Fallen Angel, Part 4 - A Mafia Romance: Fallen Angel Series

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Fallen Angel, Part 4 - A Mafia Romance: Fallen Angel Series Page 5

by Tracie Podger

  “Bring me up to speed,” Franco said.

  “Paul and Paulo were supposed to travel to New York and check on that new development. There was a change in the flight details. We also found a flight booked to Rome. We assumed Paul had booked that flight but maybe not. Paul’s passport is in his full name, Paulo. We need to know which Paulo took which flight,” Travis said.

  “Can’t you ask him?” I asked.

  “No, he can’t know we suspect. It might not actually mean anything.”

  “Franco, we need to speak to someone in Rome,” Robert said.

  Franco nodded his head. “I know someone, someone I haven’t spoken to in a long time, but I fear this will, how do you say it? Open a can of snakes, and it will be bad.”

  I frowned but then understood. Open a can of worms.

  Silence fell across the room. I looked at Robert. He gave a very slight nod of his head towards the door. He wanted me to leave. There was something about to be said that I wasn’t going to be privy to. I nodded and smiled. I understood.

  “I’ll leave you to it,” I said as I made my way to the apartment door.

  Being kept in the dark was normal and something I had accepted some time ago. It irked—of course it did—but I knew that if Robert felt it was important, he would tell me.

  I climbed the stairs to the living room to hear the sound of chuckling and clanking of spoons. The boys had helped themselves to a second portion of ice cream and left a mess along the counter top.

  “Time for showers, and Harley, you can stay here tonight,” I said as I grabbed the washcloth to wipe up the mess.

  “Yes!” Harley said with excitement.

  Both boys jumped from their stools and rushed downstairs, the thump as they leapt from halfway and then landed on the wooden floor echoed through the house. I winced. How one of them hadn’t broken an ankle was beyond me. Robert cursed every time he heard that thump.

  The bedroom door crashed open and I winced for a second time. Although Harley lived with Travis, he had a bedroom at the house with a chest of drawers containing pyjamas and spare clothes. He often stayed over night. I heard the front door open as I poured myself a glass of wine.

  “Boys, stop that now,” I heard Evelyn say. I smiled. She was the most wonderful grandmother to them.

  “What are they up to?” I asked, pouring her a glass of wine as she rounded the corner and walked towards me.

  “Running around naked, flicking each other with towels as far as I could see.”

  “Oh, God. I said Harley could stay here. I think Robert and Travis need some time with Franco. It seems Paul or Paulo took a flight to Rome and no one knows why.”

  “Rome? I wonder why. Paul’s father was from Rome, if I remember correctly, but he died many years ago. I don’t think he’s been back since childhood. And I doubt Paulo has ever been. How odd.”

  “Lucia is in Rome.” I said the words that I hadn’t wanted to acknowledge. “What if Paul, or Paulo, went to see her?”

  “It’s possible, of course, but I don’t see why. I’m sure the men will be able to find something out. Don’t overthink this. It may have nothing to do with what happened.”

  We sat on the sofa with our wine waiting for the boys to finish their showers. They knew the drill—shower, pj’s on, then they could chat or read for an hour before it was lights off. I checked my watch for the time.

  “What are we going to do about schooling?” Evelyn asked.

  “I don’t know. We need to do something. I contacted the head teacher today and told her we had a family bereavement, but I’m not sure about long term. I did mention having them tutored at home for a while. I guess it depends on what Robert finds out. Or rather, what happens next.”

  “Have you heard from Sam?”

  “No. Gary said he might call Scott. I haven’t heard if he did or not.”

  “Try him again now.”

  I placed my wineglass on the small coffee table and walked to the breakfast bar. My phone was on the countertop. I brought up the last dialled list and pressed the screen. The call was diverted straight to voicemail.

  “Sam, it’s me again. Please pick up the phone or call me back. I really need to speak to you. I just want to know you and Scott are okay.”

  I sighed. I guessed his phone was switched off. I then sent a text to Jonathan asking if Sam had been into work that day. I thought it unlikely, but it was worth asking. His reply came quick.

