Fallen Angel, Part 4 - A Mafia Romance: Fallen Angel Series

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Fallen Angel, Part 4 - A Mafia Romance: Fallen Angel Series Page 22

by Tracie Podger

  “Did you see that? That’s what’s-his-name, from security. He’s put security on her! You know what that means, don’t you?” Taylor said. Her voice rose with excitement on every word.

  I turned to her and smiled. “I do. He’s a dark horse. I wonder if Robert knows?”

  Travis had dated many women, but there had only ever been one before Katrina that he’d had security watch out for and that was for a different reason. Caroline, the mother of Harley, had been protected at a time when the family was having trouble. Although we had been to hell and back in recent weeks, the intervention of Rocco meant we were safer than ever. For our men to place security on their women meant one thing: it was a serious relationship. He cared for her way more than if it was a casual fling.

  “What do you think?” I heard. Sam stood in front of us in yet another black suit.

  “Yep, that’s the one for you,” I replied. It was identical to the other three he had tried on.

  “What are you looking at?” he asked as he peered over my shoulder.

  “Travis and his new lady friend,” I replied with a chuckle.

  “His new lady friend? Wow, let me see.”

  “She’s gone now.” The three of us watched as Travis climbed back in the Range Rover and drove off.

  “I wonder what he was doing there?” Sam asked.

  Both Taylor and I looked at him. “Where was he parked?” I asked.

  Sam took a moment to stare at the building opposite us. “Oh, oh, he never?”

  It may have been coincidence, but he’d been parked outside the newly re-opened hotel, the hotel where he kept one of the suites solely for his own use.

  We started to laugh causing a couple of customers who were browsing racks of clothes to look over at us. I smiled to myself as the laughter died down. I was pleased for Travis, whether Katrina was ‘the one’ or not, it was good to see him date again. He’d backed right off women after Caroline and then threw himself into raising Harley. I had no doubt he had the odd one night stand but he deserved a relationship.

  With the suit purchased, Sam and I said goodbye. He was off to the hair salon, and Taylor and I were meeting the girls at the club for lunch. I nodded to Gary that I was ready to leave the store and although the club was just a block away, we drove. There was no walking the streets for us.

  “Good afternoon, Mrs. Stone. It’s a pleasure to see you again,” Henry said as Taylor and I climbed the stairs to the lounge.

  “Thank you, Henry.”

  “Can I get you your usual wine? Five glasses?” he said.

  Taylor and I looked at each other. “Just four glasses, please.”

  We took a seat around a small coffee table in the bay of the large picture window that overlooked the rear courtyard.

  “It’s going to feel strange, just the four of us now,” Taylor said.

  Rosa would no longer be joining us, and a fleeting sadness washed over me. I shook my head; I wouldn’t dwell on it.

  “What happened to her?” Taylor asked quietly.

  I looked at her, unsure what to say. “Don’t answer, it’s okay,” she said with a smile.

  The girls knew Robert told me things their own husbands didn’t share with them. They also knew I would struggle to repeat some of what I knew for two reasons: I would be breaking my husband’s confidence and I’d filed it away as my way of coping with what I knew.

  “Hi, ladies.” Patricia called out as she walked across the lounge to us.

  We stood to embrace each other. Suzie followed shortly after. We sat and toasted ourselves. As our glasses clinked, Patricia said, “Another battle fought and won.” Our chuckles turned to laughter.

  I sat back in my chair and looked at my friends. Those women meant more to me than anyone because we shared something that couldn’t be understood by an outsider, not even Sam. Every day we sent a small prayer up that our husbands would come home safe, that our children would be safe. Someone was clearly listening.

  We chatted about the boys, Travis and Katrina, clothes, shoes, my impending trip to Italy, anything other than what had recently happened. It was our way. It was dealt with and we moved on. And I loved them for that.


  “Mom! I scored all the goals. Didn’t I, Ted?” I heard as I climbed from the car at the home.

  Gerry came running over the minute he’d seen the car make its way up the drive.

