Challenge Protocol

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Challenge Protocol Page 8

by Dawn Ryder

  It was arrogant. Completely presumptuous too, but the excitement flowing through her veins couldn’t be masked by her irritation over his methods. He was watching her, half bathed in candlelight. She saw just a hint of a smug grin on his lips and that made her chuckle. The man was finally at ease. Flipping the lock on the back door, she stepped outside as he pulled it open for her.

  Her back terrace was decorated island style. She had two large wicker chairs with thick cushions near that tiny table. Two candle trees stood on either side to provide better lighting, but Dack left them unlit. The majority of the space was occupied by a large hammock. One large, flat surface hammock that was held steady in a steel frame. She had a patio cover above it that she’d placed palm mats over to complete her tropical island escape. Ferns and a small water fountain made it perfect in the summer air. She had the added bonus that her unit was an end one, so with the patio covered, it was also private.

  “You know, there are words for men who hang out in women’s backyards without asking. Stalker comes to mind.”

  “A very underappreciated group of people.” His voice was deep and husky. Relaxed now, and it reminded her of smooth brandy. “Think about it for a moment. A stalker is one hundred percent dedicated to his idol. With all these people getting upset over infidelity, you’d think the stalker would gain a little respect for their unwavering focus.” He pointed a finger at her. “You never have to worry about who a stalker is thinking about. He’s obsessing over you. Stalkers take devotion to the limit.”

  “Well, when you put it like that, I guess you’ve got a point.” His grin widened as she agreed with him. “Not that I’m getting in line to get one.”

  He moved, his body fluid and controlled in the night. He cast a look about before closing the distance between them. Her skin tingled as he came close enough for her to catch the scent of his skin. All humans had a scent and some men just smelled more manly than others. Cheesy or not, it was true. Dack smelled warm and strong. It set off various jolts of sensation inside her. He propped a hand on the side of her house, next to her face. His expression was hidden in shadow, since the candles were behind him.

  “Does that mean you want me to leave?”

  He didn’t give her the opportunity to answer. His mouth pressed down on top of hers in a kiss that almost burned her. It stole her breath and froze the air in her lungs. Sweet delight poured down her torso as his mouth pushed her lips apart. He slid one hand over the nape of her neck, firmly gripping the tender spot as he closed the remaining distance between them. Her hands landed on the side of his shoulders she’d spent a few too many hours thinking about. Sliding her fingers along the hard surface, she sighed as she found all the strength she’d fantasized about.

  He smoothed his hand down her neck and across her shoulder. He caught one of the thin straps holding her dress up with his fingers and pushed it off the edge of her shoulder.

  “You didn’t wait for me to answer that question.” She was teasing him. Dack heard it in her voice and it touched off a feeling he’d forgotten he had locked up inside him. A tender rush of warmth that melted clean through some of the thick calluses he’d grown over his emotions. Women chased him for his brawn or his dark aura. It had been a really long time since a female poked fun at him.

  “I told you, I like to win.” And he wasn’t backing away from her. She was warm and full of life. Pushing the other strap off her shoulder, he watched the way she confidently stood still as her dress slithered down her body to her ankles. There was no protest, real or faked, just a sure and steady stare from her dark eyes. She was magnificent, caramel skin from head to toe with dark nipples that were drawn into beads. Her mons was bare, the hair waxed away, allowing him to see her cleft.

  “You’re one hell of a woman, Cambria.”

  The tone of his voice was dark. She shivered as she watched him sweep her bare body. He did it slowly, taking the time to soak up every detail her dress had hidden from him. His face drew tight as he focused on her newly waxed mons. She stared at the raw look of hunger, her confidence soaking up the moment.

  “So glad that I meet with your approval.” His gaze returned to her face as she teased him. She kept her voice low, the water in the fountain helping to mask it.

  “Yeah, you meet with my approval all right. Not that I think that’s a good thing.” There was a hint of regret in his voice that bothered her. It reminded her of the look he and Logan had aimed at the miniature golf course. As though the place hid danger.


