Finding Forever (Meet the McIntyres Book 5)

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Finding Forever (Meet the McIntyres Book 5) Page 12

by Rebecca Barber


  He really was born to be a cop. He didn’t even have to look at you to see right through you. It was unnerving.


  “Go! Find her. Make sure she’s okay.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah. Just let me know.”

  “Can do.”

  I turned and headed for the door, relief flooding my veins. I’d gotten out of that way too easily. I’d almost made it. Almost. “Oh, and Connor?”


  “One, you hurt her, I hurt you.”

  “Yeah, I figured as much. And two?”

  “She needs you. Even if she’s not ready to admit it, she does. Make her happy.” Well, fuck me if that wasn’t a shit tonne of pressure.

  “I can try.” That was all I could offer. Just because I’d already decided Zoe was the one person I could see myself having fun with for more than a few nights, didn’t mean she was on the same page. In fact, I was certain she wasn’t thinking about me at all. Not that I could blame her. These past couple of months hadn’t been easy for her.

  “Hey Derek, any idea where I might find her?”

  “Knowing Zoe, I’d try down by the river first.”

  I can’t believe I’d had to even ask. As soon as he mentioned the word ‘river,’ I knew exactly where she was. She’d taken me there before. “I know the place.”

  It took me twenty minutes to get there, and when I did, I pulled up beside Derek’s car and climbed out. I barely walked a few paces before I spotted her. She hadn’t heard me and I wasn’t about to scare her, instead I jumped up onto the bonnet and waited.

  She’d come out here alone for a reason. One I wasn’t about to intrude on. But she never said there couldn’t be someone waiting with a hug when she was ready.

  From my vantage point I could see her shivering. Or maybe it was sobs racking her body. She was standing in the middle of the river, thank god it’d slowed down since last time I’d been down here, or she’d be swept away, never to be seen or heard from again. Her arms were wrapped around something I couldn’t see, and her back was to me. Her hair hung lifelessly down her back, and her shirt clung to her every curve. She obviously hadn’t come out here prepared for a swim.

  We were surrounded by the sound of the birds chirping as the wind rustled the trees. Occasionally it was broken by an unladylike snort or sob, which I knew were being ripped straight from Zoe’s broken heart. With her shoulders slumped, it was taking all the will power I had to stop myself from barrelling down the riverbank, scooping her up, and promising her the world. No wonder Derek had no restraint when it came to Zoe. She was a witch and I was under her spell.

  Overhead it was getting darker. The clouds were getting closer and heavier with each passing minute. I wasn’t sure we’d get rain, but we were going to lose light soon. Checking my phone, I noticed it was already after five. I found myself wondering how long Zoe had been down there. Surely, she was cold. Hell, my ass was numb sitting out here not doing anything and I was dry.

  I snapped a picture of Zoe standing in the water and flicked it through to Derek.

  Connor: What do I do?

  I honestly had no idea. I knew being in that water this long wasn’t doing her any favours, but I doubted she’d really appreciate being dragged out either.

  Derek: Bring her home.

  Derek’s reply didn’t help. I sat staring at my phone, debating how to reply. Did I tell him to fuck off? Did I ask him how exactly I was supposed to do that? When I looked up again, I was surprised by what I saw.

  Zoe was stumbling out of the river. She was still wearing her jeans, and they clung to her like a second skin. When she slipped on the edge, I jumped off the car and moved towards her. Before I’d even made it two steps, she’d righted herself and was trudging on. I don’t think she even knew I was here yet.

  Her arms were wrapped around what looked to be a grey plastic container. What caught me most off guard was the way she was slumped over, looking so incredibly broken. With her every step, I could hear the squelching of her water-logged shoes. Her thin pink t-shirt stuck to her, and even through the sadness, I couldn’t help but to notice every single curve. Curves my fingers knew all too well and itched to get reacquainted with.

  She almost made it right to where I waited before she lifted her head and saw me. As soon as her eyes met mine she completely froze. Her lips were blue, and I could see her shivering. Hugging the container even closer, she sent a glare in my direction that had my balls shrivelling.