  “You sure did. How are you, girl?” Ted said.

  “I’m great. Just had lunch with the other girls.”

  He laughed as Katrina walked from the house. I wasn’t aware she would be there.

  “Brooke, it’s good to see you. Do you have time for a coffee?” she asked.

  “Of course. Gerry, go finish your game.”

  “Take a seat. I’ll get some coffee on the go,” Ted said and left us.

  We walked to the bench on the lawn. It was a lovely day and too nice to sit indoors.

  “I won’t be working with Gerry or Harley for much longer. But I have lined up a very capable replacement.”

  “Oh, may I ask why?”

  “My contract with the home is up. As you know, I own the practice and that’s beginning to require a lot more of my time. I’m afraid I’ll be cutting back on actual therapy and working more on developing the business.”

  “So, it has nothing to do with Travis?” I asked with a smirk.

  She stared at me. “Travis?”

  “Yes. I saw you this morning.”

  She laughed. “Ah, and we had been so careful. No, it has nothing to do with Travis, and I can assure you our relationship has been kept strictly under wraps. I am able to separate my professional and private life.”

  I wasn’t comfortable with her use of the word ‘business’, but I guessed that was exactly what she had. Giving counselling to children was her profession, and it was also her business.

  “Can I ask, how long have you been dating?”

  “On and off for about a year.”

  I turned sharply towards her.

  “A year?”

  “Okay, perhaps dating is not the term you would use. I haven’t had time for a relationship, Brooke. I like his company and it suited us for a long time.”

  “Why do I not know this?” I said as I laughed.

  “I guess telling you I was his, how do say, fuck buddy, isn’t the greatest start to a friendship, and I’d like for us to be friends.”

  “What changed?”

  “I did. I realised that I felt more for him as time went on. I wasn’t satisfied with the arrangement. And to see how he has matured over the past year, he’s ready now.”

  “I’m stunned. I don’t really know what to say. Ready for what?”

  “Ready to marry me.”

  If it were physically possible, my jaw would have hit the floor.

  “Has he asked you to?”

  “Of course not. Not yet, anyway. Brooke, we both know that man has to be led everywhere.”

  I couldn’t stop the laughter from bursting out. She had him summed up, but marriage! If Travis were to marry anyone, she would be the ideal person, I thought.

  “So, how you do you get him to propose?” I asked.

  “Oh, I’ll do that at some point. He loves me, I love him. We’re not getting any younger, so why not.”

  “He told you he loved you?” Those were words I found hard to believe Travis would use.

  “Not verbally. I’m not just a Trauma Therapist, I’m a Behavioural Therapist, remember? His body tells me.”

  I raised my eyebrows at her. “Not in the way you’re thinking, although…” she said with a wink.

  “I’m going to love having you as a sister-in-law,” I said.

  We smiled at each other. For someone who initially intimidated me, I was thrilled for her and knew we would be great friends.

  “He said this morning that he wanted the four of us to have dinner together.”

  “Then he is in love, believe me,” I replied.

ed brought two coffees to us. He handed them over then jogged off to join the boys on the football pitch.

  “Sisters,” she said as she raised her mug.

  “Sisters.” We clinked our mugs.

  I was still chuckling a half hour later as I bundled two reluctant boys in the car. I pulled my phone from my bag and sent a text.

  Are you free?

  No, married, and my wife is not someone you want to tangle with, came Roberts reply.

  Ha ha, going to pop in for a quick chat. Have some exciting news to share!

  Okay, see you soon. X

  I told Gary to take us to the office and settled back to listen to another repeat of the goals Gerry had scored. I made a mental note to talk to him about gloating; Harley didn’t look impressed.


  We are greeted by security as we walked into the foyer and towards the lifts. I was stopped three or four times by colleagues wanting to chat, so the journey to Robert’s floor took twice the time it normally would.

  As the lift doors opened the boys ran for Travis’ office. They loved to spend some time playing with the computers and CCTV. Gina was sitting at her desk and stood to welcome me.

