Legend of the Inero Dragon

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Legend of the Inero Dragon Page 11

by JF Jenkins

  "You're going to be a fun one. Now I'll show you mine," Matt said with a deep laugh. Red fire exploded out of him, then he and his troops were transported deeper into the park. Hidden amongst the trees once more, they each transformed back into their human shape.

  Matt took the time to straighten out his clothes, acting as though nothing unusual had happened. "As much fun as that was, I think it's time for us to leave."

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  "I haven't had a night off for a long time. Not one when he's home, at least." Navi glowed as she spoke. Gwen couldn't think of a time she'd been so happy. It made Gwen sad that it took something as simple as permission away from her husband to elicit it.

  She forced a smile, though the last thing she wanted to do was smile. Everything about Navi's marriage made her scowl more often than not, but she wanted to be encouraging. "This obviously means we need to do something tonight."

  "I was thinking the same thing," Navi said, a small smile tugging up the corners of her mouth.

  Gwen put a hand on her friend's arm. "Good, then you're coming over for dinner. Jason and I would love to have you."

  "You say that like a real married woman." Navi laughed.

  "I'm not sure I understand what you're getting at. We would like it. He's missed you a lot."

  "I know. My point is, you sound like a couple when you talk like that. It's sweet."

  Gwen shrugged then let go of her friend. "We are a couple."

  "For real Gwen, I'm not talking about the charade."

  "I know, but I think my answer still stands. For real, we are a couple. An obscure one, and probably not what you would consider traditional, but we function well together as a unit. Plus, I enjoy his company."

  Navi laughed. "You should try telling him how you feel. I think he needs to know you don't see him as an obligation."

  "I've been trying, subtly of course, because I don't want to overwhelm him," Gwen responded, nodding. "You know how he is with relationships. I don't want him to feel like he has to do anything more than he's comfortable with. Extra hugs, longer touches, and taking extra time to be with him are a few things. I'm not sure if he's noticed or not. You know Jason. He's always a mystery with his feelings. I don't want to flash a neon sign, though. He might not think I mean it, or feel the same way."

  "You're right. He'll pick up on it when he's ready to." Navi leaned in to hug her, which wasn't like her at all. The two weren't touchy-feely by nature, so it startled Gwen at first.

  "I'm so happy for you," Navi whispered.

  "Thank you," Gwen said, but she wasn't sure if those were the right words. She held her friend for a moment then pulled away. She decided to bring the conversation back to the original topic, wanting the spotlight off of her love life. "So you and Chris will come?"

  "Yes, we'll both be there."

  Gwen couldn't wait to tell Jason. She'd meant it when she said he had missed Navi. He cared for the woman a lot. At first it had left Gwen a little unsettled, unsure of what their relationship was to begin with. Then she realized the two were simply the best of friends. She felt awful for seeing her more often than he got to. This would be good for them all. They needed to catch up with one another as a group.

  "Perfect, be at the house at around five."

  Chapter Thirty

  I'm coming home.

  Three words Kat had been waiting to hear for a week. Yes, Matt had checked in with her briefly every day he was gone, but she wouldn't be satisfied until she could touch him again.

  How did it go? she asked. Hopefully, he wouldn't think she was prying too much. His success was important to her. She lived for his happiness.

  It's complete. That's all that matters.

  She took that as a sign to let it go. I'll see you soon. Not soon enough for her.

  "I'm sorry, what was that, Lenora?" Kat returned her attention to her friends. Matt had contacted her right as they were finishing dinner together. From what she remembered, he was ahead of her by a couple of hours. He probably hadn't meant to interrupt.

  "I asked if you had enough to eat," Lenora said. She gestured at the fresh- cooked green beans and baked chicken on the table before them.

  "No, I'm fine," Kat replied. The truth was, she did want to eat more, but not green beans or chicken. The baby wanted to eat apples, more specifically, apple pie. The craving was so strong it almost made her sick.

  "Are you all right? You seem distracted."

  "I'm fine, and I am distracted. Matthias just told me his mission is complete and he's on his way home."

  "Wonderful." Lenora motioned for all four women at the table to stand.

  Kat did so slowly. While she didn't look drastically different, she felt it. Her body ached in new ways, and she did have a slight weight gain. Matt reassured her she wouldn't get monstrously huge. Dragon eggs were only around four pounds at the end of their six-month gestation. Most of the growth happened during the three months spent in the incubator. It confused her, but almost everything about Matt's dragon side did. More often than not, she forgot he wasn't human.

  "Are you sure everything is fine?" Lenora asked. Kat had planned to tell her about the pregnancy, especially if Matt hadn't gotten back soon. Being pregnant and on her own was not easy. Lenora acted like she knew, though. She'd been extra attentive to Kat's needs, making sure she took it easy and ate well. Tiffy and Ariana were oblivious.

  Kat laughed softly, her hands instinctively folding in front of her stomach. She did this anytime she thought about the baby. "I'm pregnant. Of course I'm fine."

  Lenora drew her into an almost suffocating hug. "I was wondering when you were going to say something."

  "How did you know?"

