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Whimsy Page 4

by Whimsy [Evernight] (mobi)

  “What?” His friend closed his eyes against his rage. Chaldor knew how he detested the Gogath’s habit of kidnapping for profit. “This is why she changed her mind. She never volunteered.” His eyes widened. “None of them did. You let me fuck unwilling women?”

  “They sounded willing enough. Including Number 3.”

  “You know it is the damned pheromones.” He paused. “When you say ‘we’…?“

  “I meant your mother and me.”

  “You took my mother to a flesh bazaar?” The idea would be laughable if it were not for the fact that he was still furious with the both of them. “The women must be returned.”

  “Number 1 has decided to stay with us. Number 2 is being returned to her home colony.”

  Gaedrian gritted his teeth. He gripped the edge of the mattress until his knuckles whitened in an effort to keep himself from getting up and punching his good friend in the face. “She must be returned also.”

  “Not until…“

  “You would have me rape her then?” he erupted. “She was not willing.”

  “You do not desire her?”

  “Of course I do.” Just the thought of her had him hard enough to drive his cock through the wall. “But…“

  “She did not grow wet for you?”

  Gaedrian growled. “Of course she did.”

  “Then how is it rape?”

  Gaedrian shook his head at his friend’s logic. “She did not wish to be fucked. How many times can I say it?”

  “Your welfare comes before her wishes.”

  “I can just as easily take my frustrations out on another as on her. She need not suffer.”

  “I suggest you help her change her mind. Once your mother finds out, she will be furious.”

  “Chaldor, tell me you know this is wrong.” He could not have been mistaken about his friend’s manner for so long.

  Chaldor closed his eyes. “I am sorry. I was concerned about her. I picked her, you know. Under any other circumstances, I would not countenance any of this.” He shook his head. “But my first concern is your welfare. Look at it this way, the sooner you…”

  “Rape her,” Gaedrian supplied roughly.

  “There is a difference. You can make her willingly submit.”


  “Let us not argue. The sooner you satisfy the requirements of tradition,” he said briskly as though he feared interruption again, “the sooner she can be released.”

  “Damnation!” Chaldor left him alone. He had nothing harder than a pillow at hand to throw. He had broken every breakable item in his rooms long ago. Gaedrian threw a pillow at the door anyway and swore again. That had not been satisfying at all. He needed to hear something break.

  Chapter Six

  Whimsy couldn’t believe they were letting the women go. At the look on Editha’s face, she had been sure she was about to begin a life of servitude. Perhaps Editha’s own personal servant, waiting on her hand and foot. That would have been torture!

  Instead she found herself with Ama waiting to board a cruiser that would take them wherever they wanted to go. Maga had elected to stay and explore this colony as she had many others. Whimsy got the feeling that Maga was in search of a home.

  Whimsy already had a home on C7 and that is where she aimed to return. Though reactions over this unfortunate episode were likely to vary, she longed for the comfort of home under their gentle moon.

  Serri might call off their engagement, she realized. He was perfectly within his right. Part of her felt panicky at the thought of him abandoning her. After the blow this would be to her reputation, her father might not be able to find her another husband. She would have to settle for whatever man would accept her hand in marriage. Whimsy didn’t like the idea of settling, but she was sensible and she hoped practical enough to not bemoan what she couldn’t change.

  As for her mother and her siblings, as long as she was proven to be pure, they would not question her. Her father was the unknown quotient. She would probably not be allowed outside their palace walls again until her wedding day.

  She felt a flutter in her lower belly, not an entirely unpleasant sensation. She pressed a hand to her stomach. She’d been feeling it in increasing degrees all morning.

  “Are you nervous about flying?” Ama asked.