  “Hi, Brooke. Can I get you a tea or coffee?”

  “Thanks, but no. I’ve just had one. Is Robert still free?”

  I remembered the first time I’d used the word ‘free’ meaning available, and Gina had looked blankly at me.

  “Yes, go on in. He’s expecting you.”

  Robert was sitting at his desk with a pile of papers in front of him. I noticed him squinting a little.

  “You need to get your eyes checked,” I said as I approached.

  “Nothing wrong with my eyes. I see your beauty, don’t I?”

  I laughed and shook my head. I took a seat opposite him.

  “Guess what?” I said as he lifted his coffee cup to his lips. He waved his hand, encouraging me to continue. “Katrina is going to marry Travis only Travis doesn’t know this yet.”

  I had to sit back quickly to stop the coffee that Robert had just spurted from covering me. Coughing harshly, he quickly grabbed his papers and shook the coffee from them.

  “Say that again, slowly,” he asked once he was settled.

  “Katrina is going to marry Travis, only…”

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought you said. Fuck!”

  “I’ve just come from the home. Had a fantastic conversation with her.”

  “Tell me,” he said.

  I recalled the conversation and watched his eyes widen and his mouth curl into a smile.

  “Well, fuck me. I knew he had been meeting someone on and off at the hotel. I had no idea it was her. She wants to marry him?”

  “She believes he’s ready now.”

  He leaned back in his chair with a broad smile. “And what if he doesn’t want to?”

  “I get the impression she’s pretty sure he will. I saw them together this morning.”

  I then told him what I’d seen. As I spoke, he shifted through the papers on his desk, searching for something. When he’d found what he wanted, he held the page up to read.

  “She’s coming to Italy,” he said.

  “How do you know?”

  “Passenger manifest for the jets.” He waved the page in front of me.

  “He didn’t say anything?” I asked.

  “Maybe, I don’t know. To be honest, this pile has been on my desk for over a week. I’m only just going through it all.”

  “It’s exciting though, isn’t it?”

  “I don’t know, I think so but…”

  “But what?”

  “I’d love him to settle down with someone, I really would, but this is quick. I know they’ve fucked on and off but they haven’t known each other that long.”

  I didn’t comment, just waved my hand between us.

  “Okay, we’re different though.”

  “Not necessarily. I had to spell it out for you, remember?”

  I’d been the one to tell Robert he loved me. He had no idea of what emotions were or how to deal with them for a long time.

  He laughed and shook his head. “I’ll be damned,” he said.

  “Dad!” Gerry came bounding into the room.

  “Hey, buddy, what have you been up to?”

  “We just changed the stop lights outside. You should see the traffic.”

  At the same time, Robert and I shouted, “Travis!”

  “Buddy, you don’t do things like that, okay? There could be an accident.”

  “You called?” Travis and Harley walked into the room.

  “You had my son hacking into the City’s traffic system?”

  “He’s a natural,” he said with a wink to Gerry.

  Gerry started to laugh. “Got you, Dad.”

  “It was a joke,” Travis added.

  I sighed and stood. “Not funny. Now, boys, time we got you home.”

  “Aww, can’t we stay a little longer, please?” Harley said.

  “Your dad has work to do, darling. And we need to make sure your suitcase is packed for tomorrow,” I said.

  “I won’t be late coming home, okay? Come on, I’ll walk you both out. They’re going to kiss,” Travis said.

  I laughed as the boys screwed their eyes shut and to a chorus of “yuck,” they left the room. I walked around the desk.

  “Sit. Let’s talk about the first thing that comes up,” Robert said with a smirk.

  “Really? That is so lame.”

  “You love my pick up lines. Now kiss me and go. You might not get out otherwise.”

  I loved Robert when he was playful. I loved Robert when he was all the personalities that made the whole man. I gave him a brief kiss on the lips and stood. He held onto my wrist.

  “I’m going to fuck you so hard later.”