  “Wh-wh-what a-a-are y-y-you d-d-doing h-h-here?” she managed to spit out between her chattering teeth.

  Before I could answer, I dug my hands out of my pockets and grabbed the blanket from the backseat.

  “Checking on you.”


  “Let’s get you warmed up, and then you can ask all the questions you want. What do you think?”

  Indecision swamped her. I knew she wanted answers—hell, I wasn’t completely sure I even knew what they were.

  When a shiver visibly tore through her body, she bit down on her bottom lip and nodded.


  “W-w-what?” I’d never seen someone’s eyes open so wide.

  “To get you warm, those wet clothes need to come off.” I let my words sink in before I continued. Right now, dealing with Zoe was harder than dealing with a wet cat. I had no idea if she was going to snuggle into my side and use me for my warmth, or the more likely option, scratch my face off. “Want me to hold that?”

  Zoe’s eyes darted between me and the container in her arms. She was warring with herself. It was almost painful to watch. Zoe was a smart girl and she knew I was right, but setting it down wasn’t something she was ready to do. So, she surprised the shit out of me when she held it out to me.

  Taking it from her trembling hands, I knew it was empty. My guess was this was what was holding Jenna’s ashes that were now floating down the river. I wasn’t dumb, though. There was no way I was about to ask. Zoe was bordering on the edge of hypothermia and a full emotional break down. While she stood there, I looked at her face and felt like I’d been junk punched. I had no idea how long she’d been out here, but her eyes were puffy and red rimmed, her nose rubbed red raw, and he hair hung limply like soggy strands of straw.

  As much as I wanted to set down the container and strip her myself, I knew I couldn’t. All I could do was encourage her. “Shoes first, Zoe.”

  Without a word she bent over and unlaced her wet runners. Toeing them off, she tipped them upside down and water pooled on the ground beside her.

  “Now the socks.” As she peeled them down, revealing the tiniest little toes with chipped pink polish on her nails, it struck me that this wasn’t going to be easy. I was going to have to guide her through it step by step. Maybe I should have traded with Derek and looked after Lachlan and sent him out here.

  Tucking her socks inside her shoes, Zoe pulled herself to her full height. “Can I p-p-please have the blanket now?”

  “In a minute. We still have to get you out of your wet clothes.” She took a step back and tripped on a stick. With her hands windmilling, I couldn’t get to her quick enough to stop her from landing on her butt in the dirt. This girl was a walking disaster.

  “I-I-I don’t h-h-have any sp-sp-spare clothes.” This talking through chattering teeth was really starting to piss me off.

  Walking over to her deliberately, I set the container on the ground next to her shoes. I felt her suck in a sharp breath before glaring at me. “Sweetheart, it’s nothing I haven’t seen before. Now take off your shirt or I will do it for you. You stand here much longer with your teeth chattering like that and you’ll chip a tooth.”

  “Things have changed,” she replied. A flush of embarrassment put some colour in her cheeks. For the first time today, she looked like the real Zoe.

  “Why? ’Cause you had a kid? Hell, Zoe, your tits were fantastic before, and trust me, I’m even more inte
rested now.” I knew I shouldn’t have said it. Even as the words were slipping from my mouth, I knew I was pushing too hard, too fast, but I couldn’t stop myself. Maybe a hefty dose of reality would help.

  “How-how do you know?” she retorted defiantly. My cock almost burst its way through the zipper of my now too tight jeans. “Y-you haven’t s-s-seen them.”

  I’d been trying to behave. I really had. My plan had been to help her but keep my distance. Now was not the time or the place. But she’d pushed every single button I had with a few well-chosen words. It was the power she possessed. Now she was going to have to live with the consequences.

  Brushing the hair out of her face, I needed her to see me when I said this. “I may not have seen them in the flesh. I may not have had my hands on them…yet. But trust me when I tell you, sweetheart, I’ve noticed. And right now, I’m doing a lot more than just noticing.” And just to drive home my point, I reached down between us and adjusted myself.