  "I've been around for a long time. It's like I have a radar for this sort of thing. How are you feeling? How long have you known?"

  "A couple of weeks. It's been just over three months. We were waiting to say something until after Matt came home, but I'm having a hard time containing the excitement any longer. I'm feeling okay. It's not as bad as I thought it would be."

  Lenora released her, brushing away a strand of her hair. "I'm so happy for you. This must be like some kind of a dream. We need to celebrate some time soon. If there is anything you need, let me know and it's yours."

  "Thank you. I'm so grateful to have such a good friend," Kat said, now starting to get emotional, her eyes tearing up. Lenora meant the world to her. She'd have been lost without her. "If I can be honest, you've been more than just a friend. You're like the mother I've always wanted."

  She noticed tears pooling in Lenora's eyes as well at that statement. She'd told her enough of about the life she left back home. "I know you would never say something like that lightly. It honors me to hear it. I have looked at you as a daughter as well, all of you." Lenora glanced back briefly at Tiffy and Ariana. "It's been a joy since I only have sons. Since we can only have sons."

  Kat frowned at this news. She'd been hoping for a daughter. Something inside her gut told her she would have a girl. Matt had never told her about that. It made sense. She'd never seen any female children in the castle. Why wouldn't he have told her? So much happened so quickly there were bound to be details left out. Maybe someday she would have strong bonds with her son's brides just like Lenora did.

  The woman placed a kiss on her forehead. "I have to go now. I'm sorry to cut the evening short. Important business awaits me. Do not hesitate to call if you need something."

  "I promise," she said, wiping her eyes. She counted the hours until her husband returned home.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Ever since their conversation on the park bench, Gwen seemed different…more affectionate. It threw Jason for a loop. He didn't know what to make of it. Part of him wondered if she was trying to 'woo' him for the sake of fulfilling the one-year requirement. But that didn't feel entirely right. Her actions came across as genuine. It was just different than the norm.

  Gwen walked by Jason to clear the table. Navi an
d Chris had joined them for dinner, and there were a number of messy dishes from their small feast. As she passed him, carrying a few plates to the sink, her hand grazed across his shoulder blades. What startled him more than the touch, however, was the fact that he enjoyed it more than he expected to. He enjoyed her touch, actually. It made him feel worthy, important, and warm.

  The more he thought about it, the more he realized those feelings would be mutual. Dare he think it…he might even love her. He tried not to entertain the thought too much. He'd come to enjoy her company—a lot—and looked forward to spending as much time with her as he could. On top of that, she made him feel calm, free, and like a man. Three things he couldn't find anywhere else. Plus, she was beautiful and warm. He loved when he could sneak a touch. If she didn't care for him in the same way he did for her, then he'd only be setting himself up for a lot of pain. It was better if he ignored them, for now. Easier said than done, though. Especially with the way she watched him, something in her eyes begging for him to come to her, but he didn't exactly understand what it meant.

  What's going on? Matt popped in unexpectedly.

  Jason had gotten so used to being blocked from his brother's mind he'd completely forgotten they still shared a connection.


  I'm here. Gwen is confusing me. She's touching me more than usual and giving me strange looks, he explained as he helped clean up. He missed his brother, so he didn't mind engaging in a brief conversation. Any insight would be helpful, and Matt had always been better with women than him.

  Come hither stares?

  I don't know what that means, but she smells like cinnamon when she does it.

  Lust. That's what you're smelling. Isn't it wonderful?

  Lust? Jason raised an eyebrow.

  The smell, but that too.

  Yes, it is wonderful, he agreed.

  This is your signal. She's into you. I say go for it, Matt said.

  Jason hadn't been expecting that advice. His brother had made it pretty clear he didn't like Gwen. Why would he want Jason to make her a permanent part of his life? He couldn't tell if what Gwen felt was real.

  Can you fake lust? he asked after a moment of quiet.

  I don't think so. Why would she fake it?

  Because I told her about what might happen if we don't consummate by the end of the year. She practically has been all over me for the past week. I'm wondering if she's just trying to take the easy way out. Not that I mind, but I think we both deserve better than that.

  Kiss her.

  Jason almost dropped the plates on the spot. He coughed, looking for a way to cover up his reaction from the others in the room. What?

  Kiss. Her. It's the only way you'll know for sure. I mean, you do like her right? Matt asked.

  I have for a while.

  I mean as more than just a friend.

  My statement still stands.

  Then stop torturing yourself and do it.

  Jason thought about it as he placed his load of dishes into the kitchen sink, then went back to collect more. I take it you're okay?

  Yes, I'm on my way home now. I probably shouldn't have intruded, but I'm bored.

  I'm glad you did. He didn't want to flat out say how much he missed his brother. Matt might get defensive and the last thing Jason wanted was a fight, especially through telepathy when he had company over. The best thing he could do to repair their relationship was lead through example.

  I know our women don't get along well, but I hope it goes well for you both, Matt said.

  Thank you. It meant a lot to Jason to hear that. We'll get together soon. I'll tell you more then.

  Go. I'll stop being a distraction.