  “After the trip here, no. I’m just anxious to get going,” she said with a smile. They had been waiting for some time now for their pilot. Whimsy couldn’t wait to leave. Whereas their arrival had been secretive and cloaked in darkness, their departure was in full daylight. People milled about going in and out of the large doors to the palace that seemed to remain open. Many people had turned to turn and stare at them. It was the damned gowns, Whimsy thought. They seemed to have some significance to these people. One look at them and they bowed their heads deferentially. It was most disconcerting to realize that people were honoring you for bedding a complete stranger.

  A shiver raced up her spine and her nipples peaked. Whimsy cursed mentally. She couldn’t think of him. Wouldn’t think of his hands on her body, and oh, Myrna, his mouth on her body. His hard body on her body. That fluttering in her belly increased. Her woman’s center clenched and she felt moisture between her thighs. What was wrong with her?

  “Here he comes,” said their guard, thankfully interrupting her thoughts. They’d sent one man to guard the two of them this time. He wasn’t even the largest of the guards she had seen.

  Their pilot ordered them all to board. Ama climbed in first, Whimsy right after her. Their guard suddenly clamped onto her wrist, halting her progress. Startled, she turned to him. He was frowning and touching the piece in his ear, his eyes locked on her. “It seems there has been a change in plans. You will be staying.”

  Whimsy’s eyes widened with alarm. She’d been found out. Before she could think better of it, she twisted her arm out of his hold and sprinted away. He might have been taller, faster, and fitter, but she had the advantage of being smaller. His broad shoulders would hamper him in this crush. She flitted through the crowds, dashing between people quickly. She could hear shouts behind her. Whether it was due to the guard following her or her own rude behavior, she wasn’t sure.

  “Myrna, help me,” she panted as she ran. Where was she to go? She didn’t know any of these people. Her only hope was to hide. If she could only escape this one guard…

  She glanced behind her. There were so many people between her and her pursuer that she could not see him.

  She needed to blend in with the crowd. The stupid gown, though black, was very different from the garb of the other women here. The material was finer and the cut was far more revealing.

  She whipped back around and immediately slammed into the hard wall of a stranger’s back. “Sorry,” she muttered even as he was turning to her with a glare. Her eyes widened. “Serri?” Relief and disbelief flooded her all at once. A sob tore from her throat and she threw her arms around his neck. “Serri, how did you know where to find me?”

  “Whimsy?” he said, obviously in shock himself. His arms closed around her loosely.

  She sniffed, laughing through her tears. “How long have you been looking for me?”


  “It doesn’t matter. We’ve got to leave now! There’s someone––“

  “Unhand her, sir,” said a hard male voice.

  Whimsy turned. It was the guard. An infuriated guard but there was still only the one. Whimsy swallowed. “Let me go,” she whispered. “We can pay you.”

  If anything, that made him angrier. “You will come with me.” He gripped her upper arm and pulled her to his side.

  “No!” Whimsy tried frantically to get free. The guard’s grip tightened. She sensed that he did not want her to get away again. She’d probably humiliated him before by escaping. “Serri, help me!”

  Serri’s handsome brown eyes widened. He was taller than Whimsy but his height was nothing in comparison with the behemoth men of this colony. He was clearl
y alarmed and afraid. “Sir…um, what has…what has she done?”

  “That is none of your concern.”

  “I haven’t done anything! Serri, please!” Tears rolled down her cheeks as she was being dragged away from her only hope of getting off this planet. She was causing a scene. Everyone within hearing had stopped to watch the spectacle.

  Serri took a halting step. “Whimsy, perhaps you should go with him for now?”

  Her eyes widened and she dug her heals in to halt the guard’s progress. “No! You don’t know what they’ll do to me! Serri, please, you have to help me now!”

  “That is quite enough,” the guard said. He hefted her onto his shoulder and strode purposefully toward the palace. Whimsy lifted her head to look back at Serri. She reached out to him, but he just stood there looking confused and embarrassed. A woman with lush red hair came forward to stand at his side and stare after her.

  He wasn’t going to help her, she realized. She was so angry that she kicked and flailed at the guard, uncaring that if she did manage to take him down she would most assuredly land on her head.