  If she was surprised by my comments, she hid it well. Instead of replying, she grabbed the hem of her shirt and dragged it over her head before dropping it behind her. To be honest, I didn’t even see it hit the ground. My eyes were firmly fixed on her massive boobs that were fighting their white cotton restraint and spilling over the top. I knew her body had changed, but nothing could have prepared me for this. Zoe’d had a nice rack before, but now they were handfuls I was desperate to get a taste of.

  Growing in courage, Zoe puffed her chest out. We were so close I could smell the fruity perfume she wore even through the gunk and grime that clung to her skin. “Connor, can I have the blanket now?” she asked in a voice so sickeningly sweet it almost gave me a cavity.

  “No.” I hadn’t intended for it to come out as a growl, but it did. “Jeans first.” Stringing a sentence together now was almost impossible. There was no blood in my brain. It’d all taken a one-way trip south.


  “Now, Zoe.” Fuck! I sounded like a caveman.

  Without whinging anymore, Zoe popped the button on her jeans and dragged down the zipper. With the clink as the metal teeth parted revealing the see through wet white panties beneath, my dick throbbed. If I wasn’t careful, I’d come in my pants like a horny teenager, not something I was keen on doing today.

  For a second I watched as she shook and shimmied and tried to peel them off. It shouldn’t have been the sexiest strip tease I’d even seen, but somehow it was.

  “They’re stuck!” she pouted, as she tried to pry the damp denim over her ass.

  “Need a hand?” I couldn’t hold back the smirk. Even if I wanted to, there was no way I could.


  Before she had a chance to reconsider and run, I bent down, scooped up her stuff, then tossed her over my shoulder in a fireman’s carry and stormed towards my ute. After tossing everything in the back, I lowered the tail gate and set her down. Peeling her out of these pants was going to be the highlight of my day. Hell, it would probably be the highlight of my year the way things were going.

  I must have moved too slowly or missed her saying something.

  “Conner? Pants?”

  “Shit. Yeah.”

  She wore her devilish smile with mischief. I knew this woman would completely screw me up. What’s worse, not only was I powerless to stop it, but I didn’t want to.

  My fingers trembled as I reached for her waistband and helped her out of her pants. When my fingers touched the soft skin of her thighs, a full body shiver passed through her, but this time I knew it wasn’t from the cold.

  When they were gone, and she was left in just a pair of panties that should be outlawed, and a bra which spilled more than it restrained, I looked at her. Really looked at her. Zoe was right. Her body had changed. But it still had me wanting to climb on top of her and take my time mapping all the new curves she’d developed.

  Zoe must have noticed me drooling, because her hands shot down to cover her stomach. She had nothing to be embarrassed about. She’d just had a kid, and I wasn’t a moron. At least, not today. Sure, she was carrying a few extra kilos and some stretch marks, but it didn’t make her any less stunning. With my frustrations eating me, I yanked her hands away and pulled her to me.

  “Don’t you dare hide. You’re beautiful and you need to remember that.” Not giving her a chance to bitch or protest, I slammed my mouth over hers and kissed her with everything I had. For a heartbeat she struggled before caving, her tongue quickly duelling with mine. Zoe was giving as good as she was getting.

  Pushing me away, Zoe panted. Her once blue lips were now pink and swollen from my kisses. I wondered what other body parts I could warm up with my mouth. Those dark nipples that were poking through her simple bra looked decidedly tempting. “Connor.” She said my name breathlessly.

  “Yeah, sweetheart,” I murmured, placing a wet kiss just below her ear.

  “I’m freezing. Can I have the blanket now? Please?”

  Standing up, I didn’t even bother to be embarrassed about the sizable tent in my pants. Zoe did this to me. She deserved to know she was the one responsible. Pulling her to her feet, I balanced her on my toes. She didn’t need to put her feet in the dirt. While I wrapped the blanket around her, the dampness from her bra seeped through my shirt but I didn’t give a shit. Zoe was in my arms, and I was in fucking heaven.

  Sweeping her off her feet, I carried her around and set her in the passenger seat before heading back to my side. After stuffing the keys in the ignition, I turned up the heat and directed the vents towards Zoe. I was doing everything I could to stop her getting sick.

  “What do you need from your car?” I asked.


  “Your bag?”

  “What? Connor, I’m not leaving the car here. I’m fine. I can drive.”