  No. Sorry, Brooke, he has taken a leave of absence.

  “Did you know Sam has quit work?” I said as I made my way back to the sofa.

  “No, who told you that?”

  “Jonathan. I just texted him. He said he had taken a leave of absence.”

  “That could just mean extended leave. You don’t know that he has quit.”

  “I’m going to visit him tomorrow. I can’t let this drag on. He’s a stubborn guy. If I don’t make that first move, he won’t,” I said.

  Evelyn drained her glass of wine and then stood. She looked shattered. We were all held in limbo until we knew the arrangements for Sofia and until we knew how safe we were. We both walked down the stairs and I bade her a goodnight as she left the house. I returned to Gerry’s bedroom to find both boys sitting on the bed with a pack of cards—some football game they loved to play.

  “Bedtime now,” I said. I received the usual grumble from Gerry.

  Harley gave me a hug as he passed and made his way to his room. I tucked Gerry in and smoothed a piece of hair from his forehead, careful to not touch the small graze.

  “Are we okay, Mom?” Gerry asked.

  “Of course we are. Why would say that?”

  “You know…Sofia and no school and all that.”

  “We’re sad, of course, and there are arrangements that Evelyn and I need to make, but other than that, we’re okay. I don’t want you to worry about anything, and it’s unlike you to be worried about school.”

  “I’m not worried about school. I just…I just feel something’s odd.”

  “Nothing’s odd. Nothing that your dad can’t deal with, so don’t worry. Now, lights off.”

  I pulled the bedroom door closed as I left his room but stayed put outside. He was an astute child; perhaps I had underestimated how much he understood. I headed for Harley’s room.

  “Lights off, darling,” I said.

  “Can I ask something?” he replied.

  “Sure, what’s up?”

  “That wasn’t the kitchen exploding, was it?”

  I sat on the edge of the bed, unsure at first how to answer. I should have talked to Travis before I said anything but he was looking at me, eyes wide with understanding.

  “No, but I’d rather Gerry believed it was the kitchen. Someone did something bad. We don’t know who and it wasn’t to hurt anyone. Someone being silly we think.” It was about the best answer I could come up with.

  He nodded before turning on his side and reaching for his bedside lamp. I gave him a kiss to his cheek and left the room.

  As I crossed the hallway towards the stairs, the front door opened and Robert entered. He stopped when he saw me. He didn’t smile and his face was ashen.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “Brooke, I’m asking you to do one thing. Don’t ask me.”

  I walked towards him and placed my arms around his neck. He rested his forehead on mine, took a deep breath in and slowly let it out.

  “Don’t ask me about the can of snakes,” he whispered.


  I sat on the bed after my shower wrapped in a towel and rubbing moisturiser along one arm. Robert had been quiet, contemplating. I watched him through the bathroom door. He had stripped to the waist and was resting his hands on the sink, his head bowed. He slowly looked up and into the mirror. He stared at himself for a long time and I wondered what he was thinking. Whatever the ‘can of snakes’ was, it was troubling him. I watched his chest expand as he took a deep breath and then ran his hand through his hair a
s he exhaled, a sure sign he was stressed. More importantly, he looked sad.

  Pushing himself away from the sink, he unbuttoned his trousers, letting them fall where he stood. I admired his body. He worked out, boxed and trained three or four times a week. Boxing allowed him to unleash his frustration and kept him toned. When he turned away from me, I studied the angel tattooed on his back, and the scar that ran through one of her wings.

  I stood and walked over to him, letting my towel fall to the bed. I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed the scar before resting my cheek on his back. I wanted to feel his skin against mine, I wanted to absorb whatever hurt he was feeling.

  “Come to bed,” I whispered.

  I led him back to the bedroom and climbed on the bed beside him. He lay on his back and I ran my hand over his chest and down his stomach. He closed his eyes as I took his hard cock in my hand. Boxing and fucking were his way of relieving stress. He fucked for pleasure, he made love to connect, but right then he needed something to take his mind off whatever it was he had learned that night.