  The guard bounced her on his shoulder, effectively knocking the wind out of her. When she was able to look up, she could no longer see Serri through the crowd.

  Inside the palace, he placed her on her feet. A second and a third guard came to his aid. Her arms were seized and she was once again ushered through a maze of hallways. She wiped her tears on her shoulders because they wouldn’t allow her to lift her hands.

  She was taken back to his room. She wasn’t surprised to find Editha and Chaldor awaiting her before the double doors. Neither looked pleased. “You can’t make me do this,” she said in defiance, with more bravado than she felt.

  Editha gestured to one of the guards. “Remove the torque and bring her forward.”

  Whimsy didn’t resist as they removed the jewelry from her neck. She hadn’t intended to keep the heavy silver piece anyway. Each of the women had been given one as a reward for giving up their bodies to a stranger. It wasn’t a payment she could accept.

  Editha held the torque in one hand and gave Whimsy a dismissive glance. “Chaldor, you will handle this person as it is through no fault but your own that she is here. When he is done with her, have her sent to my chambers where I will explain her new duties to her.” She swept out of the room with all the regality of a queen.

  She turned to the only person who had shown her any sympathy in this palace. “Chaldor, I won’t do this.”

  He would not meet her gaze. “You have no choice. You will not be allowed to leave this room until you have served him.”

  Tears filled her eyes. “That will never happen.”

  “This is for your own well being, as well as his.”


  Serri watched in confusion as his future bride was hauled away like a sack of potatoes by a burly guard. What was she even doing here? King Raul would never have given her permission to be so far from home. Even with an escort, C21 was no place for a proper lady. Why this colony was full of immoral loose women who thought nothing of giving up their virginity. He’d been here several times for trade and had never met a virtuous woman.

  “Did you know that woman?” Ambrosia asked, reminding him of her presence.

  “No.” Serri shook his head. What had Whimsy expected him to do? Be pummeled to death by that enormous oaf? No, this is a battle she would have to settle on her own. He stroked Ambrosia’s vibrant red hair. It was dyed. He knew because the hair between her legs was a drab brown. Still, he liked the sight of his shaft disappearing in her creamy pale body. They had taken a respite from fucking to come to the market for fresh fruit. Now, he was eager to forget his troublesome betrothed and turn to more pleasurable pursuits. “Come,” he said to Ambrosia. “Let’s return to your home.” He wrapped an arm about her tiny waist, took their purchase from her, and led her away. He would tackle the issue of Whimsy later. Much later, he thought, his hand curving over Ambrosia’s bottom.

  Chapter Seven

  The room was brightly lit this time, and the drapes were drawn back to reveal a stunning view of their city. Gaedrian stood looking out the window, wearing the same robe he’d worn last night. He didn’t turn at the sound of the door opening and closing. Whimsy opened and closed her hands to try to calm herself. She was furious with him.

  The silence between them stretched out until she couldn’t stand it anymore. “Why did you let me go if you were only going to send for me again?” She hated that her voice quivered and she was afraid she was going to start crying again.

  He sighed deeply and turned. The robe draped over his body lovingly like a second skin. His body was heavily aroused. Whimsy caught her breath, shocked at the instant throbbing that began in her pussy. She bit her lip to keep in a moan. “Dessert, I regret that this has to happen. I did not want this.” She turned from him. She couldn’t really believe him when his body belied his words. “I did not know that you had not volunteered for this service.”

  Whimsy choked. “You thought I volunteered to be defiled by you? You have some ego.”

  He arched a brow. “Believe it or not, it happens. You are the first to object.”

  She bit her lip. “That’s because the women are drugged.”

  He moved closer. “You have not been drugged. It is I who received an injection.”

  She glanced at him over her shoulder. “Let’s just say I believe you, that you didn’t know I was bought and forced to come here, and that you’re sorry. Will you let me go?”