  “Can you do me a favour?”

  “What’s that?”

  “For once, just stop arguing. Can you do that?”

  “Doesn’t sound like fun.” Then, she poked her tongue out at me. Like seriously. Was she five? I stared at her perfect pink tongue, the one I knew tasted like desire and torture all rolled into one.

  Not bothering to respond, I shut the door and stomped over to Derek’s car. After grabbing her bag and phone, I got the wet clothes from the back of the ute and tossed it all on the back seat.

  “I’ve locked it up. No one in this town is dumb enough to steal the cop’s car,” I countered her argument before she’d even had a chance to start it. “I’m taking you home for a hot shower. We need to get you warmed up.”

  “And put on some clothes?”

  Zoe was deliberately baiting me, I couldn’t back down. This was one thing I loved about her. She challenged me. She wasn’t afraid to play, and damn, did I have a fun time playing with her.

  “We’ll see.”

  Flicking on the head lights, I backed out and we headed home. When we turned back onto the streets, I looked over at Zoe. Illuminated by the street lights, I noticed how damn tired she looked. With the warmth from the heater blasting her, she’d finally got some colour back in her cheeks.

  With a heavy sigh, Zoe’s eyes fluttered, and she glanced over at me. “I need to stop and pick up Lachlan.”

  Without answering her, I dialled Derek.

  “Please tell me you have Zoe with you?” He sounded desperate.

  “Hi Derek.”

  “Oh, thank fuck! You okay?”

  “Yeah. Just cold. And wet.”


  “Long story.”

  “You coming to get Lachlan?”

  “No, she’s not,” I interrupted. “She needs a shower and some sleep. You’re right with Lachlan for the night, aren’t you?” I was putting him on the spot and I knew it, but Zoe needed a night off. A moment to get her stuff together.

  I heard Derek coughing down the line. “Yeah, we’re fine. Just having a boys’ night. You know, beer, pizza, and football.”

  “So, Lachlan’s asleep and you’r
e in your pyjamas?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “Are you sure, Derek?” Zoe didn’t sound convinced that he had it under control. I was just grateful she hadn’t walked in on what I had earlier. If she had, I doubt she’d be as comfortable leaving him.

  “Zoe, I got this. I’ll bring him home in the morning.”

  As I turned into Jenna’s driveway I ended the call. “Thanks, Derek. Have fun.”

  Killing the ignition, I swiped my sweaty palms on my thighs. I wish I could blame the heater. It wasn’t the heating. It was all Zoe.

  Even though we’d stopped, neither of us moved. Adrenaline flooded my bloodstream and I realised just how nervous I was. There was so much I wanted to ask her, but now wasn’t the time.

  “Th-thanks, Connor.”

  “For what?”

  “I don’t know. The blanket. Making me laugh. I haven’t done that in a while.”

  She was cute when she babbled. “You should do it more often. Happy looks good on you.”

  “I shouldn’t be out having a good time. Jenna just…it hasn’t been long.” The mention of Jenna’s name deflated her.

  Cupping her face in my hands, I forced her to look at me. Despite the sadness in her eyes, there was something more there. I tried not to let my thoughts get ahead of me. “Right now may not be the right time, but Zoe, you will be happy again. Don’t force yourself. Now, you need to get out of my car, go inside, and get cleaned up.”

  “And put on clothes,” she taunted.

  “Yeah, that too.” I barely recognised my own voice.

  “Good night, Connor.” She kissed my forehead so softly I barely felt it. For some reason it made me feel special. Stupidly, I froze. I said nothing. I did nothing. Instead I gaped as the blanket slipped off her shoulders, offering me one last glimpse of her boobs before she grabbed her bag and climbed out.

  It was strange being in Jenna’s house without her. Every time I turned a corner or opened a cupboard there were reminders of her. It’d been five weeks since I’d scattered her ashes and lost my mind, now I was starting to go stir crazy. Sorting out her affairs hadn’t been easy, either. I didn’t realise how much there was to do. Sell the car. Cancel her licence. I’d cancelled credit cards, returned library books, and disconnected her phone. I’d blown through more copies of her death certificate than I ever imagined I’d need.


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