  Reaching out, she stroked his cock. His body jumped and he sucked his breath in harshly as he glared at her. She pushed away from the wall and she stepped out of her dress. Moving a few steps towards the hammock, she smiled as she felt his gaze on her bottom. She turned her head and surveyed him as he watched her in the flickering glow of the candles.

  “You know, I think I already told you that I’m not the clingy type.” She turned so she faced him again, backing up as he followed her in spite of the tension she saw etched on his face. “In fact, it’s getting just a little insulting, the way you keep hinting at not wanting to be around me. Fine. Don’t let the door hit you on your way out.”

  He chuckled softly. “I deserved that.”

  “You sure did.” Placing a hand in the center of his chest, she held him off as she locked gazes with him. “If you’re planning on getting close to me again, you’ll want to take that gun off now.”

  Her body didn’t care very much for her demand. She was hot and needy with arousal. Her flesh uncaring just how she went about getting close to him but she wanted him naked, like she was. No lowered zipper was going to be enough.

  “My gun doesn’t scare you?”

  He didn’t believe that, she heard it in his voice. She propped a hand on her hip and enjoyed the way his gaze flickered to her breasts for a moment before he mastered the impulse.

  “Hmmm…let me see. I’m standing here naked, anticipating sharing hot passionate sex with you.” She clicked her tongue a few times. “A gun sort of loses its menacing qualities when I consider that you could kill me with your hands just as dead. It would be cleaner and quieter too. Should I be worried about the gun or the hand holding it?” She fluttered her eyelashes. “I suppose a better question is whether or not I’m dealing with the fact that Logan is somewhere watching us.”

  He shrugged out of his coat. A dark shoulder harness was fashioned around his chest right where she’d suspected it would be. His eyes considered her for a moment, the expression on his face dark.

  ‘’He is. I wasn’t sure you’d remember.”

  “I haven’t been able to forget either of you, in spite of trying.” Her eyes traveled down to his erect cock. She didn’t think she’d ever wanted a man as much as she wanted Dack right now. Knowing the Logan was watching didn’t stop her from craving a taste of that cock.

  “He’ll want you too.”

  A little ripple of uncertainty rolled through her. Becoming nervous wasn’t her style but she couldn’t shake off the feeling when he pulled his shirt open to reveal a chest that was more than powerful. It was packed with heavy muscle, the kind you had to pump iron to get. This wasn’t just a matter of being strong, it was the result of heavy training. The gun, coupled with the way he moved, told her that it was the sort of training that men endured to become weapons. He levered his shoes off and moved towards her with his pants still on. A warm hand cupped the side of her face, raising her eyes away from the sculpted ridges of his chest.

  “You’re not going to lose your nerve on me, are you, honey? I’ve formed quite an image of you in my mind. I hope you plan to live up to it.”

  There was the hint of a drawl in his voice, some faint touch of the South that made him incredibly sexy. He leaned closer, an arm slipping around her waist to pull her against his body. She gasped when their skin met but aimed a solid look into his eyes.

  “In full living color.” Cambria almost didn’t recognize her voice, it was d
eep and husky. Full of anticipation.

  He touched a soft kiss against her chin and then two more along her jawline. His warm breath tickled her earlobe right before he bit it. Her hands clutched at his shoulders as the little bite zipped through her, touching off more need and heat. His body hair brushed her, teasing her bare skin with just how masculine he was.

  “I followed you home because I just can’t seem to ignore you.”

  She laughed softly and he raised his head to look at her. His face was once again hidden in shadow but it made him even more alluring. Right there, with the sound of the water and the brush of night air against her bare skin, the shadowy feature fit.

  “My mother would say that I’ve snared you with my flare for mischief.”

  “Ah, leading my inner child astray.” He aimed a frown at her that only made her smile wickedly.

  Reaching down, she stroked her hand over his cock and his face tightened with pleasure.