  I stroked, my hand tightened around him and my nails gently scraped against his balls as I knelt beside him. His hand covered mine, guiding, increasing the pressure and speed. He needed his release. I lowered my head, my tongue swirled around the tip of his cock licking away a bead of come. He ran his fingers through my hair, gripping and pushing my head further onto him. I took him in my mouth. I loved to taste him, to feel that vein throb against my tongue and to hear him moan as I sucked. He raised his hips, forcing himself further to the back of my throat. I breathed in deeply through my nose, willing my throat to relax.

  Robert’s hand trailed down my back, across my ass and came to rest on the inside of my thigh. He gripped and slid my leg over his chest. I shuffled so I was straddling him. His hands were on my waist pulling me towards his face. His tongue gently licking over my clitoris was like a bolt of lightening had just passed through me. Static coursed over my skin and I sucked harder. He closed his lips around my clitoris and he flicked his tongue over the sensitive nub, sending shockwaves through me. He swiped his tongue over my opening and I moaned, my stomach knotting with desire.

  As his tongue probed inside me, I took him to the back of my throat, sucking hard as I released him. His breathing quickened, I could feel his hot breath against my flesh. As his fingers dug harder into my skin, I knew he was about to come. He moaned, tensing as he came. I swallowed and kept on swallowing as I raised my head until just the tip of his cock rested on my lips. Then I licked him clean.

  Robert had rested his head back on the pillow, his breathing was rapid and shallow. I swung my leg to one side, turned and faced him. His chin glistened, and as I lay on top of him, I licked that clean too. His hands fisted in my hair, pulling my head so my lips met his. His kiss was fierce and demanding. His teeth bit at my tongue and lower lip; I felt a sting as he drew blood.

  “On your knees,” he said, his voice low.

  As I moved into the position he wanted, he knelt behind me. His fingers trailed a path down my back, followed by the lightest of kisses before he sunk his teeth into me, marking me, branding me, leaving me with a reminder of what he was about to do. His hands held my hips as he fucked me hard.

  I sunk to my elbows as my body gave in to the most intense orgasm. It hit me like a freight train with no warning. My stomach cramped and my legs shook, but he was relentless, pounding away as I cried out.

  I could feel him at the very core of me. His sweat dripped onto my back, mine to the bedding.

  “Say my name,” I heard. It was as if the words were spoken through gritted teeth.

  As my orgasm continued to flow through me, I called out his name over and over.

  He pulled out of me and I collapsed on the bed. Robert gently rolled me onto my back. He pulled my legs apart and entered me again, gentler. He had fucked me, then he made love to me. He cradled my head with his hands, his eyes staring straight into mine, delving deep to my soul. His face was inches from mine.

  “Nothing would keep me away from you. Nothing,” he said before he came again.


  I woke sore and in the exact same spot we had been making love, fucking, just a few hours previous. Robert was to my side, his leg over mine, arm draped across my chest. I needed a shower. A sticky residue covered my inner thighs and I chuckled.

  The bedding will need a wash, I thought.

  I gently untangled myself and made my way to the bathroom. Twisting my body and angling my back to the full-length mirror, I winced and sighed. Yep, Robert had done his usual. More than his usual, in fact. A trail of bite marks ran down my back, leaving some colourful bruising against my pale skin. I’d given up a long time ago trying to convince Robert to stop ‘marking’ me. I was his. I would remember every moment of the night before, and I didn’t need a reminder. Part of me loved that he needed to mark me. To have that depth of passion still kept those butterflies dancing in my stomach. The other part of me always sighed, as I had to be conscious of my choice of clothing until the markings faded.

  I walked into the shower and remembered to adjust the water from scorching to cool. How Robert could stand under the heat of the jets baffled me.

  I dressed as quietly as I could and made my way upstairs. I was startled to see Travis sitting at the breakfast bar.

  “Morning,” I said as I made my way over.

  He grunted a response.

  “Okay then. Someone has their grumpy pants on,” I said.

  “Grumpy pants? I’m forty, not four,” he replied.

  “Maybe you didn’t grow out of them.” I smiled at him.

  “You making coffee?”