  He gritted his teeth. “I cannot.”

  “Then you can stuff your apologies,” she snapped.

  “Dessert, please.”

  “Stop calling me that! My name is Whimsy.”

  He nodded. “Whimsy,” he murmured. He was close enough to touch her now. He reached out and fingered her curls. “It is a lovely name for a beautiful woman. But I will always think of you as my Dessert. How can I not? Your skin is caramel, your nipples milk chocolate, and the cream of your pussy…” He broke off with a deep growl that had her nipples peaking. “One taste and I am addicted.”

  Part of her was shocked. No one had ever spoken to her so frankly, used such language. Certainly, not Serri. What shocked her even more is the way his words affected her. She wanted to throw herself at him and beg him to kiss her the way he had last night. The thought of his strong body over hers, claiming her made her feel weak and shaky. “I need to sit down,” she whispered.

  He clasped her shoulders from behind. “Whimsy, the sooner you give in to the need, the sooner you will be free.” He rubbed his erection against her backside. “Give in for both of us.” His hands snaked up to cup her breasts. His breath was hot on her neck. He kissed her there, bit her, and licked her skin. He thrust himself against her and groaned. “I want to be inside you again, to bury my cock all the way inside. To feel your tight pussy.”

  Whimsy wrenched herself away from him with a groan. She covered her ears. “Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!” She whipped around to face him. “How do I even know you’re remembering my body and not one of the other two women you were with last night?!”

  “You are like no other,” he whispered roughly.

  “You say that now because you want what you didn’t have. Because there are no other women lined up outside your door right now. Well, I wasn’t offering my body last night, and I’m not offering it tonight!”

  He growled. “I need you.”

  “I don’t even know your name,” she wailed suddenly. He’d taken liberties with her that she never dreamed anyone but Serri would have. Her body wanted his fiercely. His heat, his smell caused her vagina to clench and ache to be filled. That he was the sexiest man she’d ever seen wasn’t helping matters. And she didn’t know his name. Shame flooded her but did not douse her arousal. Not while he was so close.

  “My name is Gaedrian.” He removed his robe.

  “Myrna,” she whispered and retreated until her back hit the wall. She held her hands
out in front of her as he approached.

  “Whimsy, I swore to myself that I would leave you untouched because of the way you came to me.” He ignored her hands. He crowded her, his hands pressing into the wall on either side of her head. “And if you say no, I will not force you.” He sniffed her much as he had last night and pressed his crotch to hers. At his thrust, she cried out. The gown was no barrier against his rampant erection. “But I want you so much and I will do anything to make you give yourself to me.” He dropped his mouth to her neck, raining nibbling kisses up to her ear before taking the lobe in his hot mouth and sucking.

  “No, please,” she whispered, weakly. She pressed her hands against his chest. She meant to shove him off but ended up caressing him instead. His skin was like hot satin over steel.

  He slid a hand between their bodies, nudged aside the folds of her gown and touched her moist heat. “You want me,” he said gruffly. He skimmed a finger between her folds before bringing it up to his mouth. He closed his eyes and groaned as he savored her essence.

  Arousal hit her belly hard. She had to get away from him or she’d be on her back with his cock buried inside her in minutes. “I-I can’t. Let me go.”

  “Let me kiss you and I will release you.”

  At that point she would have promised him anything. “Yes, yes, kiss me.” She plunged her hands into his hair and pulled his face down to hers. She immediately thrust her tongue into his mouth, craving his taste. He seemed somewhat surprised. Then he groaned and relaxed into her, sucking her tongue, crushing her to him. She reveled in the feel of her aroused nipples pressing into the hard wall of his chest. The kiss went on and on with him slanting his mouth over hers.

  He broke away at last. She still clung to him. A smile tilted his sensual lips. “When I said I wanted a kiss, I guess I should have been more specific. Not that that was not very, very…nice.”

  She shook her head, dazed. “W-what did you mean?”


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