  “I didn’t exactly plan on liking you either, Dack. What are you so worried about?” She stroked his cock again. “We’ll practice safe sex and live to see the morning.”

  Her subtle teasing didn’t break through his tension this time. His eyes flashed with pain that was deeply rooted. His arms tightened around her, actually lifting her feet off the patio.

  “I’m afraid I won’t be able to forget you.”

  His voice was ragged. He laid her across the center of the hammock, taking command of the moment as he cupped both her breasts. Pleasure took control, rising above any thoughts or concerns. All she knew was that she couldn’t recall any man who felt so good when he was in contact with her. She arched up, pressing her breasts into his hands because it just felt so damn good. She was swept away by the currents of sensation.

  “You’re so damn amazing, Cambria. It can’t be real.”

  He bent over her body and captured a nipple between his lips, sucking it deep into his mouth as a cry escaped her lips. She reached for his head, sending her fingers through the short strands as he flicked his tongue over the tip of her breast. He sucked hard on that nipple as his fingers slid down her body, over her belly to her mons. He pushed her thigh up and away, spreading her open as he released her nipple.

  “Even if you’re nothing but a night creature that will dissolve with the dawn, I’m going to enjoy being your consort tonight.”

  He cupped her sex, dragging a sharp cry from her. He ground the heel of his palm against her clit, sending hungry need straight up into her belly. Her hips lifted towards the pressure as she gasped, needing more air to keep pace with her racing heart.

  He dropped to his knees, pressing her other thigh up so that his face hovered over her slit. He spread the folds of her sex away from her clit before leaning down to suck it.

  She cussed. Low and deep as his tongue began to play across her clit. He alternated between sucking the little center of nerve endings and flicking it with his tongue. Pleasure spiked through her, hard. So hard she bucked beneath his mouth, sending her hips towards his mouth as she clawed at the surface of the hammock. He grabbed her hips to hold them steady as he continued to suck on her clit. Need twisted through her, pulling her into a climax that refused to wait. It cracked over her like a whip, her spine arching as pleasure stole every thought from her head.

  She gasped and opened her eyes as he sent two thick fingers deep inside her. She lifted her eyelids to find his attention on her spread body. Hunger brightened his eyes as he worked those fingers in and out of her sheath. It served to keep her hunger burning.

  “I love your body, Cambria.” He withdrew his fingers as he moved his gaze up her nude frame until their eyes met. “I don’t know where you learned to be so confident, but it’s sexy as hell.”

  His finger-fucking awakened a renewed need inside her. The climax still rippling through her hadn’t fed the need to be full. Her pussy wanted to be satisfied as well. But him sucking her to climax did offer her the chance to play with his control in return. Sitting up, she pressed her hands flat on his pectorals. He inhaled as she curled her fingers into claws.

  “That’s right, baby, make me respect you. Let me feel your strength.”

  She raked her nails down his skin, slowly, very slowly as he tipped his head back and inhaled sharply. Thick corded muscles appeared along the column of his neck as she picked her hands up and repeated it. Her feet touched the stone of the patio beneath the hammock as she reached his waistband. She sent one hand further south, to stroke his cock through the fabric.

  She popped open the hook at the waistband with her other hand. The patio stone beneath her toes was still warm from the afternoon sun. Scooting off the hammock, she knelt in front of him and worked his zipper open. Gripping the top of his underwear, she tugged it down to bare his cock. The thick staff sprang up, standing firm as she wrapped her fingers around it. Excitement shot through her as she felt how hard and thick it was. Working her hand up its length, she grinned as she heard him cuss.

  It was the sort of profanity a man used when he was enjoying something immensely. All the romance experts tried to tell women they should demand sweet endearments but Cambria would take the cussing. It was blunt and honest. She liked men, not boys.

  Leaning forward, she licked the head, running her tongue all around the crown. A hand caught the back of her head, holding her captive as she opened her mouth to take his cock.

  “That’s right, baby, make me squirm.”