  “Do I look like I’m making coffee, or do I look like I’m talking to you?” I loved to tease Travis. The banter and friendship was something I treasured.

  “You look like you have a smart mouth.”

  I chuckled as I switched on the coffee machine and made myself a cup of tea.

  “If you Americans drank tea, you would get your caffeine fix a lot quicker.”

  “If you Brits remembered to set the timer on the coffee machine, no one would have grumpy pants.”

  “You do have your own coffee machine,” I said.

  “Yeah, but it’s much more fun to sit here and have you make it.”

  “And that, my friend, is why you are still single.”

  Travis laughed, his earlier grouchy mood lifted. As the coffee brewed, I took a seat beside him.

  “What are your plans today?” I asked.

  “Franco needs to go to the undertakers. He wants Ev to take him. Rob and I will head into the office. I want to see if I can do something with the CCTV, clean it up a little.”

  “I need to see Sam. When Ev gets back, I’ll ask her to sit with the boys. He’s not taking my calls and he’s quit work I think.”

  “I don’t know how comfortable Rob will be with you out right now. All the girls are on lock down. Taylor is throwing a fit about it,” Travis replied with a chuckle.

  “But it’s okay for Ev to leave the house?” I challenged.

  He raised his palms, smiled and shook his head. “Not my decision.”

  “What’s not your decision?” I heard.

  Robert rounded the top of stairs and walked over to me. He cupped my face and leaned down for a kiss.

  “I need to see Sam. I have to get this sorted before it’s too late,” I said.

  Robert sighed and stared at me. “You’ll be the fucking death of me,” he said.

  “He’s not taking my calls. He can’t ignore me if he’s standing in front me, can he?”

  “Two things, Brooke. One, your safety is more important to me than anything. Second, if someone is watching us, you will lead them straight to Sam. Do you want that?”

  “Oh, blackmail? Effective blackmail but hard to take,” I replied.

  “It’s not blackmail; it’s about ensuring everyone’s safety. Evelyn isn’t going on her own. She’ll have Gary and Da
n with her. She’ll be in a new car, and I will sweat until she returns safely,” Robert said.

  “And that, my friend, is why I’m single,” Travis added with a smirk. “Too much worrying.”

  I huffed and poured them both a coffee. Robert was right, of course. He was always right, but it was still hard to accept. I needed to make things right with Sam.

  “Listen, how about I ask Gary to go visit when he’s done with Ev? See if he can talk some sense into him,” Robert said.

  “At least that’s something. Thank you,” I replied.

  Robert and Travis left for the office, and it irked me a little that they had the freedom I didn’t. They were as much of a target as any of us. The thought of them travelling together began to worry me. I rushed to the front door but was too late. The Range Rover was already halfway down the drive. I made a mental note to talk to Robert that evening.

  As I walked back to the front door, I could hear chatter from Gerry’s bedroom. I paused outside to listen.

  “Nothing bad is going to happen,” I heard Harley say.

  “If it does though, we’ll stay together, won’t we?” Gerry replied.

  I pushed open the door. “What’s all this about?” I asked.

  “If something happens to you, who looks after us?” Gerry asked.

  “Nothing is going to happen to me. You need to stop worrying,” I replied with a smile.

  Not while I’m on lock down, I thought.

  “Who wants a swim before breakfast?” I asked.

  The boys jumped from the bed in excitement. Gerry peeled off his pj’s, throwing them to the floor while he rummaged through his drawers for his trunks, and Harley made his way to his own room.

  “Pick those up before you leave the room,” I said.

  Gerry was like Robert in that both would leave a trail of clothes on the floor. In fact, if I had to pick one thing that annoyed me with Robert, it would be the fact he left his clothes on the floor beside the laundry bin. I’d given up fighting with him over it.

  I made my way upstairs to gather my phone and a book I had been reading before meeting the boys at the front door. Taking the key for the pool house, we raced across the drive. The pool house was hot, the water temperature too high for the time of year. Condensation ran down the glass sliding wall. I opened it up, allowing some cooler air to enter. While the boys ran and dove into the pool, I settled on a daybed.


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