  Jason wanted to be distracted though. He'd have to face her eventually and find out, one way or another, what was going on. When he finished his conversation with his brother, he went to the dining room to collect the serving plates. Gwen was talking to Navi. All for the better. He needed a moment to process this revelation. He returned to the kitchen and began soaking the dishes.

  I can't just kiss her, can I? I don't even know how. Matt's right. I need to do something soon, so I can know for sure. Why does this have to be complicated? He hated it, and this was one of the reasons he wanted to avoid a relationship. But the feelings she gave him when they were together were so nice. He loved her companionship. They made a great team.

  Just then, she walked into the kitchen, carrying the last of the silverware. Slowly, she brushed the hair from her face and gave him a smile. "I liked this a lot. I think it's the most normal I've felt since coming here."

  "We'll find a chance to do it again. I'm surprised Father let her out for the night. Usually that's his time." Jason paused, glancing at her, taking a moment to admire the sight before him.

  He shifted his weight, searching for something to say. He decided to give her some good news. The idea had been in his head for a few days. Now seemed like a good time to bring it up. Hopefully, it would inspire her, and show her he was serious about his feelings for her.

  "How would you like to take a small trip home? I think you've been here long enough and established yourself well in our community. We could make a brief visit every so often. Of course, when they start to age, and you don't, we'll have to stop. But that shouldn't be for a number of years."

  Gwen didn't say anything. Instead, she hugged him close, wrapping her arms around him. He returned the gesture, cradling her. He risked a glance into her eyes. In that one moment, he was almost positive his heart would beat out of his chest.

  She lifted her chin, tilting her face toward him as if in invitation. He leaned in, ready. He didn't know what he was doing, but would figure it out. If he was going to learn, he had to take the initiative.

  His lips had barely brushed against hers when there was a loud crash from the other room.

  "Miss Navi!" Chris yelled.

  Gwen was the first to pull away, rushing from the room. Instead of following right away, Jason went to find his first aid kit. When he saw Navi lying on the floor in a crumpled heap, he nearly dropped it. Carefully taking her into his arms, Chris was able to carry her to the couch.

  "What happened?" Gwen asked. Her hands were over her mouth, and she followed him into the other room.

  "We were talking and she suddenly passed out as if in pain. I could see it in her eyes, and I could have sworn she was going to scream." Chris was shaking, which was not like him at all. He was usually so much more calm and collected. Hardly anything fazed him.

  Jason brought the first aid kit over, his body trembling. He recognized this. He couldn't count how many times he'd seen it happen before. "Get her a blanket. Check her heart rate. As long as it's not racing, she should be fine. Rest and warmth will be all she needs."

  "What's going on?" Gwen asked, stepping closer to him.

  He sighed. "My father finally grew tired of her."

  "I don't understand."

  "He cheated on her," he said, taking her hand. "I'll give you the big, long explanation soon, but he's broken their bond. From what I understand, it's a painful process."

  Oddly, Gwen smiled, which was the last thing he expected her to do. "She's free."

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  The castle was quiet when Matt returned home. He wasn't surprised since it was the middle of the night. He made sure to keep quiet, not wanting to disturb anyone. The last thing he needed was to be bombarded by questions from his father. Those could wait until the morning. Or the afternoon, if he could have things his way.

  All he wanted to do was lie down beside Kat and go to sleep. He was exhausted from using so much of his magic, and none of his comrades would let him rest on the ride home. They kept wanting to talk about what happened in the park. He'd be happy to never think about it again.

  He crept into his bedroom and carefully took off his shoes. The goal was for him to make it into bed without Kat waking up. One he failed at achieving miserably.

  "I was wondering when you
'd be back," she said and stretched before sitting up in bed. The way her hair fell around her face and the sleepy half-awake look in her eyes was beautiful.

  "I'm glad you didn't wait up for me," he said, stripping off his shirt so he could get more comfortable.

  "I know. I need as much rest as possible for the baby."

  "For you, too."

  "I'm fine."

  He reached out to brush her hair away so he could kiss her lips. They'd grown so much together it amazed him. They were going to need to be strong in the upcoming months. Work would become more demanding on him as he and his father planned their strategy against the Oceina.


  "Yes?" He returned his attention to her.

  "Are you okay?"

  For a moment, all he could do was chew on his lower lip. He didn't know how to answer that question. He'd just murdered the Great Lord of the water dragons less than twenty-four hours ago. Not that he regretted it—hardly, but it was a lot to absorb all the same.

  "Matt?" she asked again, poking his side as he climbed into the bed.

  "I'm fine. I have a lot on my mind."

  "What happened? Can you tell me about it now?"

  "I can, but I don't know if you want to hear it."

  "Why wouldn't I?"

  He sighed. "Promise me you won't think less of me then."

  After taking a deep breath, he told her everything that happened in the park and how he had killed Orion. When he finished, his hands were shaking and he clung to the bed sheets so tightly his knuckles were white. Every moment of the night came back to life in vivid detail. The smell of fear, the feeling of power, and how much he wanted to do it, especially stuck out in his mind. The rush had completely intoxicated him.

  "I'm not sure what to say," she said. He put a hand on her waist. When she didn't flinch, he also relaxed. He'd been worried she might hate him.


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