Challenge Protocol

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Challenge Protocol Page 2

by Dawn Ryder

  So every member of his team had a partner he stuck close to. The odd survival technique accounted for Robyn’s unique union. She’d met Jace and Nash at the same time. He’d flipped out the night they brought her up to his mountain, but love didn’t ask for permission, it just sort of dropped onto you from above without any warning.

  At least that’s what Jace and Nash claimed. Dack didn’t know. There wasn’t anything even close to love in his life. Hell, he couldn’t even claim a girlfriend in the years since hiding for his life had become a necessity.

  Living with a hit notice out on you wasn’t simple. Dack and the rest of his men lay low for the most part. They ran an assessment company that was hired to invade an office and filter out the bullshit from the facts. They didn’t own any property in their birth names and every man on the team went to great lengths to avoid pictures. It was a covert lifestyle, one that scared most females. The computer age made it possible to run bank accounts from hundreds of miles away, cutting information off from any Black Watch members looking for them, or at least keep a few paces ahead of their snipers. New inductees to the mercenary group had to prove their loyalty with a service.

  Taking him or a few of his men out would satisfy that demand. Dack intended to make it an impossible kill, all the while tracking the movements of Black Watch and the son of a bitch who had sold him out. Someday, he’d mess up and Dack was going to be there to prove his innocence.

  Clearing his name wouldn’t change much though. Mercenaries held grudges for generations. His men would stick together until the day they died if they wanted to live much past a few months as civilians. Clearing their names wouldn’t change that. Jace and Nash were the luckiest S.O.B’s for finding a woman who dealt with it. Robyn loved the pair of them, shrugging off the rest of the world and its raised eyebrows.

  “Where’s the assignment?”

  Dack was still grinding his teeth as began reading through the file.

  “Twelve locations, executive gyms. Male clients only, and very expensive, I noticed. But there is a problem child, one location that is in the red.”

  Dack thumbed through the report as his other half, Logan, held up a hand for his own copy. Logan was paired up with him. They lived together as they tried to stay alive. Twin dishonorable discharges gave them comradeship. Logan had been his junior officer. Today, Logan was his partner. They went everywhere together. When off their mountaintop property, they didn’t sleep at the same time, didn’t shower unless the other one was keeping watch. If one of them got laid, the other was on guard duty. That necessity of life sort of put a dampener on romance. Sure, there were women who didn’t mind voyeurism, but it wasn’t the sort of thing that grew into a relationship.

  They split the onsite work. Each team took a turn being the men who reported to the client site. They fed the information to the men back on the mountain and Robyn. Workload studies and assessments could be done remotely, but interviews and observations were vital to success.

  And his team was among the best. They could shake a business down in five days and tell an owner exactly where money was hemorrhaging from. It didn’t make them many friends, but profit margins kept doors open for the employees who were doing an honest day’s work. Call him a bastard but he was also the man who could keep a company from filing bankruptcy and having to shut its doors. And if an employee couldn’t see the necessity of that when the quarterly reports were in the red, he didn’t give a damn what they thought about him. Life wasn’t fair.

  His sure as hell hadn’t been.

  “Fine. We’ll cover it.” Logan nodded, mild interest coloring his whisky brown eyes. “Tomorrow morning.”

  Robyn turned in her chair. “But the contract starts Monday.”

  Dack snickered at her. “Ever seen Monday morning traffic in Southern California? We won’t make it until lunchtime. Besides, it’s a gym, right? Open seven days a week. Might be interesting to show up a day early. See who has their pants down.”

  Dack grinned, catching a similar expression on Logan’s face. There were some things that leaving the service didn’t change. They both still enjoyed a good kill. Now that they were going, they both wanted to go for the throat first thing. It was a trait he shared with Logan, that first-kill attitude. It helped them deal with being partners. That didn’t mean they would fall in love with the same woman though. Far from it. But you needed to be alive before you could get to any romance. Logan helped him do that and he repaid the favor in kind. Not perfect but a lot better than dead.

  * * * * *

  Mia was flustered when she opened the door of the gym the next morning. Cambria hurried her inside while looking around the parking lot suspiciously. The private security men were not out at their post yet, but the door was still locked. Mia turned the keys and slipped them into her pocket.

  “Don’t tell me you’re losing your nerve,” said Cambria, rolling her eyes “I’m missing my morning to sleep in, in honor of being here as moral support.” Pointing a fingernail at the keys, Cambria waited to see what Mia would do.

  Mia shrugged. “Sorry, Cammy, I’m a little frazzled, but I am leaving this job.” She pulled the bunch of keys out of her blazer pocket and dumped them on the reception desk next to her workstation keyboard. She nodded her head with finality as she stared at the keys that were essential to her position.

  “I do hope you remembered to write up a little report for the assessment team? You know, outlining how many hours you put in? Pointing the way to the files they may want to see.”

  Color brightened Mia’s fair complexion as her lips pressed into a naughty smile. “Everything is under my logon information anyway. Carl never does the office spreadsheets. By the way, I’ve already got two interviews.” She displayed a bright expression of triumph. “And those came through this morning. On a Sunday. I posted my résumé last night online.”