  She’d be happy to…

  She pulled away from him, then took more of his length when she returned. His cock was hot, and cum was already seeping from the eye on its head. She sucked harder, letting him push her head further down onto his length. Slipping her hand down to the base, she fingered his balls, teasing the sensitive flesh. A shudder shook his body. She resisted the urge to smile as she continued to keep her mouth tightly sealed around his cock. His hips thrust towards her mouth, working his erection in and out. The fingers on the back of her head tightened, pulling her hair slightly. He suddenly shivered and pulled his cock free.

  “Enough, baby. I want more than that.” He bent and scooped her off her knees before she recognized what he was doing. The amount of strength he had amazed her. It had been a long time since someone picked her up. His hand clasped the back of her neck as he bound her against his body. His eyes almost glowed in the dark as he leaned down next to her ear.

  “I want to get inside you. Sink my cock into that pussy and fuck.”

  His mouth landed on top of hers, preventing any response. Cambria kissed him back, opening her mouth as she twisted her hands around his neck. His words were blunt but they were the embodiment of the erotic dreams she’d been enduring all week. Being sucked off wasn’t enough for her either. Playing with her vibrator wasn’t appealing. She wanted full body contact and soon.

  His tongue thrust into her mouth before he broke off the kiss. Their breaths were rough as he released her neck to dig in one pocket. She caught the telltale sound of foil as he backed up far enough to don a condom. He dropped his open pants before reaching for her again.

  “Turn around for me, baby. I love your ass.” He didn’t wait for her to respond. He turned her around himself and clamped his hands on her hips. He pressed up against her, his larger body flush with her back. She felt small next to him. Need surged through her as his cock teased her slit, thrusting through the slick folds. His breath hit her ear as he smoothed his hands over the curve of her hips.

  “Bend over for me, baby.” He bit her ear and then licked the tiny bite. “Raise your bottom for me. Show me what you want.”

  Hot need surged through her. She was already leaning towards the hammock, her feet shifting apart before she thought about it. She wanted that thick cock inside her. Needed to be filled by it. She wouldn’t come with him behind her, but that didn’t make her hesitate. This wasn’t going to be over fast. She could feel it in the way he gripped her hips. He wanted to ride for a while and her body agreed wholeheartedly.

“That’s my girl.” He smoothed a hand over one cheek of her bottom, stroking the skin as she quivered in need. He moved over to the other side, petting her ass for a long moment, teasing her with the possibility of just what he might do with her raised bottom. His fingers slipped between the cheeks and she gasped as he touched her back opening.

  “Does that sound mean you like a little anal play?” He leaned down, covering her back with his body once more so that his mouth was next to her ear. “Does it, baby? I could get into that.”

  “Do you just talk big or do you ever get around to making good on your words?”

  He cupped her jaw from behind, his thumb stroking over her lower lip. His breath rasped against her ear as he worked his cock against her slit once, twice more. “Hungry, baby?”

  She hissed at him and would have bucked him off her but he slid an arm around her waist, clamping her against his body. His chest rumbled with amusement as she snorted with frustration.

  “I can’t feed you properly if I don’t know what you like.”

  “Stop teasing me.” She kept her voice low but it was still a low growl.

  “And fuck you?” He pulled his cock back, but didn’t fit it against the opening of her body. “Maybe I want to savor the moment.” He thrust his length back through the folds of her sex, holding her firmly in place while his hard flesh stroked through hers. “I wanted to get between your thighs the second I saw you. Do you have any idea how sexy your ass is when you’re wearing those stilettos? My cock was so hard it hurt.”

  “I’d love to feel just how hard.”

  He chuckled at her attempt to bait him. “You can’t feel this?”

  A moan surfaced from her lips as he worked his erection back and forth again. He bit her neck as his hand grasped a handful of her hair. He held her face angled, so that her throat was exposed to his teeth. He licked the spot he’d bitten before closing his lips around it to suck. She wiggled as need tormented her. She was bent over his arm and it excited her further. There was so much raw male strength surrounding her, it drove her passion up another degree.


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