  His eyes darkened. I leaned down slightly and covered the obvious bulge in his trousers with my hand. “I look forward to it,” I said.

  I left him laughing, and walked from his office. No matter what life threw at us, no matter how long we’d been together, that passion and want for each other had grown stronger. I couldn’t go a day without his touch, whether that was just being held in his arms or being fucked until I struggled to walk. No matter how long, how hard, how deep, no matter whether we made love or fucked like animals, it was never enough.


  Evelyn was at the front door when we arrived home. She waved as the car pulled to a stop. The boys jumped from the car and ran straight to the trampoline.

  “Good day?” she said.

  “You are never going to believe this,” I said as we made our way indoors.

  I repeated the conversation I’d had with Katrina. She was as wide-eyed as I had been.

  “I’m speechless,” she said.

  “I know. You know what though? She’s perfect for him.”

  Evelyn slowly nodded and I noticed tears form in her eyes.

  She took a deep breath. “You don’t know the joy I get when I see you and Robert together. He was the one I worried about the most when he was younger. I never thought he’d find love or allow himself to be loved. But as time’s moved on, it’s Travis I worry about. He always seemed to be in the shadow, and perhaps it’s his turn now.”

  I took her hand in mine. “You did a great job bringing them up, Evelyn. I owe you more than I can ever repay, and you’re right, it is his turn.”

  “Oh, look at me, a foolish old woman. Now, let’s get these suitcases packed, otherwise we’ll be up earlier than we need to be.” She wiped her eyes with the tissue she had tucked in her sleeve.

  “Harley and Travis are the last to pack for. I can’t imagine they’ve done it themselves.”

  We headed over to the apartment, passing Gary who was watching the boys as we did. He smiled at me. I had begun to rely heavily on him. Aside from Robert, Travis and Evelyn, he was the only other person I trusted fully to watch my boy.

  I dragged two suitcases down the stairs from the apa
rtment and over to the house. I lined them up next to ours, ready for the morning. Travis could pack his own hand luggage.

  “I think we deserve a glass of wine after that,” I said as Evelyn joined me.

  I grabbed a bottle from the fridge, two glasses and we made our way outside to watch the boys.

  “Do you need me for anything else? I need to pack,” Gary said.

  “No, you go. Say hi to Pat for me, and I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “I will. Dan and Pete are at the gate but you know I can be back in a matter of minutes if you need me.”

  Ever since the bombing he had become as protective of me as Robert was, and I was thankful. I’d argued with Robert many times over my friendship with Gary. Robert didn’t believe in befriending the staff as he called them. He believed if there was anything more than a professional relationship, Gary couldn’t do his job, but I knew differently. He’d take a bullet for me.

  Evelyn and I sat. We chatted, drank wine and once the boys tired of bouncing around, we headed inside.

  “Can we go on the Xbox?” Gerry asked.

  “One hour, max,” I replied. If I didn’t have a time limit, they’d be on it all day.

  “Are you okay?” I asked. Evelyn seemed to have quietened as the afternoon rolled on.

  “Just thinking, that’s all. It’s been a long time since I’ve been back to that village.”

  “Will it be painful?” I asked, my heart broke knowing what I did.

  “Yes. I don’t think of him every day but there isn’t a week that goes past where something doesn’t remind me of him.”

  “It’s strange that Sofia, Franco, your dad, they all came from that same village.” I didn’t want to add Rocco to that list.

  “I know, but that’s village life, Brooke. When someone leaves, they usually connect with an old friend. It makes moving to a different country easier, I guess.”

  I wanted to speak to Robert. I wondered what it was that kept Rocco away? Franco knew, Mack knew, so Robert must know as well. Perhaps the news that Travis—despite not knowing himself—may marry had brought her sadness on. It was heart breaking to know Evelyn was the only one who didn’t get her happy ever after.

  “I should get back to the apartment,” she said.

  She had nothing that I knew of to go back for so I assumed she wanted some time alone.


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