  “See? I’ve been telling you to dump this jerk-off for a year. Half the companies that know you would snatch you up in a heartbeat.”

  Mia shrugged. “I know, but I hate that word ‘quit’.”

  Cambria moved down the hallway, admiring the polished wood flooring. The private gym was wall-to-wall luxury—tasteful interior decorating, thick fluffy towels in the shower room and a clientele that included celebrities. The problem was too much testosterone. The place was a female’s worst nightmare to work in. You could be twice as good as the guy above you and still end up with a third less pay as well as no respect. Mia had been bailing out this sinking boat for over a year, thinking that hard work would prevail in the end. As far as Cambria could see, Mia would give her last breath to her boss and he’d replace her the moment she was dead at his feet.

  “Did you change your system password?” Turning a wicked look on her friend, Cambria held up a finger. “You know, just so Carl can’t dial into the system and erase information.”

  “It’s my first task this morning.” Mia’s eyes rounded as she covered the smile that appeared on her lips. She hurried off towards her desk, leaving Cambria. She turned at the last second.

  “There’s a box in the solar. Could you get it?”

  “Make sure you change that password to something that can’t be cracked. Lots of numbers for letters.”

  “Great idea.”

  Cambria turned and walked towards the locker room that was called the solar. It was round, with arched windows running all around the outside edge. There were padded chairs and muted music, all cast in relaxing light. It was the only gym she’d ever been to where a relaxation room was part of the deal. Mia was constantly running cappuccinos and lattes to members as they stretched and warmed up.

  Running a finger over the elaborate wood molding that framed the windows, she marveled at the luxury of the place. Little wonder the clientele thought themselves superior to the rest of the world. They were arrogant pigs who made the staff suffer any time they were unhappy. If that’s what having money did to you, she would cheerfully remain “getting by”. The concept of
seeing herself throwing a fit over a poor shine job on her shoes wasn’t a level she was willing to stoop to, even if she would love to have someone to do the cleaning. Mia’s box was sitting on a marble-topped table.

  “You’re sure not a member.”

  Cambria froze for a slim second. The voice was deep and ultra male, and she hesitated before turning around because she didn’t want to shatter the prickle of sensation it sent down her neck with a look at something less than perfect. The voice was stellar. The kind that lived in a girl’s dreams.

  “And you don’t work here either.”

  Words failed her momentarily. Dark hair went with that voice. The owner stood halfway inside the solar, another man on his heels. His shoulder span was impressive, telling her that beneath his tailored power suit was a torso worth displaying at swim season. His eyes watched her face, never dipping to look at her cleavage, and that impressed her. His self-discipline was tough, unless he was gay, which would be a crying shame with the body he had. It was made for a woman to play with. The only drawback was the fact that he wasn’t black, but even his fair skin didn’t look bad on him. Hell, he looked good enough to lick.

  “Which leads us,” he said, “to the question of why you’re in an all-male gym.”

  Switching her attention to his companion, Cambria ran her eyes over him too. Another yummy example of maleness. Boy, maybe she’d been a little too hard on Mia about getting free of the place. The view sure was impressive.

  “I’m just fetching a box. You may return to your elite testosterone company in but a moment.”

  She just couldn’t help raking the dark-haired one with her eyes. He stood so damn proud and commanding, the imp inside her refused to behave completely. Especially considering she was about to slide neatly out of the door and away from him forever. Part of her wanted to pull his tail, just to see what the tiger would do.

  “Why would you be removing a box, since you don’t work here?” He stepped closer and a little quiver shot through her. Cambria glared at him, detesting the emotional response. She did not get intimidated by large men. She worked her wiles on them, reducing them to putty.

  “I’d love to see what you’ve got.” The husky tone sent heat into her cheeks as Cambria turned to face the lighter-haired man. With a voice like that, it was too bad he was white. Her nipples tingled as she studied him.

  “My friend is clearing out. I’m just helping her.”

  “What kind of clearing out?” Suspicion laced his voice.

  She pointed towards the box. “Are you accusing me of something illegal?”

  A deep chuckle came from the darker-haired man. He stepped towards her, playing chicken with her nerve. Cambria held her ground, daring him to try her. He didn’t stop until he was a breath away from her. His suit jacket actually brushed her as he breathed. His eyes flickered with heat that excited her with its intensity. For a long moment, her breath froze in her throat.

  “Dack Tyden, ma’am, and nothing is leaving the premises until I’ve taken a look at it.” He leaned down, closing the distance between their faces, and the delicate skin of her lips came alive with anticipation. But she still held her position. It was almost a need to stand up to his intimidation tactics. There was a part of her that wanted to prove how much steel was in her spine, as though it mattered what he thought of her. The ultra polite “ma’am” had been nothing but a practiced label. Suspicion danced across his gaze and that made her want to stare him down.

  “Look in the box all you like. But you might want to find some evidence before issuing an accusation.”

  His dark eyes mocked her while sending out a blatant challenge that turned her knees to jelly. “Pardon me. I guess I was a little confused over just what sort of a girl would be walking around an all-male gym.”

