her sweetness, the fruitiness of her taste as intoxicating as any expensive wine.

  He ran his hands around her waist and pulled her as close as possible, her pelvis cradling his cock, which was rapidly filling with blood and throbbing in his pants.

  The doors dinged open and Emily froze in his arms. He pulled himself away from her heat and cold swept in between them.

  She was an erotic vision for his passion-hazed eyes. Her hair was slightly mussed, her mouth swollen. He could barely control the urge to press the top floor button and take her back to his office.

  Emily’s brown eyes were wide and drugged, her once-pink lips now a deep red and parted as she took shallow breaths.

  “Sir, do you need an escort to your car?”

  The security guard’s voice broke through the hot stare between them and Emily wrapped her arms around her body.

  “Ah, I don’t, but Emily may. Is your car far?”

  She pushed off the wall and picked up her briefcase that lay belly down on the floor. She stepped out of the elevator and Nate walked out behind her, the older man in uniform looking between them and then pulling on his mask of indifference.

  At least she has all of her clothes on.

  “My car is about two blocks away.”

  The security guard nodded and put his hands on his hips. He’d be older than her father but at least he afforded Emily some safety on her dark walk.

  Nate would love to offer to walk her out but he wasn’t sure she’d be totally safe with him. Adrenaline was still pumping through his body, his arms and back bunched with muscled strength as the caveman in him demanded he get her back and finish what they started.

  “Thanks, Sam.”

  The security guard nodded and Emily cast a glance back at him before she exited the building through the double glass doors.

  Nate headed out the small door next to the security guard station and stepped up to his luxury sports car.

  He had all of the things he’d set out to achieve by thirty-five and he should be happy. His company made more money than he could spend and his mother’s charity was thriving. He got into his car and drove home to his high-rise apartment, alone and not feeling as happy about it as he had, just last week.

  Chapter Six.

  Emily’s leg shook so much her desk rattled. It was ten to two and she needed to head over to Johnson Property Development, but she had no idea what would happen when she got there.

  An email pinged in her inbox.

  Hi Emily,

  Just confirming you’ll be coming in this afternoon?

  I need to arrange conference rooms.



  A groan left her lips and she slumped onto her desk, her forehead hitting the wood in a dramatic approach to the situation.

  “Hey, what’s up with you?” Kristy pulled her chair up next to Emily’s and tapped her nails on Emily’s desk.

  Emily groaned again and pulled herself up to stare at her friend.

  “I have to head over to Johnson Property Development and I can’t be bothered. I have too much other work to do.” Well, that was efficient lying, she had to admit. She wasn’t usually quite so fast.

  “You’re kidding me? Since when do you pass up the opportunity for more work?”

  She was right, the answer was never. More billable hours, more money for her company and more bonuses for her. That was what she was here for. Money. Security. Her house.

  With that in mind, she straightened up and took a few calming breaths.

  “You’re right, Kristy. I better get going, then.”

  She grabbed her phone and her briefcase and smiled at one of the few friends she had at work. She didn’t give Kristy enough credit and she should. Sure, the girl had grown up with a silver spoon in her mouth, but she’d been nothing but nice to Emily since day one.

  Ten minutes later, she arrived at Johnson Property Development, took the lift up to the sixth floor, greeted Martine and slipped straight into the conference room she’d used the night before. Her heart was banging against her ribs and her senses were on high alert as she scurried around. She set up on the opposite side of the table this time so that she could see everyone who approached. Unfortunately that meant that she had her back to the city view and she jumped every time someone walked past.

  He’d kissed her. Nathan Johnson had kissed her in an elevator last night. She had to deal with that fact, and more to the point, that she’d liked it. More than liked it. It had rocked her world and she’d spent most of last night in bed reliving the moments his hard body had been pressed against hers and his mouth had been transforming her life.

  That was how a kiss was meant to be. Heated looks, wobbly knees and lips that made every thought fly out of your head.

  Not that she’d experienced it before. But she’d read books. And it was textbook perfect. Romance to a tee.

  She pulled out her files and started arranging her work across the conference room table. She had to get through these contracts and then she had to prepare for their dinner.

  She blew out a breath as her heart sank.

  That was the real reason her heart was racing and she couldn’t concentrate properly. She had committed to tonight’s dinner and she had to go through with it.

  But how to do that when his interest in her was more than professional? Normally she would fall back on her natural distrust of men. But nothing about him tweaked those instincts. She wanted to help him, see what was behind all the bullshit he presented to the world.

  The other problem was personal, and she knew it. She was attracted to him, very attracted to him. Her very skin was holding its breath for the moment he would touch her again.

  Could she break through that armor to see what sort of man lay beneath? It was definitely a challenge she could rise to, but it was a dangerous move. Professionally and personally. Nathan Johnson was a major league heartbreaker and she wasn’t sure she would survive him. She was already more invested in this relationship than she’d ever been with anyone. He was her boss at her paid job, technically her boss at the charity she loved and had given her the best kiss of her life.

  She blew out a long breath, shook her head and put her glasses on her nose. Time to concentrate. Dinner would come soon enou

  And it did. Just as she was finishing up on the file in front of her there was a knock on the door. She dragged her tired eyes up from the screen of her laptop and saw Nathan standing in the doorway, leaning against the architrave. Heat flushed into her cheeks and she yanked off her glasses.

  “You ready to go?”

  She tidied up the papers in front of her and heaved a sigh. “Yeah, I suppose so. What time is it?” She glanced at the clock to see 7 p.m. “Geez, where does the time go? Yeah, give me five to just pack up?”

  Nathan nodded and walked away and her breath shuddered in her throat. Her pulse had picked up and her stomach now ached in a way that wasn’t about hunger.

  She packed up and dug her fingernails into her palms as she stared out the window and took a few deep breaths.

  She’d emailed Cindy to let her know that Nathan would be at the cocktail party, and she was absolutely ecstatic about it. Emily had said that she’d work on him about the speech.

  With one final, calming breath, she turned and picked up her briefcase. Time to face the music.

  She walked through the door and saw the dark suit by the elevator.

  Her heart fluttered in her chest.

  Many men cut an impressive shape in a suit, but Nathan looked monumentally breathtaking. His wide shoulders spoke of strength and masculinity, his thin waist told of his youth and fitness.

  “Where are we going tonight?”

  She strolled up beside him and smiled, the haunted look in his eyes causing a sudden lurch to her belly.

  “Are you all right, Nate?”


  Nathan’s breath came in short pants as he struggled to get his heart to slow down.

  Her voice, so light and happy, had him projecting into a future of late dinners, laughter, and contentment. He’d never known such a thing before with a woman. Some distant memory of his early childhood often plagued him. He’d known happiness once, and the sound of laughter. It had been a very long time since those moments, though.

  She was still looking at him expectantly and he cleared his throat while he searched for the last thing she’d said.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I hadn’t really thought about it. Do you have a preference?”

  He ran a shaking hand through his hair and tugged at his already loosened tie. He unraveled it and tucked it into his pocket. Happiness literally shone off Emily like a ring around the moon.


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