  She placed her hands on her hips, the insinuation aggravating her. “Oh, this isn’t for sale.” She lifted her chin, her temper boiling. “Not now, not ever. Believe it or not, it takes more than a buff body to turn some women’s heads. But you’re exactly the sort of chauvinistic guy that I expect to find holding membership cards to this place.”

  “Box is clear, personal belongings,” the second man answered. He had a black Stetson hat on his head and he touched the brim of it when she pegged him with an annoyed glance. It wasn’t the first time some fancy white man had insinuated she was less than honest. That didn’t mean it made her any less mad. Carl Burton was a thief, one who stole Mia’s time without paying her fairly. She glared at the dark-haired one. Him thinking her a prostitute fried her temper.

  “You’re pathetically predictable. Think the black chick is stealing. I’ve never heard that before.” She didn’t yell, but kept her voice smooth and polished. He lifted an eyebrow.

  “Actually, it was because you’re a woman in an all-male gym and you’re not an employee. But I know gold when I see it. Those earrings tell me you’re not a petty thief into stealing some office supplies.”

  “Women work here.” And he sure did notice details. She really wished she didn’t find that so sexy. It was because a man who noticed what a woman was wearing well, he might notice a whole lot of details once they got naked.

  “I’m Dack Tyden. I’d remember your face if it had been among the employee photos.”

  “I believe you would.” Her voice had deepened into a sultry tone that gave away a little too much. His eyes shifted, returning to hers. A little ripple of awareness washed through her as she fought the urge to look away. His stare was too keen, looking right into her soul. As if he was looking for something, trying to peel her and get a look inside. Her mouth went dry as she recognized exactly what sort of man she was face to face with.

  “But that’s not too impressive considering the fact that there are only a dozen employees and only four of them females.”

  His lips twitched upward. The grin surprised him because he wiped it off his face a second later, frustration darkening his eyes. Cambria smiled at him, enjoying the little chink in his armor. Getting to a man like him was something she wished she had the opportunity to explore. The power suit gained her attention. It was smooth and expensive, no bargain warehouse model either. The jacket was tailored to his wide shoulders, conforming in to his lean waist. It had “professional” woven into it.

  “You must be the two assessment guys.” She failed to hide her disappointment. His lips pressed into a firm line as he heard it.

  “You prefer pampered gym patrons?” His eyes glittered with some emotion. “If you’ll cater to my whims, I’ll be happy to do the demanding.”

  A flicker of something crossed his face—it looked a lot like male interest. Her body shivered, hot need curling through her. It was a dangerous feeling because it only cheered her inner imp on further.

  “A very interesting idea. Not entirely original though I believe the idea of harem girls is a few thousand years old.” He frowned at her coy response. Cambria offered him an innocent look in return. Good Lord, the man was temptation incarnate. She wanted to trade veiled comments with him until one of them broke. Until he reached for her. The idea of waiting on him wove through her pride’s protests as she considered how tempting her body might be as she served him, taunting him with the same suggestive looks that he was aiming at her.

  “Some things are best the old-fashioned way.” He stepped towards her and she moved back without thinking. It was pure reaction to that large, male body closing the ground between them. His lips twitched again, but this time he allowed the grin to remain, teasing her with his victory.

  “I love history.” The second man broke into the moment and Cambria actually felt her cheeks heat with a blush. She’d forgotten him, actually tuned out everything but Dack.

  “I love particular cultures.”

  His eyebrow rose. “I can see you there as well, but I enjoy women who know their own strength.” Heat flickered through his eyes beneath the brim of his black Stetson. “I’m Logan Brackton, and you are?”

  Taking a shaky b
reath, she realized that she was going too far with the spark of attraction. Instant connections such as this were explosive. Her fingers were already blistered from the suggestive conversation.

  “I’m no one you’re going to run into again.” Regret coated her voice as she reached for Mia’s box.

  Logan watched her intently. “And just how did you come by the knowledge that we were assessing this location?”

  Walking past him, she picked up Mia’s box. “A friend of mine used to work here.”

  She felt their attention on her as she moved. That urge nagged her to remain but the sexual tension was getting far too thick for men she wasn’t going to see again. It was such a shame they’d met during one of those rare moments when she couldn’t follow up because of a best friend. Mia came before attraction, even the hot pulsing sort that was running through her blood.

  “Actually, boys, I’m not into playing slave girl for my keep. I have enough job skills to keep me employed above the doormat level.”

  Logan flashed a brilliant smile full of even teeth. “Now that’s a real pity, because I take really good care of my concubines. Play with them often too.”

  He looked as though he could back up the taunt. The blunt, sexual comment sent another ripple through her and the reason was that Dack wasn’t trying to elbow his buddy away from her. The pair seemed perfectly at ease baiting her…together. Her nipples tingled and tightened. Flames shot over her skin as she looked from one muscular body to the other. She had to be reading them wrong.

  “So you say, but what really matters in that game is what the woman thinks. It’s just too bad the majority of the male population doesn’t understand that little golden rule of the universe. You think it matters what you think, if you really want to know if you’re good to your concubine, you have to ask her opinion. I’m talking about the one she’d give to her best girlfriend. That’s the real truth on how good a man handles himself.”


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